I was expelled from Hogwarts?

Chapter 105 Special Contribution Award to the School

After the exams, Hufflepuff House held the last party of the semester to celebrate the perfect end of the exams.

Although many little badgers may fail one or several subjects, it does not affect the present moment of celebration.

As the semester drew to a close, no one accepted the task of washing Snape's hair that Rove offered a reward, and no one even dared to try it.

Compared with Quirrell's weakness and bullying, Snape has accumulated a certain amount of deterrence over the years, and no one dares to provoke him easily.

After all, he is the Hogwarts Three Evils who are as famous as the Weasley Brothers and Peeves, and he is also the head of the Three Evils!

Although the Weasley Brothers have risen like meteors in the field of pranks, but the time to become famous is too short, and it can only be said that the future is promising;

Peeves is an old-fashioned scourge, but he can't stand his weaknesses. He is afraid of the bloody Barrow, and his status is destined to be low.

Professor Snape is different. For ten years, he has consistently deducted points from other colleges. He has been deeply cultivating and polishing in the field of yin and yang, and he has firmly ranked first among the three evils.

With such a terrible professor, it is normal for students not to dare to take orders.

Just when Rove was hesitating whether to do it himself, the Weasley twins suddenly found him and asked for help.

Are you going to blow up the water pipes on the first floor? Rove looked at George and Fred in amazement.

Yes, we were planning to nuke the toilet in the bathroom, George whispered. Give the toilet seat to Ginny as a birthday present.


There are too many slots in this sentence, and Rove couldn't react for a while.

What do you use to fry the toilet?!

Use a nuclear bomb...my dad said Muggle nuclear bombs are very powerful. Fred shrugged.

For this reason, in our new semester, we also took Muggle Studies taught by Professor Keridi Bubbaji, preparing to study how nuclear bombs are made.


Why don't you say you're going to build a launch vehicle in order to fly to the top of Hogwarts Castle?

So have you succeeded? Rove raised his eyebrows, he was more concerned about this matter.

No. George sighed, Professor Bubaji doesn't know how to make nuclear bombs at all. She thought they were beautiful fireworks and wanted us to set them off at the end-of-semester dinner.

We changed our thinking and made Muggle bombs. Fred said softly, We also bought a lot of firecrackers, took out the gunpowder, and tried to make a big bomb, but all failed.

Then why are you looking for me? Rove looked at the two and spread his hands, I don't know how to make bombs either.

Charlie wrote to say that I can ask you for help if I have any problems. The twins looked at each other, and George smiled and said:

Let's cooperate and complete the task of washing Snape's hair, and we will share the one hundred Galleons equally!

The twins obviously didn't know that Rove was the one who issued the mission.

But this is also normal, the task publishers hide their identities, and after others complete the task, they use the school's public owl to send the reward.

Absolutely safe and reliable.

So, you need a weapon with strong explosive power, the kind that can delay the explosion time, and can produce evidence of your alibi? Rove asked with his chin raised.


Rove thought for a while, then smiled and said, Then I suggest you use...a pressure cooker!

As a piece of kitchen utensil, the pressure cooker can surpass the scope of a pot when it is not used properly. One second, it is just cooking soup, and the next second, it becomes a weapon, a UFO, or a rocket that soars into the sky.

The bomb made of a pressure cooker is an explosive device with amazing power, and will even be widely used by terrorists in the future.

Therefore, it is a must-have at home and the best item for horror blasting.

Following Rove's advice, the twins are going to do it before the end of the semester, when everyone is in the auditorium, there will be no casualties, and they can give everyone a surprise.



As time goes by, this school year is finally coming to an end.

When Rove walked into the Great Hall at night, it was already decorated in Hufflepuff gold and black.

On the wall behind the guest table, there is a huge banner with a picture of a Hufflepuff badger.

Hufflepuff ended Slytherin's six-peat championship, and everyone except the little snakes was smiling.


Open the champagne! !

Even Professor Sprout changed into a clean gown, as if preparing to celebrate this rare occasion.

The uproar in the Great Hall died down as Dumbledore rose to his feet.

Another wonderful year has passed! said Dumbledore cheerfully. Before we enjoy the delicious food, I must say something to bore you!

Everyone stared at Dumbledore, the principal said softly:

First of all, we lost another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, which means we need to recruit another professor.

This is a very difficult thing. Dumbledore said with a smile:

Whenever the summer vacation comes, I write letters to those old friends, and they generally refuse to accept them...afraid that I will invite them to teach at Hogwarts.

The little wizards roared with laughter, and the most popular hell joke at Hogwarts now is You are so good, come and teach Defense Against the Dark Arts next year.

I'm really not joking. I'm already having a headache. If you have any good suggestions... Dumbledore blinked and said, You can write to me, and I will consider it.

The second thing is the ownership of the Academy Cup. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 215 points; third place, Slytherin, 220 points; Winclaw three hundred and seventy points, Hufflepuff four hundred.

There is a huge gap between the top two and the bottom two, which is mainly due to Professor Binns, deducting too many points from Slytherin.

Even after the History of Magic exam, Professor Binns deducted several points from Slytherin for failing the exam.

Professor Snape also knew that he would miss the seventh consecutive championship this year, so he adhered to a principle:

Whoever deducted points from Slytherin, he deducted points from Gryffindor.

Come on, hurt each other!

So after the exam, due to Professor Binns' deductions, Snape found that Slytherin had fallen to fourth place, lower than Gryffindor...

He hurried to find Harry, and deducted another ten points from Harry. The reason was very simple, the handwriting on the test paper was too ugly, which increased his workload.

Dumbledore pressed his hand and said, However, the recent events must also be taken into account.

The auditorium became very quiet. It was the first time they heard that there was an end-of-term bonus session. Can they still play like this?

At this moment, there were a few bangs of explosions in the distance, the sound was loud, and then there was a sound of water gushing from a water pipe.

Soon, the administrator Filch rushed in, his whole body was soaked, stammering:

No, the bathroom pipe is blown...Professor Snape, your office is about to be flooded.

Snape turned pale with fright, he rushed out quickly, there are a lot of magic materials in his office, which can't see the water.

Not long after Snape left, there were a few more explosions, and the sound of the water was even louder.

It seems that the water pipes in our school have been in disrepair for a long time and need to be refurbished. Dumbledore glanced at the twin brothers sharply. He cleared his throat and continued:

I have some last points to assign. Let me see. Oh yes... the first... Mr. Ron Weasley...

...he won the best game of chess at Hogwarts in many years, for which I award Gryffindor House fifty points.

The second item... Mr. Harry Potter... said Dumbledore.

He has shown audacity and courage, for which I would like to award Gryffindor House fifty points.

Of course, the most important thing is Mr. Rolf Scamander. He snatched back the Philosopher's Stone from Quirrell and prevented a basilisk disaster. The reward is seventy points.

Moreover, after discussing with the school directors, I decided to award him the Award for Special Contribution to the School.

Dumbledore took out a golden medal with Rove's name written on it.

Everyone was applauding, Rove also nodded, staring at the medal, but thinking in his heart:

Should I not be the first student in the history of Hogwarts to be expelled after receiving the 'Special Contribution Award to the School'?



(Thanks for the rewards of the two big guys I love to walk in the water and Listen to the deer in the depths of the forest.)

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