I was broadcast live on TV, and gained thousands of fans

Chapter 54 The Crisis Comes

After Qin Guanqi left Jingling Garden, he rode towards his home.

Their new home has been renovated, and the family has agreed to move in after the college entrance examination.

Originally, Aunt Lin planned to replace his bicycle with an electric one, but after thinking about it, he still preferred riding a bicycle, so he did not change it.

"Eleven o'clock, seven, so late..."

He looked at his phone and frowned slightly. The phone's battery was running low, with 7% left, and it could shut down at any time.

The number of cars on the roadside gradually decreased, and only a few cars passed by him occasionally.

In the dark night, it was eerily quiet, and the only sound that could be heard in the whole street was the sound of rolling wheels.

The wind that came from nowhere made the leaves rustle. It was obviously a heat wave, but he felt a bit cold on his body.

The iron sheets on the street were beating against the wall, and the rolling shutter doors on the roadside were shaking gently.

The orange light shines down from above, gradually lengthening the shadows on the ground and then gradually drawing them closer.

Thick layers of dark clouds came slowly, blocking the pale moonlight and making the world a little bleak.


A terrifying strong wind suddenly blew, and the trees and doors on both sides of the street made a strong crackling sound.

The high temperature in the atmosphere also dropped immediately, becoming a bit cold and icy.

Qin Guanqi stopped the car, his face changed slightly, and he frowned as he looked at a tall building near the city center.

The roof of that building seemed to bring him a familiar feeling.

The frosty wind roared in, blowing his hair and collar,

Thick ink clouds squeezed the sky. They merged into a ball, as if they were about to fall, suppressing the whole world and making it extremely quiet.

At this moment, Huaishi became bleak, gloomy, a little desolate and dim,

At this moment, wisps of black mist came from the roof of the building and spread around,

"This is!!"

Qin Guanqi's expression changed drastically, his pupils were trembling slightly, and his face turned pale.

Although he couldn't see the evil god's aura and power, the familiar feeling and familiar environment in the atmosphere could never go wrong.

The evil spirit has arrived! ! !

drop! drop! drop!

There was a sound coming from the headphones in the pocket, and the red dots were glowing continuously.

"Emergency! Everyone gather at the cafe immediately!!"

Zhou Wen's roaring voice came from the earphones, with a slight tremor in his tone.

"Tonight... we may be martyred for our country..."

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Qin Guanqi's face turned pale, he clenched his teeth and pedaled his bicycle desperately.

The current time is obviously only 23:15, but the evil spirit has arrived early.

This is simply impossible!

And according to what the other party said, something must have happened this time.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Aunt Lin's number.

"Aunt Lin, is Sister An back?"

"She hasn't come back yet. Are you getting home soon? I think the weather outside seems to have cooled down, and it might rain."

Aunt Lin's voice came to his ears, Qin Guanqi's eyes were red,

According to Zhou Wen, this may be the last time he hears Aunt Lin's voice...

"Aunt Lin, time is limited. Listen to me immediately. I will stay at my classmate's house tonight and will not go back. You should immediately close all the doors and windows tightly without leaving any gaps.

After locking it up, call Sister An immediately and ask her to find a place to hide quickly, whether it is a hotel or a friend's house, and she is absolutely not allowed to go out. "

"Why? It's just time..."

"Aunt Lin... listen to me, close all the doors and windows, then call Sister An and tell her to hide."

His eyes were red, he threw the bicycle to the ground, and then quickly ran towards the underground parking lot of Lijiang Garden.


Qin Guanqi cursed angrily. At this moment, his cell phone happened to be turned off.

The call with Aunt Lin was immediately cut off.

After running into the car, he quickly headed towards the cafe.


The cafe five minutes ago,

Zhou Wen looked at the evil spirit tester in his hand, his face turned gloomy and pale,

There is only one big word on it,


"Fu Xingxue, please immediately notify the mayor of Huai City and ask him to take all the residents of Huai City to evacuate. They must stay away from the city center and keep walking in all directions. Don't stop!

Let all armed police, traffic police, policemen, retired soldiers, firefighters, party members, etc., hold their weapons, load their magazines, be ready for battle, and assist civilians in evacuating. "

"I see."

He nodded solemnly, and then immediately called his mobile phone.

Zhou Wen took out his mobile phone and dialed the familiar yet unfamiliar number.

"Headquarters, there is an emergency in Huai City, Hunan Province, and support is needed immediately. Evil God level, Wei."

A deep voice came from the other end of the phone,

"How long can you hold on?"

How long...ten minutes? Five minutes? No,

As long as that idiot attacks them, they won't be able to withstand it for even a minute.

Not only is the crazy person of the treacherous level bigger, he also has more abilities and super destructive power.

And their insurmountable terrifying strength,

I'm afraid they won't be able to do any harm,

I can only wait to die...

Zhou Wen gritted his teeth, eyes red,

"We will fight until support comes!"

"Okay, I have assigned people here. Comrade Zhou Wen, thank you for everything you have done for the country."

Only the mausoleum guardians in the Huang Ting realm can deal with the madness in the treacherous steps.

It would also take thirty-seven minutes for the Huang Ting realm powerhouse who is closest to Huai City to get there.

Thirty-seven minutes...is it too late...


Deafening air raid sirens sounded over Huaishi,

At this moment, all the people in Huai City received a message on their mobile phones,

"Urgent notice, Huai City is about to be attacked by a huge attack. All civilians are asked to go downstairs and leave immediately. Follow the party members and head toward the suburbs!"

"Urgent notice, Huai City is about to be attacked by a huge attack. All civilians are asked to go downstairs and leave immediately. Follow the party members and head toward the suburbs!"

"Urgent notification..."

Three messages in a row rang on their mobile phones. People walked towards the windows in confusion and looked at the road below.

A police car has appeared on the street at this moment.

A police officer got out of the police car, holding a bullhorn and shouting nervously,

"Everyone follow the instructions and go downstairs immediately!"

"Attention, this is not a drill! This is not a drill!"

"I repeat it again!"


Jing Ling Garden,

"Go quickly."

Nie Feipeng pulled his wife and daughter and ran downstairs in a panic.

The corridors were already filled with people, and there was constant noise and noise.

"Run quickly, what is the person in front doing!"

"What on earth is going on? Is there a fight between China and the Lighthouse Country?"

"His grandma, if there really is a war, I will be the first to destroy his lighthouse country! CNM."

"Dad, what's going on?"

Nie Nanyan's face was flustered, and her hand hurt from being pulled by her father.

"I have no idea."

"I received an order from my superiors and am responsible for organizing all of you to leave the city."

"Huaishi...I'm afraid we are going to encounter some big crisis."

Nie Feipeng frowned and sweat broke out on his head. This kind of thing had never happened before.

This time...what happened...

"Big Crisis..."

Nie Nanyan was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and took out his mobile phone to make a call to Qin Guanqi.


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