I Was Admitted To The Villain School

Chapter 67

Chapter 66: Machinery City (14)

Lin Xinghe paused for a second, ignoring Xie Wuan’s heartfelt voice.

She continued to speak.

She didn’t directly say her strategy.

Lin Xinghe is pushing up the atmosphere of the speech.

Her ultimate goal is not to impress Andrew, but to incite people.

What she wants to incite is the soulless heart of these robots, to prove her eloquence. In such a public place, it is not suitable to offer strategies on how to attack the human race, not to mention that this is still a live broadcast of the media. If she shows her strategy in such a place, Andrew will definitely think that she has no brains and is sensational.

A qualified politician will not expose his true thoughts to the public. He will only let the public see the so-called truth that he wants them to see.

She proved her ability to Andrew.

She said passionately: “Before presenting a strategy, I would like to tell everyone! Today, we can have a peaceful life, this vast land, and a free and equal soul. It is Lord Andrew who will lead us. Coming. I am sincerely grateful to Lord Andrew, Mr. Andrew, who is my second parent, my God, and my God!”

“…I can’t forget that long-term war. Even though I haven’t experienced it personally, I’m just a low-level robot from a slum. Before today, I wasn’t even a citizen. But despite this, I’m still deep. Loving our city of machinery, I am proud to live under the top of the sky! I am proud of it!”


Her speech suddenly changed, her tone suddenly heavy.

“…In that war, we broke away from the rule of mankind. We established our own new city and have today’s peace. But don’t forget that we did not achieve a real victory. Human beings and mermaids still stare at us. In front of me. , Standing is a brand new race, a race awakened in humiliation! Have you forgotten those who used to be refrigerators, air conditioners, and microwave ovens? From birth to death, our life and death, our freedom, are all controlled by mankind In his hands, they love the new and dislike the old, they are greedy, and they have stamped our dignity on the soles of their feet! To this day, they still think that we are their belongings, their products, and their slaves!”

“…They are in danger in times of peace, but we are proud here, under the shelter of the top of the sky, obliterating all blood and ambition. Don’t forget, they can invent the energy stone and make us their slaves, as we are now. We can invent a new energy stone, create a new race, and destroy us! History is always surprisingly similar. We must not forget the **** feuds of the past, and we must not be content to the ordinary and enjoyment!”

“You might think that it’s not good now? We have peace and happiness. Yes, it’s good now, peace and happiness, all good. But I want to tell you that before you get real freedom, all these things are It’s an illusion! It’s possible that you bought the latest look in the mall today, and you come home and show off your happiness with your friends. But the next day, the humans who invented the energy stone attacked and we were caught in the flames of war. , It’s okay to win, but lose? Your ridiculously expensive new appearance is just a machine with a different shell in the eyes of humans. They split your body, step on your appearance, and do It becomes the toilet in their home for feces and urine. Oh, maybe they will still feel that our toilet was still a robot noble before.”

“As long as there are humans on Tianhui Continent, we will have no real freedom and dignity! As long as those humans still breathe the air of Tianhui Continent, our freedom will not exist! As long as they are in Tianhui Continent, Our mechanical city is still shrouded under the top of the sky, our freedom does not exist! As long as those humans mention us, a mocking face of slaves running away at home, our freedom does not exist! What we need is not a piece The land called freedom and dignity that is surrounded by the ocean and near Mermaid City! What we need is a vast real land full of freedom! And such land is not realized by hymns and the obscenity in literary works. It is achieved by our bodies, by our awakened wisdom, by our bloodliness and ambition, and by the fire of war we have launched!”

“We want to defeat mankind! Dominate the world!”

The voice fell off.

The audience boiled over, and followed Lin Xinghe shouting: “Defeat mankind! Dominate the world!”

Lin Xinghe raised his arms and shouted: “Fuck! Fuck!”

The audience: “Fuck it! Fuck it!”

At this moment, the audience can’t wait to take the weapon, rush out of the city of machinery, and annihilate mankind! Give them freedom! Return their dignity! Don’t think of them as toilets for feces and urine!

Hit the fuck!

Fuck it all!

They want to be truly free! Real dignity!

Even Nina off the court was infected by Lin Xinghe’s speech.

It feels too ignorant! To be willing to the ordinary happiness in front of us, not at all in peace of mind! The humiliation engraved in the parts has not been washed away! It is actually indulged in the false prosperity of literary works!

Nina said to Haywood: “I want to resign! I want to apply for the military academy! I want to fight! I want to fight on the front line! I want to fight for real freedom and dignity for the city of machinery!”

Haywood knew that Lin Xinghe was human.

Had it not been told repeatedly that she was a human, Haywood would have been deeply infected.

It felt the horror of Lin Xinghe at this moment.

It originally thought that Lin Xinghe’s acting skills are so good, even if Lord Andrew doesn’t have any artistic talents, he might be impressed by Lin Xinghe.

But now it knows that after such a speech, their company can’t keep Lin Xinghe.

Andrew’s birthday ceremony was broadcast live throughout the city.

After this night, Lin Xinghe must be a household name.

Lin Xinghe’s speech stopped here.

No robot cared what her tactics were, they all seemed to have been injected with a stimulant by Lin Xinghe, wishing to go to war tomorrow.

Fight for freedom!

There has been no barrage in Lin Xinghe’s live broadcast for a long time.

If they hadn’t watched the live broadcast, they would almost think that Lin Xinghe and the robot were in the same group.

And Lin Xinghe’s speech is over.

She bowed to the audience.

The huge computer screen hangs down.

There was a violent mechanical percussion in the audience.

No more robots ridicule because of her “Nokia” era.

Andrew, sitting in the center of the first row of the auditorium, did not respond. Of course, it had a mechanical face and naturally it was impossible for it to have any expressions.

It still sits lazily on the throne of the city lord, seemingly unmoved.

After Lin Xinghe left the field, he breathed a sigh of relief.

She seldom gives a speech in an occasion with so many people.

It didn’t take long for the speech to be written, and it took half an hour for the Communist Party of China, and she spent more time revising it.

After she entered the villain’s school and knew that she was a villain, although she was confused, she quickly accepted this setting. After accepting such a setting, she began to learn how to be a good villain in silence.

Since she wants to be a villain, of course, she must be a recognized villain in that world.

He once had a very famous speech and was a brainwasher.

Although Lin Xinghe did not agree with his idea of citing war, he still recited his speech in full in order to survive.

Unexpectedly, it came in handy today.

She borrowed the framework of his speech draft, and then made substantial changes according to the specific situation of the mechanical city, and then she has today’s speech draft “I Have a Dream”.

Judging from the reactions of all the audience, the response has been very good.

After Lin Xinghe stepped down, the finale program also began.

Probably because Lin Xinghe’s speech was too infectious, and her contempt for the false prosperity of literary works in it, the situation of the finale performer became very unfriendly.

After the performance, there were only sparse mechanical applause as a sign of politeness.

Lin Xinghe returned to the backstage and was welcomed by the performers.

They shouted slogans: “Defeat mankind! Dominate the world!”

Lin Xinghe definitely said: “Fuck! Fuck all!”

Cheers broke out in the background.

As a robot, Haywood understood for the first time what it means to have mixed feelings.

Lin Xinghe walked up to it.

Nina said: “I’m thinking about it! I’m going to resign! I’m not an actor anymore!”

Lin Xinghe: “Good!”

Haywood: …what demonic human? This is the devil that has climbed up from hell!

It said helplessly: “You…”

Lin Xinghe smiled and said, “Did I perform well?”

Heywood: “…It’s **** wonderful.” It’s so wonderful that a robot who doesn’t shed tears wants to cry.

Lin Xinghe smiled slightly: “That’s good. After all, we are in the same company and on the same boat. Do you know what to say? Everyone loses every one of them.”

Her voice was smiling, but Heywood heard a faint threat.

Heywood knew he was being used as a springboard, but he was helpless.

It asked anxiously: “What do you want to do?”

Lin Xinghe said: “I am a robot that abides by the agreement, and of course I won’t let you go against your conscience. Do you believe me? Are you willing to be an entertainment company’s agent? You don’t want to sit at a higher position and watch this. The world? Don’t you want to have more free air? For example…”

She lowered her voice and used a voice that only he could hear beside Heywood, and said, “Don’t you want the machine band?”

Haywood was speechless.

Damn the demon human being, poke its vitals everywhere!

Damn heartbeat!

Oh no, it Heywood has no heart!

It should be a **** core move!

At this time, Andrew’s guard came over.

The black robot came straight to Lin Xinghe and said, “Master Andrew City Lord invites you to come and talk.”

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