I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 178: The End Battle (9)

Despite the words thrown by Sir Uther, all of the knights lost their lives from my blade. It took me three swings to bring down a knight to the ground. Since there were only three of them at my fore, Clarent twisted for nine times. And when the latter number came, three knights kissed the ground. 

Besides killing the knights, I also took the lives of those panicking people. But despite filling my hands with blood, my heart never regretted anything. It didn't quiver, even an inch, even though I took hundreds of  human lives. A normal person killing someone would traumatise them until the very end.

However, that thought differed me from everyone else. Now that I accepted the demon's offer, I….may have turned myself into one of them. Albeit I still had a humanoid form, my brain had acted like a monster. 

Merleen matched my pose and levitated back beside me. Her hands twitched in delight, with a smug painted on her beautiful face.  Even though Merleen had a smile on her face, that girl killed more people than me.

Merleen shared the scent of bloodlust, oozing from her body. Those crimson fluid had also smeared her cloth and dirtied her feature. However, that mark didn't bother the wizard. Merleen brushed it off with a spell that cleansed everything from her body.

But despite cleaning everything, Merleen's blood still remained unscath. The death toll she created will remain inside our heads, which would become our spoils of war.

"Who are we going to kill next?" Merleen asked, still twitching her hands.

I pointed my hand at the citadel's top and answered, "Who else? King Arthur."

Merleen agreed to my words and hurriedly flew upwards with her arcane. I followed close behind her and climbed the tower, using only my bare hands. If I didn't receive this power, I would still use the stairs. Thankfully, Crayman gave me all the things I needed….It almost felt like this power came from my original account….

…..Even better.

When the two of us arrived at the top, King Arthur's eyes met our figure. He sat on the throne, waiting for our figure. And when we greeted the knight, King Arthur rose from his seat and aimed his sword in my direction.

"Give it up, King Arthur. Tell us where's the Holy Grail and we won't torture you as much. We will even let you choose who would kill you; a den of dragons or cthulhu," I uttered, while returning King Arthur's glare.

(Author's Note: cthulhu is a fictional cosmic entity created by H.P. Lovecraft)

"By this sword, I will cut you down! And if I can't ,the information of the Holy Grail will remain in my grave!" King Arthur retorted, and maintained a defensive pose.

"Don't worry, milord….It's more fun to break you when you resist me like that."

Without warning, Merleen cast her fiendish spells towards King Arthur. Three of them appeared before Merleen's magic circle, amplified by the power she had received. Those dark projectiles hovered like eagles, aiming at King Arthur's chest. 

Merleen's system described those eagles as massive oblitration, which was a legendary class spell. She had more than one hundred in her sleeves, which made it difficult for me to coutn. Since Merleen was a mage, she would have dozens of spells in her arsenal. And those eagles she released could destroy mountains upon contact, and would become the strongest spell against humans. 

But it didn't take a genius to know that the eagles were not her trump card. Merleen still had a few cards left that could destroy half the world if she wanted to.

I paired the ranged attack and zoomed straight at King Arthur. Merleen's magic didn't let me use any light magic, so I activated my dark enhancement. Instead of channeling the obsidian energy, those black arcane went directly at my blade. Within a few milliseconds, my sword had turned grey and received additional power. It even created a purple flame that had the same arcane as the fiendish spell. This fire will never end as long as the spell caster or the victim knows how the spell worked.

We didn't want to mess around as we used our attacks against King Arthur. When King Arthur dodged Merleen's projectiles, my blade hit him at the back. The darkish sword sliced the knight's armour, sliding like butter. Unfortunately, King Arthur reacted on time and jerked at the side. He dodged the attack and avoided getting hit from his vital organ.

"Hmph. I missed? Am I dumb, or you're too good?" I uttered, while scratching my head. "The next time will hit you…And end your life."

Even though I didn't kill the knight for my first try, I had a smile carved on my face. Every cell inside my body screamed in joy, knowing I could kill the madman. King Arthur toyed us before, considering he had the power to crush us. But upon turning the tables, nobody could stop us.

King Arthur gazed at the door and tried booking his chance. However, Merleen's dark magic immobilised the knight. She forced King Arthur to remain like a statue, with traps scattering everywhere. 

Those traps Merleen summoned did not show themselves from the regular eye. A person needed to have an appraisal ability or mastery over arcane to reveal those traps.

Despite being a knight, King Arthur noticed the traps set by Merleen, the greatest wizard on Magique. That knight may have relied on his instinct, but King Arthur's ability still impressed me. He even used his sword to obstruct the magic circle's flow, creating a distortion from the spell.

"Didn't know you would actually notice that, King Arthur. I'll commend you for that," I murmured, and brandished my sword.

King Arthur might have dodged the bullet, but a second one would appear momentarily.

I sprinted straight at King Arthur and went to his left side. It was a vulnerable spot, which the knight had left defenseless for a while. And I didn't care about moralities for our battle, considering we were at war. If I didn't receive Crayman's buff, I would have fought King Arthur in a fair match. 

But with everything that had happeend, there was no time for me to idle around. Finishing this match as hastily as possible was our goal. 

King Arthur gritted his teeth and hurriedly decided. He sacruificed his left side and blocked my attack using his hand. The knight had his sword in his right hand, which made it difficult to use it. And King Arthur couldn't let go of that sword, or else Merleen would get him.

My blade struck his left side and peeled off his skin. His intestines creeped out, with his kidney split into half. A groaning sound escaped from King Arthur's mouth, as the sword continued slicing his body. 

When Clarent reached the ground, King Arthur maintained his position. Since I had already attacked, I left my body open for the crown. King Arthur used this chance and kicked my chest, forcing me to move backwards. The damage didn't appear, but the movement saved King Arthur's life…..Well, for now.

Merleen's spell couldn't move, thanks to King Arthur's sword. As long as it remained in place, King Arthur froze Merleen's movements. It also meant that King Arthur couldn't use his Excalibur against me, which was his only weapon. 

"Your brute strength won't save you here, King Arthur. You have muscles for a brain, man. Just give up already, will you?"

King Arthur became a walking disaster after that exchange. When my sword hurt him, his right side had turned stark open. That knight's skin presented itself to the world, inviting bacteria inside his body. Within a few seconds, those infections would soon enter his cells. And only King Arthur's healthy immune system could defend his body from the open area.

But I doubted this guy would last for long, since I would attack King Arthur for the second try.

An opening addressed me when King Arthur lost sight of my figure. I ran as fast as my legs could and teleported at King Arthur's back. That knight knight realised my movements and reacted to his instincts again. But I had already expected that move as King Arthur took my faint attack.

"Tsk…. This damn trickster!" King Arthur cursed, but it was already too late.

My leg, imbued with dark magic, kicked his chest. And that strike made my sword possible to enter his view, which was the last thing King Arthur saw. His head flew off like a bottle cap and landed on the ground. It rolled for a few seconds and stopped when a boulder blocked its way. King Arthur's eyes remained glaring in my direction, hoping he could have a second chance. 

However, I had already defeated him. I didn't care if I went at his back and killed King Arthur from there. As long as I took his life, nothing could stop us now. 

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