I Want to Be a VTuber

Chapter 52

“……Hello, Seo-hee. Long time no see.”

“Yeah, nice to… meet you, Senior.”

A strange tension passed between the two.

Park Jung-woo and Jo Seo-hee.

They gazed at each other, eyes sharp with suspicion.

‘Why on earth is he here?’

‘What is she doing here?’

They smiled at each other, but an awkwardness lingered.

An awkward performance that’s certainly not typical of the highly-rated young actors was present here.


Caught in the middle were the two parties involved.

‘How did it come to this?’

Joo Seo-yeon slowly retraced the events after the play.

So, about an hour ago.

“Thank you all for your hard work today!”

After the performance ended.

Especially after a successful show, it’s hard to hide the excitement.

Reflecting back on the performance displayed in front of numerous audience members.

And recalling those dazzling scenes.

“Seo-yeon, you were amazing. I truly felt alive thanks to you.”

The first to speak up was Lee Hye-jin, who was with Song Min-seo.

Without Seo-yeon, the stage could have ended in disaster, so it was only fair.

“It’s all thanks to you, Hye-jin.”

“Oh come on, sweet talker.”

“Did you see the audience reactions today? It’s been a while since we had such a positive response on the first run. Seriously.”

She replayed the stage from today in her mind countless times.

A stage that lived up to the excessive expectations.

Just achieving that gave her an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

“We should have a get-together! It might be a bit early, but let’s go!”

The excited one was Jo Do-yul.

While boasting that he would treat everyone, he suddenly added,

“But isn’t Seo-yeon supposed to head to school? And the director should stay behind.”


Seo-yeon shut her mouth at Shim Cheong-seok’s usual interruption.

Well, it wasn’t a wrong statement.

‘By the way.’

Seo-yeon was a high school student.

If they brought out the alcohol at the get-together, it could lead to a controversy.

But she couldn’t just skip out on it.

Who was the superstar of this play?

It was Joo Seo-yeon, who had saved the shaky production.

A get-together without Joo Seo-yeon was not an option!

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about school. I’ve got permission.”


“Yeah, as long as I meet the minimum attendance requirements, I’m good.”

With Seo-yeon’s calm words, everyone bustlingly moved forward.

Seo-yeon felt a slight sense of pride.

‘I did well today.’

It was different from her child acting days.

Back then, she felt everyone was careful around her.

Knowing her own shortcomings, she was unsatisfied with her performances, except for the last one.

But today’s performance was immensely satisfying.

Before sleeping, she added another “Joo Seo-yeon highlight reel” to her mental collection.

Looks like she would have a sweet sleep tonight.

Though her expression didn’t show it, Seo-yeon was secretly excited.

As her mother Suah said,

Seo-yeon liked it when others boosted her up.

And today was the pinnacle of that.

Her blank face barely hid her slightly flushed cheeks.

Yeah, that was nice.

“Even though it’s a funny situation that’s already happened, is the BBQ place okay?”


As Seo-yeon watched the actors seated at the BBQ place since morning, she suddenly realized she hadn’t washed her hands after the performance.

Just so you know, Jo Do-yul ended up staying behind for the next performance.

He seemed to have entrusted the actors to Shim Cheong-seok.

Although Cheong-seok wasn’t particularly experienced or old, it looked like he naturally took on a leadership role among the other actors from the start.

“Oh, can I wash my hands for a second?”

“Of course. Go right and then to the right again.”

Cheong-seok replied while taking the actors’ orders.

After observing the lively actors, Seo-yeon happily headed out of the restaurant.

And then.


She saw two figures standing at the entrance of the restaurant.


They were familiar faces to Seo-yeon.

First, the man.

With big sunglasses, a cap on his head.

Wearing a black mask and casual outfit.

Yet his handsome face and striking features were all too familiar to Seo-yeon.

Park Jung-woo.

The one she acted with not long ago on a variety show.



A woman gazed at the man with a snort.

Dressed in the same uniform as Seo-yeon.

Seo-yeon remembered it distinctly; it was the uniform from a renowned art high school in Seoul.

The woman in the mask wore glasses.

No need to say more.

Her face was plastered on the sign right behind them.

Jo Seo-hee.

The girl Seo-yeon met during the audition for “The Moon That Hid the Sun” in her childhood.



It seemed they belatedly noticed Seo-yeon and turned their heads.

Simultaneously, both flinched.

As if they just realized how they appeared.

A peculiar silence.

No one could speak first, just quietly reading each other’s expressions.

“Okay, this is awkward.”

The first to speak was Jo Seo-hee.

“I just came to see today’s play and wanted to have a little chat.”

Seo-hee said with an unusually serious expression.

It didn’t seem like a joke.

“……A chat?”


Seo-yeon looked at the serious Seo-hee.

It had been forever since she last saw her in person.

To be honest, she felt an unexpected admiration.

Seo-hee’s face hadn’t changed at all.

‘She’s pretty.’

Overall, she resembled a cat.

Similar to Seo-yeon, but different.

While Seo-yeon was a lazy cat, Seo-hee was a sharp one.

With claws raised, fur on end.

Anyway, she didn’t seem like a friendly cat.

One wrong word, and she might just swipe at you.

Of course, Seo-yeon’s punch would probably be stronger, so she could take on the challenge.


Seo-yeon curiously asked,


They weren’t really close enough to have that kind of conversation, were they?

The words almost spilled from her mouth, but she kept quiet.

That’s how it was.

‘Ah, parachute?’

That had been pretty much the only communication between Seo-hee and Seo-yeon.

Having seen so many commercials, there was a certain level of friendly familiarity, but she never imagined they’d meet like this.

No, rather, Seo-yeon wanted to ask Seo-hee.

Why did she really come?


While Seo-yeon didn’t say anything, it was clear what she implied.

Thanks to that, Jo Seo-hee, at a loss for words, became stiff.


Park Jung-woo chuckled, loosening his crossed arms.

“Seo-hee, this is a bit awkward. Showing up unannounced as a celebrity to someone you’re not close to.”


“Hmm, well, we acted together in a drama and did a recent variety show, so we, uh, have some kind of friendship, you know?”


At Park Jung-woo’s words, Jo Seo-hee bit her lip and glared at him.

But all Park Jung-woo did was shrug.

The smaller stature of Jo Seo-hee, who was three years younger than him, didn’t intimidate him at all.

‘Is that so?’

Seo-yeon wondered when Jung-woo grew so close with him.

Well, it was definitely more than with Seo-hee.

They had indeed worked together in a recent variety show…….

But she never expected him to come and watch the play.


Jo Seo-hee regained her composure and smiled.

“Still, as a junior, I’d advise you to be cautious. If a male actor casually contacts a female actor… you know, right?”


“And, Seo-yeon is a very grateful person to me, so I came to say hello. Yes, that’s it.”

Hearing those words from Seo-hee, Seo-yeon became even more curious.

She could understand Park Jung-woo, but Jo Seo-hee was an unexpected surprise.

“A grateful person?”

“Yeah. Ten years ago, during the audition for ‘The Moon That Hid the Sun.’”

Seo-hee recalled that time.

“When I lost the role of ‘Yeonhwa’ to you, it became a good medicine for growth.”

This was sincere.

Seo-hee thought she had become arrogant at such a young age.

Of course, she was still confident, but there’s a difference between confidence and arrogance.

“That’s why I really wanted to meet you, Seo-yeon. I wanted to say thank you when you returned.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Oh, and this time, I……”

As Seo-hee continued naturally, Park Jung-woo’s eyebrows began to twitch.

He had a rough idea of what she was about to say.


Just as Jung-woo hurried to stop her.

“Why are you taking so long to wash your hands? …Huh?”

Shim Cheong-seok, who had come looking for the oblivious Seo-yeon, spotted Park Jung-woo and Jo Seo-hee.

His sleepy eyes.

With an unconcerned expression, he alternately looked at both.

“What’s this? Is it a hidden camera?”

There were enough members in the situation to think that.


With Cheong-seok’s sudden arrival, Park Jung-woo and Jo Seo-hee startled and bolted away.

Given their personalities, one would have thought they would easily blend in, but apparently not.

Cheong-seok, staring blankly at the fleeing duo, asked me,

“Are they friends?”

“……Um, kinda.”


Do I even call them friends?

As for Jung-woo, whatever; Jo Seo-hee was unexpected.

I never imagined she’d be so concerned about me.

I didn’t realize there was such a reason behind her success compared to the past.

While I felt a strange emotion about that,

‘Is that really all I felt seeing them?’
Seeing two top-tier actors spark such a simple reaction was almost amusing.

Cheong-seok scratching his head gave me a slight insight into why he got harsh treatment during drama shoots later.

“Everyone did well today!”

“Let’s keep our spirits up for the remaining performances!”

Thus, the successful get-together concluded.

The next day at school, when I told Lee Ji-yeon about it,

“By the way, I watched the performance too.”


Then we should grab a meal together.

Thinking this, I responded.

“Having someone else crash an occasion like that would be inconvenient. They probably both avoided me for that reason.”

“Is that so?”

Were they really that considerate?

To be honest, I wasn’t too sure, but given Ji-yeon’s words, it seemed likely.


I was sitting on the bench where I always spent lunchtime with Ji-yeon.

Yet, strangely, I felt a change in the atmosphere compared to before.

I must have felt this way for the first time since filming the variety and being busy with the play, not coming to school.

“A complete uproar.”

As if reading my thoughts, Ji-yeon spoke.

“Everyone is asking why you hid it from them. Did I hide it? They just didn’t notice.”

“Hmm, was it that?”

“Is it that big of a deal, Joo Seo-yeon? Should I follow what the old man said?”

Ji-yeon remarked, incredulously.

Just for reference, the “old man” she mentioned is my dad.

Then she casually pointed to the gazes directed our way.

“Look, there, there, there.”

Up on the teacher’s building.

Out the classroom window.

Students sneaked glances while using the vending machines, jumping in surprise whenever Ji-yeon pointed.

It seemed filming the variety show had quite the impact on the school.

‘Still, I haven’t made any friends.’

Then, can’t someone just come closer and start a conversation?

Today, the only exchange I had since getting to school was with the smartphone box.

Ah, of course, excluding Lee Ji-yeon.


After Ji-yeon shifted her gaze, she said,

“It’s about time to find an agency. What will you do?”

“What will I do about it?”

“You said you had a place you wanted to go a while back.”

I had a place in mind.

The agency where Kim Jung-ha, an actress I shot a CF with in the past, belongs.

Originally, I had recommended it to Ji-yeon.

It was about time for Kim Jung-ha’s career to rise, and given its somewhat ambiguous reputation now, it would be easy to get in.


“……Are there any spots open in your agency?”

“Why are you asking something so obvious? If you join, we can make room for you.”

Ji-yeon belonged to Nova Entertainment.

After Eunha Entertainment, it was the agency Ji-yeon moved to.

At that time, it was a mid-tier agency, but it has grown quite well since then.

Though it’s lacking in many ways to be considered a top one, they have managed to survive for a long time, amassing connections, and surely will grow into a solid “big agency” in due time.

‘Since I’ve seen their faces enough to feel comfortable with them.’

Having spent a lot of time with Ji-yeon, her agency felt familiar.

All things considered, there would be no better place than Nova Entertainment.

‘Yeah, let’s go with that.’

Just as Seo-yeon made that decision,


Suddenly, her smartphone rang.

“Who is it?”

“Oh, that…”

When Seo-yeon glanced at her phone, the caller’s name appeared.

Jo Do-yul.

The director of “The Moon That Hid the Sun.”

Seo-yeon stared at it for a moment and then answered calmly.

“Hello, this is Joo Seo-yeon.”

“Ah, Seo-yeon. It’s lunchtime, right? Sorry for contacting you out of the blue.”

“It’s fine. What’s up?”

Today, Seo-yeon had a leisurely afternoon since she only had to be at the venue by four.

“Well, there’s a director I know…”

Just when he said that, Seo-yeon realized.

“Would you be interested in acting in a movie?”

Finally, what she expected had come.

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