I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 72

Receptionist Year Two – Sea Country Edition 12

When I realized, I was coming back inside the castle of the sea, where the Sea King was.

If you look up, the king of the sea is sitting in a chair the same as he did earlier.

“Mitya, stupid”

“Why, Father! I really am.”

“Sons of men, will you forgive my son? I just don’t have a place to think.”

They were all moving inside the castle with a big fish named Hauniok. From the circumstances, it appears that the Sea King has flown us here.

Benjamin and Mr. Weldy looked around with their mouths open with Pocan. It is an unpleasant reaction.

The king of the sea called Haunioch, and the big fish behind us, and said in a serene voice, “Take everyone back to land.”

Prince Mitya, on the other hand, is tied to seagrass and unable to move.

“Nanary, what’s that?

“Sea King”

“That one!? Not too big!?

Nike hides behind my back and looks up at the Sea King. I can’t help but be surprised. I’m half human, by the way. The size goes hand in hand, and it’s not much different than witnessing a giant.

Prince Zenon asks you to go inside Haunioch quickly, and when you find a mermaid of beauty, you speak and direct her to Satanas, who is shining his eyes, or to Nike, who is on his back.

“Nanary, come quick.”

I turn my back on the king of the sea when he tells me to hurry too, but this series of noises was caused by a strange fish named Nanyok and Prince Mitya. The Sea King was kind to me, free to do so, and helped me to do so.

I bow down to the king of the sea with a pepper.

“When, my daughter. Why don’t you call me uncle?”

After he bowed, he put his foot on Haunyok’s lips in an attempt to get into his mouth.

But that’s what the king of the sea tells me to stop moving.

“Do you want the king of the sea?

The intention is refreshing, but I almost went into the mouth of the big fish, so I move the mouth as I was told earlier in the arrow succession.

“Dear uncle! Goodbye! Thank you for your help!


He recites my words.

Rockman, who was beside me, then pretended to think of something, then put his hand on his chest and bowed to the Sea King.

Deep down.

Meanwhile, when the king laughs, Rockman raises his posture to the signs.

“Hands, Cover Me”


“Hands over here, not that way”

They grabbed my left hand and pulled the ring out of my pharmacopoeia finger.

“Why are you telling me that?

“This? Simply put, I know where you are.”

“Heh. Dorseim’s wisdom can also be used for that.”

“Well, you know this is what it is.”

Can you also use it like such a sign?

They didn’t know if it was usable at sea, but they told me to rest for now. So what, you mean Rockman didn’t even know?

Then I explained my nose high enough to teach him that I could use it even in the ocean, and he broke my nose stretched like a branch, knowing at the time I could come here.

“Can you get in there faster than that?”

While guided by Rockman, he sits on the inside where his teeth are growing. It doesn’t stink at all in the mouth of a big fish.

When Haunioch’s mouth closed, it naturally darkened inside, but the stone about the size of the palm that Satanas had glowed, making everyone’s face visible.

“Saturners, what happened to those clothes?”

“Is this it? Wow, that was tough.”

Saturners’ clothes are torn everywhere.

If you ask me, they were attacked by other creatures by the time they got here, or almost eaten by carnivorous fish out of Haunioch’s mouth. Just Saturners.

Only his clothes are worn out.

“But you didn’t work, did you?”


“You opened the box, didn’t you?

That’s what Rockman asks me, with a cheek wand on my assembled knee.

In the mouth of Haunioch, which was filled with sea water. However, the water gradually decreased, and from the tip of the hair stuck to the neck and cheeks, potatoes and droplets fell.

I didn’t open it.

“… hmm?

Just what I just said, Rockman wrinkles between my eyebrows at my words.

Is my ear bad? I’ll tell you as many times as I can.

“You can’t open it. The battle isn’t over yet, so even if it’s not light, why don’t you open it?”

I think of the little green box I have by the window of my room.

Sure enough, right after I got that one, I said to him, “I’ll open it when I get back to the dorm! ‘What a cut.

Sure, I can’t help thinking they opened it. You must have been willing to open it in that place then.

But we don’t usually have to see each other, but when we’re not going to see each other for the rest of our lives, the story is different.

If you’re going to miss him for the rest of your life, it’s best to at least fight and beat this guy and then open that box.

“I knew you were an idiot”

With his hands on his cheeks in his mouth, Rockman didn’t even laugh like he made a fool of himself, he laughed really weird.

“I still hate the Wizard of Fire”


Nanaries left with Haunioch, the palace of the deep sea.

“I will take my precious daughters away with ease.”

The king closed his eyelids and smiled quietly.

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