I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World

Chapter 33

Hare Job Edition – 7-3

In the southern Soleil, a small Hare magic station.

From what I hear from the seniors, the temperature is just a little hotter than the northern headquarters. The climate is slightly uneven in the same country, so regardless of the season of light, it is said that the season of flowers that warm up cannot be spent on boulders with long sleeves. That’s not why the sweat drips off, just when you move around, the sweat seeps out on your forehead, making it wet and slightly dall.

I didn’t really understand what my predecessors were saying because if I moved around, my blood circulation would be better and my temperature would rise and I think it would be normal.

That’s why I thought you’d find out when you arrived.

“Hey Belle!? What are you doing!?

That’s how my view of the bridge, which is still connected to the unseen south, showed a senior woman sleeping on the ground dressed close to naked in the back lounge for some reason and sunbathing.

The weather and the humidity blew away in an instant.

“Hmm? That’s not too soon.”

“Not so fast, not!

Immediately after acknowledging her appearance, Mr. Zozo stepped on the estate toward her, who fell asleep on the ground.

Senior Berryweather Landon, nicknamed Bell by everyone. I guess the skin on the ground was white, but the skin burned in the day was not the same wheat color as Mr. Zozo’s brown skin, and the blonde hair to the shoulder twirling with the circle, tied one behind him.

Mr. Bell also admits that he looks like me as he falls asleep, and he raises his hand and speaks to me, “Nanally, good morning”. I also gave it back good morning, but I couldn’t help but worry about the outfit, which was only hidden from my chest and lower body. If you were dressed like that in a place like this, a man’s official might see you.

You could read my thoughts looking around and giving me a worried look, Mr. Bell’s fine. We’re all used to it, so I waved my hand to the side and laughed.

“This is what I always do before work. The weather’s nice, I’m on day shift today, didn’t I tell you before?

Certainly something someone said before.

That was a conversation at the reception after a fairly exposed dressed demon woman came out of the hare to get a request and do her job.

Sister Harris, who saw the woman, told me that you were dressed like Berryweather. She was the only one I had ever seen dressed properly in a dorm, and I couldn’t figure it out and twisted my neck. You’ve never actually seen Mr. Zozo, either, dressed like that? And I remembered asking Sister Harris. Although I go to help occasionally, I say that I have never seen her like that. It seems that the rumored condition was in the early morning, so Zozo, who had only told me to help at night, didn’t even know.

When I remember that and look at her again, it boils down to a weird emotion that it’s awesome.

I guess I don’t particularly care about the reactions around me, whether I’m piercing myself or going my way. I wouldn’t be able to dress close to half naked like that if I cared first.

By contrast, I’d like you to mind a little bit from around here, but as she said, the Soleil people seem to be getting used to it, so maybe there’s no other way.

“I’ve been listening to you, but what are you dressed for?”

“Holy Clothing Before Work”

“You should stop.”

Zozo, who kindly advised his colleague on his appearance, turns to me after he suppresses his forehead.

She suppresses temples when she is frustrated or in trouble, but she has a habit of suppressing her forehead when she is frightened. Black lustrous hair was lifted from his forehead to his retreating hand and flowed sarally behind him.

“The director told me how the uniform works, I’ll teach you how to handle it a little bit.”

“How do you handle it?


What is the way to handle it? If it’s how you wear it, I’m still curious to say it’s like dealing with tools like that.

“You didn’t know Nanary yet.”

Bell, who remained asleep behind Mr. Zozo, then changed his mood and came as soon as she said so. I don’t have any clothes or anything around me, so I walk in that half-naked state. I tried to ask him what he didn’t know, but he was worried that I should tell him to wear more clothes than that, so he shut up.

I got a surprise look at that look from Bell, but, well, I nod at him for not having to say anything, and I see Zozo giving me a teaching.

“Everyone’s uniforms perform differently, but they have the same parts.”

“Are those three lines and colors?

That and Hare’s uniform is only one outfit out of Gignestai Nero, and it doesn’t get dirty. Even if it came with mud, it would fall off easily, absorb sweat, but didn’t build up. Besides, it doesn’t smell, so you don’t have to do laundry. It has excellent functionality because it will come back to normal immediately, whether flaky or torn.

I pounded a white sleeve with nothing on it.

“Yes, but there’s one other thing. It’s never been extremely hot, and I haven’t used it since it’s not yet an empty season.”

With that said, she wrapped her long sleeves in her uniform around her wrinkly arms. And the opposite sleeve rolls up the same way. I wonder what you’re going to start, rolled up to the middle of your arms. Watching that, Mr. Zozo starts breathing into the area there.

“Is that it?”

Then strangely, its curly part disappeared and it became a complete short sleeve. A luxurious thin arm of hers can see the cloth missing from it.

Look at me patting my eyes, and Mr. Bell laughs.

“It’s really weird, isn’t it? That’s what I looked like when I first found out.”

Strange, I don’t know what Hare’s uniform is. My uniform is a deactivated garment, as the director used to say, a garment that does not make any attack. You get lightning, you bounce back, you get burned by flames, your body doesn’t get burned, any magic other than the magic you deal with is deactivated.

Such was the uniform that I could pull my hips off, too.

Mr. Zozo’s uniform, on the other hand, has the characteristic of being transparent, making it easy to disappear without having to use the magic of a seven-color coat. I’ve had it shown to me, but it was brilliantly out of sight as if it blended into the air. I didn’t even feel the signs, and I thought it was good that Zozo was wearing this uniform for now.

‘Cause if a guy had something that could easily hide himself like this and erase the signs, I don’t like it. Even though I know I’m going to be prejudiced, it buds a sense of hiccups and reassurance when I think this smaller senior than myself is the owner.

Well, in the first place, I don’t suppose Giknesty Nero would ever give such a person a uniform.

“What’s going on!?

“I don’t know for sure either, but the only person who can breathe and change the shape of his uniform is the owner, even if it’s not his breath… it’s a little dirty, but it doesn’t matter if it’s salivation, blood, or tears. Anything that touches that part of the human body fluids.”

“Your breath is enough.”

Answer quickly.

“So, when you want to put it back, you breathe long as you pull that part. It’s a bit of a headache, but it’s not that hard, so it’s okay.”

“I can’t change the basic shape of my uniform. I can’t pant my nanary skirt. Nor can you turn Zozo’s underwear into a skirt in reverse. I can make it longer or shorter.”

“Something’s funny”

I feel as exhilarated as I was when I got my new toy.

In an attempt to do it quickly, I rolled up my sleeve with one eye, just like Mr. Zozo, and breathed in that curly area. It didn’t change inside, but make sure the wound disappears where it was blown for about ten seconds. Instead of disappearing painfully, it gradually, gradually, gently disappeared.

Understand the humid subtle heat the seniors were talking about when they shook their cool arms as a boom because they were moved.

It could have been somehow, somehow, but slightly easier to sweat than north. The wind is cool, but the sun is slightly different. And I found out that moisture was not the moisture in the air, but that my sweat was all over my body.

Although the flower season is a warm one, it cannot be said in terms of warmth here in the south. That’s not why it’s so hot.

This is hard, so the seniors would have had a hard time explaining it to me.

“It’s funny or weird.”

“I agree.”

While the two seniors watched me, I enjoyed repeated uniform changes for a while. Shorter or longer, that’s all, but seeing change is another dissatisfaction unlike achieving like when magic first succeeds. Besides, strangely enough, there is a blue crawl pattern on the cuffs and hem of my uniform, but the pattern was floating on the cuffs, even shorter, unchanged. Though it became invisible when it rolled, the pattern also appeared along with the occasional short-sleeve when breathing.

Whether working hours were approaching while doing so, different staff came out of the door one after the other and came into our circle. Heard I was excited to learn for the first time how the uniform worked, they were all laughing. Even if I don’t have to laugh so much, I’m told with my belly, even if I see it with my jitsy eyes, because it was too fresh a reaction . In the meantime, I was under the impression that there were many delightful people who came to Soleil.

The man’s senior also looked at Mr. Bell with a shudder of whether he was still dressed like that.

“This is the bulletin board.”

The magic station in Soleil was about half the size of the hare in the headquarters. About a quarter of the time.

The number of staff is about ten, and Bell explains that there are three at the demon reception, two at his client’s place, two men in the back seat doing clerical work, and three outside work. One of the people inside working outside was Mr. Yacklin, a senior man who could handle memory detection. Mr. Yacklin is my classmate’s brother, and when he entered Hare, he quickly pinned his surname and facial features. Carla Yacklin (a friend) told me she had a distant brother of the year, so when I thought of visiting it, it matched brilliantly. I see it at Hare headquarters from time to time, so I usually say hello or so. Among the men of Hare, where the term good youth fits perfectly, with many thirties and forties, he was in the young category with twenty-five years of age.

Therefore, it seems that the popularity from female staff is high.

Plus, it’s like people without lovers are glaring because they’re single, but rumors say they have a child-friendly girlfriend. Mr. Zozo taught me so much about it that I questioned the other way around how he knew that.

Bell and Zozo showed me around the building and let me go inside from the hand wash area to the rest area, to the materials storage room to see the temporary sleeping area and the view in the counter. I don’t even meet people in Soleil for the first time, so I greet them lightly. Nice to meet you, as long as you’re happy to welcome me.

Mr. Bell also changed into a white uniform and told his work colleagues that I would be working here for a month.

And after going all the way around, Mr. Bell brought me and Mr. Zozo to the bulletin board to show me the contents.

I gazed at him to take a closer look, but I can see at a glance what kind of requests are more or less common without having to take a closer look. It’s not like my eyes are good or anything.

Compared to the bulletin board at Hare headquarters, there was a surprise request for demonic extermination.

“You have quite a few demon-related requisitions.”

“When you’re done with one, there’s another, and when you’re done with that, there’s like two coming.”

As he nodded at my words, Mr. Bell sighed and drooped.

“This is especially true during the flower season, so I was wondering if it would be too soon.”

“Bell is very busy, too. And it’s not just demons, it’s perverts, so it’s troubling.”

“Didn’t your head turn into a flower garden?

“I can tell.”

Sure, there have been a lot of demonic requests lately, but there have been a lot of side annoying events when a woman comes to ask for it in fear that she’s being followed by a weird guy, or a delightful prisoner targeting a child attacking a children’s home. In the case of children’s homes, they were dealt with by the Fifth Platoon, commonly known as the “National Help Team”, the Knights of the Kingdom. The Fifth Platoon is a national security force and, unlike the rest of the squadron, is commonly seen all over town.

“I wonder if Berry Weather is here.”

Karan, and the bell that is attached to the door of the Magic Station rings.

It’s not in the Northern Guidance Station, so I thought it was like a shed or a restaurant.

There’s a man’s voice, and the three of us turn around.

You have business with Mr. Bell, I was calling her by her name. The demon hasn’t come so early in the morning, and that’s why the man’s voice sounds so fast in the building.

But at the same time I heard my voice and turned around, I noticed.

“Oh, my God, you were there. Do you have any material describing the number of demons in the south and the characteristics of objects in January? I’m sorry to rush you this time.”

“Well there you are, Captain! Yes, I do! Wait a minute, please.”

“Thank you. That’ll help.”

Bell, smiling softly at the man who had stopped nearby, replied in a good mood, rushing to the office as he flew with Piong Piong.

Where did she look like just now?

Maybe it’s Mr. Bell’s belief that he doesn’t show anything but a smile in front of visitors.

That’s why I don’t think it’s because I want this guy to like me. No, I want to think.

Mr. Zozo turns to me with a rugged face and ears.

“The Soleil Platoon here is under the jurisdiction of Knights First Platoon. We also have people from 3rd and 8th Platoons on a regular basis. This is how they give us information twice a month to keep the Knights from getting more demons.”

“I see…. Really?”

A man sitting where Mr. Bell is gone.

I mean, you’re standing beside me, but you raise your face, narrow your eyes, and you look at the man’s face.

If I were to raise something different than two months ago, would it be that I am not wearing a robe hood today?

The all-body black knight clothes, which are nothing but hot and painful from me with short sleeves, are going to sweat this one as I watch.

But the red eyes of the guy looking down at this one coolly without showing a single sweat, even rare things I saw, even eyes that were simply ridiculous, raised a single eyebrow and blinked. It doesn’t look like a smile.

I don’t know that much about the emotional subtleties of people, but where do I find the good laughs of people who were nicotine until earlier? When you say you have Zozo in front of you, but you change your attitude so far, it even feels refreshing.

But I lowered my shoulders in my heart to say what a chance it would be to stay together in an exchange of information that I would only do twice that month. I think I’m under some kind of bad curse.

I just assembled my plans for the next holiday to go to the temple next time and purify my body. I want to hear bad things as soon as possible.

“You, could it be……… a left transition?

Rockman has looked at me with pitiful eyes to say that he is deeply worried with his eyebrows lowered that he has finally been limited to that director.

I like this bastard. Go ahead.

They’ll send your stuff back, you’ll lose with alcohol (you deserve it), they’ll send you to the dorm unusually (you deserve it), and your dorm mother will make a weird mistake from then on, so the more you say it’s been two months, the more depressed you get. It’s almost all I deserve, but I still can’t help but regret it.

“Don’t say bad things to me”

You don’t have to look in the mirror to see that your face is tight.

I snapped my fingers together with my cockroaches.

They get fat fingers when they ring their fingers, but I don’t care about that. Rather, if it becomes thicker and more successful, I want it to become thicker.

Rockman looked at me with a blonde hair as depressingly long as it was depressing for a man, in the way or in the ear, with an almost so annoying face. It is a disgusting expression.

This guy even seems to know and do that the spare face is the least he can solve.

“And I’m being rude to the people here.”

I rarely see any other members today.

Today, though I haven’t seen much of it as an organization.

“Right…… sorry. – Yeah, I know, but I’m not apologizing to you right now.”

“You little brat!!

Now with no hesitation whatsoever, I raise my foot to step on him. I really want to use magic, but I’ll stop doing that because it’s inside the magic center. I also have something called mercy, so I decided on my mind to keep him as long as I grind my bones.

But reacting to whether it was reflexive to my movements, Rockman backs his legs off sassy and dodges the attack. You escaped, and when you offended him, he said he was out of his mind and tried to step back on my foot, aiming at his right foot and putting his foot out.

But I’m not the kind of woman who can do it easily either.

Avoid it just like him.

And now it’s time to go for Rockman’s left foot to crush him, but he was avoided again and stepped on the floor dangly empty.

Dang dang dang dang dang dang……

Our seemingly futile and still futile defense, which is repeated in silence, ended with Mr. Bell’s “uh… what is this” voice.

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