I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 95 - Master server

The core of the game is said to be the “main server”, which is of course much larger than the real main server.

Su ammonia walks in the universe like a walk after a meal without any irritability.

It didn’t take long before there was a mass of shimmering things in the vast universe. Su ammonia knew immediately that this should be the main server.

The main server is not mechanical, but a lush tree. Just like the kind of tree that Su Alan occasionally sees on fantasy televisions that grows over the entire island.

It’s just that the main server is not on an island. It stands on a flat and smooth metal plate with strange light spots. If you look down, this board will probably be able to catch things like “server”.

After all, it looks very similar to a circuit board.

The grotesque in Su Ai’s heart was not discovered at all, and the closer he was to the main server, the more clearly he saw this thing.

The dim light seen in the distance is emitted by bubble-like things wrapped around it. It should be the server protective shell in the black ball mouth that needs to be broken by threonine. This thing looks very fragile.

The road under Su ammonia is directly connected to the circuit board under the main server. Seeing that he is about to hit the shell, this place is still only him. He imagined that he would “greet” his supervisor and his hair. Did not see it.

The moment Su Su touched the protective shell, his mind was wrapped in a burst of energy!

The creatures of the% * # ¥ dimension have known from a very young age that their living environment has become worse and worse. If they do not want to obtain more resources, they will face extinction like many other races in the universe.

No one wanted to perish, so the competition within these creatures all stopped, and the top wisdom was assembled, and finally someone found a new way.

When all newborn babies were genetically modified to acquire the ability to make games, they knew that their vitality had come.

Su ammonia didn’t know what state he was in, like a **** above him, and eyes like a TV outside. The owner of the eyes couldn’t find the TV remote control, and could only passively watch everything on the TV.

This dimensionless creature that Su ammonia couldn’t understand was named a game race by him.

The original game-making ability of the game race was only the artificial ability that was transformed. It was not as powerful as it was later. They could only make some small games and use it as a normal means to sell to other races of the same dimension. When those creatures unknowingly While playing the game, the game maker can absorb the energy that he wants to survive through the game.

Even some game races later suspected that this kind of remote marketing game was troublesome. After absorbing the player ’s soul, they did not rush to absorb the opponent ’s body, but occupied it by themselves, as the opponent, selling the game from the inside while directly capturing energy. .

Later, more and more game races thought this was a good way.

When other races of the same dimension found problems with the game race, it was too late.

The game race occupies the entire dimension and begins to plunder resources madly to survive.

Generation after generation, when the resources of the entire dimension are no longer sufficient for their survival, a new turn of opportunity has come.

Newborns no longer need genetic modification by artificial means to gain the ability to make games, but have become their natural skills. Just want to be born to suck, just learn to walk and talk.

Even the innate ability is much stronger than the acquired modification. The games they make are not so weak and become more and more powerful.

The subsequent time flow velocity increased significantly.

The game race has absorbed all the available resources of its own dimension and set its sights on the lower-dimensional universe.

As a result, developed, technological, magic, fantasy, etc., all kinds of races have almost no resistance, and means from high dimensions make them invincible.

This is the first and perhaps the only time that Su ammonia has seen the extinction of a civilization, oh no, not just civilization, even the entire planet and the entire universe have been destroyed once and become a dead silence, lying quietly in the universe in.

First, the game created by combining all the creatures of the game race reached the world that they regarded as prey. It may be more than ten years, maybe more than a hundred years, or even only a few years. When the game detects the state of the player and feels that time, The “book grabbers” prepared in advance by the game race will be released.

Book grabbers do not have their own consciousness. They just exist like mechanical data. Their purpose is to capture the player’s “book” and provide a channel for the advent of the game race.

Before that, the book grabber would try to enter the player’s real body through the “book”, obtain the real data, and obtain the player data, only to make the coming of the future more smooth.

Why won’t the book grabber always be caught? Why is the book grabber never seen?

Because they are just a bunch of data, to put it bluntly, they are a bunch of viruses.

The virus does not have a specific carrier. They randomly select victims through the air, directly enter their bodies, and deprive them of “books” from the inside.

“Books” are things set by the race of the game, and the viruses created by them naturally know how to seize them.

As for Su Ai, they had previously heard the description of the book grabbers by Ji You and others, which was just a camouflage of the advent of the virus.

Just like a hacker spreading a virus, it’s impossible to send you something that indicates a “virus” directly, and it will always be covered up with various packaging.

And this layer of cover can be easily dropped when you don’t want to.

After the book grabbers absorb enough information, a large number of book grabbers will appear, and players will soon find that no matter how they defend and how they resist, their books will be snatched.

Of course, there will be a glimmer of life. As long as you find special props, create antidote, and recapture the book, you will be able to pass this level. This is also the rule that games created by the game race must abide by, and there is no absolute dead end.

But how easy are these items to get? The separated different services, this alone is enough for players to find no way.

Even these seemingly irrelevant props turned out to be part of the antidote, and it was news that the consciousness did not know how much time it took to lurk.

The book was taken to a certain level, and the ten-person supervisor would receive a signal and wake up.

When the regulators determine that it is time for them to descend, the game will become the bridge for the entire race.

Needless to say afterwards, basically not many worlds can withstand the aggression of their existence in several dimensions.

The game race is coming down. When the resources of this world are also absorbed and exhausted, the game races except ten supervisors will fall asleep in this world, leaving only ten supervisors to take the game to the next goal.

Su ammonia also saw from it that regulators know that there are so few remnants in the world they absorb that have not been digested, but for the existence that even the entire world can absorb, such a consciousness that even the body is gone How can it affect them? Not to mention that they can’t do anything, these consciousness can only obey the orders given to npcs by the game race and follow the settings.

Supervisors are also too lazy to use energy to deal with these residual consciousness, and only send all of them to the dark abyss camp, day by day, accompanied by dark evil and horror. When the subsequent camp missions are started, they will be blamed by the righteous side who sees himself as good. .

Seeing this, Su ammonia had to sigh that most of the reasons for the villain’s failure were the same.

Disdain for the weak, but don’t know that no matter how small the ants are, the combined strength can also destroy a thousand miles of dyke.

This perspective of God is gone after the game race chooses the human world.

Su ammonia looked back at the shimmering shell.

He didn’t hesitate, took out the crystal nucleus and posted it on the shell. Numerous residual consciousnesses that the game race looked down upon immediately burst out, gathered together, and hit the shell with a certain frequency!

With a click, the entire shell cracked like a broken mirror, scattered into countless fragments, and dissipated in mid-air.

The road behind Su ammonia also disappeared, he easily jumped on the circuit board in front of the endless darkness.

It’s all this time, Su Ai still has the idea to step on the “circuit board”, and muttered in his heart: there is no unevenness on the circuit board.

The consciousness of breaking through the protective shell did not stop, rushing towards the lush tree!

A silent ripple rippled, consciousness was blocked, and bounced back.

Under the big tree, the ripples did not gradually dissipate, but became more and more intense, and finally gathered into a strange shadow.

At first glance, the shadow looks like a person with hands and feet, and if you look closely, it seems to have ten heads. However, looking closely, it was nothing.

The strange shadow seemed to be adjusting the frequency, and finally tuned to a channel that Su Ai could understand: “Human.”

Su ammonia knows that he is human, so don’t use this strange thing to say.

After thinking about it, Su ammonia still clinging to the principle of politeness and also replied: “Supervisor.”

The supervisor’s meal seemed to be caught by Su A’s unreasonable card.

“Humans, you already know the truth of the game. The human world can no longer survive. This has become a foregone conclusion, but you are a strong person. We respect the strong person. Don’t be fooled by other things. We can give you privileges and let you Survive. “

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