I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 25

On the other side, outside

Dr. Drake led a small team into the crowd, took advantage of the disappearance of Superman Ye Ritian, dressed as medical staff to board the spaceship, but as soon as he entered, he was frightened by the scene in front of him, and the four Kurt members fell to the ground vertically.

This is nothing, the important thing is that their brains are devoured by unknown things, the brain pulp, red, white spilled all over the ground, rotten and smelly like rotten watermelons above the neck, miserable!

Four headless corpses died tragically on the spaceship, purgatory on earth, this is purgatory on earth!


"Gag! The devil, there are devils!

"No, I can't stand it, gag, it's terrible"

"There are terrifying unknown things here, escape, run away!"

Dr. Drake was also scared, the squad members were all scared away, and Dr. Drake was no better!

Then he endured his fear, and after walking around the interior of the spaceship, Drake cursed fiercely in his heart,

"Damn, come one step late!" How did that superman named Ye Ritian know about this spaceship! Is it really a coincidence?

"The samples are all gone, according to the information received before, it stands to reason that there are four symbiotes here, how come there are none!"

"It's him, it must be him, shit, he must have taken all four symbiotes away!"

Outside the spacecraft, police, agents, reporters, and onlookers all rushed in, and when they saw a medical team escaping from the spacecraft, they kept shouting the devil.

It caused a commotion and everyone was puzzled.

Dr. Drake looked at the people outside and had a plan in his heart, and came out and said

loudly: "Ye Ritian is a heinous terrorist!" Not a hero, what shit Superman!

"He cruelly killed the four American researchers on the spaceship, he is an extremely hypocritical, insidious and cunning person!"

"Don't be deceived by his appearance, don't believe that you can get on the spaceship and see for yourselves!"

After Dr. Drake finished speaking, the already noisy crowd broke out again, there were quarrels everywhere, and the crowd was divided into two factions, one supporting Ye Ritian was a superhero

and the other saying that he was a bastard, because he appeared in New York two months ago, and a couple on the side of the road had a strange explosion of their heads!

You come and go with noisy arguments, refuting each other, and no one will let anyone!

Drake saw that his goal had been achieved, showed an eerie smile, and quietly left the crowd!

Dr. Drake's words alarmed the police present, the attention of the agents, immediately went to check, looked, sure enough, it was really as Dr. Drake said!


"What did they go through? It's cruel!

"Their death is extremely disgusting and painful, so frustrating, that damn superman Ye Ritian, really a terrorist!"

"Also boast of what shit the god of the world, I think it is the evil god of the world!"

Agents, police officers came out and vomited and cursed. As more and more people went to check, more people gathered here, and the party supporting Ye Ritian was comprehensively suppressed, and no longer dared to speak up for him, just because the evidence was overwhelming!

And the reporter also sent out the incident here at the first time, and the Internet was overwhelming, and there was cursing everywhere, but no one knew where Ye Ritian lived, let alone where he was!

Because this is the first time that Ye Ritian has exposed his power in the secular world, before the ability of Afghanistan, the gangster died, only S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military knew his ability, these two organizations naturally would not leak out, otherwise they would cause panic among the people They had a headache!


Coulson and Fury are talking at the moment!

"What do you think of this, Coulson" "

It's hard to say, he may have done it, although it is strange, if it is really done by him, then it is impossible to leave evidence, and those bodies cannot be found!"

"If not, then he was the only one on the spaceship, and the hatch was also opened by him with his eye rays, no matter how you look at it, he did it!"

"So what to do, Chief?"

"Let me think about it!"


Immediately, the office fell silent, dead silent, and you could hear the heartbeat if you listened carefully.

To achieve this effect, it can only be said that it is worthy of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the sound insulation effect is so good!

In the end, Fury finalized "

Let's not move, wait and see, and see what the Superman himself handles."

"In addition, give me a consolidated data and information of his data, send a copy to the White House, as for whether to fight or make peace, let them handle it themselves!"

"Yes! Managing director!!

Coulson left the room, leaving Fury alone to meditate!

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