I, the silver superman, am promoted to omniscience and omnipotence

Chapter 204

"Find death!"

The wisdom god shouted angrily, but did not move, this guy is difficult to deal with, the current danger still needs him to solve the problem, in her perspective, Portland's fierce attack in his eyes is no less than the gods, an invisible temperament quickly spreads from him, straight to himself, untamed.

The other three main gods are also ugly, this completely brainless mad scientist is simply unreasonable and difficult to entangle, but the villains have not exceeded Ye Ritian's degree of difficulty, and that person is their number one enemy.

Rao took a deep breath, recovered his calm cheeks, and discussed: "In this way, if you help us solve the dilemma in front of us, we will fulfill your wishes, join hands to make you a god, rank the fifth scientific main god, and be at the same level as us, how?"

Portland looked at them in amazement, this compromised? Are you going to stop trying to get cold? I can still withstand it.

"Science Lord God, this, is not impossible.

Say how can you be the fifth, shouldn't it be the sixth? Why is the other evil god missing? Aren't there five Lord Gods? What really happened in history during this period?

Forget it, don't want to.

Portland frowned, thought for a moment, and looked directly at Rao: "Okay, wouldn't it be okay to agree like this earlier, there are so many moths." Now tell me, how is my cute pet now, it seems that it is still not perfect! "


The four main gods took a deep breath of cold air again, not angry, not angry, this man is a madman, he can't be angry at his humiliating words, his group is a noble god, can't entangle too much with the brainless person who is insane, that is very unwise.

Luna: "He slaughtered countless lives, countless universes and superheroes died at his hands, but now..."

Portland chuckled in his heart, he was still very satisfied with the previous words, worthy of his own creation, but why did the latter words suddenly change in tone?

He still endured it, and did not hurry to ask, they themselves would say, and looked at him intently.

The beauty god spoke: "Until not long ago, a fake Kryptonian named Ye Ritian came out, he defeated the ancient Doomsday with mysterious power, and usurped its category system in one fell swoop, we completely lost it, and we can no longer grasp the definition editing authority of having part of the Doomsday Day.

Portland was stunned: "You mean it's dead?" This is impossible, it can evolve and resurrect infinitely, no one can devour it..." Rao

didn't bother to tell him, and directly shot out a divine power condensation picture, which was the whole process of Ye Ritian's defeat of the ancient day of destruction.


A moment later, Portland was stunned, and in just a split second, he simulated that kind of scene in his mind, analyzed the data, and panicked: "What kind of strange power is this?" I can't imitate and seal carving, and devoured my little cutie in this weird and indescribable way?!

"Are you four idiots? He has superhuman abilities, but he does not belong to Kryptonians, how can it be fake, he is clearly a part of our Kryptonians, why is there such a clan wandering out of control and out of control? What are you guys for, how do you rule countless cosmic Kryptonian, let it go, let him grow to this point..." Portland

hated iron and steel to look at the four embarrassed Lord Gods, good cards were played by them into thin pieces, the conceptual power that could not be copied was in the hands of a clan with amazing potential, could have been able to communicate well through the relationship of Krypton, they not only did not cultivate well, but even pulled over to give him a god position to strengthen themselves, but wanted to kill others, what kind of brain circuit. Four foolish gods.

"Oh, I see, you are worried that he covets your divine position, or divides your absolute control over the Kryptonians, so you want to kill him!"

Portland said to himself, immediately figured out everything, found the glimmer of possible probability from countless impossibilities, and sorted out the huge knowledge points.

The faces of the four main gods became more and more ugly, and their eyes burst out with infinite murderous intent, and the Dao murderous aura penetrated through the body, and as time passed, the amazing aura continued to rise.

Rao made a cold face and said in a deep voice: "Don't talk about this, that Ye Ritian is a new generation of Krypton pseudo-gods, this matter has seriously affected our status, we have been at odds with him, he will not let us go, we need you to create a new second-generation ancient destruction day, on the basis of the original can counter the evolution and immunity of the first generation, it is best to upgrade and strengthen the monster destruction day, stronger than the first generation, but also to create as soon as possible, this is related to the survival of our krypton god system in the realm of gods." , we are facing the moment of life and death at any time!

Portland muttered, "Perish? Then perish, or move out of the realm of God, where can we not live and call God? And you have all destroyed countless Kryptonians, countless Kryptonians have died because of your wanton play, countless destinies that should have been unknown have come to a fixed end under your guidance, and you died to pay for them!

"Enough, Portland, just do your own thing, you don't care about our business, your primary goal is to research the second generation of Doomsday!"

The four main gods were slightly annoyed, this guy, really more and more presumptuous, dared to say anything, without any words!


Portland snorted coldly, did not pursue too much, but began to act, walked into the laboratory that had been prepared for a long time, and began to conquer the realm of the second generation of ancient Doomsday, fortunately, he still remembered the original sample cell structure before.

"Do you know how hard it is to create an ancient day of doom? That Day of Doom was a great work of art that I had spent my whole life researching, it took a lot of time and energy, it was a non-renewable replica, even the gods were no match for him, and now I have just been resurrected before I have time to have fun and enjoy, you have given me a greater task,...... It's really standing and talking without back pain. "

Portland's mentality is a little broken, it is originally a good thing to come back from the dead, who is willing to die if he can live, unless this person has lived enough, Doom Day is his life's work, it is not easy to make, and it is even perfect in his eyes."

Now to create a more perfect, stronger than the first generation, to evolve the ability to counter the other party's evolution of themselves, but also to be immune to the other party to evolve a system to restrain their own evolution, my God, this is really an arcane problem!!

Portland shook his head, his mind filled with incurable thoughts, and muttered,

"But... This is also a challenge, I am very interested, the first generation lacks personal reason, absolute chaos and disorder, relying on the instinct in the genes to evolve, then the second generation can have reason, even divinity, endless crazy immunity, perhaps..."

Portland's eyes are smiling, the terrifying look is quietly blooming, he thought of a bolder plan, that is, to combine himself, the ability of the second generation of Doom Day is all owned by himself, he can not only call God in one fell swoop but also kill God, Have absolute will and not lose your madness, haha.

He sneered in his heart: "At that time, I will definitely be able to shock these four dog things, what kind of garbage thing Lord God?" I want to be the Lord God Supreme, the God of the Day of Destruction, and the God King of the Multiverse! The

four main gods looked at the scientist Portland stunned, and the other party laughed like he was crazy for a while, and was fully seen by them, and he was puzzled and stunned in his heart

: "This person... Wouldn't it be crazy? In

the end, they all came to the conclusion that this guy is a madman, a mad scientist, looking at the busy figure of the other party, the hanging hearts of the four finally let go.

"If we want to devour the second generation of the Ancient Doomsday Day, there is no need to tell him, after all, he is just a pawn in our hands, and he actually wants to jump out of the chessboard."

A cruel essence flashed in the eyes of the Wisdom God, and he discussed with the three teammates.

The moon god also showed a sinister smile and nodded: "This is natural, when the plan is completed, we will kill Portland first, and then kill Ye Ritian." The

God of Wisdom said coldly: "Next, we just need to wait and see Portland, just in case, we will closely guard his safety until his experiment is successful!"

Luna echoed, "Good! During this time, I won't be in trouble with that Ye Ritian! "

The gods didn't say anything, the plan is going well, they just need to take care of Portland with all their hearts."

"Orphan Silver Superman, don't think that you swallowed the Ancient Day of Destruction and think that you have the victory, the original builder is in our hands, and after Portland creates an Ultimate Second Generation Day of Destruction, when the time comes, the four Ancient Days of Destruction, I see how you carry it!"

Rao sneered, his eyes were filled with huge emotions, and endless anger was burning Ye Ritian's figure in his mind, until he was burned out, and the emotions under his eyes slowly dissipated.

At this moment, a change of alarm breeds.

The moon god, the god of beauty, the god of wisdom, and the sun god suddenly lost their expressions and looked straight ahead.


With a soft sound, I saw that under the gaze of the four main gods, the void around Portland suddenly rippled, and a white and powerful giant hand stretched out and grabbed Portland.

In the midst of the boom, the five fingers were spread, like a huge mountain with no end in sight, covering the sky, and the giant hand grabbed Portland and squeezed it in the palm of his hand.

This move was obviously to catch him, not to kill him, because that hand did not clench tightly without revealing the slightest gap, but made people feel that there was room for it.

Portland was frightened: "This... What is this and who shot at me? "

To tell the truth, no matter how clever he is, he can't imagine who will attack him at this moment, he has just been resurrected, and he has no enemies, and he does not compete with others for family property, who wants to kill him?!"

The four main gods were dazzled, looking at this shock in shock, someone, can actually put their hand into their field and make a sudden move, and even grab people in front of their noses, it is simply unreasonable!

Provoked, Rao reacted immediately and said coldly: "Stop! I don't care who you are sneaking up on me Krypton, but if you dare to spread wild on our territory, you will have to die! "


Raise your hand to shoot a divine attack, similar to a beam, the vast light is incomparably brilliant, but in fact, it contains endless killing opportunities, don't be confused by the beauty of appearance, this is a terrifying beam that can kill people.

This light can easily collapse a universe, tear the framework of the universe and shake its foundation, and the powerful power bombards the void with great speed, reaching its end at an extremely fast speed.


Rao's attack hit the pair of giant hands accurately, but did not cause the slightest damage to the other party, Rao's energy quickly collapsed, and the beam disappeared instantly.

Rao's face was full of incredulity: "Isn't it, one hand is so strong?" The

God of Wisdom flashed his dazzling pupils and analyzed: "This may be a hand of the body, not a hand of the phantom, doppelganger, consciousness and the like, so the power it exerts is also the power of the body!" The

beauty god said in horror: "Doesn't this mean that someone has penetrated countless spatial realms from an endless distance, blatantly attacked us, and attacked strongly to break the position area of our Krypton God System!"

The moon god thought in place, pondering repeatedly: "Then who is this person, why did he make a move against Portland, Portland just resurrected and sensed it, and even guessed what he was doing, he captured Portland must have prevented him from studying the Ancient Day of Doom...!"

"Hey, a few handsome guys and beauties over there!"

Portland panicked, seeing that the four people in the distance were still exchanging ears, analyzing each other, and hurriedly yelled: "You four bastard gods, can you stop being in a daze, I'm about to be captured!" His

figure was being pulled by the big hand, and a crack appeared next to him, and if there was no one to save him, he would be ruthlessly dragged into the space tunnel and completely disappeared in front of their eyes.

Beauty God: "Let's shoot, Portland's status is self-evident to us, no matter who it is, he can't be taken away!" Seeing

this situation, the other four main gods attacked in unison, and everyone burst out with violent super power, rushing forward at an extremely fast speed, and four fists slammed into that giant hand.


The terrible fluctuation suddenly came, a loud bang exploded, after the loud noise, the big hand was beaten violently, suddenly irregular shaking, the back of the hand held by them hit hard, a shocking scene appeared.

There was a small change on the back of the hand, the skin was blue, and it quickly healed and recovered as before.

The four main gods were dumbfounded, so outrageous?

Not a single drop of blood flowed, just twisted the skin hard. And the owner of that hand only made him feel the discomfort of being sucked by mosquitoes full of blood and slightly pain, so he threw his hand impatiently.

In fact, it is true, Ye Ritian of the main universe said to himself: "You guys are finally a little useful, I didn't degrade in vain, let me feel like four flies, gave me a little feeling, I haven't been so injured in the ancient day of destruction!"


Ye Ritian's voice came from the void where the giant hand stretched out next to him, and chuckled: "The four of you did your best to shake a piece of skin on the back of my hand with a punch, and almost broke the outer skin layer, not bad, very powerful, worthy of being the main god of Kryptonite!" The

main gods had different expressions, and they were immediately shocked.

What, what? This voice is so familiar.

This bastard actually dared to humiliate himself like this!

At the same time confused, this person's hand ... Why is Man of Steel more powerful than ever? It gives people a deep feeling, terrifying, such a strong sense of immediacy, it can only be that man, and there is no one else.

The four main gods withdrew from their state of confusion, and the voice was too familiar, and they often dealt with each other.

Meishen panicked: "This hand is Ye Ritian, no wonder he wants to take Portland, damn it, why does he know everything here?" "

The secret was exposed, what is going on, why does the enemy know about the situation here?

The moon god said angrily, "Ye Ritian, how did you find here?"

He didn't expect that the other party's ability was actually strong to this extent, Ye Ritian was recognized in the main universe, and he actually stretched his hand into the realm of God from such a distance, but there were endless layers of time and space barriers on the way, and the defense was thicker and stronger, even the ancient day of destruction could not do this step, and the enemy was inevitably a little outrageously strong.

Ye Ritian stood on the immortal ship, his voice came out through the void crack, and said lightly: "Portland, nothing surprised, this is not a secret, many traversers know, don't make a fuss!"

Portland, who was squeezed in his hand, was shocked: "So many people actually know about me? Traverser? What is this vocabulary? Even smart as I can't see through the depth of this! "

This is him... The hand? I didn't see the man, the Kryptonian who killed my art.

Portland looked shocked, and glanced at the four dull fool gods next to him, this is the powerful superman Ye Ritian who fought against them, right? What the hell, Superman is Superman, why add silver, I still have a bronze Superman!

The wise god was at a loss at this time, and screamed in a lost voice: "Why, why would Ye Ritian know this unknown history, obviously we covered up the traces of the existence of scientists, why would he know so much?" "

She can't figure it out, what the hell is that crosser word, don't understand, she doesn't understand."

Meishen had a mental breakdown: "Traverser? What kind of existence is this, Ye Ritian said that the crossers know what all this is about, Portland is a madman who we have tried our best to cover up and bury, why is it known by this group of crossers? ?

The moon god was shocked by Ye Ritian: "No, this is not true!" How did things turn out like this, Portland was caught by him too!

"That's enough, you guys calm down, there is no other way to let him take Portland, let's make a move!" Rao snorted coldly.

Finally, the other three people woke up from their insanity, and looked up in fear: "Yes, there is no way to do anything now, but we haven't lost yet, and we still have hope of turning over if we keep Portland!" "

Although they wonder why they always feel strange Ye Ritian, it feels like... The appearance of a sudden weakening of strength!

Rao said coldly: "Don't fight closely, that Ye Ritian must have had an irreversible unknown injury when fusing the Ancient Day of Destruction, so his strength has declined, but he is still far stronger than us, we can't take the enemy lightly, and use the long-range attack to heat the line of sight together!" "Good


The moon god, the god of beauty, and the god of wisdom nodded, and then the eyes of the four people turned red, the energy under their eyes was rapidly converging, and an amazing ray burst out, and terrifying beams of light shot out from under their eyes, attacking Ye Ritian's giant hand in unison.

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