I, The Occult Painter, Draw The Truth

Chapter 78

078: Face Full Of Teeth! “Dream Manipulator”!

Nurse Xiaoli’s face was as pale as paper!

It was like the blood in the body was drawn out in an instant.

The colleague named Ayan was still approaching her.

Walking backwards, the posture is a little weird.

If she sees someone walking backwards in normal times, on the street, or in other places, nurse Xiaoli will not think there is any problem.

Because, it turns out, walking backwards even helps your health!

But it’s different now!

Now it’s in the hospital, in the First People’s Hospital!

Just today, during the day, she learned about the terrifying hospital rumor of “returning people”!

As a result, at this moment, in the middle of the night, she actually met the “reversed person”!

This is literally killing Nurse Lily!

Her lips were trembling, and the things she was holding were scattered on the ground.

“Ayan…don’t scare me, Ayan…”

Nurse Xiaoli began to tremble, but Ayan still ignored her, just kept approaching backwards.

The atmosphere is getting more and more solidified!

It’s almost impossible to breathe normally!

What makes Nurse Xiaoli even more uncomfortable is that there is no one around here…

If there is one, that’s fine too…

“Whether to go…how to go…”

“Do you really have to do what the ‘Falling Man’ tale says…”

“What to do…what to do…she is about to come over…what to do…”

Nurse Xiaoli began to tremble all over.

time does not wait.

Seeing Ayan getting closer, nurse Xiaoli finally couldn’t hold back!

In the end, she chose to listen to the whims!

She swallowed saliva.

Get ready to take steps, step back…

It is said in the strange talk that when encountering “people who go backwards”, they must walk backwards, otherwise terrible things will happen.

Of course, God knows if the “reversed” rant is just nonsense at all.

It is possible that Ayan is just joking with her now, but she is more serious…

However, nurse Xiao Li didn’t dare to confirm this at all, she didn’t dare to approach Ayan at all now.

Or, let the other person get close to you!

After Nurse Xiaoli made a decision, she was about to start backwards…

But she never thought…

She’s just taking her first steps

Variation happened…

Just when Nurse Lily took her first step!

That moment!

Not far in front of her, Ayan, who was only slowly retreating, suddenly accelerated!

Her limbs are like spiders, extremely flexible and agile!

It only took almost two seconds!

She rushed to the front of nurse Xiaoli!

Turn your back to Nurse Lily!

Head down deeply!

Nurse Lily can see her nurse cap…

“Ayan…you…don’t be like this…please…please…

Nurse Xiaoli collapsed immediately.

Too scared to move.

The set of movements that Ayan just did is almost impossible for humans to complete.

Therefore, the so-called Ayan in front of him is basically a human being or a ghost.

Nurse Xiaoli was completely broken.

Her whole body was stiff, motionless, and in fact unable to move, she almost collapsed to the ground…

Under her gaze…

That Ayan finally slowly returned to her body.

She still kept her head down.

Nurse Xiao Li could hardly breathe, her whole body was paralyzed with fear, and tears kept streaming from her eyes.

Ayan didn’t say a word.

After a few seconds, she slowly raised her head, revealing a terrifying face…

It was a face full of teeth.

Cheeks, foreheads, noses, lips… but where the face is, all are full of teeth.

These teeth squeezed out of the flesh, jagged, crooked, and densely packed.

The only place where there are no teeth is the socket where the two eyes are.

But the eyes are also very abnormal.

The eyes are all white.

Not a hint of black.

The face looks terribly distorted.


If a patient with intensive phobia sees it, he may be driven mad on the spot.

Even if ordinary people see it, maybe they will be directly frightened and fainted by this face!

It is indeed so!

The moment she saw that face, Nurse Xiaoli took a sharp breath, rolled her eyes, was overly frightened on the spot, and passed out!

Nurse Xiaoli fell softly to the ground.

However, although she fainted, the terrifying “A.” Yan in front of her obviously wouldn’t let her go.

I saw “Ayan” bent down…

Aiming the tooth-covered face to Nurse Xiaoli’s face, and then, mercilessly, plunged it in…

The dense teeth, facing the slightly freckled face of nurse Xiaoli, pierced into the flesh and went straight to the end!

The blood flows directly out.

Nurse Xiaoli was awakened by the pain, and let out an extreme scream!

But the screams soon disappeared…

Nurse Xiao Li, who was still struggling, lay on the ground like a corpse…

Countless small blood holes appeared on his face.

“Ayan” stood up and returned to her head bowed appearance, the terrifying teeth on her face disappeared.


“Ayan” wandered far away like a zombie, and finally disappeared.

The nurse Xiao Li was like a corpse, as if she had stopped breathing.

The hallway here is brightly lit.

Blood splattered far away.

Some glaring.

After an unknown amount of time, the corpse-like nurse Xiaoli suddenly twitched…

Then, the dense blood holes on her face suddenly began to squirm, and it seemed that people couldn’t help but feel the scalp tingling!

After wriggling for a few seconds, teeth were squeezed out from the inside of those dense blood holes.

Twisted, jagged, dense teeth, all drilled out and fixed on the face.

This process seems painful.

Nurse Xiaoli has been groaning in a low voice.

Finally, all the teeth are drilled out.

Nurse Lily’s eyes began to change from black and white to white.

After the transformation was completed, she got up, knelt on the ground, and licked all the blood.

Immediately afterwards, she stood up, lowered her head deeply, and wandered into the distance like a zombie just like “Ayan” just now…

Obviously, the strange talk of “returning people” circulating in the First People’s Hospital is true.

Nurse Xiaoli is one of the victims…

And this moment.

In the entire First People’s Hospital, almost everywhere, there are “reversed people” with their heads bowed.


They are human beings during the day, but at night they transform into terrifying stragglers.

In Ward 3, where Chen An was.

Tang Yiyi squatted in front of the hospital bed and looked at the sleeping brother and sister with a little hesitation on her face.

She is very curious about the experiences of Chen An and her sisters.

Because she really wanted to know what happened to the little girl to become so sensitive to her brother’s departure.

The room was quiet.

Tang Yiyi watched the two brothers and sisters for a long time, and finally made up her mind,

“Try it, just be careful, don’t wake them up…”

Tang Yiyi murmured in her heart.

She looked back and saw that there was no one outside the door.

Then, Tang Yiyi stood up and looked at the sleeping little girl.

She’s ready to use her special abilities…

Yes, Tang Yiyi is not an ordinary hospital nurse.

Her other identity is actually a hidden special ability!

She is not affiliated with any organization.

Only serve individuals.

Her ability is a “dream controller”, able to perceive a person’s spirit and enter the other person’s dream world…

Not only that, if Tang Yiyi wanted to, she could even guide the target’s dream.

In addition, the “Dream Manipulator” has various other related abilities.

This is a very nice special ability.

Standing beside the hospital bed, Tang Yiyi’s first target chose the little girl Chen Jing.

In fact, the reason why Tang Yiyi decided to use the ability was not just because of curiosity.

More, or because of distress for the little girl Chen Jing.

Tang Yiyi was deeply touched by the sensible appearance of the little angel, so she decided to use her ability to observe the specific reasons for the formation of the little girl’s stress response.

Then, find a way to help her with the ability.

Tang Yiyi has done many similar things.

She has helped many people out of their mental difficulties.

Every time helping others, it is very meaningful to Tang Yiyi.

More than just the satisfaction that comes from helping others.

This behavior is also very helpful to Tang Yiyi’s own ability improvement.

As for whether there will be suspicion of spying on other people’s privacy by doing so, Tang Yiyi has also been troubled by this.

However, she eventually convinced herself.

She was there to help others, and she never told anyone else’s secrets.

She will not spy on irrelevant things, but will only prescribe the right medicine to see the crux of the problem.

Looking at the little girl Chen Jing.

Tang Yiyi’s eyes faintly glowed.

There is a magical amount of spiritual power (Zhao Dezhao) that permeates out.

This force is very soft, covering the whole body of the little girl Chen Jing…

Tang Yiyi is curious in her heart, waiting to enter the little girl’s dream and see what happened to this cute little angel…


This time, the “.treatment” was soon interrupted by a cold dagger!

When Tang Yiyi was about to enter the little girl’s dream, a dagger suddenly appeared out of thin air!

next moment!

Tang Yiyi felt her neck being squeezed fiercely by a big hand, and the scene in front of her changed rapidly!

Soon, everything was back to normal.

She felt like she was being lifted up, and then slammed to the ground again!


Tang Yiyi fell dizzy.

Just when she was confused and had no idea what the current situation was.

Next to her head, a dagger was suddenly nailed.

The dagger penetrated deep into the ground, showing its sharpness.

A man in a white porcelain mask crouched down.

On the white porcelain mask is a smiling expression, and an unknown liquid flows outward from the eyes and mouth.

A low, hoarse voice sounded from the man’s mouth:

“What do you want to do to the little master?”

“You only have ten seconds. 99


Gentlemen, sincerely ask!

Has the little author broken down…

Bleeding directly in the background….

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