I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 99: 1 vs 1 Showdown (5)

1 vs 1 Showdown (5)

“Ah… I must win first place like this.”

Honestly, I had this idea that losing to Nam Daeun in the grand final might be the right move. Winning and getting into her route now would just make things way too complicated. It’s still uncertain to challenge the Buyers Guild, which holds Nam Daeun’s weaknesses.

Sure, if I pull out all the stops with my connections, it might be doable, but do I really need to? Anyway, in about six months, my position is bound to get even stronger, and my abilities will keep on growing. Dealing with that might be much easier. However, the prospect of increasing all the heroines’ affection points by 1…

“It’s pretty significant.”

Right now, I’ve got a total of 8 heroines: Lucy, Lumi, Nam Daeun, Alice, Moon Soorin, Im Sol, Liliana, and Baek Ahyeong.

It’s a quest that could earn me a massive 8-point boost in the heroines’ affection.

“Well, maybe I should just aim for the win.”

Whether it’s the Buyers Guild or whatever else, if I put in the effort, things might just fall into place. Trying it out isn’t such a bad idea…

[Class A Alice and Class A Nam Daeun’s duel is about to begin! Spectators, please take your seats.]

For now, let’s watch the match and contemplate it. On the screen, Alice and Nam Daeun stood face to face in the arena. It seems they’re both ready to go.

[5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Let the match begin!]

As the battle got underway, Nam Daeun closed the distance with Alice as she brandished her sword with agile movements.

Alice probably prefers keeping some distance rather than getting tangled in a close-quarters duel. That’s because she knows she can’t out-sword Nam Daeun. In the end, it’s all about whether Alice can find the right moment to unleash her magic, but Nam Daeun won’t make it easy for her.

Vines emerging from thin air wrapped around Nam Daeun’s arm, obstructing her movements. Nam Daeun quickly cut the vines and lunged at Alice. Alice parried the attack with her sword, drawing a magic circle on the ground. Soon, a column of fire erupted from the floor, prompting Nam Daeun to leap back and widen the gap.

“They’re on a different level, undoubtedly outshining the other students.”

The two continued their fierce exchange of blows. At first glance, it might have appeared even, but in my perspective, this was still Alice’s impending defeat. This was primarily due to her innate congenital mana deficiency, which was bound to become her limiting factor.

Silence hung in the air as Alice pressed on in the battle. Her mana, previously charged through the manastones, had been depleted. Subsequently, Alice shifted to a more passive fighting style. She attempted to parry the incoming attacks and search for openings, but Nam Daeun remained relentless. Instead, she intensified her pace, adding further pressure.


Nam Daeun’s Spatial Domination not only influenced the battlefield but also heightened her reaction time within her dominion. Consequently, as she drew nearer, Alice fell behind, and her frequency of magic usage dwindled, ultimately leading to her defeat. In the end, Alice sustained more injuries, culminating in a significant blow to her chest, and she acknowledged her loss.

[The victor is Class A Nam Daeun!]

Alice lowered her head, her expression revealing hints of frustration. After a momentary shiver, she swiftly composed herself and gracefully left the arena.

“It’s unlikely to work until her innate mana deficiency is resolved.”

Naturally, I know the path to remedy Alice’s innate mana deficiency. It’s the crux of the Alice route—the clash with her sister, Irine, and the treatment of her mana deficiency. Accomplishing these two tasks will nearly conclude Alice’s conquest.

The timing for conquering Alice parallels Nam Daeun’s. A villain capable of curing the mana deficiency emerges in the latter part of the game, rendering a perfect conquest unattainable until then. While it was a source of frustration in the game, I find it more agreeable this way. Drawing closer to a heroine I can’t yet conquer only complicates matters and adds to the challenges.

For some reason, Alice’s sudden surge in affection points leaves me a bit flustered. I’d prefer to maintain this status until the conquest route becomes available.

[The eagerly awaited Victoria Academy 1st-year 1v1 duels. Only the finals remain: Class A Lee Hoyeon versus Class A Nam Daeun in the big match! Following a brief break for the players to check their conditions, the match will commence!]

The semifinals have concluded, and there’s about an hour of break time.

“Now, what’s next…?” I decided to step out of the waiting room for some fresh air. Staying cooped up in there was becoming stifling.

Currently, only Nam Daeun and I were occupying the main event participants’ waiting room. The other rooms lacked name tags and remained vacant. In a serene hallway, a vending machine, seemingly untouched, stood alone.

Perhaps I should head to the spectator seats. Kim Younghan, Lucy, and Lumi might be there.

I descended from the floor with the waiting room to reach the spectator seats.

“Hello?” Suddenly, someone approached me, breaking the silence.

“Uh, hi… That was quite a match.”

“You watched it? Thanks. I lost, though.” Alice smiled graciously as she spoke.

The fact that she initiated the conversation to this extent left me wondering why she had suddenly become so kind.

★ Heroine Status Window


[Affection: 62]

[Lust: 25]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 20]

Current Status: I should probably consult with the Saint as well.

Consult…? What kind of consultation is she talking about? And why is she thinking that while looking at me? I’ll have to ask Baek Ahyeong about this later.

“Where are you going now?” Alice asked first.

“Just planning to head to the spectator seats and see the others.”

“You better not. The reporters are swarming the place; it’s a mess.”

“Oh… Then I’ll go later.”

Getting caught by reporters and making a mistake can lead to big trouble.

“Good luck in the grand final. But don’t overdo it.”

“Thanks. Take care of yourself too.” Alice waved her hand gently and disappeared.

While it’s refreshing to see her being kind, I do find myself missing her previous air of aloofness. Nevertheless, with her mention of reporters filling the spectator seats, I’ve decided to make my way back to the waiting room for a meditation session. I retraced my previous steps.

As I was walking to the waiting room, I found someone standing in front of the vending machine in the hallway.

“What’s going on here?” Seeing Nam Daeun from the corner of my eye, I instinctively hid behind the wall. She was staring intently at the vending machine, hesitating.

★ Heroine Status Window

[Nam Daeun]

[Affection: 31]

[Lust: 20]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 33]

Current Status: I want sweet mint chocolate, but… If I buy it, I’ll have to walk to meet Dahee…

Thanks to acting good in the store yesterday, her affection has increased from 11 to 31. What’s “sweet mint chocolate” though? Oh, well. Let’s approach her for now.


“Hello…” Nam Daeun blinked as she suddenly noticed me.

Well, we’re soon going to face each other in a fight, so isn’t pretending to be friendly a bit strange?

I casually placed my smartwatch on the payment tab.

[Please select your drink]

Among the drinks, there was something called sweet mint chocolate. I moved my finger toward the banana milk but pretended it slipped and accidentally pressed the sweet mint chocolate.



“Oh, I pressed the wrong one.”


I selected the banana milk again and, looking embarrassed, said, “What should I do with this? I don’t drink this mint chocolate. Do you want it?”

Even to me, it looked like a flawless performance.

“Huh…?” Nam Daeun, suddenly confronted with my question, seemed unsure.

“I don’t drink this. I accidentally picked it.”

“If… you say so, I’ll gladly have it.” Nam Daeun accepted the mint chocolate, her face turning slightly red.

Why is she blushing?

★ Heroine Status Window

[Nam Daeun]

[Affection: 31]

[Lust: 20]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 33]

Current Status: Did I make it too obvious that I wanted to pick this…? And did he just pretend and press the wrong one?

How did she know?! My acting was perfect… She’s definitely quick on the uptake.

“I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. I just wanted to get it for you, without any ulterior motives.”

If the act were to be uncovered, an apology would be necessary, just in case she interpreted my gesture as sympathy.

“No problem. I’ll take it.” Fortunately, she didn’t seem to be bothered. “I need to head back to the waiting room. See you later.”

Nam Daeun concluded the conversation and started to leave. However, I felt somewhat unsatisfied. Considering the impending grand final and her increased affection, it felt like a good opportunity for further conversation. Such chances don’t come around often.

“Nam Daeun.”


In the end, I halted her, who was about to enter the waiting room.

“Since we have some time before our duel, would you like to chat?”

She might not agree, but it’s worth a try.

“Sure… Then come to my waiting room.”

Oh? She agreed?

Nam Daeun entered her waiting room first, and I followed suit. Naturally, her waiting room had the same layout as mine.



But what should I say?

“Uh, I watched your match with Alice. Good work.”

“Thanks. You did well too.”


What was Nam Daeun’s hobby again? Housework? Shopping for items on sale? I can’t bring up such topics right now.

Ping! Nam Daeun’s smartwatch rang, indicating she received a message. Is she uncomfortable with my presence? Perhaps it’s time for her to talk to her sister.

“If it’s urgent, I’ll just go. We’ll talk later.”

“Hoyeon, do you… want to win first place?”

I was about to leave the waiting room to make her feel comfortable, but Nam Daeun’s words stopped me. She called my name for the first time. It seemed important.

“Well… yes. It would be nice to win first place.”

I couldn’t refuse here. It would make things even more awkward until the grand final.

“I’ve never shown anyone, but…”

Nam Daeun suddenly started a video call on her smartwatch.


[Big Sis!]

I silenced myself at the exuberant voice of her younger sister coming through the smartwatch. I sat beside Nam Daeun, but I remained out of view on the screen. Though there was nothing inherently wrong with being here, there was an underlying feeling that maybe I shouldn’t have been.

“Did you do well?”

[Yeah, yeah! Big Sis, I watched the semifinal video! You were amazing!]

“You’ve already seen it?”

Nam Daeun continued her conversation with her younger sister for over ten minutes, with most of her attention diverted from me.

[Sis, look! I drew a scene where you win the final!]

“Hehe… That’s adorable. Is the guy lying down there supposed to be my opponent?”

[Yep! The handsome boy. But he’s no match for you, sis!]


The girl, drawn with slightly skewed lines, was celebrating, while the guy lay there with Xs for eyes.

Is that meant to be me?

Nam Daeun’s conversation with her sister continued for more than ten minutes.

“I should get going now. Let’s catch up after the final.”

[Sure, you’ve got to win, okay? I love you, sis!]

“I love you too, Dahee.”

Nam Daeun concluded the call, briefly closed her eyes, and then directed her gaze at me.

“She’s my younger sister. I have to win this practical exam to support her medical expenses. That’s why I need to secure first place.”

“I understand…”

“Also, I’m sorry for not being cooperative in our team. Just… sorry.”

Could it be that she’s beginning to open up about her true feelings? Perhaps my careful image management has yielded some positive results. She hasn’t revealed everything, of course, but it’s a significant step forward.

“Anyway… Please don’t hold it against me if I win first place.”

Has she perhaps reached her limits already?

People’s emotions can be intricate. Small triggers can lead to significant changes. Like the flutter of a butterfly’s wings causing a massive typhoon, something might have happened to Nam Daeun.

Ugh, what should I say? I don’t want to give an odd response and make things awkward.

Knock, knock, knock. Just then, as if to quell my inner turmoil, there was a knocking sound.

“Nam Daeun, it’s time for the final medical check.”

“Yes, come in.”



“Hello, Nurse Ahyeong.” Baek Ahyeong, upon seeing me in Nam Daeun’s waiting room, appeared surprised, her pupils dilating.

“O-Oh, you’re here too, Hoyeon.”

★ Heroine Status Window

[Baek Ahyeong]

[Affection: 87] (+0.4)

[Lust: 73]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 35]

Current Status: I was going to finish quickly and come find him… Why is he here?

So, she was looking for me again. Is it to compensate for earlier because Im Sol interrupted us?

“Nurse Ahyeong, for the medical check, can’t we just do it together here?”

“Um… doing it separately would be… better.”

Baek Ahyeong was making a face that suggested, “This isn’t how it should be.”

Hmm… I should stop teasing her, especially since Nam Daeun is watching.

“I was just joking. I’ll wait in the waiting room then.”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll finish this quickly and come.”

I was hoping she could control herself just before the grand final. I needed to manage my condition too.

When she comes to my waiting room, I’ll playfully tease her before sending her off.

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