I stopped being a warrior and became the strongest

Chapter 38

What’s that? (2)

“Is that a monster sent by the enemy, too? ’


I thought it was originally a dungeon.

‘It makes sense to have the ability to send other monsters aside from the dungeon… or was it derived from the dungeon? ’

I’ve been thinking endlessly.

He soon stopped thinking.

‘.. there are so many possibilities.’ ’

But one thing’s for sure.

“He must be a monster sent by the enemy as well…”

Definitely would have given me a reputation point.

“A monster of that size with the power to destroy an urban center. ’

I’ve put it on hold with my experience.

If you kill a monster with powerful power, you can earn more Reputation Points.

‘With that size and power, you can definitely earn quite a lot of Reputation Points. If I could catch it, I’d like to catch it…’

Opportunity to earn many Reputation Points.

It wasn’t an easy hit.

There were two big problems.

The first is government control.

‘Earlier in the news, you said you wanted the support of the top Awakeners. ’

Concerned about the spread of monsters after the Awakenings are dead.

Like when you controlled the dungeon entrance.

Low-ranking Awakeners won’t even set foot in there.

‘Well, I think we can work this out with Hannah.’

The biggest problem was the second problem.

How do we catch that thing? ’

A scratch on the head.

Soon, he shrugs.

‘It’s a way to find out for sure. ’

Even if there’s no way to do it right now.

If you knock, the door will always be opened.

Well, let’s put the new creature on hold for a second.

Gaze at the news with a fluttering message.

‘Will I be rewarded first? ’

He used to reach out his fingers.


Inside the dungeon, which is filled with tranquil light, is captured by Jooju’s vision.

The tunnel was wider than ever.

It seemed that Akma had done the expansion.


The ground is crawling with scrap metal and unknown junk.

You can see Archma working in between.

Dental work


Every time his fingers wiggle in magic.

The whole body armor in front of him was engraved with strange shapes.

“Mmmm… Tang Khan! ”

When you get stuck in traffic.

Archma stops her teasing fingers and raises her arms and shouts Tang Khan.

How long has it been?


Akmar finally stops flirting his fingers.

“Master! You’re all set! ”

On his call, a ghost, Deadon, penetrated the ground and entered the dungeon.

[This is…]

His eyes twist when he sees his student’s work.

It was like full-body armor made to fit the human body.

Strangely, there was a small, rounded groove near the chest.

[I thought you were making a small golem… This is a pretty… unusual invention.]

“I’ve reinterpreted the golem you mentioned before. ”

[You drew a magic circle inside.]

From what Dedon said, looking inside the armor,

Akma nods, smiling brightly.

“A flying sorcerer on foot, a defensive sorcerer on the chest.”

Archma confidently describes her invention.

Deadon gladly looks at his disciple.

‘When I heard the golem’s recipe, my eyes lit up… I didn’t think I’d invented something like this…’

When I postponed it with magic jewels painted on the inside of my armor.

Are you trying to wear it?]

“Yes. I tried the golem’s hard cover, and I thought I’d put some magic on it. What do you think, Master? ”

[That’s amazing.]

In awe of his master, Akmar scratches his back to make sure he’s shy.

“If you hadn’t told me about the golem, I wouldn’t have even thought about trying. ”

[I just gave him some knowledge.]

Deadon meant it.

It was he who provided the knowledge and inspiration of the ‘golem making method’.

Without Archma’s creativity and magic engineering,

The results could not have come out.

[But if you’re worried, I think there are too many magicians in the armor.]

Magical power is required to use the sorcerers.

Moreover, there were many magical factions engraved inside the armor.

It was natural for Deadon to worry.

“The teacher is right. There are limits to the magic I have. So if I put this auxiliary magical device in here…”

Push the black melon-shaped object into the small, rounded groove in the vicinity of the chest, with only the tip white.

Woong Woong

The bright light that flowed out of the round groove,

It spreads around the armor like blood in a vein.

Soon I faded.

“It’s only complete. ”

[Why did I make pure white again? I never thought I’d apply the concept of “Manacle” to a pure white.]

Dedon puts his tongue to the creativity of his disciples.

In admiration of Dedon, Akma is ashamed but quickly continues to talk.

“I think it’s better to describe it as crude than pure. ”

The method of production was similar to the pure white process.

The piece that was at the heart of pure white production is missing.

“ · · · ”

Maybe that’s why.

Archma staring into the air at some point.

“Tang Khan!”

He suddenly raises his arms and shouts.

[· · ·]

He shakes his head and points to magical armor flowing.

[Now that you’re ready, we should try an experiment.]


Archma answers vigorously.

He slowly turned towards the front of the magic armor.

In a few minutes.



Ricochet pours from Akma’s mouth, which pierces the roof of the shack and soars into the air.

“Master, flying magic doesn’t feel like flying. ”

He replies a little to the disciple’s words.

[It looks like you’ve succeeded in crafting, but there must be something you can improve. Priority should be identified.]


Achma complied with the advice of Dedon from his experience.


They shoot magic out of their hands or they soar through the air.

Archma to check if Magic Consumption and Wizards are working properly.



Archma suddenly leans over the sky.


The magic that flowed from the armor he was wearing fades.

[The magical power is unstable, considering the core of the magical armor is not pure white. First, come down with your magical powers!]

He shouted, watching his disciple.

According to Dedon, Akma used my magic to rest on the ground safely.

And that moment.


There were cracks in the magic armor.

Immediately shattered and scattered to the ground.

“ · · · ”

Archma once again tastes the broken armor.

But it didn’t come from disappointment.

“It’s still a test phase, so using it for a long time doesn’t seem to be able to withstand the overload of magical power. ”

Deadon opens his mouth with a light smile, looking for improvements in his magic armor and seeing his pupil who has been blinded.

[Armor that can withstand magic, and if it complements an unstable core…]

“Ah! ”

I wonder if he realized something.

Archma, who had collected the fragments, ran to the shack.


Deadon glances at Akma’s back.

Slowly return to the shack.


To the back of Deadon.

Suddenly, JooJoon realized that his gaze returned to the room.

Reclaims the Warrior Archma’s Quarterly Achievement.

Archma the Warrior crafted the Magic Armor ‘Dea: Test Stage’.

Outside Achievements: Knowledge and experience of ‘Mentor’ Deadon has led to many changes in Akma’s creativity.

As a reward, you got Magic Armor Dea: Test Stage.


Black armor fell from the air.

“ · · · ”

Lead a slow look at ‘Dea: Test Phase’.

‘This is more like magic armor… I think you should call it a suit. ’

In the world of Akma, they may call it magic armor.

Here, the expression Sutra fits better.

Dea: Test Phase

Description: Equipment crafted by Archmage, a magician. But it looks incomplete somewhere.

Ability: Ability to fly.

Allows magic to be released from your hands.

Increases physical & magical defense power.

Restrictions: However, magic can only contain the limit that magic armor can accommodate.


His eyes widen as he examines the black suit.

‘The ability to fly is like what Akma used before, and the ability to emit magic is a concept similar to the gun Haina gave me. And there’s physics, there’s magic defense. ’

Defenses, attacks, and the chance of escaping by flight.

Even if it is called the best equipment, it doesn’t have any color.

But, um…

‘The suit was broken last time. ’

Maybe it was because it was a test phase.

Some regrets remain.

I’m afraid I’ll only have to use it once.

Joon smiles.

Testing phase.

When does this mean that Akma will be making a full-fledged suit?

‘Study well with Deadon and make a good suit. ’

Dha: A guide that puts the test phase into space.


“ · · · ”

His eyes, scrubbing Detos’ head, are watching the news on TV.

‘Now I’ll have to prepare myself…’

The next day.


The target holding two guns exhales.

Acid smoke pierced my nose in the burning city.


Only the screams of someone who has not yet evacuated ring and soon fade away.

It was good to be here.

It wasn’t hard to get to the battle where the giant monsters appeared.

Of course, the government was under control around the war.

The fame of the Iron Wall Clan makes it easy to get through.

‘I just didn’t expect to fall off with the Iron Wall Clan so soon. ’

He turns his eyes to look at the giant firecracker.

He moved to avoid the arm he was swinging.

I didn’t think it would be a good way to spread out.


While looking into the situation for a moment, JooJoon suddenly aims his gun in front of him.


There were big fireballs on the road.

He is roaming the road like a living creature.

‘I can’t believe I didn’t see the debris coming out. ’

A fragment of a monster that resembles a pillar of fire.

It was the identity of the fireballs.

‘Cause once they’re dealt with, that’s the center of it. ’

You’ll be able to see the monster that resembles the pillar of fire more closely.

Chop chop.

“Summon the Dead.”

At the end of Tuju’s little recitation.

Black energy seeped into the gun.


Skeleton-shaped bullets shoot out of the opening.


The bullet hit the center of the torso exactly.


Starting with the penetrated area, Black Energy spread.

Immediately submerges the fireball.

“ · · · ”

The lump of fire that turned like charcoal soon became smaller.

It faded from its place.

‘I didn’t think the summoning of the dead would turn out like this. ’

Luin & Karl’s ability as a comprehensive reward for Haina.

The ability to fire a gun with the magic you want to use.

Who knew the summoning of the dead would take effect?

‘Of course, I shouldn’t have left. ’


That is, the bullets he is firing are his magic.

There were some skeletons you could summon soon.

The indiscretion had to be contained.

“ · · · ”

Soon, he took care of all the fireballs in front of him.

“Follow me.”

When his orders come through.


Dozens of skeletons, black skeletons.

A headless knight chases after him, striking a ball of fire with a thick sword.

“ · · · ”

The landscape that dealt with the fireballs and cleared the way.

You do not go straight to the monster that resembles the pillar of fire.

‘Now the question is, how do we catch him?’

Keep a distance from the fire column.

Helping to hide behind the rubble of the building and examine the fire column.


“Grandpa! Don’t attack! Fragments are sticking out!”

The urgent voice of reason rang in his ears.


Beneath the pillar of fire starts Reasonable Archaeologists, Turtles, etc.

The top rankers are attacking the fire column.

“Then what do you want me to do? If I let it go, it’ll all burn. ”

“Keep hitting and it won’t work! How long will it take?! ”

“We’re almost there! Frost Storm!”

When Kim Do-hyung’s voice “The Great Sage” ended,


The legs of the pillar of fire start to freeze.



“What is that? Frozen and melted?”

“Then it’s ice and it won’t melt! What about the body?”

“I don’t know! He’s going to give me a weapon… damn it. Charge! I said do whatever you want! What are you doing looking for someone who’s not there? Knights!”

The knights of the light of reason organize the fireballs in an instant.

“There will be no end to this. ”

“Archaeologist magic is the only thing that works.”

“Rankers don’t work with firepower…”

A pitch that happened on the spot some time ago.

Reasonably distant from the pillar of fire and immersed in thought.

‘I didn’t think rankers would bother…’

“Here’s a fireball monster! Help us!”

The sound of the Awakened resounded in his ears.

I keep thinking about it.

‘But if you keep attacking rankers, you’ll be able to catch them. ’

But that’s not what he wants.

‘If rankers catch them, they won’t earn Reputation Points. ’

But how is he going to catch a monster that rankers are struggling with?

“Feeding Detos’ breasts… no. The last time I tried to stop it, I thought I was picking on it for a while.

The number of Bresses that Detos can actually use right now is one.

“I can’t help it if I’m not old enough…”

What if Bress doesn’t even work?

It was… oh, yeah! What if Detos is also Mana Hart? If you combine them…

Make sure there’s no one around.

Help get the black suit out of the subspace.

“Detos, get in here. You’re gonna be the actual nucleus of this suit. Can you do that?”

Point out the small, round groove near the suit’s chest.


He responded forcefully.

You enter an empty socket in the suit and begin to roll around.

And let him take his place.


Black Energy emanates from the center of Detos.

It spread all over the suit in an instant.


Bold bones protrude along the path where the Black Energy flows.


The protruding bones start near the legs of the suit.

It wrapped around the suit’s entire body.

Finally, I created a form.


Leap out the elasticity of the end.

The suit that looked a little short-sighted was nowhere to go.

There is a skeleton armor that radiates with black energy.

‘This… should be the Bone Dragon Suit. ’

“ · · · ”

He slowly reached out to the skull armor.

The moment your fingertips reach the skull armor.


The armor spreads into the air like pieces of a collapsed puzzle.

You covered her body like a puzzle.

Quad Duc

Starting with the legs, the thighs, the abdomen.

Reaching your chest, Dana Hart of Detos is seated.

The thick bones above it are covered.


Soon, a helmet resembling Detos’ skull will cover his head.

“ · · · ”

Slowly open your eyes.

Where Bondi’s eyes were supposed to be, a yellow glow came out.

A black groin rises above the skull armor.

If this is it…

He squeezes his hand out.

‘Cause it’s worth a shot. ’

Smile at the pillar of fire.


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