I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 141

"Crusher go!"


Virah and Bugsy threw out their respective Pokemon's Pokeballs and released a slightly injured Pincer and a perfectly healthy Ghastly.

"Use Scary Face!" Virah restarted the fight with a status move.

"Pincer! Swords Dance!" Bugsy did the same, following up with his own to even out the reduced speed his Pincer is about to get.

A paralyzing Ghost Type Energy shot out of Diox's eyes and entered Crusher's mind, moving past his brain and down to his nervous system, slowing any and all movements, including the dance he was executing in the instant the move took effect.

"Poison Gas!" Virah quickly capitalized on the slower speed, using another move to ensure that even if the Pincer had extra attack, he would be so badly poisoned that even Diox would be able to beat him.

A bit of the gas surrounding Diox's main body got cut off and flew towards the Pincer, its transparent color becoming more purple with each passing second.

It exploded near the Pincer, causing the Bug Type to inhale it and become poisoned, a skull with toxic highlights popped up next to Crusher's health bar up on the screen, indicating that the move had taken its effect.

At the same time, he had finished his dance and a silver gleam enveloped his body, a moment later, it disappeared, the only sign it had used any status move before this was the feral look that appeared on its eyes.

"Astonish!" Virah called, hoping for a flinch, she can attempt another Scary Face and slow the Pincer down some more but that wouldn't work, not when her opponent is now capable of moving again.

Fearing for a Rockslide but unafraid of melee attacks due to the Pincer's already slowed movements becoming sluggish thanks to Scary Face, Virah watched on with confidence as her Ghastly attacked the Pincer, it turned transparent, the its silhouette passed through the attacking Pincer, making it step back.

"Again!" Virah called out.

"Feint Attack, hit it Crushed!" Bugsy encouraged.

The exchange happened for a second time, with Crusher warily watching out for the offending Ghost Type with suspicious eyes and a glare at the direction of, to him and his basic sense of sight, a ball of gas.

The Ghastly was behind him however and the Ghost Type phased through him and successfully used Astonish before disappearing into invisibility once more.

"Astonish! Virah eyed the health bar of the Pincer on the screen, it was slowly going down, which was good, each second it spent letting the poison tick was less time on its longevity during the fight, and Diox could win right as long as he gets a lucky flinch or if he continues his streak of being unseen.

Down below, her Ghastly phased through a tree and then at his opponent, making the Pincer flinch and for the announcer to call out as such, that, was lucky, and Diox got out of his opponent's vicinity without any risk to his health.

Crusher, meanwhile, began to rampage across the arena, destroying ground, ruining trees, and breaking rocks with his arms, legs, and pincers as he did everything he could to search for the unseen Ghost Type.

It began to run even without the input of Bugsy, so angry that it was that its roars drowned out even the announcer's voice as he ruined the artificially sculpted landscape of the Gym's battleground.

Diox, in reaction to this, could only back away to get away from the Pincer's onslaught, dodging via leaving the vicinity of the Bug Type currently wrecking havoc.

Soon, Rockslides began to get tossed around and Diox was struck, the lowered health bar made Crusher come to his senses and he eyed the spot where Diox suddenly materialized, he narrowed his eyes and with a roar, bolted for the Ghastly.

"Scary Face!" Virah couldn't switch now, that would be considered a foul, and she couldn't tell Diox to use Astonish either, that would be stupid, the Pincer had locked on to him and was now heading straight for him.

Right now, her Ghastly could only run damage control and allow Jet a smooth victory in the following fight.

Diox called on his Ghost Type Energy, his eyes glowing in yellow as he glared at the offending Pincer, he yelled out his name as the move connected, the Pincer's mind got struck with Ghost T.E and everything went dark in the Bug Type's vision.

Crusher continued moving of course, undeterred as he was by the dark. His legs barely slowed to a crawl when the laughter echoed from all around him, his vision may be limited, but he was angry enough to fight whoever that laughter came from, and he instinctually understood that it was the Ghastly who did it.

He only roared when a grinning face emerged from the darkness, coupled by ear piercing laughter.

Then the effect ended and he picked up speed, his Pincers began to glow, his head lowered and with a swing of his neck, he struck the offending Ghastly with Feint Attack and the health of his opponent up in the screen went from green to black in a single instant.

Virah heaved as she recalled her Ghastly, "thanks for your effort, bud," she said with a small smile, she gently rubbed the Pokeball with her fingers, "you did well, Nitro would have an easier time beating Crusher because of you,"

She grabbed her starter's Pokeball and tossed it into the air, releasing a slightly refreshed Beedrill.

Nitro's health got scanned by the gym and the screen shifted, a health bar popped up, one that was slightly worse for wear.

"Nitro! Poison Sting! Keep your distance for as long as you could!" Virah called out, "dodge any oncoming Rockslide by canceling your attack! You can't let it hit you!"

True to Virah's prediction, the enemy Bug Type was ordered to use Rockslide and crusher happily obliged, slamming his foot down on the ground and tossing pieces of stone high into the air that he batted with a pair of pincers infused with Rock T.E, turning the pebbles into giant boulders that rained down on Nitro.

Nitro dodged all of the raining rocks with ease, moving past the boulders without much difficulty before using Poison Sting and hitting Crusher with it.

"Fury Attack!" Virah called.

"Rockslide." Bugsy sighed, he had given up, with his Pincer now slowed down and poisoned, the fight was already set, he watched in resignation as the opposing Beedrill dodged the thrown rocks with ease and headed for his Pokemon.

Crusher couldn't even react to the five consecutive hits that Nitro struck his body with, effectively depleting his health and finishing the fight.

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