I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 132

Virah closed the door behind her without looking back. She walked over to her bed and sat down with a sigh, she didn't want to lay down yet, she was too mentally exhausted for sleep right now.

Instead, she stared outside her window, at the wall of the building next to the Inn, it was a dull view but a simple distraction was better than stewing in her thoughts.

Virah didn't know what she expected when Janine told her that she would tell Virah everything she knew about Team Rocket but Pokemon poaching, drug smuggling, destroying businesses and prostitution rings weren't in that list.

'No, no, they were,' Virah corrected herself, 'I just didn't want to face reality until it slapped me in the face,'

And now that it has, Virah hoped to go back to the way she were before meeting Janine, or maybe she could go back to when Whitney offered to become vigilantes to their friend group, and when she does, she'd slap the living daylight out of her past self for even considering such a stupid decision.

'The world is dark,' Ironically, as Virah thought of that, a lamp by the street illuminated the wall she was looking at.

And that was a reminder wasn't it? Of how much time she spent with Janine, time that was literally taken up by paragraphs after paragraphs of information about Team Rocket and their operations, where their bases are, the plantations, and so much more.

Janine knew a lot and Virah was shocked that the ninja had that much, why she didn't do anything with them was because of a simple reason: it'll be chaos, and she's only one woman, she can't attack Team Rocket all at once and wipe every base she knows from the map.

"I just didn't want to use it, there's no point," the image of Janine in Virah's mind leaned back, a serious feel in her eyes, "and it's guaranteed that if I was pre occupied with one hide out, rocket would have evacuated the rest, their boss is that paranoid,"

Janine then looked at her with the most serious, no kidding look Virah had ever seen from someone and added, "it's also possible that their boss has connections to the Pokemon Leagues of both regions,"

Virah had argued back then that there's no way that the Elite Fours, all eight of them, and the two champions would tolerate someone so evil but then a bomb had been dropped on her.

"Hahahaha!" Virah was still able to recall Janine's cackle in vivid detail.

"The league doesn't just consist of champions and the elite four, there are staff that take care of maintenance, cleaning, and the Pokenet, there's also the businessmen that hosts and sponsor the circuit, then there's the people who help the champion manage the region, people who monitor trainer I.Ds, their win to loss ratio, and everything they do during the circuit, event the rangers,"

"… It goes all the way down," Virah muttered to herself, she never knew that governments were that complex, and a part of her hated herself for not being aware.

After doing her own research on the matter, she realized that everything that goes on in cities, the wild, the rangers, the police, the gyms, the everything, all around her, from the most basic to the most complex, all of that is being managed by the leagues.

Even an Alakazam would get stumped when they have to deal with such a thing alone, so of course staff would be needed.

And the leader of Team Rocket somehow also has access to said staff, which is very worrisome. Very. Very worrisome.

She needed to be careful about what she says or do in front of Jennies from now on, she already was, but with how much actually goes on in the background, she'll make sure to be extra cautious.

Virah opened her notebook and sighed, there was so much that Janine told her about that she could not realistically keep up with any of it, all the locations of rocket bases was one thing, their plantations was another while their labs was a nest of Weedles she wouldn't dare open.

Well, she would have to, starting with;

Azalea: Lab and Plantation- produces Slowpoke Tails, low quality ones are sold, high quality ones are fed to subjects to test out their psychic might.

Janine, like all the things that she told her about, wasn't sure if testing out psychic might is the researcher's main goal in feeding people Slowpoke tails, however she did confirm that they were doing so in order to find something.

And that was a curious thing to her because Virah wasn't sure what could a researcher could get from Slowpoke tail ingestion.

'They're also obviously observing the people they sell tails to,' anyone with a brain could see that's the case, so is that where Virah should start? Make her own observations on those who eat the tails and see what she concludes?

She felt that it was a sound idea and immediately decided to do just that.

She threw on her ninja gear and jumped out her window, from there, it was a simple scaling of the walls, she grabbed the edge of a window and pushed her feet against the concrete before hopping upwards.

It was a curious thing, balancing herself on such a small platform, but Janine said she could do it with her eyes closed and that a proper ninja should be able to do this much.

With her aura enhancing her physique, Virah jumped from the window and towards the wall to her left, she kept herself from plummeting to the ground by clinging to the wall using aura because the speed of her run alone wasn't enough.

Her eyes were focused on the rooftop on the other side of the street, it was a traditional building, with slanted roofs made of stacked bricks and a pointed tip.

Virah flared her Aura and went higher, then she jumped.

With her height, her form was out of the street lights and under the cover of darkness, even with the itching feel her aura gave people, no one would notice her presence.

She landed with a hup and winced when she made noise from doing so.

Before anyone in the building could get suspicious, Virah hopped away and made her way across Azalea Town, she had already mapped out the typical hotspots that rocket sold tails to and took her less than an hour to stop in front of a herbal shop that was not connected to the peddlers.

Because if she was going to do research through careful observation, she might as well add the influence of herbs on the effects of eating Slowpoke tails into the mix.

Virah perched on a nearby roof, signaled Jet to go near, and then waited.

Time passed in silence as the dark shadows etched on the windows moved about, it was like watching a show, one that had criminal elements and the slice of life genre mixed with the family of a romcom.

Virah wrote down any and all conversations that happened inside the building with careful scrutiny and Jet happily provided her with the transcript.

'So the family uses the herbs to make their high more powerful huh?' Virah narrowed her eyes, "do you know what kind of herbs those are Jet?"

"Zubat!" Jet happily answered.

"Psychic Poppies? Not seeds?" Virah tilted her head when Jet replied in disagreement.

The flowers, as far as she knew, weren't powerful psychic components and it was the seed that was commonly used to make psychic related stuff, it's also used as a powerful hallucinogen by Pokemon Centers and hospitals because of that exact same reason.

So color her surprised when it was not the seeds that the family inside used alongside the tails, but the flowers. Crushed, if Jet's smell was accurate, which it was.

"Strange…" Virah murmured.

She observed the family as they began their daily dose of psychic high and once it was confirmed that none of them are awake, Virah jumped to the roof of the shop, making sure to increase her aura output as she did so.

The family shouldn't be able to sense her given the high they were on so it should be fine if she snooped around inside their shop for a bit…

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