I Sting (Pokemon Poison Type Specialist)

Chapter 122

For all the quaintness that Azalea Town had during the morning, the streets were comparable to that of Goldenrod:s during the night.

Virah couldn't help but sink herself into the atmosphere of the town as she watched over the streets from her vantage point up on the rooftops.

Perched over the edge of a slanted roof, she observed the comings and going of both trainers and Pokemon.

Her eyes went from man to woman, species to species, all without discrimination when it came to her judgement, they were all potential suspects in her eyes, possible opponents she would need to fight in the near future.

Virah looked up.

Here in the suburbs, a Zubat flying back and forth across the sky wasn't such a strange sight, and it allowed Jet go everywhere without raising suspicion.

So far, he has found nothing and thus has strayed far from where his trainer is but Virah was hoping that he'd give her the signal soon because she felt that Azalea Town was hiding something under the surface.

The poison specialist didn't wish for the town to hide secrets, dangerous ones even, but she genuinely had an inkling that something was wrong with the place.

She jumped away and started moving once more, with the darkness of the night covering her, she could be as swift as she needed without getting spotted.

Her speeds allowed her to traverse the relatively small town, with her patrols going in wide circles that encompassed every inch of Azalea.

Virah would also occasionally stop would stop to observe the streets for a few minutes before moving to a different spot to do the same thing, she repeated this until she found something that was actually suspicious.

"Oh?.." Virah said under her breath as she watched a man leave a building that, as far as she was aware, didn't have anyone enter or exit it for a few hours now.

The building wasn't an inn either, it was a simple shop that sold herbs and spices, so the chances of anyone coming and going was already quite low.

Silently, she moved along the shadows while tailing the man and eventually found him entering a noodle shop, it made sense since he was carrying a box full of what most people would assume were spices but again, Virah never saw him enter the building he got that box from.

The man entered the pathway on the side of the building and made his way over to its backyard, Virah followed along, jumping from a rooftop and towards a tree when she realized she had no more ground left.

She perched on top of a tree, watching, listening, as the man interacted with what she assumed was the owner of the noodle shop.

The owner was an aged man, with a wrinkled face and loose skin, the robe he was wearing was traditional, and looked to be as old as the person wearing it.

Virah narrowed her eyes when she saw the two enter the building, effectively hiding from her.

She clicked her tongue and flared her Aura, signaling Jet to come near her.

When the Zubat arrived, she asked him to listen in on the conversation of the two people she targeted and as he conveyed the words they passed to her, Virah smiled.

"I knew it," she said, elated.

Sure, she shouldn't be happy that Azalea Town had dangerous secrets but that wasn't the case was it? It was closer to her feeling happy that her hunch of danger had been right, and it's not like the secret suddenly popped up it was always there, she just so happen to have discovered it.

And by Ho oh what a secret it was…

Slowpoke tails were, in here opinion, not a loss to the Pokemon itself whenever harvested but the fact is, they were still illegal to sell.

Why? Because they were some type of psychic narcotic, that was what she learned during her research on illegal substances that were commonly sold across Kanto and Johto.

And Slowpoke tails were quite potent as well, they had to be if the Slowpoke wanted to properly incapacitate the Shellder biting down on its tail after it evolved.

Virah told Jet to listen in some more but unfortunately found nothing beyond the fact that most of the items inside of the box were actual herbs.

As the man left and she started following him again, Virah silently debated if she wanted to call the police and tell them about what's happening inside the noodle shop or if she should gather more information first.

She decided that the latter was the better option and thus, she didn't bother to attack the herb store in this particular night.

She would, however, keep a close eye on both buildings for anything suspicious.

When all was said and done, Virah retreated to the Inn her friends were staying in.

As she settled in her bed for the night, Virah felt fortunate that she managed to find something so vital, sure, it took her three hours of patrolling to even discover it but honestly? Three hours sounded better than a week.

And with what she learned tonight, she was able to realize that her next stop would be the Slowpoke Well.

'They would definitely get suspicious if they saw me,' Virah considered as she closed her notebook, 'I should send Jet in first…'

She yawned, that was a good idea, but she should also tell her Pokemon to watch out for specific things, just what they were was beyond her at the moment, thus Virah left the task to be finished tomorrow.

When she woke up, the first thing she did was check the time.

Virah fell back down to her pillow with a sigh, "four hours," she murmured, wondering if she should go back sleeping, "it's only 5 o clock,"

That last sentence sounded like she was convincing herself that it was fine for her to continue sleeping.

She hummed, "first, the notes,"

Getting up, Virah finished writing down the things she wanted Jet to specifically find under the well.

Things such as signs of human influence, actual human presence, a base of operations if possible, and the actual criminals were written down before Virah closed her notes and lay on her pillow.

She woke up an hour and thirty minutes later, and after taking a shower, she went over to her friends' rooms.

As expected, Grene had already woken up to train while Whitney, as always, chose to sleep in.

The pinkette opened the door with a woozy look, "… Virah?"

"Yep," she smiled, "it's me," she looked around, "it's 7 o clock you know?"

Whitney yawned, "is something supposed to happen?" The pinkette asked while scratching her belly, "I'm hungry…"

"Yeah, I think breakfast is starting to go cold now," Virah nodded, "do you want me to wait for you?"

"No thanks," Whitney shook her head, "you can eat ahead of me, I'll go down there when I-" the pinkette's yawn cut her off, "- I'm awake,"

"See you around," Virah waved.

"Byeeee," Whitney waved back.

Virah walked down the hallway as the sound of Whitney's door sliding close resonated around her, she made her way over to the dining room attached to the side of the Inn and smiled when her nose caught a beefy aroma.

Virah found herself a seat, glad that she got here before it was even more packed than it already is.

Her eyes scanned the room, it was expectedly full of trainers, some were in her age group but most seemed to be older, and by her estimate, it was their 2nd to 4th journey, making them 12 and 14.

A rare few were older than that, 16, 19, and a couple in their 20s.

There were no elites, well, none in the dining room, but the kitchen beyond the counter certainly has one.

The old lady that greeted her friends yesterday was cooking the food being sold here with her Pokemon.

And it seems that they have been doing this for quite sometime because the vines that belonged to the Victreebell moved between each table with the grace and effiency of a seasoned waiter.

The vine that came to her didn't bring her food, but instead a menu for the day as well as a pen and notepad.

Virah wrote down her order and handed it back to the vine, her gaze was curious as she watched it go back inside the kitchen. 

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