I Spread the Cosmos By Live Broadcast of Food

Chapter 4 - Marshal Shen is missing

  Chapter 4 Marshal Shen’s Missing

  Wenzhou Mountain is strange, [Shanshan: The anchor is great, aren’t wheat and potatoes already extinct? Is this really a potato? 】

   “Yes, this is a unique product on our side, and it has been cultivated for a long time.” It is impossible for Lan Siyu to say that of course it is extinct. She bought it from the system store.

  Despite the words, Lan Siyu didn’t stop her effort. He took half a pot of clean water and poured white vinegar. “After boiling, put the potato shreds in, take it out and pour in cold water after 20 seconds.”

  【Shan Shan: The anchor is so big, why do you need to soak in water? 】

  “The purpose of the blister is to remove the excess starch on the potatoes, so that the potato shreds are delicious.

  Boil a frying pan, add the pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic and fry until the aroma overflows. Finally, pour shredded potatoes, pour shredded chili, and stir-fry, and finally add salt and white vinegar to quickly stir-fry. “

Before it was out of the pot, Wenzhou Mountain had already smelled the scent, and quickly took a big mouthful, “Um… Um…” Wenzhou Mountain felt that he was so hot that he couldn’t speak, but he still didn’t spit the hot potato shreds in his mouth. Come out, because it’s so fragrant!

  Spicy and sour potato shreds are very easy to mobilize people’s appetite, sour and spicy are neutralized, crispy and refreshing.

  Wenzhou Mountain took out three more bottles of nutrient solution “Glulu” and drank it.

   “Well, today’s live broadcast is over here, see you tomorrow.”

  Lan seems to be about to close the live broadcast and see a barrage [Shan Shan: The anchor is great, when will you broadcast the live broadcast tomorrow? 】

   “I will live broadcast tomorrow at 12 noon. Welcome everyone to watch. Goodbye!”

  [Shanshan rewarded you with one hundred thousand star coins] [Mountain and mountain are like a hundred flowers for you]

  This mountain is too much, right? !

  Lan Siyu came down for the first live broadcast and had a fan with more than 70,000 federal coins.

  More than 70,000 federal coins are on the super barren planet of tens of thousands of people on the ancient earth. It can be said that it is a local tyrant.

  It’s been past seven o’clock after the live broadcast. After washing, Lan Siyu lay on the bed thinking about how she can reach the number of tens of billions of fans within a year. Xu has experienced too much in one day today, and fell asleep after thinking about it.

  The main federal star of the first galaxy.

   “Brothers, I found a fairy anchor today!!” Wenzhou Shan shared Lan Siyu’s channel account with his friends.

   “Zhoushan, what dark cooking video did you watch again? Hahaha.”

   “Yeah, didn’t you also say that the exotic animal meat made by the gourmet anchor was delicious last time? What turned out? It’s not as delicious as the exotic animal meat made by my chef!”

  Wenzhou Mountain has money in the family, and the natural circle is also a group of elder brothers who are either rich or noble.

   “It’s really delicious, it’s really delicious this time! I swear!” Wenzhou Mountain was crying without tears. Last time he gave them a gourmet anchor for Amway. What happened?

  The alien meat made by the anchor overturned on the spot, and he was laughed at by the brothers for a long time!

   “Okay, okay, it’s true. We believe you. But we are not interested in food. Drinking a nutrient solution will be the end, but we are going to pursue the deliciousness of the disappearance of the ancient earth?!!”

   “Yes, it’s better to play mecha if you have this idle time.”

   “By the way, have you heard that Marshal Shen is missing!”

   “What? Marshal Shen is missing?”

  Shen Panchi, the head of the Shen family of the Federation family, the youngest marshal of the Federation, and the top talent of the Federation SSS-level mental power.

   “Yes, I accidentally heard my father and they said that some time ago, a large-scale zerg appeared in the unknown galaxy on the edge of the tenth galaxy?!

  Then Marshal Shen went, but was transferred from the mountain by the Zerg. The Zerg did not hesitate to sacrifice a queen and many worms to destroy General Shen. In the end, although the war was won, Marshal Shen disappeared. “

“Then what?”

   “Then it seemed that Marshal Shen was injured and disappeared, but the FSB revealed that he was not dead and the terminal still exists.” After the interstellar resident died, the terminal would automatically disappear.

   “Fuck, those bugs are so mean!”

   “Yes, I actually caused General Shen to be injured and disappeared! In the future, I will go to the battlefield to completely wipe out the Zerg!”

  The Shen family can be said to be a sharp edge of the federation.

  Shen Panchi went to the battlefield with his father when he was not an adult. He has made great achievements in the battle. In just ten years, he was promoted from an ordinary soldier to a marshal.

   can be said to be the Dinghai Shenzhen of all the people of the Federation, and also the idol of all the boys and the dream lover of the tens of billions of girls in the Federation.

   Therefore, before the Federation finds Shen Panchi, the Federation will not disclose any news of Shen Panchi’s disappearance in order to stabilize the people’s hearts.


  Early the next morning, Lan Siyu’s biological clock forced her to wake up, get up and wash her face.

Lan Siyu looked at the person in the mirror, her delicate facial features were very charming, bright and beautiful, her gleaming peach eyes were slightly hooked, smiling and pretty, like a mist of water, and a little mole on Qiong’s nose added a touch of sexiness. .

  Suddenly, Lan smiled like Yu, and the brows were wrapped in amorous feelings.

  Lan nodded with satisfaction, sure enough, my old lady is so beautiful everywhere.

  Lan Siyu is going to inspect the oasis, after all, she is still a lord.

  I didn’t come yesterday, and today she wants to take a good look at the current living environment of the ancient earth.

The Lanks’s family lived next to Lan Siyu’s house. When Lan Siyu went out, he immediately changed from a groundhog to a young man. He walked to Lan Siyu’s side and said respectfully: “Dear Lord Lord, may I ask Do you have any instructions?”

  Lan Siyu corrected this title yesterday, but Lanks was extremely insistent on it, and she let him go. “I want to check your planting situation.”

  Each household in the ancient earth will be allocated a piece of land. Everyone usually grows decorative flowers and plants on it and sells them online.

  When the two arrived in the field, many middle-aged people were already harvesting flowers under the sun. Although sweaty, the smiles on their faces were bright. After all, picking means income.

  Lan Siyu discovered that nine tenths of the fields are planted with various flowers and plants, and only one tenth of the fields are deserted.

  ”Who owns the tenth and why is it abandoned?” Lan Siyu asked.

   “Those are the lands of people who have died on the planet and have no descendants, all belong to your lord Lord.”

  Lan seems to have a flash of inspiration in her mind. Maybe she can hire the aborigines to grow vegetables and fruits in the system and then sell them.

  But it still doesn’t work. Not to mention how much money is needed to hire residents, but the seeds of fruits and vegetables in the mall are pricey for her now.

  The most important thing is that now the ancient earth is extremely backward and has no self-preservation ability at all, and hastily sold a large amount of these food materials with healing powers. If some people find out, maybe she and the ancient earth will usher in the disaster of extinction.

   Therefore, the first thing she does now is to raise the number of fans in the live broadcast room to 10 billion.

  So to speak of it, she still has to do the live broadcast seriously.

  (End of this chapter)

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