I Reject Quests

Chapter 63: Damien

Svety suddenly got the feeling that she can't comprehend the man beside her anymore. 'One moment he said he wouldn't, the next minute he changed his statement.' A thought struck her mind which made her stiff. 'He still had interference. Because he appeared strong, I neglected this fact. What am I even doing? Asking a person with interference to fight for my own life.'

Surprisingly, what she was thinking was not that far from the truth. Rewen had a bitter smile on his face. 'Soul is a mysterious thing. I never imagined that there were leftover soul remains from the previous 'Rewen'.' During the entire conversation with Svety, the soul remains kept interfering with his will leading him to turn indecisive. 

-> Don't you have interference? It would be better if you don't involve yourself with me.

"I am not doing only for your sake. I dragged you and the entire town into this. Also, there's no guarantee he won't choose someone else as his target after you. He wants to deal with me." Rewen made a decision and was firm about it.

Svety didn't say anything more. She pulled him in.

Rewen knew where this was leading to but he didn't hold himself back and went along with it.


[Tsk. Tsk. To think you lost your virginity to this mid woman.]


[Exactly. Aside from her family background, she is nothing special. Her looks aren't top-notch. At best, she could be called pretty. Her thoughts and views are normal. If you really wanted to lose your virginity that badly, you could easily find yourself a good woman.]

'A good woman, huh? You mean those 2D women?'

[2D or not. They are still of better quality than her by miles.]

'Wow, you speak as if they are some kind of product.'

[You get the point.]

'Not really. I mean, I get what you are trying to say but I'm not the type of character who finds and judges good women. To put it in simple words, I don't care if it's 2D or 3D. As long as I like someone and she likes me back, that is enough. Why are saying this though? I'm pretty damn sure I don't like Svety.'

[Did you forget that you broke up with her before losing your virginity?]

'Shit. I forgot. Thanks for reminding me.'

"What are you thinking of?" Svety's voice rang beside my ears.

"This would be the last time we sleep together."

"Yes." Svety responded with a dull look in her eyes.


A message came in Rewen's smartphone. He looked at it and showed it to Svety.

-> Get ready tomorrow at 12 noon. The first wave will begin.

Svety and Rewen both fell silent.

"Rewen?" Denny's voice came from outside.

"Wait, I'm coming." Svety hid her body in the quilt while Rewen hurriedly put on a boxer and opened the door.

Denny looked at him from head to toe. She wasn't bothered by his bare body but a weird stench came from him which made her frown. "Take a shower and come to the living room. A guest has come."

"What guest?"

"He is from Grand Ultine Kapile Club."

"Ah… is he called Damien?"


"Okay, I'll come."

Denny went back to the living room. 

Rewen looked at Svety who was also looking at him. "Do you want to go back?"

"Not right now."

"Then take a shower after me."



"What's wrong? Why did you come? I would have gone to the club tonight." Rewen took a seat opposite to Damien.

Damien laughed. "Did you check the mail? You were supposed to come in the afternoon."

"Oh? I apologise for the inconvenience."

"No worries. Here are the papers. Take your time to go through them and sign them to become an unofficial member of the club."


While Rewen was looking through the papers, Svety came to the living room and sat beside him.

"What are these?" She asked in curiosity.

"I didn't tell you. I'm selected to become a member of the Grand Ultine Kapile Club."

"Oh? Congratulations on becoming one. I'm going now. If there's anything you need to talk about, call me. See you in the morning." 

Rewen nodded. When Svety walked away, he raised his head to look at Damien.

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

"I don't understand the function and purpose of clubs very well. Can you explain it to me in simple words?" 

"Clubs are just like martial arts dojos. The main purpose of clubs is to create Martial Artists who have no background."

"What about State Officials?"

"Regarding that… as expected, you joined the club to become a State Official, didn't you?"

Rewen didn't deny it. "I did."

"Very well, then listen. When you hear the word 'official', what comes to your mind?"

"A fat middle-aged man with a hairy chest."

"Haha. Good sense of humor. Unfortunately, they couldn't be more opposite to what you are describing. To become a State Official, you not only have to have foresight, you also have to have the strength to stand at the peak."

"I see…"

"To become a State Official, you have to accumulate the most amount of contributions and become a Top Eight Fighter in the Club. Do you think you can become one?"

For the first time in his life, Rewen felt a growing ambition inside of him. As if a chill went through his body, his hairs stood up. 'What am I so afraid of? All my life, I have remained reactive. It's about time I don't hold myself back anymore.'

[Ding! 'Basic Knights and Magic System' issued a chained quest! Would you like to see it?]

[Yes] [No]



Quest: Become a Fighter.

Grade: E

Goal: Go to the Club.

Rewards: Unknown

Failure: None

Note: This is a chained quest. Instead of "details", "goals" are targets of completion. Chained quests update itself after the current goal is achieved.


[Would you like to accept it?]

[Yes] [No]

'Of course.'

Accepting the quest with a smile, Rewen stood up. "Is the club open right now?"

"You want to go to the club right now?" Damien was a bit surprised at him being this enthusiastic. 

"Yup. Denny!"

"What?" Denny replied from her room.

"I'm going to the club!"


In the car. 

"I forgot to ask but what do I need to do as a member of the Club to climb up the ladder?"

Damien who was driving replied. "You have to compete against your peers. There are three divisions - Rookie, Junior and Senior. Right now, you are a Rookie so naturally, you will compete against other Rookies. To become a Junior, you need to have about 300 contribution points and become the Top Fighter among the Rookies."

Rewen fell silent.

"Haha, don't worry too much. The Rookies are Grade F Martial Artists. With the strength you displayed yesterday, it's just a matter of time for you to become the Top Rookie."

"What about the Top Eight Fighters you were saying before?"

"The Top Eight Fighters of the Club are not among the divisions. They look after the divisions. Every one of them is a State official. To be a Top Eight Fighter, you simply need to challenge one of the Top Eight, defeat them and replace them."

"Isn't that a bit cruel?"

"Haha! It is. But the defeated Top Eight can also make a comeback by defeating another Top Eight. It's constant chaos."

"But aren't they officials? How can the position of State Officials fluctuate so much?"

"This is one of the disadvantages of becoming a State Official through clubs."


The car stopped. "We've arrived."

Rewen looked out and saw a large building.

"Worthy of the most influential Club in the city." Rewen exclaimed.

"Let's go inside."

Damien took Rewen to the receptionist after entering the building.

Seeing a new face, the receptionist looked at Damien. "Is he a newcomer?"

"He is. Due to some difficulties, he couldn't come in the afternoon."

The receptionist nodded, then turned to the new face. "What's your name?"

"Rewen Klofar. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." The receptionist smiled sweetly.

"Here's your ID. Don't lose it."

"Thank you." Rewen received the ID.


Name: Rewen Klofar

Division: Rookie

Grade: F 

Rank: 331

Speciality: Unknown



"Yes. Your rank is probably not accurate though because you just entered." The receptionist answered.

"To increase my rank, I have to challenge and defeat other rookies."


"What if someone rejects my challenge?" Rewen asked seriously.

Hearing that, both the receptionist and Damien burst out in laughter. 

"Kid, you don't need to worry about that. People here come to fight. Even if the opponent is overwhelmingly stronger than someone, he would not reject the challenge. Keep in mind though. If someone does something which feels like a personal attack, talk to the Seniors."

"So there are no bullies in the club?"

"As far as I'm concerned, no. There aren't."

"What a nice environment."

"It's not the most influential Club in the city for no reason."

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