I Reject Quests

Chapter 237: System

Amya looked at him for a while, then shook her head. "I asked for your house number."

"Eh? What are you going to do with my house number?" Famin felt as if he had broken the records of being confused numerous times in a short period of time. Every question she asked, everything she said was met with confusion on his part. He questioned if this was natural or whether it's because of his low IQ and EQ.

"Stop asking my intentions! Holy shit! Just answer!" Even Amya got annoyed by his repeated questioning.

"Ah… okay. I live on 2/09. Not far from here… what is your house number again?"

"2/09. Got it." Amya repeated the number, then turned around. "Come out. It's done."

Famin looked towards the door that leads to another room. 'Was someone else there?'

His question was immediately answered as the door immediately shot open.

Five people dressed casually revealed themselves. One of them looked at Amya and smiled. "Good job. I've sent Tun and Klive."

Amya gave a small smile without saying anything.

"How sure are you that he isn't a Yvadian?" A middle-aged man asked, looking at Famin.

"I'm not sure. He seems legit." Amya said. From her interaction with Famin, it didn't look like he could be lying which was not a surprise. 'Those three idiots took action too quickly. Hopefully, the idiot they took action against was a bigger idiot so hopefully, this could be resolved without much fuss.' Amya also turned her head to look at Famin.

At this moment, Famin realized that something was wrong. "W… wait, who are you people? Why did you kidnap me?" His tone is anxious. How could he not be anxious? 

He isn't an idiot. Understanding the conversation between Amya and the others, he quickly figured out that he was under investigation. Fortunately for him, he was truthful in his conversation with Amya.

"Hold up. We didn't kidnap you. I found you unconscious in the alley and called for people nearby. A controversy I didn't know about started around the fact that you are suspected of being an outsider. That's why we decided to interrogate you." Amya said in a straightforward manner. 

"Why did you… not just… ask me?" Famin would have just answered without asking any questions if he knew the situation was this serious. 

"What if you lied?"

"That doesn't make any sense… Why would I lie knowing that I would investigate further like the documents? Why would I purposefully lie… anyhow, is it really that serious?" Famin got tired of speaking halfway through and just decided to let it slide. At the same time, he also realized that he had been too naive, daring to think that honest people were around.

"Good. But it looks like you are carrying a grudge against me." Amya slightly smiled.

"No, that's not the case." Famin shook his head. He didn't have any grudge against her. He just felt momentarily deceived. 

"That's good… that's good because I don't give a fuck." Amya said before exiting the room. The others in the room stared at him for a while, then followed her. 

A while later, Famin could hear them chatting with each other.

'Ah, yes. This is the life I was so optimistic about.' 

Before coming here, Famin's life was boring and mundane. In the early morning, he would wake up, do community service, then come at night and sleep. This was his normal day. When he got the chance to study at a prestigious well-known academy like Eastern Dream Academy, he was very optimistic about it, thinking he would live his life to the fullest.

'My talent isn't bad. If I'm not too bad, I could manage to get a good post.'

A rare proud smile surfaced on his face. Soon after, it quickly sank.

'My biggest problem isn't my talent. It's my attitude, personality, demeanor, whatever. I don't know if I can manage to grab a good post in the future with a weak attitude like this.'

It is a wrong and patronizing perception to think that people who aren't strong socially and intellectually aren't self-aware and that others need to make them aware. People who don't do well socially are oftentimes aware of the harm it would potentially cause.

Then, his mind drifted to another corner.

'I wonder how she is doing.' 

By 'she', he was naturally referring to Nina who happens to be his first and only crush. 

'I have heard she moved to the south… I wonder if we'll meet again.'

Famin loved to fantasize. Because he was 'weak', he could only seek solace with his mind.

Bitterly smiling, he thought. 'Even if she does see me, would it be any different from the previous time? She rejected me cold-heartedly yet I, being the loser I am, still think about her. Was I born without an ounce of self-respect? Hah… I really wished I would have died at the hands of the giant monster.'

'Should I try for suicide once again? It didn't go well last time… speaking of which, that guy was really strong. He… no, how did he get so strong? Back then, his punch hurted more than anyone who has hit me. He is also charismatic. The whole academy talked about him for the past few days. Of course, they would talk about him. Perhaps he was the only person who could say 'fuck off' to a academic journalist.'

'I wish I had half the amount of courage as him.'

[Ding! '5th Successor System' is successfully linked with the Host!]

[Checking availability…. 1… 5…. 100%]

[Checking resources… 7…. 87… 100%]

[Finding Unique Bloodline… 9… 23… 56… 76-]



[Not found!]

[Calling units… search started…]

[Ding! Bloodline inputted!]

['Mii' was officially selected as the median!]

'Huh? What's going on?'

Famin could barely understand the mechanical voices in his mind.

He looked in his surroundings and found the possibility of a person speaking to him physically is nearly non-existent. 'Who said that? Am I going crazy? Perhaps… I should really consider getting therapy but… it needs money. As expected, I should just commit—'

[No! No! No! You can't do that!]

It was the voice of a young girl who sounded pleasant.

"Eh?" Famin couldn't help but look around again.

[Where are you looking? You can't find me! Hmph! I'm in your head, stupid.]

"In my head? How? Who are you? Please get out. I don't have the best of brains and work with whatever little I have. Please hijack someone else's brain."

[Idiot. As much as I wanted to leave this dirty place, I have to do my duty so it's better if you can accept the reality.]

"Reality?" Famin had a strange look on his face. "What is reality? Is this supposed to be one? You do understand that I'm not talking to anything, right? Is this supposed to be an example of a reality I live in?"

[I'm not 'anything'! I'm Mii!]

Famin opened his mouth to say something when he heard the footsteps. Turning his head around, he saw Amya staring at him. "Who were you speaking to?"

"Cough… it's nothing. I was just… cough! Cough!" Famin gave a few fake coughs.

Amya didn't look convinced but she doesn't care much. Giving him a single glance, she walked away.

'Now then… what should I do with this?'

[Nothing. You have nothing to do.]

'What? How can you read my thoughts?'

[I can only read the thoughts which are protected.]

'I don't know what it means and I'm not interested. Hah… okay, let me ask this in a straightforward manner. Who are you?'

[Glad you asked! I'm Mii – the great median of the Host of the '5th Successor System'!]

'What is a median and what is the [5th Successor System]?'

[Listen carefully. A median is someone who acts as the middle person and connects the two parties to function. The two parties are you and the system protocol. Since the system protocol found you suitable, it gave you the '5th Successor System'. Rejoice. To access the details, think of or say - 'Appear'.]

Famin half-understood what she was trying to say but it was enough.


A bright yellowish-orange screen materialized in front of his eyes.

'This… this is legit.'



Host: Famin

POW: 5

MP: 86/86


Becoming a Rank 0 Mage (86/100)

+20 MP

+3 POW

Becoming a Martial Artist (0/100) 

+1 Random F-Grade Martial Art Technique

+2 Basic Strengthening Pills


Booming confidence (0/3) 

Requirements: Get into a fight and defeat three people.

Reward: +50 Lottery Points


Famin was overwhelmed with what was written.

'If I'm not mistaken, POW should be referring to physical strength and… MP should be magic point which is my mana storage.'

[Bingo! That is correct! Those are your status. The only way to increase your status significantly is by completing missions. Are you excited for the future?]

Just as he was about to reply, Amya came in.

"You are free to leave."

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