I Reject Quests

Chapter 220: Silent Rewen

The reply shocked X.

What shocked him, even more, was the "aura" around Rewen. The aura wasn't visible but there was a thick sense of danger and creep radiating from him. It was as if he had become another person. 

Rewen's bloodied face showed a dark smile. The "black" in his iris slowly spread into the sclera. Slowly and gradually, his entire eyes became pitch black. His eyes had no reflection. The longer one stares into it, the longer the person gets sucked into the deep abyss.

'I don't know what's going on but I should take a step back…' Being the closest to him, X naturally noticed the changes and immediately decided to step back. 


Just then, he was kicked on his abdomen.

Drawing an arc, he landed on his back.

Watching the exchange from a distance, Denny was also shocked at the sudden turn of events. Hope came to her again as she secretly cheered for him. She opened her mouth and was about to say something when she noticed the abnormality in her cousin.

'Why do I feel a chill whenever I look at him?' She was shaking when she noticed his eyes. Hurriedly, she averted her eyes and looked at his body. "Rewen? Are you fine…?"

Rewen stood up effortlessly and swung his sore arms. Seemingly not paying any attention to her, he sprinted towards X who was lying on the floor.

X sensed the incoming danger and stood up with a flip. 


He blocked a round punch thrown at his face. 'Alright… and now…' He had already found an opening in his opponent's attack and counter-attacked by parrying the punch followed by throwing an uppercut at Rewen's jaw.

As the hand approached his jaw, Rewen quickly pulled back the hand which was parried. It hit the hand and the uppercut was thus blocked.

He didn't stop there, however. He threw his left arm towards his opponent's face.

X calmly watched the fist approaching his face. 'I don't have to dodge it. It's too close… Nor can I block it. That means… the only option I have is to…' He made his legs stiff. 

The fist met X's face.

It didn't push him back.

Rewen had the same dark smile. As soon as he pulled his arm, he again hammered his fist on the face.

And again!

And again!

X's face looked miserable but for some reason, he gave no signs of retreating. His nose was broken. His entire face was filled with red. Even so, he kept standing on his spot as if he was a statue. A grim smile resided on his bloodied face.

Currently, there is very little difference between the two parties.


All of a sudden, sparks appeared around X's body.

Rewen seemed to pay no attention to it and continued to assault his body. However, the moment his hand landed on his face, he flew off without any warning crashing onto a broken wall.


He went straight past the wall and landed outside.

"Rewen!" Denny got anxious again. She tried to get up and go after her cousin but she fell flat on her face the moment she tried to get up. She momentarily forgot that her legs were tied up.

X casually wiped off the blood on his face and walked over to Rewen unhurriedly.

When he approached him, he saw that the red-haired young man's eyes were wide open and his expression had no indication of pain.

"Interesting." He said, continuing. "Do you now know what happens when you try to fight against a Peak Rank 3 Mage? My hypothesis turned out to be correct. You aren't a Rank 3 Mage. And no, you aren't even a D-ranked Martial Artist. A D-ranked Martial Artist is fundamentally different from the lower-ranked Martial Artists. Even though you do appear to be one, you aren't. Then… what are you? It's unheard in the world for a person to only have the physique of a D-ranked Martial Artist. 

"The only plausible possibility I could guess is that - your current strength is temporary and the reason for your current strength is because you consumed a drug of sorts… However, as far as I'm aware, I don't think there's a drug that can increase one's strength to this level… Anyways. That doesn't matter. What matters is… whether you are willing to be cooperative or not. I'm willing to let both you and your cousin go as long as you give me the [Distributor] which is connected to "Touchable Sense Water"."

Rewen looked at his opponent's eyes with unfeeling eyes. 

"So… I'm asking you again. Where did you keep the [Distributor]?" X met his eyes and asked. His face was solemn. 

"..." Rewen didn't say anything and blinked.

Beads of perspiration on X's forehead. Deep down, he felt absolute dread when he looked at the pitch-black eyes but forced himself to remain calm. 

"It's your decision. You can lose your life as well as your cousin's life or you can choose to believe me. I'll wait three seconds for your reply." X made the declaration and raised his right hand, opening three fingers.


He closed his middle finger.

Rewen nonchalantly looked at him.


He closed his index finger.

Rewen didn't seem to care about the counting.


He closed his thumb.

The dark smile returned to Rewen's face.

"Okay." X gave a small nod as if acknowledging and respecting his opponent's decision. He took a small rod hanging from his belt and stretched it. The rod glowed and radiated yellow light.

It started transforming.

Within two seconds, the small rod became a dark spear. 

X swung the spear using his fingers and hammered it down his opponent's chest.

"Kuh!" Fresh blood erupted from both Rewen's chest and mouth. 

"REWEN!!" Denny yelled on top of her lungs. 'Please tell me this is all a nightmare. Please tell me this is all a nightmare.' She can't believe what was happening in front of her eyes. She tried getting up again but fell again.

Knowing that she couldn't walk, she started crawling.

This was the first time she had witnessed such a tragedy.

Her shock and grief were so overwhelming that she couldn't even shed tears. 

Meanwhile, X placed his feet on Rewen's body and took out the spear. "Well then… time to end the business. Wait…" He was about to head towards the other person in the area but then, he noticed that Rewen's eyes were open and there was a thin smile on his face.

'I saw his lips twitch. Am I seeing things?' X questioned. He had struck his heart. There was no way any normal person could be alive after getting his heart destroyed. Not only that, the spear has special properties. It was enough to say that Rewen should be dead the moment the spear pierced his chest.

"Better be safe than sorry." X didn't want to take the risk and again pierced Rewen's chest.

There was no reaction from Rewen.

X took out the spear and again turned to look at Denny who was crawling towards him. 'Huh? Did his lips twitch again?' He again turned to look at Rewen's face which didn't have any change in expression. 'I can't be seeing things twice.' 

Who was X?

He was one of the two Reverends of Luciana. An expert like him has developed fighting sense and instincts over the years. He knows how to be firm in decision-making.

"I know you are not dead yet. Keep playing the games with me while I kill your cousin." X declared, then again plunged his spear towards Rewen's chest.

"This is your last chance to respond. If you don't, I'll go after your cousin." 

At this moment, the smile on Rewen's face widened.

X's eyes flickered as he took out the spear and looked straight at him. "I'll present you with the previous offer again. You give me the [Distributor] and I'll give you my remote. I'm doing this for your own good. You aren't in a position to move, let alone fight. Tell me where the [Distributor] is and I'll leave you alone with the remote. Tony McBreth along with his commander units are nearby. The moment I leave this colony, they would monitor my movements and immediately send doctors. Although you are in this condition, you can be healed completely."

He paused for a second, then continued.

"I hate talking this much but I know my priorities. My foremost priority is to ensure that Luciana is out of danger. Therefore, don't force my hand and choose your option carefully. What do you want to do?"

Rewen didn't open his mouth and continued to smile.

X nonchalantly looked at him and prepared to strike again when a strange thing happened before his eyes. 

A thick black aura came out from Rewen's entire body and moved to his chest.

The black aura lingered around his chest for a few seconds, then disappeared with a poof. 

The next thing X saw was - Rewen didn't have any signs of injury on his chest!

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