I Reincarnated into High School DxD as a Random Guy

Chapter 59

The next at the start of the training I told Issei, “Ise I have something that will boost your confidence”.


“Boost my confidence?”, asked Issei confused.


“Yes I have already got permission from Buchou for this, today for the first training you will use your sacred gear. Isn’t that correct Buchou?”, I said as I looked at Rias.


Rias nodded and said, “Yes and as discussed with Akira I will be supervising this training. Akira is correct you need to have confidence in yourself”.


Issei looked at me with sparkling eyes and said, “Thank you so much Akira. You are a real friend”.


I smiled and said, “No problem, I just did what I had to do, we are together in this after all”.


After that the training started.


“It should be okay to have Yuuto as the opponent”, said Rias.


“Yes”, said Kiba as he came forward as Rias urged him.


Then Buchou said, “Ise, activate your Sacred Gear before the mock battle. Let’s see……we will start the battle two minutes after you activate your Sacred Gear”.


“Y-Yes”, said Issei.


“Boost!”, said Issei.




The sacred gear made the sound after hearing Issei’s words.


Ten seconds later.




And this continued for sometime.


After he powered up for the 12th  time Buchou said, “Stop” and he stopped his power up.


“Let’s do this, Boosted Gear!”, said Issei.




The boosted gear made the above sound as a sign of stopping the powerup.


“Ise, I want you to fight Yuuto in that state. Yuuto, I will ask you to be his opponent”, said Rias.


“Yes, Buchou”, said Kiba.


Kiba makes his stance by pointing his bokuto toward Issei after Buchou ordered him.


“Ise, do you want to use a sword? Or do you want to fight with bare hands?”, Buchou asked Issei.


Issei thought for a second then replied, “I will fight bare handed!”.


“Very well. Now then, I’ll ask the both of you to start”, said Buchou.


Kiba and issei both took their stances.




Kiba suddenly moved at speeds not discernable to the normal eye, however since I faced him I could see him move, but Issei couldn’t.




Kiba’s sword came down at Issei but issei managed to block it with his gauntlet.


Kiba looked shocked, he probably didn’t expect it to happen. He let his guard down and Issei took this opportunity to try to punch him.




Kiba’s body disappears just before Issei hit him, and his punches cut through the air. Issei was looking where Kiba went.


Issei then looked up and saw Kiba coming down at him.




Kiba’s sword hit Issei head, Issei said, “Ouch…”, in pain.


But Issei still concentrated in the fight didn’t bother about the pain and aimed a kick at Kiba.




Kiba dodged it again!


“Ise shoot your [Dragon Shot] blast”, said Rias. It’s a good thing I taught this to Issei before so he should be able to do it easily now.


Issei shot “Dragon Shot” towards Kiba.




The beam that came out of the tiny magic grain was huge.




Kiba dodges it easily. Well that’s not surprising.


The demonic-power ball that missed its target went towards the mountain next to the one we are on, and—.




The mountain blows up while making a huge sound and blast!!


Issei was so surprised he went quiet.




The gauntlet made a sound and the power up ended.


“I’ll have both of you stop it there”, said Rias.


“Good job you two. Now I will hear your impression. Yuuto, how was it?”, continued Rias.


“Yes. To tell the truth I’m astonished. I tried to finish the spar with the first strike”, said Kiba.


“But I couldn’t break through Ise-kun’s guard. I was focused into breaking through it. I also tried to knock him down in my second strike by hitting his head from above the air, but that failed as well”, continued Kiba and laughed out “Hahaha” with a refreshing expression.


Kiba put his wooden sword to the front to show it to everyone.


……That wooden sword is already broken.


“I strengthened the sword with demonic-power, but it couldn’t give that much damage to Ise-kun because his body was too hard. If we continued, I would only have the option to run around because I wouldn’t have my weapon”, said Kiba.


“Thank you, Yuuto. That’s how it is, Ise”, said Rias. Issei was looking confused.


“Ise. You said to me that you were “the weakest and have no talent”, right?”, continued Rias.


“Y-Yes”, said Issei.


“That’s half correct. You, who hasn’t activated your Sacred Gear, is weak. However, you become a totally different person if you use the power of the Boosted Gear”, said Rias.


Buchou points at the mountain that was blown away.


“That attack is one of a High-class Devil. If that hits, most people will be blown away”, she said.


“Your body which went through basic training became a vessel that can handle a Sacred Gear that increases the power drastically. Even now, your body is strong enough to handle the power increase. The higher your initial strength is, the more the power can increase. The basic stamina rises from “1” to “2”. Even something like that would become a big factor for you to become strong”, continued Rias.


“If it was only you fighting, then it would be scary because you would have your guard down while powering up. However, this battle is a team battle. You will have your comrades that will support you. Trust in us. Then, you will become strong as well as us. We can win this!”, said Rias.


“It doesn’t matter if the opponent is Phoenix or not. We need to teach them very strictly in how strong Rias Gremory and her servants are!”, said Rias.


“YES”, we all said together. Honestly I wanted to use my sacred gear too and see what was my current power level , I am sure it way about Issei’s but I don’t want to reduce his confidence so I held back, I will see how powerful I am at the game.


Issei then looked at me with gratitude and I put my thumbs up. I then said, “Ahem Ise I want to show you something to. Another power you have”.


“Another power?”, asked Issei looking interested, others as well.


“Yes, so as I say”, I said as I walked towards him. Issei nodded.


I stood in front of him and said, “It’s called [Dragon Booster Second Liberation], it’s basically allows you to transfer your power to others or absorb someone else’s power to use”.


“Cool”, said Issei happily.


I smiled and said, “Yes, it is cool. Now all your have to do is ask your sacred gear for more power. Concentrate. Plus the cool thing about this is that if you activate it, you can use it to transfer your power to a girl’s boobs to make it bigger”.


“Really?”, Issei asked excitedly. “Yes, of course”, I said with a smile. Well I don’t know if the size becomes or not but Rias’s brother was the one who gave that idea in the first place in the original so my conscience is clear.


“Yeeeessss then I will definitely obtain it. Boos here I come. You hear that Ddraig give me power , more power”, said Issei excitedly.


[Boost!] x 12


“More power!”, shouted Issei.


[Boost]  x 2


[Dragon Booster!]


[Dragon Booster Second Liberation!]


The scared gear said as the rune on the gauntlet glowed. Green energy emanated from the sacred gear and formed a column of light, which was so blinding that we all had to cover our eyes.


When the energy died down, the gauntlet was bigger than before, there was aa symbol glowing on the gem in the back of the palm, another green gem was clearly visible on the upper part of the hand where the gauntlet grew, new golden spikes were formed other than the two previous spikes which grew bigger and new small spikes was formed near the gem on the back of the palm. Everyone was surprised even Issei.


Then I said with a smile, “Good job Ise, now you should know how it operates from the gear itself right?”.


Issei nodded and said, “Yes the gear told me how to”.


“Good then we can now use it at the match”, I said happily. “Yes”, said Issei with a smile.


Rias spoke, “Ahem well done Ise that will surely be helpful in the match. And Akira you did well to teach him but….can’t you use other methods to motivate him to power up? Your method is effective but you know…embarrassing”, said Rias blushing a bit.


I felt guilty but still said firmly, “I am sorry Buchou but the most effective way to get Ise to power up is to use his perverted side. There is no better way. Believe me, this is for our own good”.


Rias just looked at me for a second and then nodded as if understood.


Akeno laughed and said, “Ara ara Akira-kun the way you motivate Ise makes me think you want to do those stuff yourself”.


Asia blushed and said, “I-if Akira-san wants to do it………I am ready”.


“That’s not it..”, I tried to defend myself.


But it was too late, Koneko looked at me as if she was looking at dirt and said, “As expected you are a pervert” and said “Hmph!” and turned away.


Kiba just smiled and looked at me and said, “Akira-kun I don’t know what to say”.


With that my reputation fell further.


With this the training continued.


My training was going well. I was able to win some matches against Kiba and Koneko, my base speed also increased. I was getting better as the days went. I also practiced the two moves that I thought about copying from Issei and also the mind control magic from Rias. I was slowly getting used to them as well.


We were also shown previous matches of Riser and we got a good look at his fighting style. It was mostly him sitting on his chair while his team did all the work.


One night I was talking to Great Red in my sacred gear.


“Hey Red”, I said.




Red asked. I asked, “How do I activate my Balance Breaker now? I have a feeling I will need it in the upcoming battle to confirm victory”.


[With your current power level? Hmm……you are pretty close to the required minimum level to achieve Balance Breaker but it also requires removing a mental roadblock. But since you do not meet the power requirements that is a thing for the future. The only way to achieve that currently is through a huge burst of power. With that you should be able to activate an incomplete Balance Breaker.]


Said Red. “How do I get that power?”, I asked.


[You already know it. By sacrificing a body part.]


Said Red. I sighed. “I don’t want to do that unless absolutely necessary. If I do that then what’s the difference between me and Issei?”, I said.




Red kept quiet.


Wait I got an idea. I asked Red, “Hey Red what if………”.


[Hmm….that can work but the power must be sufficient otherwise it will fail. There is a 50% chance of success.]


50%? That’s good enough. If this works victory will be easy if not well I do have backup plans.


The days went by and by the last day I had managed to completely overpower Kiba and Koneko and my magic has reached the required destructive power and my control now was excellent. I  also mastered the two moves that I planned and the mind control magic I learned from Rias.


I had built a bit of muscles before this training due to training everyday. After this training schedule my muscle mass has increased considerably. I am happy about this.


I hope to be able to fight Sairaorg someday without any scared gear enhancements and magic enhancements, just pure fist fight, the way he fights. Only then can I say I have become strong enough.


Anyway the training came to an end and we returned back to our homes and waited for the game to start next day.

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