I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 199: Shukai part 4.

1 final chapter remaining. 



(General P.O.V)

"He's Here."

Gabriel muttered to himself, staring at the wide expanse before him.

"You say something?"

Zera, a blonde, short haired Pax-Dei questioned from his side. Gabriel remained silent.

"Anyway. It's mayhem down there. The enemy has arrived. That means we most likely lost Uriel and the others."

"That's a third of our forces. I can't help but be reminded of Lucifer and Asmodel's Rebellion."

She added in a heavy tone.

They were on the highest Heaven. The Citadel was divided into 7 levels based on height. The higher you went up the infinite staircase, the greater the heaven.

Stretched before their eyes , unfolded the splendor of Heaven in its entirety—a boundless Utopia adorned solely with the Souls of the Righteous and Angels who served as devoted attendants.

It was a realm that defied all possible explanation. Distance meant little and what you could perceive through vision alone could not be trusted.

It was a place entrenched in Mystery and Mysticness.

Behind Gabriel and Zera, at the crest of the Infinite Staircase, was a long golden bridge crossing over a wide chasm. That bridge led to the most important place on Heaven.

God's Throne Room.

"Join us, and together we'll devise a plan to address your injury," Zera suggested, her gaze fixed upon the four glowing purple claw marks etched across Gabriel's chest.

The Arch-angel ran a hand down his injury, eyes twinkling with a strange light.

"That Cat...he was able to harm me. Intriguing, don't you think so Zera?"

The Pax-Dei blinked her eyes at him. Intriguing? Was he...alright? Gabriel was known for being eccentric just as he was powerful. Only he could think harming an Arch-angel was intriguing.

"Metatron has sent down Zauriel with the Eagle Host and Raphael with the Bull Host to deal with the Enemy. Now that we've lost the Angel Host with Uriel, only the Human Host remain..."

Zera explained.

"We've been tasked with dealing with these...Soul Lanterns as you called them. You're our leader, we can't do it without you."

Gabriel closed his eyes, using his holy sense to scan the entirety of Heaven.

Beneath the serene facade of Heaven on this celestial plane, beneath the drifting cloud islands and distant from the highest level of the Citadel, a colossal war raged in tumultuous conflict.

The Human Host was engaging the Soul Lanterns led by Hal Jordan, a soul that should have been granted entry into Heaven but had lacked enough good deeds to balance out the evil.

"Carry on without me Zera. I give you command."

Gabriel stated, sitting down before the bridge with a majestic horn on his lap.

"I shall stand here as Guard."

Zera opened her mouth to refute him, but the determination on his face gave her pause.

Instead she gave a nod.

"Then may our Father be with you."

With those parting words, Zera jumped off the edge of the Chasm, falling in before a few seconds later, a silver chariot pulled on by pegasi shot out of the wide chasm, Zera riding ontop of it.

Behind her was the Human Host, one of the squads of the Pax-Dei, similarly riding on majestic Chariots pulled by Pegasi.

Just like the rest of the hosts, they numbered in the billions.

The scene was cinematic and grand, visible to everyone on the highest heavens.

The Host flew up, higher and higher before doing a complete turn and descending onto the lower levels of Heaven to begin their assault.

Past the bridge, and the way opened up into an marble arch. The path became Light itself, leading into a wide chamber.

The highest level of the Citadel.

And at the end of it, was a large empty throne.

It was made from the most common of material, stone and an ebony wood that seemed to absorb light in its entirety.

Despite its lacklusterness, the Throne was the grandest thing in all existence.

The seat of power to arguably the most powerful Entity in the entire Multiverse.

And it was Empty.

Next to the throne, as if guarding it, was a figure shrouded in shadows.

They sat on the steps leading to the Throne, a stone tablet on their lap.

A blue pair of eyes watched the Human Host descending onto the Lower Level silently.

The figure's attention shifted to the tablet cradled in his hands.


It stated.

Laughter reached the figure's ears.

"I warned Gabriel that you guys were making a big mistake," Chase declared, restrained against the throne room's walls.

Behind him, a grand window opened to the outside world, exposing his back to the elements.

The wind swept through, tousling his blood-stained fur and stinging the wounds that oozed crimson red.

In his monstrous cat form, towering over 8 feet in height, he bore manacles encircling his neck. These were linked to a lengthy chain crafted from gleaming golden metal, securing him to the edges of the window behind.

The same material as the cuffs from before. They flooded his form with Holy Light, anchoring it to Heaven.

The new cuffs were stronger than the previous bands. Those had linked Chase to Gabriel, allowing him to escape if he chose, but with the drawback of unintentionally taking Gabriel along.

These particular ones however, anchored Chase to Heaven as a whole.

If he wanted to escape, he would be pulling on the entire weight of Heaven! Something that was simply not possible!

Not to mention, his entire body was littered with bleeding injuries. Injuries sustained from clashing with Gabriel.

The shadow shrouded in Mystery, seated on the steps below the throne, lightly tapped the tablet with a quill.

"It says here, that you were once Fae. In a past life."

Metatron stated, observing Chase's face.

Chase stayed silent, staring back in defiance.

"Tell me something, what is a Fae doing with a Child of the Endless? As I recall the Faerie lands borders were eternally closed."

The Angel questioned.

"Why don't you read from that stone plaque and figure it out?"

Chase sneered.

"You seem to know everything already."

Metatron rubbed his chin.

"Defiant to the end. I suppose that is to be expected from someone powerful enough to injure Gabriel."

He held up the Tablet.

"You're correct. The stone tablet unveils whatever I wish to see—be it forbidden knowledge, excerpts from the book of life and death, or the intricate workings of Heaven and the Universe."

"Yet, it falls short when it comes to providing finer details; otherwise, I would have dealt with your master long before he became a nuisance. Additionally, it's constrained from glimpsing into a past iteration of the Multiverse. A pity."

The angel shifted attention to the opposite side of the chamber. Across from Chase was Rama Kushna on the other side of the wall.

The difference was, she was seated on a throne of her own. As a goddess, she had a high rank and was to be treated with a certain measure of respect.

The light from the outside streamed in through the window behind her, highlighting her impeccable features, face set in a stern expression.

"You've been silent ever since the Reaper's Pet was captured. Are you perhaps worried for your life?"

Metatron begun.

"Now you're just being petty dude. I'm no one's pet."

Chase cut in, only to be ignored by the Angel.

"I wouldn't blame you."

Metatron said softly.

"Death for a God is permanent in more ways than one."

He tilted his head at her continued silence.

"Or is it that you still harbor hope that you will be saved?"

The angel taunted.

"Will you shut up? Your voice is grating to my ears."

Chase interrupted, glaring at the Angel.

"There is no shortage of Hope in God's Kingdom."

Metatron continued unbothered,

"All you have to do is denounce the false God and his rebels, Rama Kushna. Your only sin was siding with the enemy."

His tone turned mellow and smooth like butter.

"Stand with the Righteous and Just, help us safeguard Creation for He Who Is. For the Presence. Help me maintain Balance, like you've been doing these past eons. What do you say?"

Chase worriedly stared at the Goddess of Balance and Karma. If she were to agree to Metatron's proposal then, Davi will have come here for little to nothing.

Rama Kushna merely snorted, looking away.


Chase burst out in laughter.

"You really thought that was going to work? Have some more faith in those Loyal to my Master. The Fifth World has come to pass. There is no stopping Him now. Before long, you will be the one worried for your life."

At that particular instant, Gabriel's horn was blown.

The Citadel shook, the sound spreading out across the Entirety of Heaven.

Metatron's grip on the Tablet tightened. With a cool gaze, he stared out through the entrance to the Throne Room, past the bridge and what was occurring on the outside.

"He's here. Isn't he?"

Rama Kushna spoke up for the first time, a hint of hope in her tone.

"Who else could force Gabriel to sound his Horn? There's only one being behind such an entrance."

Chase retorted, the golden cuff around his neck audibly clinking against the wall.

"Davi's in the house, and you're in for it, Metatron!"

The Zanpakuto declared with a gleeful tone.

"I see."

Metatron muttered, his gaze directed out.

Another tremor rocked the building.

The angel sat back on the steps leading up to the Empty Throne. He stared down at the Stone Tablet in his hands.

"No matter. By the time he gets here, the Zenith hour will be upon us. And then this whole affair will be swiftly put to rest."

A small, soft smile lit up across his face, turning his handsome features into something godly.

Six pairs of wings, a total of 12 spread out across his back, white as snow. Longer and larger than his modest height of 7 feet.

His white hair and blue eyes made him one of the most aesthetically pleasing Angels of the Heavenly Host.

This was Metatron, God's Hand. And he would not allow The Presence' Legacy to be sullied.

-Reaper's Advent.

(Davian's P.O.V)

The last 2 minutes have been consistent with how I've lived my life so far.

A dance at the edge of death.

The instance I stepped through the portal, I knew this was a fight that would push me to the limit and then some.

They numbered in the countless. Even Reikaku could not fully account for every single soul across Heaven. It was a layered Realm.

In addition, my enemies gave me no time to adjust to the drastically different environment.

My physical form was breaking down, the bones kept on shattering and my lungs had already exploded within my chest, fortunately I didn't need to breathe.

That wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that they noticed it.

"Quickly! Attack him while he's weakened by Heaven's essence."

I traced the source of the voice, only for my eyes to land on a smug looking Imp, surrounded by more of his kind.

Cruel beady eyes stared back into my own. The Imp trailed his finger across his neck, mouthing the words...

'You're dead.'

Immediately, earth shattering attacks were released my way.

It was a barrage of energy missiles, weapon constructs of different types, elemental attacks like Holy Fire and divine lightning, magical bolts and beams and chaotic storms of reality warping powered by ToonForce.

At that exact moment, my eyes popped in their sockets, blinding me. For added measure, I lost my hearing.

Only my sense of taste and smell remained. Agony permeated the entirety of my body.

"All of you are here for me?"

I enquired, falling out of Bankai, it wasn't needed.

"Sorry to say, but you're all too Weak."

I couldn't see, but Reikaku informed me of my impending doom.

And then the attacks landed.

(General P.O.V)

"And that's how it's done!"

Mr. Mxyzptlk declared, wiping his hands in satisfaction at a job well executed.

The entire section of the entrance before them was nothing but a swirling mess of multicolored potent energies. The core of which had shredded the Reaper apart. Or so they thought.

Golden smoke rose up from the region.

"You were amazing Mr. President!"

The army of Imps around Mr.Mxy praised, a cacophony of cheers rising in his name.

"Did you see his signature attack?! It was amaaaazing. Oh my God Mr. President! You're just too cool!"

Another Imp spoke up, further adding to Mr. Mxyzptlk's pride and arrogance.


Mxy rubbed his nose in smug satisfaction.

"Are you talking about my "Interdimensional Jest of Mirthful Mayhem and Zany Zephyrs: Mxyzptlk's Multiversal Higgledy-Piggledy Pandemonium Pranksterama, Unleashing Unprecedented Unruliness Across Cosmic Continua, With Whimsical Whirlwinds, Ludicrous Levitations, and Chucklesome Chaos, Wielding the Absurdly Amusing Armament of Anarchy, as He Mirthfully Manipulates Matter, Mischievously Meddles with Minds, and Ultimately Ensnares Everyone in a Transcendent Tangle of Tittering Turmoil and Laugh-Inducing Lunacy, Culminating in a Cosmic Cacophony of Guffaws and Giggles That Echoes Across Infinite Realms and Dimensions, Leaving the Multiverse in Stitches!!! Hahahahahahaha. Are you talking about that attack! Well, it bloody well turned him into scrap!"

""" Mr. President! """

""" You're the best Mxy"""

""" Marry me Mxy!"""

"I'm disappointed."

A different voice, a bit far from the Imps' antics stated.

"What kind of Fool dares enter Heaven with his physical form? This Reaper must have had a death wish."

The voice belonged to a beautiful, tall woman dressed in a white and blue robe. This was Peace, a goddess of Order, part of the Lords of Order.

"It would be wise not to underestimate him."

Nabu warned her, from the side, hands folded across his chest.

"A few months ago, that was a boy who I could have killed by merely sneezing. But now...we were all needed to take him down."

"Surely you jest."

Jebediah of Canaan, another Lord of Order who resembled a Shepherd stated, hand around a gnarled staff.

"How can anyone grow so powerful in such a short time? Not to mention on his own."

"Does it matter?"

Another enigmatic figure, a woman dressed in a blue suit of armor questioned, twirling a flaming sword. This was Mirand'r, a Tamaranean bestowed with a divine duty as an Angel of Retribution.

"He fell, meaning he was weak. This was a waste of time."

Before the talk could progress, one of the Archangels spoke up.

"Heed my words."

Zauriel, the red haired Pax-Dei who was the leader of the Eagle Host, an Angel with 8 wings, called out.

"The battle is not yet won. Go! Inspect the body! Salvage the remains by order of God!"

A few low ranking angels flew forward to fulfill the command.

The four winged angels had a tight grip on their holy weapons as they approached, wary; for they knew who they faced.

Before they could reach the chaotic region where the Reaper fell, something stopped them, halting their advance.

"What... Is that?"

One of them enquired, pointing his lance at a pinprick of blue light.

The pinprick grew bigger, swirling into existence and forming a portal right before their eyes.

Additional portals materialized, saturating the entire entrance of Heaven with numerous vortexes.

And from within, the Reaper's allies walked out.

Manhattan was the first to cross over, followed by Raven, Deadman, Cheshire and Shiva. They were flanking Davian's previous position.

Next came two different iterations of the Justice League led by two Batmen, then came the Atlantean army.

Lastly, backing them up in the air, the Soul Lanterns flew down. Hal's presence naturally affected the Justice League, the last time they checked, he was dead.

"We're discussing this after the battle."

Batman stated, staring at Davian's general direction.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"

A blast of powerful white light slammed onto the four winged angels, throwing them back to their colleagues.

"No one is laying a finger on Davi while I'm around."

"Fortunately we got here right on time."

Deadman stated, whistling at the crazy number of enemies before them.

"I don't really know what we can do outnumbered a million to one though."

"You got us here safely."

Cheshire stated, patting his back.

"Without you, our bodies wouldn't have survived in this place. Just look at boss."

"I'm fine."

Davian bit out curtly. The chaotic region around him had calmed down, revealing his figure which was surprisingly in pristine condition.

"It's a shame about the body you created for me though, Raven. It was destroyed in the process."

He turned to his love, smiling down at her in Soul Form.

Raven bit back a squeal at seeing he was alright. Instead she slammed into him in a hug.

"He's still alive?!"

Mr. Myx gasped in shock, comically tearing off his hair.

"But how could he have survived my signature move?"

For once, there were no cheers from the Imps.

"And now he has allies."

Peace muttered.

"Peace and order seem so far out of grasp now."

"They can also somehow survive in Heaven's atmosphere."

Jebediah commented, rubbing his long beard.

"We might have underestimated their resourcefulness."

"Heed my Call!"

Zauriel's voice drofted across the entire battlefield.

All attention fell on him.

Davian looked up, his faze meeting Zauriel's across the distance.

"Going against God is blasphemy. And the punishment for blasphemy, is death."

The Angel declared.

"Show no mercy to these traitors!"

The trumpets of wall sounded out, and with a loud yell, all of Davian's enemies rushed forward to attack.

The Reaper was about to step forward when a palm was placed on his shoulder, stopping him.

Davian looked back, only to find Dr. Manhattan staring right at him.

"Wait. Let us handle this. You're needed elsewhere."

Davian shrugged off the hold, glaring at the incoming force.

"What do you mean? I am right where I need to be."

"Not exactly."

Manhattan refuted, placing his fingers on the sides of Davian's head.

"Showing you will be faster."

More memories poured into Davian's mind. The difference between these memories and the ones before was evident upon first glance.

"This...is the future?"

Davian enquired.

Manhattan nodded.

The memories he had seen showed what the Angels were planning. In five minutes, Heaven's sun would reach its Zenith.

God's glare would fall upon the realm at that instant, burning away anyone who wasn't welcome in paradise, basically all the intruders.

Metatron's plan was to use Chase as bait to lure in Davian and then kill them both by way of using Heaven's Sun.

"You need to rescue them and quickly."

Raven told him, walking forward and shifting into her Soul Self, a large black Raven.


I reached out to her, only to be stopped by Manhattan once more.

"You should rely on others more. That's the one thing you're missing to becoming a true Leader."

He said, a little frustration leaking into his tone.

Shiva and Cheshire ran forward, jumping on the Raven's back.

"We shall cover you."

At the instant, before both forces clashed, the Raven's wings flaring with darkness.

A burst of demonic energy sped forward in a storm of power, devastating our enemies, giving me an opening.

(Davian's P.O.V)

My body flew up the glowing staircase, blazing a path of purple behind me.

Some of the angels on the silver chariots flew down to meet me. I could feel Manhattan's resolve, Raven's care and my allies' ferocity at my back, pushing me forward.

I didn't have time to contend with them. Five minutes was all I had.

Getting ready to unleash Reiatsu, my actions were halted by a golden beam of energy that appeared before me.

Taking into account I was vaulting at several times the speed of light, this was an achievement on its own.

Hal Jordan, one of the greatest Green Lanterns in history, now one of my subjects, materialized in a golden flare.

"Master! Move onwards, we shall deal with the stragglers!"

He yelled.

I stared at them, the forces marshalling around me. My Soul Lanterns. And Manhattan's final brief words echoed back at me.

"You should rely on others more. That's the one thing you're missing to becoming a true Leader."

Maybe this was it.

I had...started lowering my guard.

This was important. For Chase. And for everything I've done this past year. For the stupid choices. The fearsome battles. The unlikely allies.

I somehow didn't screw up. And now I'm here. My adventure in DC has culminated in a battle with the Divine itself.

And before me, I can feel it. The absoluteness of Defeat, awaiting for me on the last level of Heaven.

Hey...its been an awesome adventure, maybe this is where I should stop?

Fear...whispered to me a final time. Citing my deepest darkest secrets. My weaknesses. Fear that I didn't have it in me. Call it Plot Armor. Call it luck. Call it Destiny...

I pierced through the veil of clouds, obliterating the golden tufts in our immediate vicinity with searing intensity.

My Reiatsu flared out, announcing my Presence to God. Let him know that I'm here to reclaim what is mine.


I roared out into the heavens.

"I'm finally here!"

"The sky...it's so pretty... Sure hurts to destroy this place."

I looked down, finally cresting over the massive Citadel Palace. Yet...I was still ways off from the actual ceiling of Heaven's Palace.

At the very top was the borders of the source. An infinite distance up and my Reikaku barely brushed against the actual Source Wall, built out of Promethean Gods.

But. They weren't my concern. The powerful Energy signature below me was.

To get to where I needed to go, to where Chase was being held, I would need to cross over a bridge.

And the bridge was being guarded by the most powerful being besides my father and The Great Darkness that I had ever encountered.

Even that Imp, who I left Manhattan to deal with was not this strong.

I needed to bring my A-Game here. To face the strongest Arch-Angel. There was no stopping this.


(General P.O.V)

"He's here."

Gabriel stated, looking up at the shining ball of light descending upon the The Highest Heaven.

The Angel stood up. Then stared down at the grand Horn in his hands.

"Never thought I would have to use this on one of your descendants Michael..."

A sudden pressure slammed into his shoulders. Gabriel looked up. The Reaper had changed. Become suddenly stronger. Was it an ability similar to an Angel's Burn out?

No matter. Gabriel knew what to do. He would serve his Father to the End.

He raised the Horn to his lips, aiming for the descending Enemy. And without a moment's hesitation, Gabriel blew the Horn.

The air raptured, a wave of unrelenting force propagating towards Davian's position.

The Reaper's left hand pulsed with dark energy. All the strings of existence between the two were rendered void, causing space to collapse into an empty canvas.

A white space.

Gabriel's sonic shockwaves hit the boundaries of unreality and bounced off into the surroundings.

Davian, glowing in a purple shroud shot into reality, piercing right through the boundaries of the white space and into heaven once more.

Black and white strings flowed from both his hands, forming a formidable sword made of God's Light and the essence of Darkness.

Gabriel flew forward, unsheathing his Holy Sword and clashing it right onto the edge of Davian's blade.

"You won't stop me! Get the fuck out of my way."

Davian raged, flexing and in a burst of strength, sent Gabriel crashing onto the ground.

Gabriel smashed right onto the bridge tearing through and falling into the dark pit separating the Throne chamber from the Infinite Staircase.

Unimpeded, the Reaper took off toward the Throne Chamber at the fastest speed he could.

He was already feeling the heat from God's glare, the sun that was steadily reaching the Zenith Hour. He probably had less than 3 minutes left.

He needed to get Chase and Rama out before then.

Luckily the rest would be long gone by then, according to the plan Manhattan disclosed at least.

He only had to kick God's ass and it was done.

Shunpo was a skill that with Davian's familiarity and power was supposed to be instantaneous.

A sudden and unexpected kick straight to his jaw, told him otherwise.

Davian plowed through an indeterminate number of Angel houses and cloud regions, propelled by the impact of Gabriel's mighty kick.

The Reaper spread his hands out, using energy transferrence to absorb the kinetic energy from the blow.

To his abject horror, Gluttony's belly filled up halfway with pure energy.

That's how much power was on the kick.

Davian shook his head, staring around himself. An all encompaassing yellow barrier took over his vision. He turned around, only to find no end to it.

"The Source Wall."

Davian muttered in realization, looking back towards Heaven.

Gabriel had kicked him all the way to the end of creation.

A bloodthirsty smirk broke out across the Reaper's lips. His eyes twinkled with a cruel light.

"This will be fun."

The Reaper, reoriented his body to face his front. Power gathered at his heel and with a devastating explosion that warped the source Wall, sending shockwaves across all of creation, he was off.

"I should have known that wouldn't be enough to kill you."

Gabriel stated, strapping the horn across his hip and unsheathing his holy sword.

Standing upright, he aimed the sword at the purple star shooting towards the citadel.

"Divine Luminary Smite."

Gabriel echoed out, his holy sword shooting out radiant beams of celestial light.

Davian roared at the incoming attacks, slashing out with Chesha Neko, sending arcs of Getsuga Tenshos and Respiras at Gabriel's barrage of assaults.

Explosions of energy rippled out wildly, destroying whatever they touched, marting the beauty of Heaven.

Seeing this made Gabriel mad, remembering what that Cat had said.


Gabriel roared, face twisting in a ferocious expression as he dashed forward.

"You are too young to challenge me child!!!""

His Holy Sword swung out, clashing against Chesha Neko. The collision echoed out with a boom.

Millions of attacks were traded in the fraction of a second.

Davian found both of them evenly matched in terms of skill, but the Angel's impossible strength made it hard to deal with him at close range.

His soul while powerful failed to contend against Gabriel's divine essence, he was God's third child afterall.

That strength alone placed him on the level of Lucifer.

Davian was not surprised that he was being pushed back. He knew the fight would be hard.

Shooting away, he created distance between the two of them.

"Spider web!"

A net of purple colored strings appeared behind Davian, anchoring itself to the Web of existence itself.

Davian bounced off it's elastic structure, flying back towards Gabriel with a hand pulled back, ready to unleash an attack.

Gabriel's perception was enough to react to the Reaper's attack.

"I see you. Divine Luminary Smite maxima."

The 12 wings behind him begun to glow. Waves of Holy Light were sent through his back, hands and into the Holy Sword in his grasp.

The Holy Sword in the Archangel's grip started to glow. Gabriel stepped forward, swinging the weapon with divine might.

An incredibly wide arc of Golden Light exploded from the Holy Sword, speeding forward towards Davian.

The latter laughed at the wonderful sight befure him. He could actually feel the threat of death in this attack.

10 Time Remnants escaped his body. Then each of them aimed a hand to their front.

"Bakudō #81. Dankū (斷空, Splitting Void; Viz " Airtight"

The 11 Davian's all chanted Silmuteneosly.

A massive transluscent barrier formed around them, Gabriel's Holy light infused attack colliding against the barrier.

Pressure waves exploded out, blowing away the golden clouds hanging in the air.

Normally Danku could only block kido spells up to 89. However, Davian had overloaded the shield with his Time Remnants, causing it's conceptual existence to be altered.

As a result, Gabriel found his own attack inexplicably sent back his way.


The Angel stated, flaring his wings and flying up to face his own monstrous attack.

Were it land, it would destroy the Citadel.

He brought his Horn to his mouth and blew it, producing a sonic shockwave that negated the light attack.

Right afterwards, a barely visible blur passed by him.

A breeze blew right past Gabriel, ruffling his robes. The Archangel stared down at his body. There was no blood. No Injury to be seen.

Yet... He had been hurt. Badly.

"You went for my core. The link between God and I... My connection to the light." Gabriel mumbled in realization.

"I apologize,"

The Reaper declared, stepping onto the bridge that divided him from Chase.

"Time constraints forced me to resort to unorthodox methods. I would have enjoyed a prolonged battle. Farewell, Gabriel."

Gabriel heard the sound of his steps fade away. And fast. He had failed. The Reaper was headed to the Throne Room.




Gabriel yelled out, initiating Burn out.

His black hair turned bright silver.

His body exploded into holy flames, melting the part of the bridge remaining, in an instant.

Davian found himself thrown back in a free fall towards the pit, a stunned look on his face.

The Angel's wings beat the air, releasing a swathe of flames that fell towards Davian.

The Reaper strafed to the side in a jerky move, escaping the flames as he rounded the Throne Room.

Gabriel flew higher, hovering above the Reaper. Motes of light gathered underneath his wings.


The Archangel proclaimed.

The motes shot downwards, beams of thin golden light, some brushing against the Reaper's Haori.

"How did he survive? I pierced his Saketsu, destroying his source of power."

Davian bit out, unleashing a clean shunpo through his heels to escape the barrage of golden rain.

In two steps he was standing on the banks of the Highest level of Heaven, right before the Throne room.

Gabriel rounded up, burning with white flames hotter than the core of the sun, he couldn't release his attacks wantonly anymore, lest he destroyed the Throne Room.

He flew higher and higher, then turned around, diving straight for the Reaper who was defiantly standing in wait.

Davian stepped forward, hand tightly gripped around the black and white sword in his hands.

"I can't waste time on you anymore."

He could already feel his soul burn with the Light of God's glare. The Zenith Hour was fast approaching and Heaven's Sun was already peaking through the golden clouds above them.

"I need to finish this in one single blow."

Davian muttered, his cosmic authority flaring out and shaking the entire realm. A sharp glint appeared in his eyes as he stepped forward.

"This is it!"

Gabriel yelled, expending more power by burning out his light.

"I'm sorry Michael!!!!"


Space twisted and bent as a sharp sword beam fell upon Davian. Twinkling like the Crescent Moon, was the silver arc cutting through the radiant atmosphere of Heaven.

It carried with it the unknowable mysteries of Holy Light. A potent power derived from the worship of an unquantifiable number of Wills.

Thus it carried the concept of infinity. An attack with the infinite essence of Holy light, unimaginably heavy and potent, enough to burn away Dark power or those opposed to the Light of the Presence.

It was execution to those denied by God.

Davian raised his Constructed sword, increasing its size by weaving more strings into it. More and more threads. To make it durable. To make it unbreakable. To make it strong enough to contend with God's light.

All Until the sword became too unwieldy.

The shadow of his blade was cast on him and the Citadel, a towering black and white blade of immense proportions.

The wielder stepped forward, body pulsing with Cosmic Authority, a fusion of all his abilities.

And then he swung it out.

"""Death God Sword Art Second Stage: Void Thrust."""

Just as Gabriel's sword descended.

Both attacks crashed in midair.

For a full second, both powers wrestled, tangled and fought. Waves of wild whisps shot out, smashing onto the walls of the Citadel and leaving marks.

The cloud islands were pushed away, some boiling away into ether that hang in the air as golden smoke.

Heaven's skies changed color, splitting into two. One side was a brilliant yellow with raging winds swirling around in a chaotic storm.

The other side turned into a turbulent atmosphere with dark Purple clouds vomiting out streaks of violet lightning that fell onto the ground, leaving a charred mess where they fell.

Light flared out from the point of contact, both attacks producing a chaotic swirl of power that blinded anyone watching with their brilliance.

The purple clouds grew in number, swallowing the yellow clouds as the Reaper prevailed against the Archangel's attack.

The chaotic winds calmed down.

Everyone fighting on both sides knew that an important battle had just concluded. And the victor decided.

Raven looked up towards the sky, at the Highest Heaven hidden behind clouds, though the flashes of purple lightning filled her with hope.

She knew he was alright. Davian wouldn't lose. He was too strong for that.

(Davian's P.O.V)

My weapon unravelled into strings that joined my body.

I looked up, eyes burning with a fervent light.

"Another Obstacle taken down."

All that remained was God and then it was over. No one was going to stop me.

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