I Reap Souls In DC

Chapter 196: Shukai part 1.

Advanced chapters in my Patreon. 


::-------------------------~? _?~---------::

(Davian's P.O.V)

I don't get it.

Another wave of annihilation passed by my cheek, drawing a hint of blood but absolutely wrecking the environment behind me.

I responded by clearing the distance between my opponents and I with a clean Shunpo.

I don't get it. I've been fighting my clones for the last 5 hours in the ABTS-Deck.

The deck can simulate any environment. Forest, desert, an open plain, a city, a mountainous landscape...you name it.

Right now we were sparring in the middle of space, surrounded by large heavenly bodies and far away stars.

I was facing down 10 of my clones, all of them in Bankai mode and with access to all my abilities. More than enough to push me to the next level.

You couldn't go wrong with a trial by combat. It's how I grew stronger.

So why, why was I seeing minimal progress?

I was supposed to feel myself get stronger, faster, more efficient with how I handled my Cosmic Authority.

There shouldn't have been a cap to my power. There shouldn't be a ceiling.

Yet, I sustained the same wounds 5 hours in, that I fell for during the first hour of the spar. There was no noticeable increase in any of my abilities.

No experience gained from fighting myself.


I sighed, blocking the tip of a clone's Chesha Neko with my finger.

The wide vacuum of space stretched out as far as the eye could see. With a wave of my hand, it dissappeared.

I was left in a white space, the default mode of the ABTS-Deck.

The ten clones bled into me, unraveling into strings that were absorbed into Chesha Neko.

I stared down at my hands. This wasn't going how I thought it would.

After naming Ultima, I decided to immediately solve the next biggest issue, Power.

That meant trying out the ABTS-Deck.

"What am I doing wrong?"

I questioned.

"I can't seem to grasp another concept pertaining to my Authority. Let alone come up with several more authorities. How am I supposed to defeat either of them?"

It was a dilemma. I could do nothing in front of The Great Darkness. That feeling of weakness...was demeaning.

"Man...watching you go about this the wrong way is exhausting."

Someone said from my back.

Surprised that anyone could sneak up on me while inside the Tower, I turned around, ready to face down the intruder.

Only for my face to freeze in shock.

He was in a word, bright. His golden skin glowed, two differently colored eyes meeting my own from under lustrous locks of hair.

He was also tall. Very tall. Something like 7 feet tall. Wearing a long flowing robe that revealed his muscular chest. A sword peeked out from his hip, the aura around ot giving me the feeling of danger.

And lastly that face. So similar to my own, yet containing an Otherworldly beauty that surpassed anyone I had ever seen. It was so unnatural yet I could tell this was his actual appearance.

There was no glamour.

I know this guy.

The Great Darkness said he was my father. How dramatic. Was he expecting me to be moved? Then he didn't know me well enough.

"What are you doing here?"

I aimed Chesha Neko at the Stranger. My supposed father.

"The answer you give will determine how badly I hurt you."

"So presumptious."

He stated, moving forward and for the first time, I witnessed what lay beyond the concept of speed.

Instantaneous movement.

I never noticed him change location in his approach. One second he was several feet away, the next he was inches away from me, curiously tapping Chesha Neko's tip.

"You think you can beat me?"

He continued with a question.

"The fact you cannot sense how outmatched you are spells doom for your friend's lives, Mr. Reaper."

The bastard was mocking me. No one mocks me.


I begun, only to find my lips and body immobilized. Just like before withthe Great Darkness, my power was forcibly suppressed.

'Not just anyone can do that. This guy is powerful.'

Am also getting tired of this bullshit.

"Ssh, that's enough of that."

He said, lowering the tip of my sword.

"I didn't come here to fight. And if you listen to me, I might help you out with your little problem."

I found myself able to speak once again. Though I didn't do it immediately.

When I did, it was to ask a question.

"How were you able to get access to not only my Universe but the Tower? And why can't I seem to kick you out?"

"You're worried someone else might do something similar."

He responded.

"I wouldn't be concerned. See I'm a special case. I possess a few powerful Authorities. Two of which stack together to ensure I cannot be contained, imprisoned, sealed, Suppressed or Restrained. There is no place I can't reach, no barriers I can't breach."

I couldn't verify the truth of his words. He was totally completely unreadable. No hint of energy escaped him, no hint into his true motives as well.

However, I chose to trust him, not due to giving the benefit of the doubt, but out of sheer necessity, as he had a firm grip on me.

The promise of power.

I wouldn't have minded some guidance in getting stronger.

Then I was going to use that strength to kick his ass for invading my Universe.

"You could have just knocked."

I pointed out.

"How? It's not like there was a door..."

He said blankly.

I shrugged, refusing to let it go. He's a super powerful entity, he could have found a way.

A few minutes later, I was seated cross-legged on the white floor of the ABTS-Deck, a cup of steaming green tea in my hands.

The brewer, My 'Father' seemed to enjoy the practice, pouring the tea into his own cup.

"My Master always says...sharing a cup of tea between strangers is the first step to understanding each other."

He chuckled,

"Pretty obvious in retrospect, but he has this wise way of saying things that gives his words more gravitas."

I took a sip, finding the tea to be quite good actually. There was a certain warmth that flowed down my throat, easing my anxiety and relaxing my stiff shoulders.

"Feeling better?"

He asked with a knowing look.

"Yes," I exhaled, sensing the previous frustrations gradually dissipate.

"A bit."

"Good to hear. Master Iroh would be pleased that I've mastered brewing his signature Jasmine tea."

He happily chimed.

"It's supposed to calm the nerves and ease stress."

I nodded, having felt the effects firsthand.

"Now, let's delve into the details, shall we?"

Suddenly, his tone shifted to a more straightforward one.

"Simply put, you don't grasp your abilities."


I muttered dumbly.

"What are you talking about? My cosmic authority-"

"Is a hodge podge of different DC power systems and barely learned abilities thrown together haphazardly without rhyme or reason. Frankly, it's a wonder you were even able to transcend in such a corrupted state. And even in doing so, the transcendence became halfway incomplete. Amateur work at best, childish at worst."

He absolutely tore into me.

I...had nothing to say to that.

"Though I can't blame you, you've likely never had a powerful Master to guide you. Your martial arts are impeccable though and your sword skills might rival some of your uncles'."


He wasn't even trying to hide our relationship anymore. Then again, why would he?

"As you are right now, you have all my potential without any of the direction."

He stated.

I tightened my hands into fists. Normally, I would have a comeback ready for that. But...something told me he was right.

My Cosmic Authority was not supposed to be strong against weaker opponents but weak against powerful ones. It was supposed to level the playing field.

"Then how? How do I solve that issue?"

For several seconds, he didn't answer. Then he took a small sip of his tea.

"You do what I did, you understand yourself. More Authorities does equate to power but not efficiency. You will be locked from your true potential if you go down that route. I has to master my elements one after the other. What you need to do is focus on the fundamentals. One step at a time."

"Focus on the fundamentals."

I echoed his words. I still didn't get it but his statement on understanding myself left me with a strange feeling.

"It's evident where your primary source of power lies—within your remarkably potent soul," he remarked, a hint of awe in his voice.

"I've never encountered anything quite like it."

The compliment aside, his words kept on echoing in my mind.

Focus on the Fundamentals huh? There was something I was missing. Something intrisic yet so simple. So basic.

"How did you get so strong?"

I asked him.

He rubbed his chin in thought.

"By mastering myself before trying to master the outside world. Your cosmic authority can be suppressed by someone more powerful."

"And that's because, besides your own created existence, you will never have 100% control of the outside reality. There is always someone older, stronger, more experienced."

"However, by mastering yourself, even against formidable opponents, you can resist without depending on external factors. Your power becomes a tempest of Internal Will. "

There it was again. Mastering oneself.

It kept on standing out to me. What was left for me to master in myself? What was I missing?

I raised the cup to my lips, only to find out that no tea remained. I had...drank it all down.

And in a flash of inspiration, I suddenly knew what I needed to do.

When all was said and done, my source of abilities did come from my soul. Was it that simple? Yeah...it was.

"That's it."

I muttered, covering my mouth with my palm. How could I have been so blind?

"I need...to reach the next evolution of my Soul. The final state. Whether that be something higher than a Bankai or a fusion of all the three Soul Races, it's clear what I should do."

I looked up at him, spotting a confident smirk.

"I need to become The Soul King."

That's how I master myself. By mastering my very own soul.

(General P.O.V)

"This place is extravagant."

Grail commented, staring out into the banquet Hall around them.

"Not necessarily a bad thing though. I like extravagant."

The chamber could be described as tastefully adorned. Refined furniture, subtle lighting, and delicate ornaments, culminating in a grand and beautiful atmosphere.

"Annax Orin takes great pride in the beauty of the Palace."

A dark skinned young Merman informed them, guiding the four through the opulent chamber filled with Merfolk.

"The walls are inlaid with gold and precious metals from all across the seven seas."

"And the wine is exceptional as well. How is it crafted?" inquired Ra's Al Ghul.

He had joined Chase's team to repay the debt he owed Davian, for saving him from Savage and Klarion.

Now he was part of the alliance.

"The Xebel vineyards."

Kaldurahm, their guide answered the Demon's Head curtly, a noticeable difference from the way he interacted with the other 3.

"Her highness, Queen Mera is beloved by her subjects. They supply the palace with the best quality wine you can find in all of Atlantis."

"It does taste good."

Chase echoed, seeking to ease the awkward tension.

"I might have to borrow a few barrels for Davian."

The Zanpakuto spirit was in his humanoid form, a pair of cat ears and a tail, the only indication of his true form.

Kaldur smiled at him.

"But of course. Anything for the savior of Xebel."

"Ah, Kaldur, I see you're doing an excellent job of entertaining our guests."

An authoritative voice spoke from their front.

A duo made way as they approached Chase's squad.

Chase bowed his head at the King and Queen of Atlantis.

"Your highnesses. Thank you for allowing us an audience."

"Please, call me Orin. And this is my beloved wife, Mera. I believe we have much to discuss with you and your...party?"

Aquaman replied, staring at the other 3 standing behind Chase, eyes lingering on Ra's Al Ghul.

"Allow me to introduce my friends."

Chase took the opportunity,

"The blue guy is Dr. Manhattan, he can destroy the Universe ten times over."

Upon hearing that, the nearby Merfolk displayed astonishment on their faces. Unfazed by their surprise, Chase pressed on,

"The femme fatale with us is Grail, she's very dangerous and I'm sure you're well aware of the Demon's Heir, Ra's Al Ghul."

The Zanpakuto spirit concluded the introductions.

"Yes...he and I have tussled in the past."

Aquaman said with a frown.

"Which is why I caution you. I understand, you seek allies to help The Reaper fight. But I must insist you-"

Queen Mera placed a hand on her Husband's arm, subtly silencing him.

She turned to Chase.

"My husband means well. That said, I'm indebted to your Master. Despite not knowing either of you well, a favor deserves repayment. We won't inquire about your affiliations. If you require assistance, we'll gladly provide it."

Chase smiled, a sigh of relief escaping him.

"For a moment, I feared you might be narrow-minded. What's approaching doesn't discriminate, King Orin. It impacts us all—heroes, villains, and everyone in between."

Aquaman sighed.

"I suppose, as long he behaves then you are welcome here. To echo my wide, Atlantis will give you our full support."

"About that, I need to ask. What is it exactly you want?"

Queen Mera enquired.

Dr. Manhattan stepped forward.

"I have seen what comes for the world. The only way the planet survives is with an alliance with the Reaper. Forces beyond the capacity for the League to face are coming here."

"A war. So shortly after the previous one?" Aquaman pondered with a weighty tone.

"Though I acknowledge we didn't experience the full extent of Darkseid's invasion a few months ago. We only had to contend with a few parademons, but even that resulted in casualties."

"This planet got lucky."

Chase told them.

"Others not so much."

Grail interjected.

"Davian singlehandedly defeated my father and his corrupt army. What's coming is worse than that. And it's headed straight for us."

"Then what do you propose? What's the strategy? A pre-emptive attack or shoring up our defence and huddling down."

Aquaman questioned.

At that exact moment, a green portal shimmered into existence within the Hall, and through it came the Justice League, Batman at the lead.

The Flash was noticeably absent.

And Lex Luthor was questionably present, standing between Superman and Wonder Woman.


The enigmatic supervillain stated with a smile, seeming to have overheard Aquaman's question.

Luthor was dressed in a prison uniform.

"Nice party. Why wasn't I invited?"


Batman growled at him.

"We have a job to do."

"The League?"

Kaldur asked in confusion.

"What are you doing here? How did you get past the magic barrier? It's not possible to portal into the palace, and what is Luthor doing here?"

Luthor smirked, holding up four fingers.

"I can answer that. By order of your questions, the league is here because it understands we can only survive what's coming by working together."

"Secondly, we were able to portal into the vaunted palace of Atlantis due to the Relocator. It's not fully functional but in its current state, this much is possible."

"And thirdly, I'm here because you need me."

He concluded with a proud smirk.

"Ugh, I forgot how much I hate this smug bastard."

Green Arrow whispered to Black Canary, hands folded.

"He's not wrong. Luthor was instrumental."

Batman stated, before glaring at his fellow Billionaire.

"However, his usefulness is swiftly dwindling. Maybe a trip back to Belle Reve is in order."

Luthor paled.

"Wait wait...I still don't get it."

Kaldur asked, momentarily losing his composure.

"When did all of you have time to plan all that out?"

All eyes turned to Dr. Manhattan.

"A mindlink formed by Manhattan. All our allies, connected mentally across not only this world, but Prime Earth as well."

Chase explained, tapping his head.

"Allowing you to trade information and strategize all without being in the same room. Or the same world."

Kaldur muttered in realization.

"Sharp as ever Kaldur. "

Black Canary complimented.

"Thank you Black Canary but no. The true genius is the person who came up with the idea."

Kaldur replied humbly.

"That would be me."

Chase spoke up with a serious expression.

"And we offer the same deal to you, King Orin. The purpose of our arrival was to have you join the Mindlink. Our enemies are grand and fast approaching, our allies scattered. We must be-"

The entire palace shuddered, cutting him off.

"What was that impact?!"

Aquaman roared out, gazing around the chamber.

Another tremor rocked the palace, causing cracks to form on the walls.

"Guards! With me."

Aquaman ordered with authority.

"Wait, King Orin!"

Chase's voice reached him, halting his progress forward.

Chase' ears twitched in agitation.

"Let me handle this."


Outside, the palace barrier shimmered, magical energy coming from the city, slamming onto the palace grounds with heavy shockwaves.

The barrier folded, the pressure from the water it kept at bay almost popping it and risking the lives of those from the surface: Chase and his squad.

Beyond the palace barrier, was the rest of Poseidonis, the capital city of Atlantis.

In a flare of blue, Chase and Doctor Manhattan appeared within a protective sphere, above the city.

"It's just as I thought. They've come for me."

Chase muttered with a narrowing of his eyes.

Around Poseidonis was another barrier, shaped like a dome. It was both magnitudes larger than the one encompassing the Palace, and packed with more immense magical energy.

An exit and an entrance point were situated at opposite directions along the dome, serving as a means of accessing Poseidonis.

The entrance was currently in shambles. Destroyed by...

"The Heavenly Host. God must have hated playing catch up to his Opposite. Both of them want a piece of Davian that bad, huh?"

Chase chuckled.


Manhattan answered stiffly.

"Whoever kills the Anti-divine gets to plunder the remains."

Chase turned his head to face Dr. Manhattan, wearing the most solemn expression his human visage could convey.

"What does that mean?"

Before Manhattan could answer, another tremor rocked the outer barrier and in a deep booming sound, it popped, deadly waves of magic rushing into the city.

The water roiled and churned violently, heralding the destruction about to befall Poseidonis.

"This conversation is not over."

Chase told Manhattan, waving his left hand.

Bright white enochian characters appeared on the back of his palm. The characters weaved together into a script around his wrist and on his fingers.

White claws jutted out of his finger tips, glowing with incredible might. Chase sank his claws and intent into the web of existence, negating the magical energies about to hit the city-state.

Above them,

White wings flapped behind a golden figure, descending upon the blue sphere housing Chase and Manhattan.

"You use the Light exceptionally well."

The Arch-angel Gabriel stated, unsheathing a golden greatsword.

"Alas, such sacrilegious acts will not be tolerated. I smell the pungent hold you have in the dark as well."

Chase lowered his hand after dealing with the potent mystical energy. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips.

"What? Going to preach to me about serving two masters? God and The Devil?"

The Zanpakuto Spirit sneered,

"No need. My loyalties lay elsewhere."

"Of course, with the Reaper. Correct?"

Gabriel asked, hundreds of his heavenly host flying down to his position.

The Archangel spun his sacred weapon, his intense gaze fixed on Chase.

"Thats why I'm here. To bring this to an end. You're coming with me."

Chase turned his focus inward and unmuted the Mindlink. Immediately, he was bombarded by questions from the rest of the team.

[Are those angels!?]

Green Arrow stated in shock.

[I need to get out there!]

King Orin's desire to save his kingdom, culminated in an irrational demand.

Just as the few Leaguers were busy telling him why that was a bad idea, Chase's voice cut through all the noise:-

[Everyone, listen up. It's time to start the plan]

Chase informed.

[With Manhattan's knowledge of spatial coordinates, the Relocator should be accurate enough to not slighshot the planet across various dimensions. He can get you to Davi.]

[What about you]

Batman asked, immediately understanding what Chase was planning to do.

[They're here for me. I can buy you enough time to activate the Relocator and leave.]

Chase explained.

[I'll catch up afterwards]

Almost everyone thought he was lying, sacrificing himself willingly knowing that his chances for survival were dim.

Heedless to their concerns, Chase turned to Gabriel.

"You admit it so freely."

The Cheshire Cat responded, sharp fangs jutting out of his jaws, voice deepening, light purple fur sprouting across his frame, eyes glowing menacingly and reiryoku brimming within him.

"Do you think I possess no strength to defy you? You believe you can force my compliance?"


Gabriel answered.

The angels behind him unsheathed their weapons in a grand display of power.

"I am fully aware of how powerful you are. A fight would be un-ideal but still acceptable. The entire City State Of Poseidonis would be destroyed in the aftermath however. I was hoping to appeal to your reason."

"I see now."

Chase nodded his head, leaving the bounds of Manhattan's barrier. A smaller purple barrier appeared around him, his body losing the animalistic qualities.

[Protect them for me. Give Davi a message, "don't come for me while you're this weak. I expect you to get stronger. Strong enough that it doesn't matter where I'll be.Strong enough that you won't die trying to save me."]

Manhattan blinked at the statement. Only he had heard it, everyone else had been muted.

[I will]

Manhattan answered.


Chase smiled, stretching out his hands.

"You make a convincing argument, I shall come with you."

He couldn't allow Poseidonis to be destroyed. Atlantis were allies now.


"What is he doing? Why is he going with them?"

Kaldur asked, staring at the projected display from the City's Security system.

The screen showed a host of heaenly angels turning to fly away after breaking through the Outer shield around Poseidonis.

"They are leaving with him."

Batman stated, fingers dancing over his wrist watch.

"We need to hurry and evacuate. They might decide to deal with us thoroughly to quell any opposition. I have activated the Relocator just as planned."

"They're angels right?"

Hawkwoman stated, her white wings twitching in agitation.

"They wouldn't come after the planet. They wouldn't threaten the lives of innocent people."

"And who says we're innocent in their eyes? Let's face reality. To them, this world is under Davian, their enemy. In a war for dominance, taking out the opposition's side is a sound strategy."

Batman cruely informed them.

"The Batman is correct."

Dr. Manhattan said while appearing in the chamber.

"Metatron has ordered Gabriel to cleanse this world of the Reaper's supporters. The reason you are still here is due to the Arch-angel's compassion and Chase's sacrifice."

What he didn't tell them was how he learned that.

Unknown to Chase, Manhattan and Gabriel had had their own private mental discussion. 

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