I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Vol 3 Chapter 534: The traces are exposed, the silver snow leopard is now!


Yang Fan’s head was hit, and the whole body was broken like an ice sculpture. The spattered ice particles turned into a little spot in the air, and they looked like a fireworks.

Qingyun Beastmaster shook his head and was extremely aggressive.

what 's wrong?

The hoof is not right. Normally, shouldn’t the flesh and blood collapse? Is there a **** hair for this little hair, but what is it?

Flashing, ah, flashing hair, you think you are the sun!

Qingyun couldn't help but wave his gaze toward the light. As a result, the light spots dissipated, and there was only a group of invisible and unqualified air in front of it.


It turned out to be just a phantom, but fortunately!

Tian Feiyao and Sha Qingsi saw the situation and relaxed their breath.

"Master Weiwu!"

"Master is arrogant!"

The four people did not say anything. The squadron was surrounded by the Qingyun Beastmaster. They might not be able to do a beast of the Beastmaster Six, but the siege would be too easy.

"Quick speed, kill it!"

Yang Fan’s figure was floating more than ten meters away. He directly applied a gravity pressure on the body of Qingyun Beastmaster, and rushed to give orders to the four apprentices.

I was just thinking about how to get a few of the beastmaster's blood experience in the hands of a few big scorpions, and I don't want to have the opportunity to send them to the door.

A hundred times of gravity pressure on the body, Qingyun's original light body suddenly sinks, four feet slammed, brushed directly to the foot of the rock ground stepped out of a large pit, gravel splash.


"How could this be how the body of the king suddenly became so heavy, what means did these two-legged monsters show to the king?!"

The Qingyun Beastmaster roared loudly, his mind was a little flustered, and his gravity was so high that he was so heavy that he wanted to restore his previous ability to move. He had to share some of his combat power to resist this sudden pressure.

This is equivalent to directly limiting the strength of the king of nearly 20%, which means that the same attack, it also costs nearly 20% of the demon power consumption.

Tete is so evil, it has never encountered such a strange ability before.

The change in the green cow naturally fell into the eyes of Tian Feiyao. The four people were similar to a smile. They have already become familiar with such an auxiliary style of play. They don’t have to confess, directly increase the frequency of attacks, blame it, and ask for it. Never mercy.

Soon, the wounds on the Qingyun Beastmaster began to increase gradually, the blood was arrogant, and the breath became weaker and weaker.

Two fists are difficult to attack four hands.

A young beastmaster can obviously resist the strong siege of four people.

"Aoyama, you go too!"

At this time, Qingniu Wang also took out a beastmaster from the battle group to help out, Qingyun spirit micro-shock, the strength of a brief outbreak, want to meet with the new Qingshan Beastmaster, and fight against this abominable two-legged monster.

As a result, it has not yet stood up for a second, and the figure suddenly became stiff. It was fixed like a stupid fork, and it could not move.

"You have used the body-building technique for the Beastmaster Six (incomplete) Qingyun, and the success of the body, the Beastmaster Six (incomplete) Qingyun body shape is fixed, lasts for one second, mental strength +2, spiritual will +1, skilled Degree +2."

"Hey! Your apprentice Sha Qingsi successfully killed a beast king six (incomplete) fierce beast Qingyun, the loyalty of the sect is 100% experience success, your qi and blood repair is improved, blood strength +180000 ""

Only for a moment.

Sha Qingsi took advantage of the opportunity, a boxing hit on the head of the Qingyun Beastmaster, and the punching power was like a slap, directly exploding.

Yang Fan was not idle. At the same time as the death of Qingyun Beastmaster, the spirit of mind was moved, and the spirit was directly slain, and the soul of the Qingyun Beastmaster was detained and sentenced to his own soul.

"You are detaining the spirit of the beast king's six borders (incomplete) Qingyun's level of mysterious skills, and the criminal detention is successful. The soul of the Beastmaster Six (the incomplete) Qingyun is intercepted, the mental power is +5, and the skill level is +2."

"You used the refining technique for the soul of the Beastmaster's Six Kingdoms (incomplete) Qingyun. The refining of the soul, the king of the beast and the king of the six kingdoms (incomplete) Qingyun's soul and soul source was intercepted and refining, six products refining the soul Jindan +5, mental power +20, skill proficiency +2."

"You used the refining technique for the soul of the Beastmaster's Six Kingdoms (incomplete) Qingyun. The refining of the soul was successful. The king of the beast and the six kingdoms of the king (the incomplete) Qingyun's soul was intercepted and refining, and the seven refining souls were +10, spiritual + 20, skill proficiency +2."

"You used the refining technique for the soul of the Beastmaster's Six Kingdoms (incomplete) Qingyun. The refining of the soul was successful. The king of the beast and the king of the six kingdoms (incomplete) Qingyun's soul and soul were intercepted and refining, six spirits and souls +15, spiritual power + 20, skill proficiency +2."

Shenshen criminal detention, refining, a whole set of operations, Yang Fan's storage space has 30 more refining soul pills.

Not bad!

Yang Fan licked his tongue and was able to extract the refining soul Jin Dan from the origins of these secret pseudo-kings. It is definitely an unexpected joy. He does not have a little bit of contentment.

"One thirty, there are seven more over there!"

Yang Fan’s eyes are stunned, and the greedy color in his eyes rises, experience, refining the soul, and the king’s flesh-and-blood nucleus, no less!


The Qingshan, which had just flown, had not yet landed, and I saw the scene of Qingyun’s head being shattered. His look changed and he was screaming.

However, its snoring did not last long, and it was suppressed by Yang Fan's gravity field. Soon this green cow also followed the footsteps of Qingyun Beastmaster, and once again was brought to the rhythm by several people.

Yang Fan smashed to the side of Qingniu Wang and found that Qingniu Wang did not seem to continue to send people to come to reinforcements, and his heart was somewhat disappointed.

He also expected to be able to catch another one. I didn't expect the Qingniu King to be embarrassed.

But no wonder.

The combat strength of several people in Tianbu is all powerful. In the original eight to five, the Qingniu family can still suppress it. Now, suddenly two of them are divided into six to five, and the young king of the blue cow is naturally It’s not as easy as it used to be.

Only after a while, the six young cows and beasts have already suffered different degrees of damage. The advantage of playing more and less has gradually disappeared.

At this time, if the Qingniu King dared to sneak out a beastmaster, they themselves would fall into the danger of falling.



Yang Fan’s heart moved and suddenly looked up to the periphery of the mountain.

At this moment, someone was attacking the psionic shield that he had sent out, and the strength of the attack was so strong that it was incredible. Each one would make the psionic shield shake sharply, so that the psionic power in the core of the formation The unit is also experiencing rapid consumption.

As far as I can see, it turned out that the six snow leopards were outside the shield and kept attacking the light curtains that had bitten the outside.

"Silver Snow Leopard!"

Yang Fan recognized the origins of these leopards.

What is special, this is not the tribe that killed the spores of Yang Fan No.1 before, and Yang Fan’s collection space now houses a lot of treasures brought from their tribal treasures.

How are they coming?

Didn't you find anything to come to him?

Yang Fan was a little cautious. He didn't expect that the forefoot had just followed the baby of the family, and the hind leg was found by the owner.

Seeing that the silver snow leopards were excited after seeing a few of them, they were just like the chances of discovering the peerlessness. Everyone’s eyes were filled with light, and the frequency of attacks was getting faster and faster.

Needless to ask, Yang Fan can also guess that these leopards are really not directed at them, and can't be dragged down any more.

When you can experience the experience, you can't brush your own and all the players in order to brush your experience.

Yang Fan no longer hesitated, directly used Qingshan to use the spirit of the deterrent, so that it was in a state of rigidity in an instant, then, Tian Feiyao swept a knife, and the head of Castle Peak flew down.

"Don't take care of those mobs, help the elders of Tian and Fu Wang, and kill all the remaining beastmasters!"

Yang Fan directly directed the four disciples to explain one sentence. Several people also noticed the dangers outside the spiritual support. They did not dare to neglect. After a sigh of relief, they quickly moved closer to the position where several people were in the field.

With the addition of the four of them, and with the control of Yang Fan's soul deterrence and body surgery.

The remaining six Green Bull Beastmasters quickly became passive, and one by one was killed.

"Hey! Your apprentice Sha Qingsi succeeded in killing a beastmaster seven (incomplete) fierce beast, and the loyalty of the sect is 100% experience, and your qi and blood repair is improved~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ blood strength +290000."

"Hey! Your apprentice Cui Hao succeeded in killing a beastmaster seven (incomplete) fierce beast and green cattle. The loyalty of the martial art is 100% experience, and your qi and blood repair is improved. 320000."

Six high-ranking beastmasters, Yang Fan and his disciples only grabbed two bulls, and the rest were all killed by Tian Bu, Fu Zhengqing and Zhu Huanan.

Yang Fan took the opportunity to capture the remains of the beastmaster, and also performed intermediate-level collection on the bodies of these young cows.

"What should I do next?"

Tian Buyi glanced at the six silver snow leopards who were watching the few of them outside the psionics. They frowned and felt that the strength of these leopards was much stronger than the few stupid cows they killed. It is.

They are all hard scorpions.

"What do you do?" Fu Zhengqing didn't want to, and went back directly: "Of course it is a run!"

"This is the site of the beastly beast. It is so loud and soaring that it will only attract more and more powerful beasts. I will not withdraw now. If I want to withdraw the fear, I will not be able to withdraw it!"

Before they came over, they didn't expect that a blue bull tribe that didn't look big was actually hiding so many powerful beastmasters. It was too special, and almost turned over in the gutter.

However, this also shows that the tribes of these beasts in the beasts of the beasts cannot be underestimated. If they are not careful, they may be cold.

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