I Really Want To Go Against The Sky

Chapter 67: Practical training

A washbasin-sized mouse.

A water snake with a thick bucket.

Two goat-sized grasshoppers.

Plus a regular car-sized cymbal.

This is all the monsters held in the logistics warehouse of the Rongcheng Branch of the Special Affairs Bureau.

A total of five, in addition to the two grasshoppers still have some prestige can look at the two eyes, the remaining one is more ugly than the ugly, both Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo are vomiting.

Especially the cockroach that was covered with big cockroaches, the white liquid with pus on the outside of the skin, how to see how disgusting.

Yang Fan was disappointed.

Sure enough, did he still think of the special affairs bureau too powerful?

Just a little bit of spoils, it is not enough for him to sew, look at these weak chicken monsters, really want to shoot a little desire.


The florets in Yang Fan’s arms also screamed at Qian Hai with disdain. As a result, the five monsters in the cage were scared to collective incontinence, their legs were soft, and they shook their bodies in the corner of the cage, urinating.

Comrade Zhou Xiao, the warehouse manager, was staring excitedly at Zhu Caiwei, the big star, and hesitated to ask for a signature.

As a result, I saw that some of the monsters under my control were all scared into a bird by a cat. The prostate also seemed to want to tighten, and the urine was like a tide.

The five guys in the cage are arrogant in front of him every day. Every time Comrade Zhou Xiao comes over and feeds them, they will inevitably be attacked and roared by them. They will be slightly inadvertent. Scratching the bite, looking at Zhou Xiao's eyes filled with greedy appetite.

Every day at the meal, Zhou Xiao was afraid, and he could only throw the prepared raw beef and raw pork into the cage, and dare not approach it.

Now, these five monsters who have been unable to do anything in the past, just heard a cat call, they all turned into soft feet, and got a batch, how can we not let Zhou Xiaoxin jump?

"Secretary! Secretary!" Zhou Xiao secretly leaned over to Qian Hai's side and whispered to him: "The cat has a problem. If it is not good, it is also a monster. Do you want to recruit people now?"

"Okay, stay at ease, listen more and ask less!"

Qian Hai took a look at him, and you are smart. If you can catch it, you don’t want to catch it?

The problem is that the special mother can't beat it!

One person's eyes can make him the highest-ranking director to make the mind unclear and not separate from the enemy. The rest of the little boys are all white, and they are all serving food.

Yang Fan dissatisfiedly licked the neck of the small flower, and the small flower snorted, instantly convulsing all the breath of the body.

The five beasts in the cage slowly returned to normal, and looked at the flowers with a puzzled look, then stood up one by one, and again yelled at Yang Fan several people arrogantly.

Yang Fan shook his head slightly, all of them were some first-class monsters that had just been awakened, and their intelligence level was only as high as the ordinary beast.

"Mr. Qian, aren't we all set up for more than two years? How can we marry so few demons? You won't be reluctant to be more advanced monsters, deliberately use these waste wood to send me. ?"

Yang Fan is dissatisfied, Qian Hai smiles: "Yang consultant misunderstood, these monsters are not a baby, I have nothing to reluctant. Just the five monsters in front of me, really is all the spot captured by our special affairs bureau."

"There have been a lot of monsters in the two years in the past, but most of the monsters are directly killed on the spot when they are hunting. No one has deliberately tried to catch them. After all, it is too difficult to catch them. Can't we hurt a colleague in the bureau or lose my life for a living monster?"

"There is another, we have to hand over at least one monster to the headquarters for scientific research every two months. This is a political task and cannot be refused. Otherwise, even these few in the warehouse will also I don’t want to stay, I’ve been feeding the fish in the river.”

Yang Fan stunned and immediately became stunned.

Qian Hai said it well, and the monsters are not pets. Who are willing to raise them when they are fine? Not to mention the danger, but also the waste of food.

However, he did not expect that the country had already started research on the variation of the monsters two years ago. For these suddenly awakened monsters, there may not be corresponding countermeasures.

China's vast land and vast resources, talented people, has never lacked a visionary who has the foresight.

"Well, mosquitoes are also less meat, five of them are five, and they are better than one!"

Yang Fan no longer pursued more, and handed the kitten in his arms to Yang Guo. Yang Guo scared his face with a white face, but he still resisted the fear in his heart and reached out to take the small flower and hold it in his arms. It’s like holding a dying pack that has already been ignited, and it looks extremely upset.

Did not faint, there is progress!

Yang Fan looked at the little girl with satisfaction, and the courage became a lot bigger. Later, she should let her contact with the small flowers and the little black, and the monsters are just used.


Before going to the first cage, Yang Fan reached out and easily screwed the special alloy lock on the cage into a group of scrap iron and threw it to the side. The iron door opened and the little mouse inside was red-eyed and screaming. Can't wait to rush out.

Zhou Xiao was shocked and quickly pulled Qian Hai’s arm: “The money bureau, what is he doing, how can he destroy the public property at will, those locks are all specially made by me, a pair of Thousands!"

Qian Hai looked at this kid silently. You have a problem with your eyes or a problem with your eyes. Are you focusing on those alloy locks?


Yang Fan laughed and raised his right arm. The head of the big mouse was a punch. He slammed the body of the big mouse, but his head disappeared. He was beaten by Yang Fan’s boxing force.

Good violence!

Just killing a prisoner under one stage, is it necessary to make such bloody?

Qian Hai’s heart spit out, and the feeling that this Yang consultant’s mental problem seems to be very serious.

"Yeah! The floor is dirty, the cage is also full of blood, it is too much, it is very troublesome to clean up!"

Zhou Xiao began to complain in the ears of Qian Hai, looking at the blood on the floor, and the blood on the iron cage. He was dissatisfied with his face, his mouth was lingering, and he was endless.

Qian Hai couldn't help but turn his head and squint at Zhou Xiao. How do you feel that there is a problem with this spirit? Otherwise, how do you focus on this time with the normal people?

There are also two apprentices of Yang Fan, which seem to be somewhat abnormal.

The girl’s family, seeing such a **** scene, did not scare and scream, but closed her eyes slightly, and then tried to force herself to open her eyes to the mouse’s body, as if from The big mouse on the head saw a flower coming out.

What is this going to do, tempering timidity?

Qian Hai unconsciously frowned, and did not agree with Yang Fan’s way of apprenticeship.

Zhu Caiwei is nothing more than an adult. He has a certain ability to withstand.

But Yang Guo, who is only 12 years old, is still a child. Is it too cruel to let a minor contact such a **** picture so early?

What is thinking in Yang Fan’s mind, does he want to make these two apprentices become the same psychological metamorphosis as him?

"You successfully killed a first-class monster voles, the spiritual will has improved, and the intensity of blood is +5."

Yang Fan shook his head slightly, only five points of blood strength, better than nothing.

Looking at the second cage, Yang Fan did not hesitate to step forward.

Two seconds later, the water snake K.O.

Three seconds later, two grasshoppers K.O.

Between the shots, it’s crisp and neat, all of them are attacking and attacking.

In the fourth second, the last cage was opened~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After releasing the same size of the car inside, Yang Fan gave up a side and turned back to Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo:

"This amnesty is reserved for you. My request is not high. You two will work together. No matter what method you use, as long as you can kill it, no one outside can help."

"In addition, don't be lucky, don't feel that I will help at a critical time." Yang Fan's look is unprecedented and cold: "This is a life-and-death trial with my invincible. No one will shoot before the outcome." Save you, I said it!"

"Of course, if you are not lucky, you will be hurt or swallowed by this monster in the trial. It doesn't matter, um, the teacher will avenge you."

After that, Yang Fan raised his hand and waved at Yang Guoyi. The little cat in Yang Guohuai broke away from the embrace of Yang Guo, and slammed into the front of Yang Fan. At the same time, he started the spiritual pressure and forced the big man to Zhu. Yang, two people.


"Master! How can you do this to us?!"

Zhu Caiwei and Yang Guo were excited and at the same time discolored, facing the big squat approaching them, carefully retreating and retreating, while pitifully looking up to Yang Fan.

Master, do you want to be so worried, we are your pro-apprentice!

It’s a pity to see that the two of them have just followed Yang Fan’s less than an hour of basics, and the martial arts exercises have not been practiced at all. Where can they directly compete with the monsters?

This joke is not funny at all. If you can't do it, you have to kill someone.

Also, why do you have to be this one, the master is trying to give them two disgusting death?


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