I really don't want to be a trainer.

Chapter 837 Darkrai, use subspace slash to roar of time!

Chapter 837 Darkrai, use subspace slash to roar of time!

A violent sandstorm raged across the venue, a white light appeared in the billowing dust, and the sound of desert dragonflies flapping their wings at high speed sounded.

"Qibana's desert dragonfly is here!" said the narrator, "Although it is called a dragonfly, it is a real dragon and has the characteristic of "floating"! "

The desert dragonfly is a compound of the ground and the dragon, not only immune to earthquakes, but even learning the dance of the dragon.

Biting the land shark is just for fun, and the real dragon has to look at the desert dragonfly!

The audience looked up at the desert dragonfly circling at high speed in the billowing dust, and couldn't help but marvel.

Even in weather with severe visual obstruction like sandstorms, the desert dragonfly's dust-proof goggles can still provide it with a good vision.

What's more, the sandstorm caused by Super Bankiras is also the main battlefield of the desert dragonfly!

With sharp horns on its head, Super Bankiras stood tall in the sandstorm, turning his head back and forth.

The desert dragonfly hovered around Bankiras, its figure was hard to catch, and it made a high-pitched flapping sound that interfered with judgment.

The battlefield of the two desert warriors has moved away from the river to a rocky field lined with broken rocks.

These sharp stone cones will hinder the movement of Bankiras, but they cannot interfere with the desert dragonfly, which has the ability to fly.

"Banji! (フラッド)" Bankiras hated flying Pokémon for the first time.

This big dragonfly flying around is so annoying!

"How about it, it's also sandstorm weather, try my Dragon Storm!"

Qibana raised a ferocious and excited expression, and clenched his fists tightly:

"Desert Dragonfly, Dragon Dance!!"

Amidst the exclamation of the audience, the speed of the desert dragonfly circling around Bankiras became faster and faster, gradually turning into afterimages.

Moreover, the dust tornado swallowed both of them at the same time.

Bankiras is located in the eye of the wind, looking left and right, and the figure of the desert dragonfly is hidden in the storm, flying at extreme speed!
"Banquilas." Lu Ye looked up, "The rock blockade!"

The hit rate of rock blockade is more reliable than rock avalanche, and it can slow down the opponent's speed and limit the enemy's actions.

"Banji!" Banjilas stomped on the ground, the cracks and explosive energy spread to the surroundings, and the field rumbled and trembled.

The next moment, rock cones and a large number of rock blocks on the ground soared into the sky, smashing into the sandstorm in all directions.

The desert dragonfly looked sternly, stretched its neck and tail, and quickly avoided one rock after another, suddenly showing pain.

The huge rock smashed on the side of the desert dragonfly, slowing its speed for a moment, and it emerged from the sandstorm!
The eyes of Luye and Qibana changed at the same time.

"Now is the time." Lu Ye said loudly, "Bankyras, attack with sharp rocks!"

boom! !

Accompanied by Bankiras' heavy hammer, President Roz couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders.

"Oops..." Luoz grabbed his curly hair, looked at the venue, and murmured, "Chibana has to pay half of the maintenance fee."

The rock pillars continue to rise from the ground, as if the protruding rock peaks are crashing into the desert dragonfly, and the end of the rock peaks is filled with hot white light. Whenever it touches a little bit, it is bound to cause a violent explosion!

Qibana shouted: "Desert dragonfly, dragon god swoops!"

The speed of the desert dragonfly rose instead of falling, surged a surging green light, and climbed up along the wall-like sandstorm.

Immediately, the desert dragonfly spun around, turned over and dived, rushing all the way over the top of the sharp rock attack, as if rushing through a minefield, setting off rows of explosions, and at the same time reaching the top of Bankiras, falling like a sharp blade at 90°!

The audience's eyes widened in unison.

The dragon god swooped down with a chilling aura, and the desert dragonfly's eyes were sharp, like a sword hanging from the sky, and the green dragon shadow surged all over it!

Lu Ye focused his gaze and said, "Grab it, Bankiras!" 』

boom! ! !
A small mushroom cloud rose from the field, and the big tornado of dust that covered the sky and the sun also stopped and scattered into a thick layer of accumulated sand.

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, the venue was completely silent, and the audience whispered.

"This is the strength of one of the eight masters."

"It's already a champion-level desert dragonfly!"

Nie Zi folded his arms and remained silent until Ma Li tugged at his sleeve.

The two brothers and sisters stared blankly at the venue.

"Ban, Bingiras has not lost the ability to fight yet!" The commentator was shocked, "It caught the desert dragonfly!!"

"What..." Chibana's throat was dry.

On the field, Bankiras was covered with scars, his armor was broken and cracked, as if he had been released from the Mega state, but his eyes did not waver in the slightest.

The outstretched palm firmly grasped the slender neck of the desert dragonfly, lifted it up, and stared at the painfully struggling desert dragonfly.

Look straight at me, flying guy!
"Small on the ground." Lu Ye said in a concentrated voice, "Frozen Fist!"

Bang! !

Bankiras lifted the desert dragonfly and smashed it heavily on the ground, causing cracks to open in the ground.

Immediately, Bankiras clenched his fists that gathered ice, and the chill formed a layer of frost on the ground near the soles of his feet!
"Now, Sonic Boom!!" Chibana roared.

"Hey!!" The desert dragonfly fluttered its wings quickly and sang loudly, the deafening sound waves formed a substantial explosion, and 'rumbling' exploded one after another.

The two Pokémon were in the middle of the explosion, and the flames shot up into the sky, engulfing them both.

Bankiras let out a low growl in pain, and resolutely threw down his frozen fist!

Boom! !

The smoke dissipated, and everything returned to calm. The ground was deeply sunken, with cobweb-like cracks broken, and covered with a layer of clear ice crystals.

The desert dragonfly fell down in the center of the depression, eyes circled.

"Desert dragonfly is incapacitated!" The referee waved the flag.

The audience couldn't help being awed by this violent style of play, and gasped.

"Bankyras wears two clothes!"

"There can only be one overlord in the desert, and that is Bankiras!"

Qibana scratched his head in frustration, and raised his hand to retrieve the unconscious desert dragonfly.

Looking up at the man and Bankiras in front of him, Chibana's eyes flickered slightly.

Indeed, they have amazing dominance in sandstorm weather.

Even I was driven to a desperate situation...

Chibana lowered his head, looked at the Poké Ball in his palm, and clenched it tightly.

However, I still have the most trusted partner!
"It's about to go!" Qibana threw the poke ball aggressively, "Aluminum Steel Dragon!"

White light flew out of the poke ball, revealing an aluminum-steel dragon with a silver-white metal body.

It looks like a monster standing on two legs, and its whole body is glowing with the luster of aluminum metal.

It is worth mentioning that aluminum-steel dragons are prone to rust and require frequent maintenance to give them a matte finish like polished metal.

From the appearance of this aluminum-steel dragon, it can also be seen that Qibana has taken good care of it on weekdays.

With the appearance of the aluminum steel dragon, the atmosphere on the field reached a climax again, and the audience paid high respect to Chibana's aluminum steel dragon.

"Let's make a fuss!!"

Qibana's eyes were piercing, immersed in the fighting atmosphere:
"My good partner! Take the opponent and the arena together into the storm!!"

The Aluminum Steel Dragon responded with a dull roar.

Lu Ye respected him, took back Bankiras, who was struggling with physical strength, and threw the poke ball:

"Please, Rotom!"

"The second Pokémon was produced by Lu Ye!" the commentator said, "It's the Rotom cleaning with excellent resistance!"

Rotom appeared in the form of a small washing machine, flapping a pair of small wings made of electric ions, suspended on the field, showing a smirk.

Suddenly, it froze for a moment, and looked at the Aluminum Steel Dragon in front of it.

There is something wrong with the appearance of the Aluminum Steel Dragon!
Seeing a beam of red light, Chibana retracted the Al-Steel Dragon to the elf ball, and the extremely giant wristband diffused a large number of extremely giant particles, making the elf ball continue to expand.

Immediately, Chibana threw the huge elf ball forcefully, the elf ball opened, and the dark red aura enveloped the entire venue!

"Go - super giant aluminum steel dragon!!"

Boom! !

There were dark red clouds entrenched in the sky above the Gongmen Arena, and there was a thunderous roar. The audience looked up at the sky, their eyes widened in shock.

The aluminum-steel dragon's body is bathed in red light, expanding continuously, and finally forming a skyscraper that blocks out the sun.The upper body of the ultra-giant aluminum-steel dragon is like an office building, the chassis is huge and strong, and the windows of the skyscraper emit crystal-like light.The super-giant aluminum-steel dragon soars into the sky, its head higher than the entire palace arena, and the whole picture can only be seen clearly from the third perspective of the big screen.

"Look, Kibana has used Gigamax!!"

The beam of light illuminates the helicopter in the night sky. The hostess is standing by the cabin door, holding a microphone. When the camera turns, a monster-like giant aluminum-steel dragon appears! !

The entire palace gate arena erupted into incomparably boiling cheers.

Chibana's supporters tapped the cheering sticks in unison, forming a 'bang bang bang' rhythm.

"Chibana! Chibana!"

In front of the super giant aluminum steel dragon, Lu Ye and Cleaning Rotom looked extremely small.

"Oops, Qibana's ultra-extremely giant aluminum steel dragon once defeated Mr. Dandi's Duolong Baruto!"

"It will definitely win."

Jon stared at the flying black coat on the field, as if he saw Dandi's red cape covered with advertisements.

"I believe Teacher Lu...he will definitely win!"

"Going up!!"

Chibana usually has a gentle temperament, but his expression is extremely ferocious in battle, and he is often criticized by others.

But he didn't realize it, grinning his teeth at this moment, his eyes were sharp: "Extremely huge steel!!"

The towering upper body of the ultra-extreme giant aluminum steel dragon began to shake, the silver body exuded a diamond-like luster, and the chassis sat down with a 'boom'.

In an instant, the ground stirred up gravel, and the shields of the entire arena flickered frantically.Immediately, a steel path formed on the ground, rushing towards Rotom.

"Beep beep... Oops, Luoto!" Student Xiao Luo shouted badly.

There are a lot of reinforced concrete protruding from that steel path. Once you resist hard, you will be pierced by the steel and concrete pillars!

In an emergency, Lu Ye shouted: "Volt replacement!"

Cleansing Rotom burst into dazzling electric light, forming a cluster of electric currents and crashing into the giant steel head-on.When it collided with the protruding concrete pillar on the steel path, the cluster of currents leaped back and forth, avoiding most of the steel bars, and rushed straight in front of the super giant aluminum steel dragon!

Inflicting negligible damage to the super giant aluminum steel dragon, the current began to return.

Boom! !

The huge steel hit the protective shield in front of Lu Ye with great momentum.

At the same time, an electric current quickly returned from the ruins, and Lu Ye raised the Poké Ball to take back Rotom.


Facing the majestic super giant aluminum steel dragon.

Lu Ye took out the dream ball, threw it violently, and said loudly:


Chibana's smile froze on his face.

Did I hear wrong...

Who was he calling just now, Darkrai! ?
Qibana's face was solemn, and he looked towards the center of the field, his pupils shrank.

A dark shadow flew out of the dream ball and fell to the ground, exuding a cold and oppressive aura.

The audience in the front row couldn't help but get nervous.

"That's, what Pokémon?"

"Nightmare God!?"

Dark red light bloomed in the shadows, and the white turbid mist slowly rose and continued to surge, gradually revealing azure blue eyes and a black body.

Darkley folded his arms, with a cold expression, floating on the majestic super giant aluminum steel dragon, and glanced slightly.

Is it my opponent in this battle?

Interesting, after solving it, I asked Lu Ye for overtime pay.

"Contestant Lu Ye sent Darkley!!" said the commentator, "This is the first time in Lu Ye's personal resume—"

After hurriedly looking for information, the commentator said again: "According to relevant sources, Darkrai is one of the first Pokémon that Mr. Lu cultivated!!"

The audience was stunned for a while.

In this way, it makes sense.

Geng Gui and Fairy Ibrahimovic are really re-cultivated baby teams.

It wasn't until the World Championships that Mr. Lu sent Darkley!

The foreheads of Lu Ye and Darkley jumped at the same time.

Who is the person involved...

I guess... there is a high probability that it is Ah Jin...

Looking at Darkley, Chibana looked apprehensive.

how is this possible--

It gives me the feeling that it is stronger than Dandi's super giant fire-breathing dragon!

It must be caused by some kind of characteristics or props... Qibana clenched his teeth and said loudly:

"Aluminum Steel Dragon—Extremely Huge Rock!!"

Under the night, the super-extremely giant aluminum-steel dragon moved its body and let out a deafening roar.It stretched out one of the soles of the chassis, and sank into the ground with a 'boom'.The energy under the ground erupted from the cracks in the ground, forming a ten-meter-high giant rock wall.

Immediately, the rock wall toppled down slowly, and the shadow enveloped Darkley!
Darkley stared.

You can hide, but you don't have to.

Lu Ye's command sounded next to his ears, and Darkley was in a trance, recalling the first time he fought side by side with him.

At that time...it was still facing Palkya and Dialga.

Along the way, it seems as if all the beasts have been seen once, only the Wuji Tai from outer space is missing...

"Darkley, Yakong Slash!!"

Darkley floated above the field, his eyes were cold, his palms were together, and he slowly stretched out a round of dazzling saber light.

The knife light hovered in the sky, exuding a pearl-like luster, and the space fluctuations on all sides were constantly boiling with fear.

Suddenly, Da Kelai swung the Yakong Cleave Slash, the light of the knife soared more than ten meters, and the oblique cut cut the extremely huge rock in two! !

The gravel fell like raindrops, and the collapsed rocks fell to the ground with a "boom", shaking the venue and stirring up dust all over the sky.

The expressions of Qibana and the super giant aluminum steel dragon changed.

The narrator also froze, and the audience was unbelievable, and they were all 'fucking'.

Subkong Cleave continued to fly towards the ultra-extreme giant aluminum steel dragon, cut obliquely at the middle end, and set off an explosion with a 'bang'! !


The ultra-giant aluminum-steel dragon let out a dull and painful growl.

The explosion dissipated, leaving a hideous cut mark in the middle of the building, which was as hard as a diamond!

The extremely huge power is rapidly decaying, and the dark red aura on the top of the ultra-extremely giant aluminum-steel faucet is gradually dimming.

Darkrai, on the other hand, was floating in the night sky with his arms folded.

Qibana clenched his teeth, his eyes sharp, and said:

"Aluminum Steel Dragon - super giant, deteriorating and decaying!!"


The super giant aluminum steel dragon exudes a deep purple aura all over its body, and a group of continuously decaying purple light surges from its mouth, full of strong metal radiation.

next moment.

The ultra-deteriorated and decayed purple beam of light surged out, engulfing Darkley! !
The faces of the audience were illuminated by the purple light, and they were slightly absent-minded.

However, the purple beam of light continued to vent on the huge barrier, and a large number of red crystals shattered.

Even the sturdiness of the extremely giant barrier still began to corrode under the metal radiation of Qibana's ultra-extremely giant aluminum-steel dragon!


Lu Ye paused and said:
"Time roars!!"

Chibana: ? ? ?

Palkya's exclusive move, I can't stand Yakon Slash.

Now you are using Dialga's moves again, time roars! ?

Is your Darkrai really legal? ?
Darkley in the purple beam of light, with a flat expression, was placed in the spherical mask.

At the moment when the super-extreme giant deterioration decay weakens, the spherical mask spreads to the surroundings and freezes the surrounding time.

Even the extremely huge barrier that was constantly shattered has stopped denuding.

Darkley floated up, and under a red moon, he watched the super giant aluminum steel dragon soaring into the sky.

"Darkley—" Lu Ye roared loudly: "The dark hole!!"

A black hole condensed in the palm, expanding continuously, as if the light of the red moon was also drawn by it, flying towards the black hole.

Darkrai held up the ever-expanding dark hole with one hand, his eyes were indifferent, and then he threw himself at the super-extremely giant aluminum-steel dragon!
Brother and sister Nie Zi and Ma Li opened their mouths wide, and everyone in the shouting team forgot to shout in a daze.

The black hole swallowed the super-giant aluminum-steel dragon, and amidst the deafening roar of the aluminum-steel dragon, a series of explosions occurred from the head to the chassis.

boom! !

The enormous force began to dissipate, and the aluminum steel dragon's size continued to decay in the explosion, and finally returned to its original size, and fell to the ground with a 'boom'.

The famous referee Deng Pei looked up at Darkley under the blood moon, slightly absent-minded.

"This this……"

This Darkley, his strength is beyond the standard! ?
Moreover, Darkrai can also learn "Space Break" and "Roar of Time"! ?

This is not reasonable at all!
Deng Pei subconsciously looked at Lu Ye.

Looking into the eyes of the referee, Lu Ye calmly said:

"It was taught by my friend."

Your friend, I'm afraid it's not Arceus! ?


Deng Pei recalled the rumors about Desert City, fell silent for a long time, and blew his whistle:

"The Aluminum Steel Dragon loses its ability to fight—"

"The final winner is Luye!!"

The audience just recovered from the shock caused by Darkrai.

It is no exaggeration to say that this Darkley can beat ten Darkleys from the Lily of the Valley Conference!
Even a skyscraper-like ultra-extreme giant aluminum steel dragon can't pose any threat to it.

And the strong are the ones that the people of Galar worship!
"You're so handsome, Darkrai!!"

"The seventh seat of the eight masters, is this level?"

"I just said, Teacher Lu can easily crush Qibana!"

Boiling cheers.

Nie Zi glanced back at the shouting team behind him, dissatisfied:
"Why are you standing still..."


The shouting teams looked at each other, and the leader was quite speculative, saying:

"Boss, we will only shout for Miss Mary..."

"Cheer for Teacher Lu." Mary's eyes brightened, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Shouting Team: "..."

Shouting Team: "Teacher Lu is streaming beer!! (Broken sound)"

After the battle with Chibana, Lu Ye's ranking rose rapidly, reaching 11th place.

Already able to participate in the knockout round of 16 at the end of the year.

Moreover, it is only one step away from the seat of the eight masters!
As for Qibana, if he loses another game, he will be replaced by Qinglu or Mr. Lu... What a pity.

In the middle of the field, Chibana and Lu Ye shook hands.

"Congratulations." Chibana said dejectedly, "Damn it...it's almost there!"

"Yeah, it's just a few hundred million points away." Lu Ye smiled.

On the periphery of the venue, President Luoz was wearing a silver suit, looking at the venue distressedly, and murmured:
"It's nerve-wracking... Gongmen Arena has to be closed for a few days..."

Just when the crowd cheered for the winner.

A beam of dark red light fell from the sky near Gongmen City.

Boom! !

The explosion sounded, and the audience looked around in astonishment.

"what happened?"

"Look, look there!"

A Violent Tortoise has already entered a super-giant state, as if falling into a mania, hit the arena with a 'boom' on the top of its head, and then roared to the sky!
The Palace Gate Arena rumbled and trembled, and the crowd screamed. President Luoz grabbed the host microphone and said:
"Please keep calm--Mr. Lu Ye, the owner of the Qibana Pavilion, if possible, please..."

"Leave it to me!" Qibana stared.

In the auditorium, a figure rushed out faster.

"Please help, evacuate the crowd, please!" Ma Li bowed with a serious face.

The shouting team looked at each other and quickly smiled: "No problem, leave it to us, Miss!"

With the help of the shouting team, the crowd evacuated in an orderly manner.

Qibana rode on the desert dragonfly to fight the super-giant Violent Turtle.

Lu Ye remained where he was, frowning slightly, faintly aware of something.

The phenomenon of the super giant Pokémon getting out of control has not been resolved...

It's just that Luoz and Dandi concealed it together.

"Should you tell me something?" Lu Ye cast his gaze and said coldly, "President Luoz?"

Luoz crossed his arms with one hand, tugged at the curly hair, and said gently:
"Thank you for your kindness, champion, but I believe that Dandi can handle it properly..."

Drop drop-

Roz's expression changed slightly, he took out the mobile phone Rotom in his arms, and said hoarsely:
"Emperor Dan's signal... lost contact..."

"Are you sure you're not lost?" Lu Ye asked.

"How could it be?" Luoz smiled wryly, "I made an agreement with him that we will meet you in Gongmen City after the battle between you and Qibana is over, but..."

Luoz looked at the night sky outside Gongmen City, and murmured, "Galer, it looks like a terrible monster has come."

"Tell me everything now, President Roz."

Lu Ye said in a concentrated voice: "I can still promise you to save Galar's strongest champion!"

Lost in a daze, looking at Lu Ye, suddenly realized that he was not negotiating with a champion.

But in today's world, it is rare to play against legends.

"Emperor Dan... is on the top of the tower in Quanguan City..."

On the top of the Tower of Quanguan City, Dandi's golden eyes burned like the sun, and his purple hair and cloak shook together.

In front of him, a legendary Pokémon made of dark red bones, full of dark red aura, and huge in size, leaned on the top of the tower of Quanguan City, roaring at Emperor Dan and the fire-breathing dragon.

"Fight against the legendary Pokémon, Promise Taina!"



 The plot of Wujitai will pave the way for another chapter...I have to write about the highlight moments of Emperor Dan and Yaya.

  This is the last divine beast to be shredded. (laugh)
(End of this chapter)

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