I Possessed a Character in an Academy Without a Protagonist

Chapter 103

Schlus Hainkel.

I had never seen someone so audacious.

Am I suspicious?

Who could possibly be behind me?

It felt like my whole body was shouting that.

Schlus Hainkel didn’t even pretend to be trustworthy.

With that kind of power, he hadn’t accepted any official position at all.

He clearly showed that he had no intention of being bound to the Empire.

Or that he had no plans to be loyal to the Empire.

It was obvious he was openly conveying such intentions.

“I will go suppress that rebellion.”

The statement that left Schlus Hainkel’s mouth left the Emperor flustered.

What a ridiculous notion.

It was nothing but the barking of a foolish kid who had never experienced war, even if he had, he had never fought in one.

What did he think was different about a war called a rebellion?

In the end, it’s just about killing and being killed for each other’s ideologies and purposes.

Gustav had to struggle to hold back laughter at the absurdity of his view on war.

“Didn’t the suppression army just suffer a major defeat?”

The moment Schlus’s cold gaze spat out those words, everything changed abruptly.

The nonsensical barking of the foolish boy started to sound quite different.

The major defeat of the suppression army.

Gustav had learned that news just this morning at 10 AM.

Which means it was only an hour ago.

The priority of the high-speed communication magic, faster than even a falcon’s special delivery, was granted only to the Imperial Palace.

In other words, no one other than those involved in the south could possibly hear the news from the south faster than the Emperor of the Freya Empire.

But Schlus knew about that defeat.

Or perhaps he had been assuming it.

There isn’t much difference between knowing and assuming.

If there is enough evidence to make an assumption, then the incident is inevitably bound to occur.

Regardless, there was no doubt that Schlus Hainkel had information power comparable to that of the royal family.

Or at least had insights that matched it…

“I will go. At the very least, I will cut off support from the Great Forest and, if possible, bring Lorraine’s head as a tribute.”

I started to wonder if he even understood what he was saying.

Support from the Great Forest… well, anyone who has even a slight grasp of the political situation on the continent would be suspicious.

But if he was certain, that was a different story.

Who in the world would boldly state uncertain things in front of the Emperor?

That meant Schlus Hainkel had sources that provided him with that confidence.

At least in the south, it was confirmed he had information power that was by no means inferior to the royal family.

Then Schlus’s next words were even more astonishing.

With no army, he intended to march into the south alone, gather the shattered suppression army, and wage war.

Not just some vague notion of maintaining forces, but making the ridiculous claim that he would turn the tide.

At this point, it was so absurd that I couldn’t care less about whether to believe him or not.

He was speaking such nonsense.

“Are you telling me to hand over the position of Commander in Chief of the suppression army?”

“No. The Commander in Chief should be someone worthy of the position, shouldn’t they? Whoever it may be, I will simply follow their orders.”

And while doing so, he claims he doesn’t even want the Commander’s position?

I began to suspect he was just rambling whatever came to his mind.

But Schlus Hainkel’s gaze was nothing short of icy.

His empty, vacant eyes were fixed steadily on Emperor Gustav.

At this point, there was nothing left to hide.

Trying to conceal anything from this information-rich lunatic would be more foolish than anything else.

There was no reason to hide any longer the fact that the suppression army had suffered a catastrophic defeat in a great battle, losing 70% of its troops.

After all, he must already know everything.

I observed his expression for a moment, but there was no sign of surprise.

Now I had to admit it.

The incredible boasting of this guy.

If it were a lie, they could just capture him.

And if it were true, the royal family could suppress the rebellion without losing anything.

“Very well. Schlus Hainkel. I will permit your deployment. I will grant you the title of knight.”

“Your Majesty. The title…”

“I understand. It is merely a temporary title. The territory bestowed upon you and the authority are nonexistent. It will be of more help in managing soldiers in the south. Return it when you come back alive.”

“Understood. I am grateful, Your Majesty.”

“That guy’s gratitude… Just hand over your sword. *Ugh…* It’s heavy. Raise your head.”


“I will conduct the ceremony simply, in keeping with your temporary knighthood.”

There was nothing to hand over in terms of territory or rights.

An appointment as a knight with nothing at stake.

It was the perfect ceremony for someone as untrustworthy as Schlus Hainkel.

“By the right bestowed upon me by Lady Aigis, I, Gustav Friedrich von Freya, Emperor of the Freya Empire, command you, Schlus Hainkel, to vow your loyalty as a court knight serving the Emperor directly.”

The Emperor requested a phrase of an oath so common it could be found everywhere.

However, Schlus Hainkel’s reaction far exceeded the Emperor’s expectations.

For a while.

Something beyond what he considered mad.

“Facing death and its fear with composure, expressing anger against injustice, and safeguarding justice…”



Schlus Hainkel knelt and rose.

It wasn’t particularly surprising that he rose while swearing before the Emperor.

His words of vow were also quite typical, something that would come out of a fairytale.

What was the problem was what was emerging from his right palm.


A magic sword.

That wicked blade that lies deep within a person’s arm, absorbing mana when needed and summoned.

The way it slowly emerged from his palm and transformed into a sword when he clenched his fist… was completely in line with the tales passed down through legend.

Unless you count the fact that its color was blue instead of red.

“I swear here to become Your Majesty’s sword.”

I could hardly catch the last phrase of that oath.

I was consumed by focusing my entire attention on the sword god soaring high into the sky with its luminous shine.

Initially, the knights who had rushed in, terrified by the light pouring out, froze in place upon realizing the scene before them.

The sword of legend.

The magic sword was there.

In Schlus Hainkel’s right hand.

And that sword was now very close to Gustav’s throat.

With just a slight exertion of force from Schlus’s wrist, he could easily slice the Emperor’s head off.

But he stood there calmly, wielding that sword made of dazzling light.

No further embellishments were needed.

At that moment, Emperor Gustav Friedrich von Freya completely trusted Schlus Hainkel.

How could one not trust Schlus Hainkel, who brandished the legendary sword and brought it so close to the Emperor?

“For the Empire.”

“For the continent.”

The last words of the oath quietly resonated.


Honestly, I was a bit startled.

When the Emperor drew the sword against the bar and brought it down.

The moment the sword’s tip aimed at the Emperor’s neck, I could’ve killed him with just a bit of force.

But the Emperor chose to face me and the sword.

Then he offered the last words of the oath to the one and only deity, Aigis.

It was akin to declaring he would trust me.

‘It worked.’

Though not permanently, at least I’d successfully gained the Emperor’s trust for now.

If my declaration to appease the rebellion turns into reality, that would be even better.

I felt a sense of pride as I exited the audience room.


Amidst everything going just as I expected.

There was an existence there that completely shattered my expectations.

Emilia, with tears streaming down her face, was staring at me.

“Are you going? To the battlefield?”


“You said you wouldn’t go… You liar…”

“The situation has changed.”

“Take me with you… I…!”

Emilia dashed into my arms, burying her face in my chest.

I froze in place, unable to move an inch.

“You can’t cook, brother. You won’t be able to eat properly without me… So take me with you. You won’t listen to me if I ask you not to go, so please… take me with you.”

“I can’t.”

“Why! Whyyyyy! Why can’t I go! You’re going to take others, right? Isn’t that so?”


“But why can’t I be a part of that group!”

“If you die… the tears shed for you will be too many to bear. So it can’t be.”

I had to resort to nonsensical excuses.

If Emilia died, it would be like a game over.

If Hertlocker’s final shackles were released, it would mean the end of the world.

Therefore, the only option besides parting from Emilia was to keep her away, regardless of her own will.

“That’s nonsense… Do you really think I’ll accept such an excuse? If you die… do you know how many tears will be shed for you?”


Tears flowed down Emilia’s cheek.

It had transcended mere performance.

It was something beyond acting… something inexplicable.

“Don’t go… please don’t go.”

“I can’t. I’m sorry, Emilia.”

“You jerk… you bastard…”

“I’ll take your handkerchief with me.”


I pulled out the white cloth peeking out of Emilia’s pocket.

No, it was more like wrapping it in her own mana, the handkerchief I had used to find Emilia.

“I promise to return before the trace of your mana disappears. Whether dead or alive.”

“Just try to come back dead…”

“What do you think of me?”

“Fool. Idiot. Stupid.”


There was no thought of denial left.

Because every word she said was true.

“The moment the magic of the handkerchief fades… know that I will no longer forgive you. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

“Don’t answer carelessly…”

“I got it, Emilia. I’ll come back in one piece. I swear to Aigis.”

“Keep your promise. You have to…”

I wiped Emilia’s tear-stained cheeks with that white handkerchief decorated with pink ribbons.

The clear teardrops seeped into the handkerchief, gradually charging its magic.

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