I play the role of the Villain in order to be my own Hero.

[9] Reunion and the New Shadow

"FREEDOM!" Eva happily shouts in her mind. It had been a long three weeks since she was admitted to the hospital, but at last, the day had come, and she could finally return home.

The sun greeted her with a warm embrace, and she could feel the gentle breeze caressing her face.

"Someone looks happy." Eva's father remarked with a grin, standing beside her as they made their way toward the parking lot. Her mother joined in with a smile, even though Eva didn't utter a word, her expression said it all.

"Am I that easy to read?" Eva asked, a playful glint in her eyes as she feigned surprise. She knew very well that her emotions often wore like an open book, but that's because she allowed it to be. There's no reason to hide or change it if it isn't necessary.

The secret of acting is making your emotion real but controlled, like a skilled puppeteer guiding the strings with finesse. Be sad if you want others to think you are unhappy, be happy if you want others to believe you are joyful. Simple but hard, especially for Eva. Forcing yourself to feel sad and concerned when you lack complete empathy is hard.

"You've always been an open book, miss," Ryuji replied, his usual smirk now back on his face.

"Oh, you have no idea Ryuji." Eva sneered in her thoughts. Sure, Ryuji could technically read her emotion like an open book. But little did he know, it was Eva herself who willingly laid bare those pages, skillfully manipulating him to glimpse into whatever she pleased.

As they were in the car, the road on the way home was silent. Eva stared out the window, taking in the familiar sights that had been absent from her view for the past three weeks.

"Dad, Mom, can I ask you something?" Eva asks, breaking the silence. If she wants to join any of the Astral Academy and plan god knows what, she would need to get her parent's permission first.

"Of course, Eva. You can always ask me anything," Eva father replied, his tone warm and inviting.

"How do you feel if I enroll in one of the Astral Academy?" The moment Eva question escaped her lips, an unmistakable tension seized the car. Both of her parents, alongside Ryuji, seemed to freeze in their places as though they had been expecting this question. The air grew heavy, and it was evident that her inquiry had struck a nerve.

"Eva, sweetheart... We'll discuss that later when we return home," Her mother gently replied. But her voice was tinged with a mixture of concern.

Eva turned her gaze towards Ryuji, her eyebrow raised in a questioning manner, asking him what was happening. But he avoided her eyes, refusing to meet her gaze.

His silence and the way Eva parents avoided the topics speak volumes about what was going on behind her back. "Well, I guess it's pretty easy to deduce in what direction I will be heading with all the "Dad, Mom, I just want to be like you!" when I was a child and the way I recently talked about all the Astral Academy school invitations I got. So they discuss it behind my back, how curious." 

Eva can't have both of her parents ignore the subject forever and just send her to a regular school in Britannia later. She'll need to prepare some speech later...

It's been three whole weeks since Reina locked herself up inside her apartment. Adele couldn't help but notice the lifeless eyes the girl had when she headed home during that time. Worried as she was, she escorted her back home.

Adele's heart sank when she attempted to reach out to her family or any relatives she might have. To her astonishment, when she delved into the vast database of records, she discovered that there was no one left from her family. It was a stark realization that she stood alone, with no familial ties left to lean on.

Seeing all of this, Adele couldn't bear to abandon the girl to her own devices, so she checked up on her almost every day to make sure she was okay or at least eating something.

"Reina, can I come in?" Adele knocked on the door, but there was no response. Discovering the door unlocked, she hesitated for a moment before deciding to step inside the apartment.

"Excuse me," Adele called out softly, her voice tinged with concern as she navigated the quiet space. She found many instant noodles and canned food stocked in the kitchen, untouched and gathering dust. It was evident that Reina had been neglecting her meals, and the sight weighed heavily on Adele's heart.

"Reina, it's me, Adele." She called out again, but there was still no response. Adele's mind raced, considering the best way to approach the situation delicately.

Adele understands the girl's grief, and she probably needs some time alone. But Reina's self-imposed isolation couldn't be a permanent solution to her pain. Adele knew that healing the pain in someone's heart required more than just hiding away from the world. She experiences it herself and understands it, and that's why Adele can't leave her alone when she clearly needs someone to help her.

There, amidst the dimly lit room, Adele saw Reina huddled in the corner, arms wrapped tightly around herself as if trying to hold herself together. But what sent a surge of panic coursing through her veins was the sight of the bloody knife lying beside Reina.

"Reina!" Adele swiftly moved the knife away from Reina and then examined her for any injury. Reina's lifeless eyes slowly lifted, meeting Adele's gaze. It was as if her soul had retreated into a dark corner, leaving her eyes devoid of their usual sparkle and warmth. 

"You don't have to worry about me. I can't die anyway if I want to. My wounds would all just close up instantly. It is still painful, but not as painful as what my friend had to endure because of me." There it is, the self-deprecating words that Adele hears again.

"It's not your fault, you know," Adele gently reasoned, trying to reach through the walls of despair that surrounded Reina.

Reina's eyes welled up with fresh tears, and her voice quivered as she replied, "It is my fault. It always is. Eva probably hates me now, not that I blame her. I deserve it after all..."

This is getting nowhere, and Adele knows it, with a frustrated sigh. She use her Astral Abilities on Reina, enveloping her in an energy shield bubble and lifting her up from the ground. This had been going on for far too long, and Adele had heard that Reina even missed her own graduation party.

What Reina truly needs right now is words of reassurance directly from her friend. Any words Adele said seemed to pass through one ear and out the other for Reina without making any impact. If Reina can't bring herself to her friend, then all Adele needs to do is drag her to Eva herself. It's a little bit extreme, but it is what it is.

"Wait, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" Reina asked, confused.

"I'm dragging you to your friend, you need to talk to her. Don't worry about the appointment. I already have an appointment with her father today. I might as well bring you along."

"Please, I can't," Reina pleaded, her voice filled with reluctance. Yet, her feeble resistance betrayed the true desires hidden within her heart. Deep down, she longed to talk and apologize to her friend. Fear gripped her, paralyzing her from taking that crucial step. All she needed was a gentle nudge, a guiding hand to show her the way, and that was precisely what Adele was doing at that moment.

Adele doesn't know what Reina past is or what makes her scared and believes that it was her fault in the first place, but it doesn't take a genius to understand she is traumatized and needs help. Why is Adele helping her in the first place? Because this is what Adele wanted to be in the first place, to be a hero. The duties of a hero surpass mere acts of rescuing people from danger. A hero's role extends to becoming a guiding light for others, pulling them out of the depths of darkness and despair. 

"Too bad I'm bringing you anyway."

They arrived on a vast estate, where a magnificent mansion stood proudly, surrounded by lush gardens and towering trees. The air was filled with a sense of grandeur and elegance, yet the weight of Reina apprehension lingered, dampening the beauty around her.

Although Reina and Eva had been friends for three years, Reina had never once visited Eva's home. It was an unspoken understanding between them, as Eva rarely mentioned her family's prestigious background, and Reina never really pried to either.

Only now did she realize that they were living in a completely different world. Reina felt the weight of her own shortcomings, for she recognized the unwavering support Eva had selflessly given in her times of need. While she, in return, seemed to offer nothing but trouble for her.

They also come from a completely different background, adding up to Reina stress, fearing that her humble background wouldn't measure up to Eva privileged life. Reina now also feels unworthy of being friends with Eva.

"State your intention. You are in the private zone of the Association." A man wearing an Astral Agent uniform stops their car from entering the gate.

Since this place is where the General from the Britannia Astral Global Association resided, this place acts more like a pseudo embassy since the local government usually just come to visit here if they want to discuss something with the AGA on the Britannia branch. So a few guards here and there were expected.

The guard was visibly tense when he saw that Adele was also wearing an Astral Agent uniform. This was understandable due to the nature of General Richard "Missions" In japan. An Astral Agent keeping an eye on Astral Agent is normal these days.

"My name is Adele Düsediekerbäumer. I'm a B-Rank Astral Agent, just like you, with the rank of Captain. I have an appointment with General Richard." When Adele told her name and hinted where she aligned herself, the guard now can be seen far more relaxed.

"Oh, it was you. You scared me there for a second. Please roll out your window the next time you visit here." The guard sighed.

While Adele and the guard laughed in reunion, Reina, on the other hand, appeared confused, but she didn't have time to think much about it because she, on the other hand, also felt anxious about meeting Eva again. The question of whether she will hate her kept lingering in Reina mind.

"Adele, if I recall correctly, the appointment was meant to be in the evening," Richard told Adele with a long sigh. It struck him that she hadn't changed a bit since their days as friends in the academy.

"I can't quite recall the schedule, to be honest. Oh, before I forget, allow me to introduce you to my apprentice, Reina Takanashi; she was also a friend of your daughter, I believe." Adele said. As Adele presented Reina as her apprentice, the young girl, who had been feeling downcast all this time, was suddenly taken aback by the unexpected introduction.

Reina can see Adele eyes telling her to play along. "Y-yes, I'm Reina Takanashi. Nice to meet you, sir."

As Reina's words stuttered, she noticed a framed photograph on a nearby table. It depicted a much younger Eva, smiling radiantly next to his father. A realization then hit her, the man in front of her was Eva father, an Astral Agent from the Britannia branch with the rank of General. Only now that she genuinely realize the significance of the place they were in.

"Oh? I didn't know you had an apprentice, Reina, was it? I remember Eva talking about her friend named Reina, so it was you." Richard hummed deeply, analyzing his daughter's friend with an intense gaze. He doesn't need to abuse his Astral Ability to see someone's true nature.

"Yes, indeed, she was. Please, stop staring at her like that. By the way, while the adults are conversing, would it be possible for my apprentice to meet with your daughter? I believe she wishes to reunite with her. Oh, and congratulations on your daughter's recovery, by the way." Adele attempted to divert the attention elsewhere.

Hearing Adele hints that she wants to talk about the important thing, Richard makes a hand signal to his house servant to escort Reina to where Eva is. Just like that, Reina was escorted to the garden where Eva currently was.

As Reina arrives at the front door of the garden, she can see Ryuji standing beside it, his gaze filled with hostility fixed upon her. Ryuji was angry that Reina didn't even visit his young lady even once when she was in the hospital when she claimed to be her friend...

Eva was surprised when Ryuji told her there was a guest for her. She doesn't really remember inviting someone at all. Imagine her surprise when Eva sees Reina entering the garden. She completely forgot about her.

Eva watched as Reina cautiously approached one of the chairs and awkwardly sat opposite her. The atmosphere was tense, to say the least.

"Hello, Reina. It's... good to see you again," Eva finally managed, trying to break the awkward atmosphere. "I'm sorry I haven't checked on you lately. Things have been quite hectic... ever since then."

"I'm alright... how about you?" Eva detected a hint of hurt in Reina's voice.

"I'm fine now. There is no lasting injury. I'm just glad that I don't have to use a wheelchair, honestly." Eva reassured her friends with a smile, but this only brought pain to Reina heart.

The garden fell into an uneasy hush, shrouded once more in uncomfortable silence. Just as Eva gathered her thoughts to break the quietude, Reina's voice pierced through the stillness. She took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on the ground, grappling with the weight of what she was about to say. With a tone tinged with remorse, she finally spoke, her words heavy with emotion.

"I'm sorry," Reina uttered, the words leaving her lips like a confession.

"Sorry for what?" Eva knows where the direction of this conversation is going, but she'll just pretend she doesn't know and just let it be.

Reina black eyes then met Eva blue eyes, filled with a mixture of anguish and regret. Reina voice wavered as she revealed her thoughts. "I should have been there for you. I'm sorry I left you," she admitted, her words heavy with self-blame. "Because I asked you to accompany me that day, you almost lost your life. It's all my fault. You ended up in the hospital because of me, and I couldn't even bring myself to visit you there."

"Oh no, not this again. I have to babysit and comfort her again. I like it better when she is smiling. What a bummer," Eva grumbled in her head. She reached out and gently grasped Reina's hands in a gesture of support and understanding.

"Reina," Eva interrupted Reina conffesion gently, her voice laced with empathy, "Nobody could have predicted what happened. It was a chaotic and unpredictable situation. What happened to me that day wasn't your fault. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes we find ourselves in situations beyond our control."

Reina's eyes filled with tears, her hands trembling in Eva's grasp. "But I should have been there for you. I can't forgive myself for it."

"I never blame you for it. That's why you should stop blaming yourself. If you say you can't forgive yourself …Then I will forgive you." Eva quickly embraced Reina in a hug. It was super effective!

Reina couldn't stop crying like a child. Her body is trembling. "All I did was cause trouble for you. I'm not worthy of becoming your friend. I can't help you with anything. I can only cause problems for you."

Eva heaves a sigh, "What a ridiculous thing you said. Is the only measure of friendship for you is usefulness? If that's the case, then I'm deeply saddened."

Reina looked up, her tear-streaked face reflecting confusion and remorse. "No, Eva, that's not what I meant," she stammered, trying to explain herself.

"Then it's alright, isn't it? Our friendship means so much more to me than just mere usefulness."

Reina's eyes widened in surprise, touched by Eva's understanding and forgiveness. She cried on her shoulder like a baby all day long...

Richard's face turned serious as Adele's apprentice left the room. He turned his attention back to Adele, his most trusted agent, and leaned forward. "So, what have you discovered about the recent bombing?"

Adele nodded firmly. "We don't have concrete evidence yet, but General Masamoto thinks the bombing might be linked to the newly emerging Anti-Astral movement."

His brow furrowed, Richard absorbed the information, trying to make sense of the puzzle. "And the attack on the AGA lab in Tokyo? Any leads there?"

"We suspect it's the same group behind both incidents. Their motive appears to liberate the leader of the 'Initiator,' but beyond that, we're still in the dark," Adele replied.

Richard leaned back in his chair, contemplating the gravity of the situation. Another variable was added to the chess pieces. The situation is quickly becoming out of control.

"By the way, what about Marshal Alexander? I know you meet him at the European AGA meeting. Is he with us?" Adele asked.

Richard took a moment before responding, his expression thoughtful. "Marshal Alexander is an enigmatic character. He plays his cards close to his chest, and it's hard to gauge his true intentions. I don't want to risk my family dealing with that man."

In the intricate hierarchy of the AGA Astral Agents, the position of Marshal held a significance far beyond that of a mere General. While a General oversaw operations within a specific country, a Marshal's responsibilities extended to the grand scale of an entire continent, commanding authority and influence over vast regions for the Association.

But it was the Marshal's unique privilege that truly set them apart - the ability to communicate directly with the enigmatic leader of the AGA, an elusive figure whose identity and motives remained shrouded in mystery. This direct link to the supreme authority granted the Marshal unparalleled insights into the Association's overarching objectives and strategic planning.

"We must set our plans in motion as well," Richard said, his voice tinged with urgency. "But tell General Masamoto that I'll lay low for a while. I need to be with my family due to the recent event. I hope you understand." Richard smiles apologetically for slowing the plan, but his family is more important than anything.

"I understand. You already help us more than enough."

In the heart of uncertainty, they found themselves on edge, aware of an impending event they could not define. The winds of fate blew fiercely, carrying an ominous presence that whispered of imminent danger. Whatever loomed ahead remained shrouded in mystery, but the prevailing currents hinted that it would be nothing short of ominous.

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