I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 19 - You word generation!

“Looking for Zhang Fong?”

Xuelang felt a little strange.

Shouldn’t the NPCs you meet in the novice villages usually give you some very simple tasks? For example, let the player go and move some bricks, bring some bread and so on.

Xuelang had automatically thought of the old grandfather in the blacksmith shop in Xinxing Village, waving his hand and saying, “Brother over there, I see that your bones are exquisite and help me to dig some mines”.

However, when this NPC comes up, it will be a fusion… It’s like the old grandfather of the blacksmith said to you, little brother, I lack a good sword here, why don’t you go and give me a whole one?

Why do I feel that this old grandpa is a bit pitiful…

No, there must be something tricky.

Xuelang quickly activated his countless brains and thought about it, and quickly felt that he had found the reason—

——The answer is, this is definitely not a novice NPC!

This should be a huge side quest hidden on the body – or maybe even the main quest, a very important key NPC in the middle and late game!

It is conceivable that when the player’s level improves and the game goes deeper, basic cards such as “Fusion” should be overwhelmed. Giving this NPC a fusion should be a very simple condition, and a high probability is the key to starting a series of chain missions!

But now the problem is coming. Although “Fusion” is a card that is worthless everywhere after playing… But there is no special meow on his current initial number!

Xuelang started scratching his head in a hurry.

How can this be done?

Keep this quest for now, and then bring Zhang Fong back to pick it up when your level is high?

But what if this NPC is snatched away by other players at that time?

He thought it was very possible. If there is really any important plot hidden in this NPC, it will definitely be noticed soon.

Not to mention that this NPC is so handsome that even a man doubts his life, and it is only a matter of time before other players find out.

So handsome… ah, no, it would be a blood loss for such an important character to be taken first.

Obviously he came first.

Seeing that Xuelang was sweating profusely there, You Yu took no time to call in “kindness”: “So, the new duelists from other places are not familiar with the environment, and don’t know how to get cards, right?

If you buy a card, you can buy the card you want by going to the “Dream Card Shop” on the side of the road two streets away. A small number of common cards can be bought directly, and most cards can be obtained randomly from card packs. “

That’s right, he was advertising the store where he worked part-time.

Although the cards that players buy from the card shop can’t be used by themselves… but they can buy them back and give them to Yu Yu!

Of course, You Yu wouldn’t pay anyone’s cards for free. He would also allocate crystals, experience points, and currency (although he doesn’t have any) as a reward for completing the task.

Xuelang’s eyes lit up, as if he had suddenly found a way out. But then he thought of something, and his brows furrowed again.

Because the currency in this game…he doesn’t have a cent!

Don’t have the money to open a card package?

But fortunately, he met You Yu, a model NPC who is considerate, caring and patient, and continued to “gut him”: “Or if it is during special events in some stores, some customers may be randomly given some cards and coupons, and you can use the card coupons. Redeem for some cards that you can’t usually buy.”

Xuelang continued to frown.

But even if you say that, how could I have a card and coupon for a new account…

……Well wait a minute, I seem to…really?

Xuelang’s eyes lit up, and he finally realized this after You Yu’s repeated hints.

The new accounts created by each of their players have their own cards and coupons presented by the system.

As mentioned earlier, the NPC number You Yu also has gift cards. However, his card was used to exchange for the magic card “Witch Hunting”, which was designed to kill the magician. the entire set of cards.

The gift cards and coupons can’t be exchanged for anything useful, and Yu Yu’s cards and coupons are already worth the money.

That’s right, now he’s eyeing the gift card coupon that came with the player’s initial account…

Do I need to directly exchange cards and coupons for “Fusion”?

Xuelang opened the list of card pools that can be exchanged for cards and coupons, checked it back and forth several times, and began to get entangled.

Even if I keep this card… it doesn’t seem like it can be exchanged for anything useful?

Well, why not… just give it to this NPC?

But I am still hesitant, because after all, it is a gift for the novice period, there is only one piece in total, and it will be gone when I send it out…

After struggling for a while, he raised his head and saw the clear and bright eyes of the NPC in front of him, and suddenly made a decision in an instant.

NND, a real man hesitates with a hammer, just rushes in and it’s done!


[Are you accepting the mission from Duelist You Yu? 】

Yu Yu?

When Xue Lang saw the name appearing in the task pop-up window in front of him, he took a breath.

woc, is still an NPC of the “you” generation!

There are two well-known laws of Yu-Gi-Oh, but anyone whose name is Youzi is a monster, and those whose name is Youzi and whose hairstyle resembles a certain animal or plant are even more monsters among monsters.

For example, games, Yucheng, Yuxing, Yuma, Yuya, their hairstyles correspond to starfish, jellyfish, crab, lobster and tomato… (It seems that there are more aquatic products?)

Steady, steady, an NPC as handsome as an illustration in a light novel, using a famous elemental hero…even a wanderer! It’s not important to say that NPC Xuelang doesn’t believe it, right?

Xuelang said nothing, and immediately chose to accept the mission. Then, without hesitation, he exchanged his only card coupon for a magic card fusion, and handed it over to You Yu as a task item.

You Yu took this fusion and nodded slightly.

Yes, yes, Ruzi can be taught.

The coupons that come with the system’s new account are really not good cards, and Fusion is already the only card that is useful to You Yu.

In this way, as long as he goes to cheat again… ah, no, it is to release a task to the next lucky player, and he will collect all three fusion cards.

He didn’t give the spar reward for the first mission (after all, he himself was in short supply right now), and of course he didn’t have any money, after all, he still hadn’t received his first month’s salary. Therefore, he allocated more than 300 experience points to Xuelang from the daily quota.

Of course, it is impossible to cheat players.

Everyone in business pays attention to word of mouth, and the same goes for being an NPC. You Yu is well versed in the principles of sustainable development. If the leeks are cut too hard and the reputation among players is stinky, it will be difficult to make money in the future.

The benefits still have to be given. Only by letting the players see that they are doing well with them can they keep the chives for a long time… ah, no, it’s these respectable duelists.

But he is too lazy to go back and open the card pack now, so he might as well fill up the three fusion cards first.

Although it is a worthless basic magic card, it is still very important to the hero deck.

So he took out a flyer with the address of the “Dream Card Shop”: “I need help with some things. At seven o’clock tomorrow morning, if you are interested, bring as many friends as you can and come here to find them. me.”

It really is a chain mission!

Xuelang was overjoyed, and nodded again and again like a chicken pecking at rice, until the NPCs had already left the venue and disappeared out of sight.

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