I loaded the ghost talk game

Chapter 4 The Drowned Ghost's Commission

Although Kamiyagawa lay flat, death did not come as expected.

The hideous-looking big red ghost didn't attack violently, but kept kneeling upright, looking straight.

He spoke with a dull voice, like an old drum that was barely beaten: "A hundred soul crystals... teach you swordsmanship..."


Soul crystal, it sounds like some kind of currency unit in this game.

The current situation should be that as long as you pay a hundred soul crystals, you can fencing one-on-one with Chigui and learn various fencing postures and skills!

Kamiyagawa recalled that the red ghost, Ganqing, was the NPC in the game.

"But I don't have a soul crystal." He tentatively replied.

And the red ghost just raised his eyes slightly: "A hundred soul crystals... teach you swordsmanship..."

Well, it is understandable for NPCs to repeat the exact same lines.


The phone in the pocket started to vibrate, and a line of text popped up on the pitch-black screen——

[Chi Gui from the Kendo Department is willing to teach you swordsmanship, but he will offer a hundred soul crystals as tuition. ]

"If I learn powerful swordsmanship in the game, will I also become a master of swordsmanship in reality? It's the same as learning the five thunders yesterday."

Kamiyagawa took out his phone, and simply glanced at the prompt on the screen.

I stayed in the kendo department for a while, but didn't trigger any extra plot with Chigui.

No matter what Kamiyagawa said, the other party would only reply with the same sentence, or simply keep silent.

"It seems that before I collect a hundred soul crystals, there is no need to come to the Kendo Department."

Kamiyagawa was about to leave.

He glanced at the closed door, wondering if the group of headless high school students outside were still waiting enthusiastically.

There is no back door in the Kendo Department, the only two windows are equipped with anti-theft bars, and the gate is the only entrance.

Kamiyagawa, who had no choice but to smile wryly, straightened his collar, showed an aura of life since ancient times, pushed open the front door and stepped out with his head held high.



Familiar cries and laughter sounded chaotically.

The headless high school students who had been waiting for a long time threw Kamiyagawa to the ground contentedly...

On the pitch-black screen of the mobile phone, a large red character emerged——



"It hurts!"

Kamiyagawa struggled to get up from the ground, as if waking up from a horrible nightmare.

After returning to reality from the game, he looked around first, and he was still in the cherry blossom forest.

Although he died at the gate of the Kendo Club in the game, in reality, his body still stays next to the specific cherry blossom tree, which is where the Kamito is located in the game.

Only when you are about to wake up, that is, when you are dying in the game, your body will react.

Kamiyagawa discovered this point yesterday.

That's fine, it's much more acceptable than keeping your body in the same state as in the game after entering the game, yelling, running and jumping in school.

Kamiya Chuan picked up the phone, only to see a large word [miserable] written on the screen.

Kamiyagawa: ...

I know I just died badly, don't remind me like this.

However, I didn't expect that the death prompt of this game is not fixed.

[The dead paper figurine has been consumed, the current paper figurine stock is 0, and the refresh time is 12 hours. ]

Next to the cherry blossom tree, a white paper figure appeared out of thin air as usual.

There are many damages on the little paper figurine, and it looks miserable, exactly the same as Kamiyagawa's death state in the game this time.

Kamiyagawa silently put away the paper figurine, put on his schoolbag and walked towards the teaching building.


Today is Golden Day, which is Friday, and the school is filled with a cheerful atmosphere about the upcoming weekend.

Because of the original owner's withdrawn personality and poor ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, although Kamiyagawa has a good-looking face, he has no real friends in the class.

No one talks to him, and he doesn't need to talk to others.

Lunch is also eaten alone in the cafeteria.

The set meal of 300 yen, with a glass of iced lemonade, tastes pretty good.

While eating, he heard the chatter of a few students next to him——

"Have you heard that the story of Hanako-san is very popular again recently?"

"I know, I know. And I also heard that Hanako-san can be seen in the women's toilet on the third floor of the teaching building on the west side."


The students of Hualing High School seem to be very keen on sharing urban ghost stories.

In the afternoon class, Kamiyagawa was still absent-minded.

His eyes always fell on the shiny forehead of the math teacher and the snow-white thigh of the English teacher, and his mind was messed up with things related to "Ghost Story".

A headless high school student, a red ghost who can teach swordsmanship, incomprehensible spells, Hanako in the toilet...

Just waited until school was over.

Kamiyagawa lingered in the school until 6:20, then went straight to the cherry blossom forest.

The dead paper man has been refreshed, and his life has been renewed, and a new round of the game has begun.

Ignoring the headless JK's cries, Kamiyagawa left the cherry blossom forest.

This time he chose to explore the west area of ​​the school, which is the cafeteria and artificial lake area.

There were a lot of headless high school students near the cafeteria, and Kamiyagawa couldn't get close for the time being, so he wandered to the vicinity of the artificial lake.

As a sacred place in the school, the scenery around the artificial lake is still very good in reality.

But in the game with the underworld filter, there is an indescribable weirdness here. The lake water is a pool of dead things, without even the slightest ripple, but it somehow makes people feel that there seems to be some indescribable monster lurking in the lake.

Kamiyagawa avoids the headless high school students, carefully strolls around the lake for half a circle, and then finds a strange object——

It was also a female high school student, but the style of the uniform looked a little different.

Moreover, his whole body was wet, dripping water constantly, his complexion was pale, and there were black or green aquatic plants wrapped around his legs and arms.

Another point worth noting is that she has a head.

have a head!

"Although it has a head, it looks like a drowned ghost." Shen Guchuan quietly watched from a distance, "However, even a red ghost can be an NPC, and there is no reason why a drowned ghost can't."

After thinking for a while, Kamiyagawa began to approach the girl who was suspected to be a drowning ghost.

I hope that the other party is a character who can trigger the plot through dialogue, or a character who can trade like Chigui.

If not, it's not a big deal.

The big deal is to return to reality and cool down for 12 hours.

After Kamiyagawa approached, the drowned ghost raised her pale and wet arm, and she spoke, her voice was muffled like mist: "Need... help..."

Bet right!

This drowned can communicate too!

Kamiyagawa became a little excited, and then he asked back in as calm a tone as possible: "What do you need me to do for you?"

"A letter...to Nagasawa Keisuke...come back here...to give you a reward..."

The drowned ghost took out a piece of white paper soaked in water and handed it out.

The paper was simply folded in half, and Kamiyagawa glanced upwards, but did not see any text, but he still took the quest prop calmly, and said:

"Keisuke Nagasawa? Then where should I find him?"

Send a letter, right?

Finally encountered a normal novice task that should be in the game, and it is clearly stated that there is a reward!

Don't worry leave it to me, I will deliver it!

The drowned ghost lowered his hand again: "Give it to Keisuke Nagasawa..."

here we go again.

NPC's repeated reading script.


[Shoko Kuriyama, the drowning ghost by the lake, hopes that you can send her an important letter to Nagasawa Keisuke, and suggests going to the Shimizu Commercial Building to try your luck, maybe you can find the person you are looking for. ]

The phone vibrated, and another game text popped up.

"I didn't open this picture of the Shimizu Commercial Building. Besides...Shoko Kuriyama, it turns out that this drowned ghost also has a name."

Kamiyagawa suddenly thought, it seems that in the memory of the original owner, he had indeed heard of the Hualing High School in reality. Many years ago, there was an incident of a female student drowning in an artificial lake.

Is that female student named Shoko Kuriyama?

Can't remember.

After that, Kamiyagawa tried to communicate with the drowning ghost for a while, but the result was not bad, and the feedback he got was "Leave it to Keisuke Nagasawa".

There is no other way, I can only wait until the map of the Shimizu Commercial Building is opened before I can do this mission of delivering the letter.

But having said that, the monsters in the picture of Hualing High School are basically headless high school students.

That Shimizu Trading Company sounds like a place where social animals are concentrated. What kind of mobs will this hot chicken game put in that picture?

Do you have a working spirit?

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