I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Bullet Swallow

Speed is power.

One of the words that the old man often talks about is that Kizaru is a fast man.

Clow also admitted that there is indeed some truth.

In addition to the [Ignorance of God’s Love], Cullo’s best swordsmanship is Iaido, and Iai pays attention to the word “fast”.

One Blade Flow · One Line Sky, or Iai · One Line Sky, is a more practical move in his swordsmanship.

What is important is the movement speed, cutting out a knife at the fastest speed will not let people have reaction time.

laugh! !

Buck’s thick crocodile skin has ten more cross marks that can be seen deeply. The body of the huge crocodile trembled, softened and transformed into Buck, and there were ten scars on his chest.

Buck’s eyes rolled, his mouth wide open, his body shaky, panting constantly.

That blow, if he hadn’t turned into the crocodile with the most vitality in the South China Sea, he would have really died.

Buck Arlo was born on a large island in the South China Sea, with an area no smaller than Alabasta, and they were born in a small kingdom on the island, with a large river nearby, and the people in the kingdom basically lived on that river. .

However, there is a group of crocodiles living in the river, that is, the crocodile, which once killed his parents.

The kingdom once sent an army to clear it, but the army suffered heavy losses.

Because no matter whether it is a knife, a gun or a cannon, the crocodile cannot be killed. It is not that the defense cannot be broken, but that it cannot be killed. The vitality of this crocodile is amazing.

But the encirclement and suppression of the army at least also curbed the growth of the crocodiles, until one day the kingdom gave up the encirclement and suppression of the crocodiles because of civil strife, and the crocodiles flooded.

No one can live without water.

Leaving the hometown, leaving the hometown, casualties and casualties, the small kingdom soon became a wasteland.

Later, the world government took action and wiped out the crocodiles.

That kind of crocodile has left a deep impression on Buck since he was a child. During that time, he happened to eat the devil fruit, and the first thing he remembered was the shape of the crocodile.

Just never used it.

Now that his life was threatened, he subconsciously used this animal from his hometown, which was impressive in his memory.

Crow stood up, looked at Buck, who was crumbling, and gritted his teeth, “It’s tenacious.”

That trick of ‘quick shaving’ put a lot of pressure on him, his body couldn’t bear the side effects of this trick, and now his legs and feet were shaking.

I originally thought that Buck would be able to handle it stably, but it seems that there are more than 300 million big pirates, which is really not to be underestimated.

But, that’s the end of it.

Crow took a few steps forward, the claw blade pointed at Buck, ready to strike the result.


Just then, Buck clasped his hands together and roared.

“I won’t die, I won’t! I’m only one step away from the paradise, you force me, look, I don’t even have this gesture of disguise when facing Jack!”

The epidermis is softening, Buck is shrinking.


Crowe narrowed his eyes slightly, accelerated suddenly, and hit Buck in the back of his heart.

He felt something was wrong.

However, the claw blade was empty, and the Buck in front of him disappeared.

In the next instant, his pupils shrank, and a tingling feeling in his scalp hit his heart.

“Rapid Shave · Circle!”

There was a circular wave of air around him, and Crow’s speed was faster than before, and disappeared in an instant. At this moment, a small black shadow rushed to his original position, only a light sound was heard, and there was more ground on the ground. A small hole the size of half a palm.

The hole is very deep.

“Ha ha…”

Crow appeared on the other end of the circular air wave, half-bent, staring at the hole, gasping for breath.

There was a trace of blood on his cheek, and a trace of blood flowed from the wound.

Rao was the first time he dodged, but he still couldn’t dodge. He couldn’t even see the shape of that kind of thing, but only knew that the speed was very fast.

and very sharp.

Chloe’s body was tense, staring intently at the hole on the ground. Suddenly, a black shadow shot out of the hole by moonlight, and Chloe also took steps at this time.

“Rapid Shave Tiger Claws!”

He disappeared and appeared at the entrance of the cave in an instant. Ten intersecting claws and blades attacked the entrance of the cave together.


The shadow passed through the gap in the claw blade he swung like a dense mesh, piercing his arm.

“Avoided! How is it possible!” Crow was shocked.


A loud cry sounded from the sky, and the cry was a little smug.

This time, Crow saw it clearly. It was a black swallow that was not even half the size of a slap, with a long beak like a sword and a swallow tail like a scissor, hovering in the air.

“Bullet Yan?”

Lida was stunned for a while, then exclaimed: “Hey, wasn’t this creature extinct a few years ago?”

Cullo glanced at the swallow strangely, “It’s this thing…”

Chloe’s face was especially ugly.

He was born in the East China Sea and naturally knew this kind of creature.

Bullet swallows, the creatures of the East China Sea, were once talked about in the East China Sea. This kind of swallow is very fast and small in size. It is called ‘Bullet Swallow’.

Their mouths are sharp enough to pierce through steel with ease, and they are so agile that no attack has yet caught it.

They are carnivores, and once targeted by this swallow, they will poke a blood hole in the animal and take a piece of meat.

Bullet swallows do not have a high appetite, and a piece of meat can be fed, but this swallow…is a gregarious creature.

Even a sea king, under the siege of a group of swallows, will soon only have a skeleton.

These creatures are the terrifying legends of the East China Sea.

“By the way, why do you know they are extinct.” Clow asked Lida.

Lida smashes it, smashes its mouth~www.readwn.com~ yearningly said: “Because I heard that it is delicious, the main purpose of my visit to the East China Sea is to find this kind of swallow, but unfortunately, it is really extinct, **** it The only thing is that I was in the year before I came to the East China Sea, if it was delayed, maybe I would still be able to find it.”

It’s just that Buck has never been to the East China Sea, so why does he have the memory of such a creature.

Buck’s incarnation of the swallow hovered in the air, very proud of his heart.

It was the strongest creature he could disguise.

Although Buck is said to be a supernova, he is not too young. He is in his forties. Twenty years ago, he came to the East China Sea and saw the execution of One Piece.

When I went back, I saw this group of swallows preying on sea kings.

That mighty and easy stance made Buck think that it was the strongest and most agile creature he had ever encountered.

This is his bottom-up method. He used this creature when he thought about challenging Kaido, so even in the face of Jack, who annihilated them all, he didn’t use it.

Didn’t expect to use it here.

If it’s used up, then kill this group of people!


Crow stepped on high in the sky and hit him with a claw blade.

There is no need for Buck to guard at all, and the airflow brought by swinging the weapon will make the bullet swallow instinctively avoid it.

No matter what kind of attack, for this creature, as long as there is a trajectory, as long as the airflow can be induced, it is impossible to hit it.

Crow swung a few times, and Buck stuck close to Crow’s claw blade and kept flying into the air.


Bullet Yan rubbed away from Chloe’s thigh, bringing out a small mass of flesh.


He shouted proudly, which meant Crow understood.

Next time, pierce yourself.

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