I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Chapter 1390

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: Kill You, It’S Over

After finding that ordinary slashing was useless, Cullo directly used the Profound Truth White Tiger Kill. He thought he could cut his head open, but he did not expect it to be blocked by him.

For the same purpose of foreseeing the future, Katakuri couldn’t stop his high-speed slash, but this straw hat boy could dodge the hit part at the critical moment, which was considered acceptable.


“What about the second knife?”

Just as Cullo was about to turn around and give him another knife, he suddenly heard a strong wind, and saw a dark fist approaching suddenly when he didn’t even notice it. He frowned, subconsciously about to strike. cut over.

“Rubber Rubber Orochi Cannon!”

dong dong dong!

The fist that was almost close to his face suddenly turned, and even the arm almost disappeared. After continuous explosions in the air, the fist suddenly appeared beside Cullo’s cheek, and was about to punch.


Holding one hand firmly on the fist, Cullo stretched out his left hand to block the fist, and said gloomily, “You want to hit me in the face?”

Several times, especially this kid, seems to have a soft spot for his own face.

Luffy bared his teeth and said with a smile, “Yes!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Cullo’s cheek was suddenly attacked, and the arm that kept turning like a snake appeared on the other side of his cheek. a bit.


With a huge force, Cullo’s head swiped there, and the hand holding Luffy’s fist also subconsciously loosened. Luffy got into the hole, and the whole arm retreated like a flexible snake and retracted onto his shoulders.

On the battlefield, Lida sideways dodged the long sword that Dongli slashed, and stepped on the sword with one foot. The huge force even made Dongli unable to lift the long sword!

“Papapapa, you little girl is so powerful, even bigger than the giants!” Dongli laughed.

Lida pouted, ignoring him, but looked back and clicked: “That straw hat is really annoying, what do you have to do to make Clow angry.”

“Hmph, that’s funny.”

Crocodile also looked back and sneered: “It’s so funny that he was slapped in the face.”

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Hancock kicked a pirate back with one kick, turned to look at Luffy in admiration, and clenched his fist secretly.

Great, finally gave that nasty man a treat!

“Isn’t it just hit!” Luffy giggled at Chloe.

At this time, Cullo’s head was tilted upward, and there were still marks from the blow just now on his cheeks. He maintained that posture and did not move. It was just inexplicable, which made Luffy in front of him a little cold.

The five fingers holding Luo Gui were obviously squeezed tighter, and a **** energy enveloped him, quickly forming a blood-colored armor. On his slanted face, a cross pattern appeared between his eyebrows, and the tears from the corners of his eyes looked like The meniscus extends all the way to the angle of the jaw.

“You are so…”

Six ribbons appeared on Cullo’s shoulders, waist, and thighs. Cullo bowed his head sharply, his pupils with a touch of scarlet: “It’s disgusting! Killing without life!”

The two ribbons on the thighs flew directly, rushing towards Luffy very quickly.

That thing made Luffy’s eyes widen, he inhaled suddenly, his body grew directly, and a white feather coat like steam appeared on his shoulders, and his hair stood on end.

“Fourth Block · Elastic Man!”

Facing the two ribbons attacking, Luffy crossed his arms, stared at him, and shouted, “I won’t be able to stop this time, rubber…”

The ribbon reached Luffy’s arm at this time, and two blood splattered from his arms, but it was called absolute lethality, and even Kaido’s defense could dig out a piece of meat ribbon, and it stagnated.

No, it’s not stagnation, but the toughness and elasticity that make Lifeless Air Kill unable to move forward. As long as he can enter forward, the straw hat’s defense can’t stop this thing.

But when you can’t move forward…

“Bounce car!”

I saw Luffy screaming, his arms stretched out, and under the action of the elastic force, the Ribbon of Lifeless Air Kill actually flew away, and was bounced out by him.

Cullo stretched out his five fingers and held it tightly, and the flying ribbon continued to descend, attacking Luffy’s body.


The air was blasted, Luffy groaned, his body flew in response, fell to the ground and plowed out a gully, causing smoke and dust.

It’s just that the figure slowly emerged from the smoke and dust.

Luffy maintained his fourth gear and gradually floated in the air, with two red marks on his abdomen.

That’s the red mark from Lifeless Killing…

Power is completely offset by elasticity and toughness.

“This time, I blocked it!” Luffy said loudly, looking directly at Cullo.

“Oh, really?”

Cullo looked at the white smoke that kept coming out of his mouth, his face was gloomy, “You are really amazing…want to bluff me?”

Blocking is blocking, but how many lives are burned, only God knows.

If he hadn’t sensed that his breath of life was burning just now, Cullo thought that his lifeless air kill was really ineffective, and he would have been frightened by the straw hat.

“No, I just wanted to say, I blocked it!”

Luffy said resolutely: “It’s different from last time, this time I blocked it soberly, I won’t let you deal with my partner again, no matter what the price is, I will protect my partner and be the Pirate King! ”

When he was in Wano Kingdom, when he was fighting with Cullo, he was offline the whole time, and he lost his mind after being hit with a trick. It was hard for him to burn a little bit of sanity just to recover his strength, and then he lost his mind when he was hit by a trick.

It’s different now, now that he can stay awake, then… can beat this man!

“One Piece… One Piece all day long.”

Cullo clenched Qiushui, squinted his eyes and said, “Straw hat, this time you can only realize your One Piece dream in hell. If there is a sea in hell… No one can keep you, I said.”

“Kapp, your beloved grandpa? He retired early, and I didn’t let him play. Dorag, your wanted old father? He’s being dealt with by the government now, and it’s even more impossible for him to come to you.”

“Or… the redhead who once led you on the road?”

Cullo looked at the red-haired man on the execution platform whose spine and shoulder blades had been pierced by the chains, and said with a smile, “The quality of the chains is very good, and he can’t move vigorously by himself.”

“Stop talking nonsense, it’s enough to beat you!”

Luffy raised his fist and shouted at him: “As long as you defeat you, everything will end!”

When Cullo heard the words, his body was low, and he looked like he was about to charge. He exhaled like an arrow, and said solemnly:

“It’s a coincidence, I think so too, as long as you kill you, everything will be over!”

Get rid of this **** straw hat and the sea will return to its original calm!

He was not interested in any historical secrets, hundreds of years of inheritance, or hidden truths.

Chapter 1323 kill you, it’s over

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