I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 CPhO Preliminary

“Gu Xiaodan shut up.” Shen Qi scolded Gu Xiaodan again, and then asked Chen Xiaoting: “Since you have artistic expertise, why don’t you take the art test? Try it. You were admitted by Beijing Film, Chinese Opera or Central Conservatory of Music. Maybe. But it’s too late now, the art exam is over.”

“I’m just an ordinary person, let’s go to a regular university as An Ansheng.” It seems that Chen Xiaoting does not yearn for an artistic life.

“What works does Deldra have?” Shen Qi suddenly asked.

“Huh? Deldra?” Chen Xiaoting didn’t react for a while.

Shen Qi explained: “Deldra, musician, what is his representative work?”

Chen Xiaoting said: “Deldra is most famous for “Remembrance” and “Serenade”, which I often practice.”

Shen Qi asked again: “Where is Ravel?”

Chen Xiaoting: “Ravel has a lot of tunes. The violin piece I often practice is “Zigong Rhapsody.”

“Oh, thank you.” Shen Qi silently wrote down the famous songs of Deldra and Ravel, the system did not open the music subjects, I don’t know how to play G major and G minor, I can always listen to it.

“Shen Qi, are you interested in classical music recently?” In front of Shen Qi, Chen Xiaoting finally found a topic on which the two can communicate on an equal footing. Chen Xiaoting even has an advantage.

“Cultivate sentiment.” Shen Qi said, “Xiaoting, how many places do you rank in this monthly exam?”

“Not high, 558 points, 233rd in grade.” Chen Xiaoting was a little disappointed. She could also talk to Shen Qi about Debussy, Schubert, Mendelssohn and Paganini, but Shen Qi didn’t tell her. Talk about classical music.

Shen Qi: “Yes, it’s not a big problem to cross the first line. But now some provincial universities are within the first line. It’s better to get a higher score as far as possible, and try to get a key university directly under the Ministry of Education.”

“Is it right that you are not qualified to be friends with you if you fail to enter a key university?” Gu Xiaodan couldn’t help but turn around and said.

“That’s not true.” Shen Qi stood up and left the classroom. Today’s daily patrol was over.

“Obviously!” Gu Xiaodan was under great pressure. He calculated: “Apart from Yan University and Shuimu, the capital’s key universities include the National People’s University, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Chemical Industry, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Normal University, China Agricultural University, China University of Geosciences, China Finance and Economics, China Media, China Politics and Law, Central Finance and Economics, University of International Business and Economics…”

“I’m going to the capital. There are too many key universities in the capital. Our province plus the next province, together, can’t be compared to a city in the capital. No, no, even Haidian district is no better. I love the capital Tian’anmen. The sun rises on Tian’anmen. Great capital, I will definitely go!”

“By the way, Chen Xiaoting, which university do you want to take the exam? It’s March, don’t you have any points in your mind?” Gu Xiaodan asked Chen Xiaoting.

“Do you want to manage?” Chen Xiaoting didn’t want to talk to Gu Xiaodan.

Shen Qi was summoned by his father to go home, and good news came from the publishing industry.

After Shen Zhishan’s preliminary negotiation, Nangang Science and Technology Press intends to do the publishing business of Shen Qi’s mathematical experience.

“The publisher is very interested in the content of your manuscript, but the editor in charge hopes that you can modify the description. The editor said that your text is too colloquial and needs to be changed.” Shen Zhishan said to Shen Qi.

“How to change?” Shen Qi asked.

Shen Zhishan said: “I will take you to the Nangang Science and Technology Press to meet with the editor later. You can talk to him about the technical details, but in terms of business, Shen Qi, don’t talk to them a word. I remind you, Shen Qi, You are at least 18 years old, and you are responsible for speaking and signing outside. Although I will discuss the commercial and legal aspects of the work contract, it is you who signed the contract at Party B in the end.”

“I know, I don’t know about business, and I’m not interested in talking about business. Anyway, I am responsible for making money, and my father is responsible for collecting money.”

“Do you really think you can make money by writing a book?”

“There are always three melons and two dates.” Shen Qi smiled.

“I didn’t count on your three melons and two dates, you just have to be happy.” Shen Zhishan said.

In the afternoon, Shen Qi met with the editor in charge of Nangang Science and Technology Press.

“Olympics champion, mathematics genius, it’s better to see it after hearing it, it is true that the hero is a young man.” After seeing Shen Qi himself, the editor in charge praised him again and again.

“The editor is overwhelmed. Let’s start talking about business?” Shen Qi wants to get the book out soon. He has a lot of other business to deal with.

“Shen Qi, the core content of your manuscript is about mathematics. There is no problem. Tao Zhexuan was at this level when you were your age.”

“But, I don’t dare to agree with the way you express your language in the manuscript, what kind of kitchen knife, it’s called Dad, holding a Lagrangian median knife and killing it over the tower… My mathematical genius, you What is written is popular science, not on the Internet. Can the text be a little more rigorous and written?”

The editor in charge vomited as he talked, and then added: “Although my colleague does not agree with your diary style, I think the diary style is okay. You can remove those online languages ​​and express it in plain diary style. No need to have superb literary skills, high school students’ excellent composition level is sufficient. In addition, don’t bring too many private goods, you can bring a little. All in all, Shen Qi, I hope the final manuscript is both rigorous and not boring. works.”

“Change, I will change.” Shen Qi accepted the editor’s suggestion.

After returning home, Shen Qi added a drafting business to his daily plan.

During the revision process, Shen Qi maintained communication with the editor in charge and confirmed the title of the book titled “Mathematics Skills of Mathematical Olympiad Champion Shen Qi”.

is a very routine title, but the editor in charge said that this can increase sales.

In the preface of the final draft, Shen Qi wrote:

“My level is limited, and there are unavoidable mistakes in the compilation process. Special thanks to Teacher Zhang Wanbang of Nangang No. 2 Middle School and Professor Sun Erxiong of the Department of Mathematics of Yan University for their careful guidance.

At this point, Shen Qi’s work is finished. As for the business matters such as how to divide the money, price, how many copies of the first printing, and when to start printing, Shen Zhishan has the full authority to handle it. This will take some time.

The draft was completed, and at the end of March, the CPhO National Preliminary Tournament began.

The national preliminary contest only tests theoretical papers, and the Chinese Physics Society commissioned by the Ministry of Education to produce theoretical papers, and the national unified examination papers.

Mu Rong led a group of more than ten people from Nangang No. 2 Middle School Sports Team to the Municipal Experimental Middle School, where their team participated in the preliminary competition.

The preliminary contest time is 3 hours, from 9 am to 12 noon.

Before the players entered the examination room, Mu Rong made the final mobilization: “Boys, I believe you can all pass the preliminary round. Come on, I’ll wait outside for your good news.”

More than a dozen members of the Nangang Second Middle School Sports Team were arranged in different examination rooms, and Shen Qi was in the No. 3 examination room.

At 8:55, the bell rang, the preparation bell rang, and the invigilator began to hand out preliminary test papers and draft papers.

Contestants can bring pens, drawing tools, calculators without programming, logarithmic tables, and physical constant tables.

List of mathematical and physical formulas, and electronic devices with communication functions are not allowed to be brought into the examination room.

At 9 o’clock, the bell rang again, and the CPhO National Preliminary Competition officially began.

Shen Qi got the preliminary examination paper and quickly scanned the whole question.

“The problem is not big.” Shen Qi knew it well, so he did multiple choice questions first.

There are 5 multiple-choice questions, each with 6 points.

Among the 4 options given in each question, only one of the questions meets the meaning of the question, and some questions meet the meaning of the question.

6 points for all correct choices, 3 points for correct but not all answers, 0 points for incorrect choices or non-answers.

That is to say, these 5 multiple-choice questions have single and multiple choices, but which question is single-choice and which question is multiple-choice. There is no written on the preliminary test paper. The contestants need to make their own judgment based on the meaning of the questions and the 4 choices. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

The first multiple-choice question in the preliminary competition of the National Middle School Physics Competition, there is a → on the scroll, and this → is the x-axis.

From left to right, there are three points in sequence from the top, namely O, P1, and P2.

text description is:

“A series of simple harmonic transverse waves propagate in the positive direction along the z-axis in a uniform medium. The equilibrium positions of the two mass points P1 and P2 are on the x-axis, and they are 60cm apart. When the particle P1 moves upward at the equilibrium position, the particle P2 is in the trough. Position, if the propagation speed of the wave is 24m/s, the frequency of the wave may be:

A, 500HZ

B, 60Hz

C, 400HZ

D, 410HZ. ”

Does this still require thinking? It’s so simple, it’s not worth the brain cells to think.

Shen Qi brushed down two English letters: AD.

A multiple-choice question took an average of 30 seconds, and Shen Qi completed 5 multiple-choice questions in more than two minutes.

Next are five fill-in-the-blank questions, each with 10 points.

The difficulty of    fill-in-the-blanks is slightly increased. Shen Qi completed five fill-in-the-blanks in 5 minutes.

The full score of the CPhO preliminary test paper is 200 points.

5 multiple-choice questions + 5 fill-in-the-blank questions total 80 points.

The calculation question is worth 120 points, and there are 6 calculation questions in total.

15 points for the first calculation question, 25 points for the sixth calculation question, and 20 points for the middle four calculation questions.

“There is no pressure, this is three blocks simpler than CMO.”

Very boring, Shen Qi completed the first 5 calculation questions, it was 9:20 at this time, 20 minutes have passed since the start of the test ringing.

“Yawn…” Shen Qi was about to fall asleep, and he sent 15 questions in a row. Everyone would doze off.

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