I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Weak and strong

“Shen Qi, you have changed.” Xu Rui said to Shen Qi.

The physical education teacher hasn’t come yet, and the students in the second grade (2) class are free to move around on the playground.

“Brother, people can change, and you are my best brother. This will never change.” The 1.75-meter Shen Qi patted Xu Rui on the shoulder. Xu Rui grew taller again. It’s one meter and eighty-five meters away.

Xu Rui flicked off Shen Qi’s arm angrily: “Don’t call me a brother or brother, you are indifferent. Are you worthy of me when you secretly study? What about your original intention, Shen Qi? If you say you want to become a dog together, you violated it with full marks. Promise, will your conscience not hurt?”

“Xu Rui, you are a high school student and not an elementary school student, please be more mature.”

“Mature, your sister, pretending to be false!”

Xu Rui turned around and left, his sturdy body couldn’t hold back the confusion, and the words were bleak.

“This guy’s inner world is really weird.”

Xu Rui’s character is distorted humor and deformed straightforwardness. Shen Qi knows him well, and he will be fine after a few days of appeasement. Brothers are still brothers, a matter of a lifetime.

“Xueba is like this. After a long time, you will find that there are fewer and fewer friends and more and more loneliness.” At this time, one person walked over, Huang Zikun, who always stood up and summed up inadvertently.

Huang Zikun is a veteran schoolmaster. He has excellent math scores, as well as good physics and chemistry, Chinese and English. He is very comprehensive without shortcomings. Not only that, Huang Zikun is quite handsome and is the highest value in the second grade (2) class. Boys.

“But I think that as long as I play, everything is secondary, and feelings are the most important.” Shen Qi said.

“No, the Chaffinch and Honghu can never be true friends because they fly at different heights.” Huang Zikun floated away after saying this.

“The grades are so good that I have no friends, but it’s actually a kind of worry?” Shen Qi thought about it, and Huang Zikun seemed to have some truth.


At this time, a sharp whistle sounded on the playground, and the physical education teacher came.

“Line up!” Teacher Sun issued a line up command, raising his right fist and straightening his left arm horizontally.

There are more than 40 students in the second grade (2) class in four rows, and there are a few more boys.

“The warm-up exercise begins, one, two, three, four, two, two, three, four…” Teacher Sun led the students to do warm-up exercises.

“Today I practiced 50 meters, a group of four, and one person runs freely after one run.” After the warm-up, Mr. Sun led the team to the track.

“Shen Qi, make gestures.” Huang Zikun and Shen Qi were about the same height, and they stood next to each other when they lined up.

“Come on, let’s go together.” Shen Qi accepted the challenge and ran in a group of 50 meters with Huang Zikun.

“Two weak chickens, what is the comparison between weak chickens.” A person behind him said disdainfully, it was Xu Rui. The only subject he could crush those high school students was physical education.

“It’s better than playing.” Huang Zikun said without a hassle, and didn’t care about Xu Rui’s babbling.

“You are also a weak chicken compared to playing, you are not only a weak chicken, you are still a bitch.” Xu Rui dislikes Huang Zikun not a day or two. Huang Zikun looks tepid to everyone, including the scumbag. In Xu Rui’s view, Huang Zikun looked down upon the scumbag from the bottom of his heart, and he was so-called light and windy, and disdainful of the general knowledge of the scumbag.

“The word “study whore” is not suitable for boys.” Huang Zikun was not angry either, and it was calm and calm.

“The weak chicken among the weak chickens, the tractor among the weak chickens.” Xu Rui was still chattering, and Shen Qi actually got closer and closer to Huang Zikun, this one, Xu Rui became more and more chilled, and Shen Qi went further and further on the road of betrayal.

“Well, we are the weak chicken, and you are the strong chicken.” Shen Qi quickly comforted Xu Rui and eased the relationship between the two. He values ​​the friendship with Xu Rui very much. Xu Rui once helped him fight and went to the hospital.

“You JJ is not as big as I am.” Xu Rui raised her head and said, taking it for granted, ignoring the girl next to her and laughing in shame.

“Okay, you’re the biggest JJ, it’s hanging up. The big hanging chicken stands back, and our weak group runs first.” Shen Qi admits this. He accidentally witnessed Xu Rui’s majesty when he went to the toilet. Organs of high school students.

“Shen Qi, you are just a joke.” Xu Rui cursed, but he forgave Shen Qi a bit in his heart. He stopped talking and took a few steps back.

Shen Qi, Huang Zikun and two other boys stood on the starting line. A group of four of them ran 50 meters first.

“Everyone is in place!” Teacher Sun sent a preparatory signal.

The four boys stand in a standing position and prepare to start.



The whistle sounded. This is the starting order.

The four boys started off and Shen Qi reacted quickly. He was always in the leading position in the first 20 meters.

The default index of Shen Qi’s physical education level in the system is level 1, which is the average level of high school students.

All boys are aggressive and competitive. Even in a 50-meter run, Shen Qi wants to cross the finish line first.

After    ran 30 meters, Huang Zikun suddenly increased his stride, and after a few strides, he surpassed Shen Qi.

“Huang Zikun, come on!”

“Huang Zikun, come on!”

The onlookers in the second grade (2) of the high school class made calls for Huang Zikun collectively. Huang Zikun, the all-around little prince with good looks, good grades and good athletic ability, has many fans.

Huang Zikun became more and more courageous, he took the lead in crossing the finish line with a multi-position advantage.

“Huang Zikun, this guy runs very fast!” Shen Qi had an advantage in the future, and was exploded on the way, he crossed the finish line second.

“7 seconds! 7 seconds 2! 8 seconds 4! 9 seconds!” Teacher Sun continuously pinched the stopwatch and shouted out the 50-meter test results of this group of four boys.

“The first two are so-so and the two embroidered pillows on the back, the koalas run faster than you!” Teacher Sun praised Huang Zikun and Shen Qi, and scorned the two boys in the back.

The 7-second Huang Zikun scored a perfect score in the 50-meter run. Shen Qi was slower than him. 7 seconds 2 is a 90-point score.

“Huang Zikun, you are very good.” Shen Qi said to Huang Zikun sweating profusely, this is the truth, Huang Zikun has almost no weaknesses, and his sports performance can also get full marks.

“Seven seconds is not bad, not satisfactory.” Huang Zikun said tepidly.

“Is this your limit, the weak can learn to bitch.” Xu Rui yelled and stood on the starting line, it was his turn.

beep! The departure whistle sounded.

Xu Rui took the lead as soon as he set off. His running rhythm was very strong, the hips were very strong, and the exchange frequency was deliberately controlled.

The three boys in the same group are really weak in front of Xu Rui. They have no resistance.

With a lead of more than 10 meters, Xu Rui crossed the finish line first.

“6 seconds 3! Xu Rui ran well, come, come and drink some water.” Teacher Sun called Xu Rui to his side and handed Xu Rui a bottle of mineral water. Not every student can enjoy this treatment.

“Thank you, Mr. Sun.” Xu Rui respectfully took over the mineral water and changed his nonsensical style. His most respected is the physical education teacher, and his favorite is the physical education class.

“Actually, you can go faster. 50 meters is too short for you. Just accelerate to the highest speed and you crossed the line.” Teacher Sun admires Xu Rui very much. Xu Rui’s figure and physique are a good seed for sprinting.

“Recently, I was practicing the 100-meter race with Teacher He.”

“Hundred meters is the most suitable individual for you. Follow Lao He to practice well, he has a good way of training his disciples.”

“Good!” Xu Rui nodded heavily.

Seeing Xu Rui being favored by the physical education teacher, Shen Qi is also happy for him. Everyone has his own unique bright spot. The bright spot of Xu Rui is his outstanding athletic ability besides being a big bird.

Next is the free time. Most girls leave the playground and go to other places in the school for free activities. Boys play basketball, play basketball, and play football, play football, these are the two most common ways of sports entertainment for high school students.

“Weak chickens, come on, **** me!”

On the basketball court, Xu Rui drove the ball to layup. After knocking over three people, he easily sent the ball into the hoop.

“Too weak, you are too weak, come and **** me!” Xu Rui yelled loudly, whether on the track or on the court, he has honey domineering.

The basketball rules of the second grade (2) class are very simple. Three teams form a free team and play halftime. The team that loses 5 goals first leaves the field and changes to another team to challenge the winner.

Xu Rui scored 5 goals alone, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com knocked off his opponent and replaced the other three to continue the challenge.

“Xu Rui, don’t play solo. Give me the ball and let me get a few points.” Shen Qi was unhappy. He joined Xu Rui in a team, but he couldn’t get the ball at all.

“Weak chicken, catch the ball!” Xu Rui rushed to the basket and knocked over two people, passing the ball to Shen Qi obliquely behind.

The two opponents were overwhelmed by Xu Rui’s overbearing arrogance. The remaining one shivered and retreated to beyond the three-point line. Undefended Shen Qi easily shot the basket.

“Hahaha, what a great shot!” Shen Qi finally scored, and he expressed his happiness.

Xu Rui’s style of playing is to flip you first, and then make sense with you.

So Xu Rui could only join the school track and field team, and the school basketball team did not dare to take him in.

Shen Qi’s body is not as strong as Xu Rui. He is characterized by a higher shooting percentage without defense. In fact, he is a crispy ADC.

Meat shield Xu Rui rushed straight into the hatred, and Shen Qi stood up and fired to Shuangwaiwai.

The two cooperated in a tacit understanding of the division of labor, and the friendship between the brothers returned. The other boy in the team has nothing to do. His only role on the court is to serve.

Shen Qi and Xu Rui’s team couldn’t play, and they didn’t lose until the end of get out of class.

“This physical education class is very enjoyable!” Shen Qi sweated, enjoying the joy of dominating the stadium.

At this time, the system prompts: “The host gains 1 Xueba point through physical exercise.”

“Oh, it’s great that you can also get the points of learning tyrants by running and playing.” Although only 1 point of tying masters, it was an unexpected gain, and Shen Qi felt that he had earned it.

But if you think about it carefully, since reading and brushing the questions can get the points of the master, then physical exercise is also possible, because sports is also one of the top ten indicators of the system.

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