I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 64

Chapter 64 Calculation Ji

This board is obviously well designed, and the issuer has restricted some conditions and also set up traps.

A large number of calculations need to be completed quickly in a short time.

If the answer time is extended to 10 minutes, most poker lovers can calculate the result.

But the young students in the mathematics camp only have ten seconds, no pen, paper, and no computer. Their only tool is their brain and their sensitivity to numbers.

“Wait a minute, give me some more time, I’ll figure it out soon.” Zhou Yu’an was sweaty on his forehead, and the quick calculation of winning or losing in this fight for the landlord took a lot of his brain cells.

“Next question!” Sun Erxiong waved his hand, and a new question appeared on the screen.

“Damn.” Zhou Yu’an counted halfway, and nothing happened, but nothing happened.

Entering the mathematics professional test session, the pace of answering the questions is too fast, and there is no time for the students to remember.

Shen Qi rubbed his temples, staring at the projection screen in front of him with wide eyes.

The second question is described like this: “Scenario hypothesis: There are five prisoners in the prison, and the numbers on their prison uniforms are 1-5.”

“The warden took five prisoners to the gallows and said, I played a game with you. The winner of you will be released immediately, and the loser will be put to death on the spot.”

“There are 100 beans in this sack. The rule of the game is that you take turns to grab beans in the sack in the order of numbers 1-5. Each person can only grab one time, and at least one bean at a time.”

“Listen well, the person who caught the most and least number of beans will be executed on the spot. The rest will leave alive.”

“You are not allowed to communicate with each other, even eye contact is not allowed. However, when you touch the beans, you are allowed to find out the number of beans left in the sack.”

“100 beans do not have to be all part of it. If there is a tie for the largest or smallest, the tie will be executed together.”

The title is gone here.

The atmosphere in the classroom is extremely tense. After the test of the first math professional test, all students understand that they only have a few seconds to quickly read and understand the meaning of the questions.

After reviewing the question, Shen Qi has a sense of measure.

This question is similar to the IMO logic question. It is not a simple numerical calculation. In fact, the numerical calculation part is very simple, but the difficult part is logical reasoning.

Instructor Sun gave a hypothesis but has not yet asked a question. Shen Qi guessed that the question is probably which of the five prisoners has the highest survival rate?

“Dear students, here comes the question, please be prepared.” Sun Erxiong broke the silence ten seconds later, “These five prisoners are all smart people. Their principle is to save their lives before harming other prisoners. Then, please, please, Of the five prisoners, who has the highest probability of leaving the prison alive? I will give you another ten seconds to think.”

Ten seconds passed quickly.

Sun Erxiong said quickly: “Please raise your hand!”



There is no doubt that Shen Qi raised his hand first.

The second person who raised his hand was Zhou Yuan. He was a second or two slower than Shen Qi, and the instructor and assistant could clearly distinguish it with the naked eye.

Zhou Yuan is a genuine player who has been selected for the Olympic National Team after all. IMO won the individual gold medal. Although he is not a perfect score gold medal, his logical ability is considered relatively good.

“Rely…” Zhou Yuan was sitting next to Shen Qi, and he himself could see that raising his hands was slower than Shen Qi.

Shen Qi raised his right arm and glanced at Ou Ye who answered the first question correctly.

Ou Ye’s eyebrows furrowed, without raising his hand.

“Shen Qi, please give your answer, which of the five prisoners has the highest probability of survival?” Sun Erxiong looked at Shen Qi.

Shen Qi said more confidently: “My answer is that prisoners No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 have the highest probability of leaving alive. In fact, it is not fair to draw lots in this order, but what is fair in the prison?”

“Then Shen Qi, what is your basis?” Sun Erxiong said non-committal.

Shen Qi explained: “All prisoners are smart people. Their principle is to save their lives before killing others. Then prisoners No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 all grabbed 17 beans, and the three of them have the best hope of surviving. No. 4 and No. 5 are backed up, there is no way to survive a bad life.”

“The answer is correct, Shen Qi got 10 points, and everyone else got 0 points.” Sun Erxiong expressed affirmation and asked the other students: “Do you understand Shen Qi’s logic?”

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

“Yes, that’s it.”

“Give me another minute and I can deduce it.”

The students in the math camp are all smart people. Shen Qi throws out the introduction, and they understand it in seconds.

“Ah, ah, what a pity, the answer I deduced is the same as Shen Qi, you raised your hand a little late.” Zhou Yuan thumped his chest.

“Zhou Yu’an, you are a Tucao robot.” Shen Qi massaged the eyelid area and adjusted it slightly.

“As of now, Shen Qi and Ou Ye have each scored 10 points, let’s move on to the next question.” Sun Erxiong did not give the students any time to rest.

An updated question on the projection screen: “There are 2 horses, 3 cows, and 4 sheep today, and their total price is less than 10,000 yuan. If 2 horses plus 1 cow, or 3 cows plus 1 A sheep, or 4 sheep and a horse, then their respective total price is exactly 10,000 yuan. Question: How much is the unit price of a horse, a cow, and a sheep?”


This question is very, very simple.

Compared with the first two questions, the third question is so simple that Shen Qi couldn’t even believe what he saw.

“The question has been released, please raise your hand to answer immediately!” Sun Erxiong said urgingly brush!


A dozen arms were raised one after another.

This question is actually to list a system of linear equations in three unknowns. Set the unit prices of horses, cows, and sheep as x, y, and z, and then mentally calculate the values ​​of x, y, and z.

This question is not about the mathematical knowledge reserve, nor the logical reasoning ability of nine bends and eighteen bends.

It is the purest calculation of numbers, and arithmetic is part of mathematics, the most basic part.

If there is plenty of time, junior high school students can also calculate the values ​​of x, y, and z.

Calculate the result within a few seconds, which is more than the quick calculation ability.

Shen Qi lost his mind, raising his hands slowly.

At least ten people raised their hands before him.

“Ou Ye raised his hand first, please answer Ou Ye.” Sun Erxiong said, then glanced at his assistant: “Little Qian, who did you observe raises his hand first?”

“Ou Ye raised his hand first, Zhou Yuan was second, Wang Sheng was third, and I didn’t remember the ones behind.” Xiaoqian replied, the assistant.

After confirming, Sun Erxiong said: “Ou Ye, please give your answer.”

Ou Ye’s speaking speed is not fast or slow: “Horses are three thousand and six, cows are two thousand and eight, and sheep are sixteen.”

Sun Erxiong: “The answer is correct, Ou Ye gets another 10 points!”

The rest of the students have no objection to this set of answers, and their mental calculations are the same, and the calculation speed is a bit slow.

“Ou Ye, this girl got 20 points! And I still have 0 points, and I feel sorry for myself.” Zhou Yuan complained to herself.

Shen Qi, currently ranked second with 10 points, said: “According to my observation, Ou Yeh’s comprehensive logic ability is estimated to be average, but her calculation power is very strong and her response is very fast.

Zhou Yu’an: “Shen Qi, you have met an opponent, sister Ou Ye is actually a calculating girl.”

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