I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Before the International Mathematical Ol

Because of the 5.68 pound disagreement, Shen Qi, Zhou Yuan and the cashier British girl froze in a stalemate.

This caused much discussion among the British people who lined up behind them.

“They are Oriental.”

“Chinese people?”

“The Chinese are the best in mathematics.”

“The Chinese multiplication table is very magical.”

The British crowds onlookers did not dislike Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan for occupying the pit and not paying. Instead, they watched the excitement with great interest. In their minds, people with good mathematics are very powerful.

“Shen Qi, what should we do? Will something happen to us? Forget it, let’s leave her with 33.50 pounds, so that we can disperse the wealth and avoid disasters.” Zhou Yuan was timid and retreated.

“Don’t be anxious, don’t panic. Didn’t you see that these British people are complimenting us?” Shen Qi wanted to be calm. He held the dual currency credit card in his hand and swiped the card to pay 33.50 pounds if he couldn’t hold it. The pound was beaten.

“She is not malicious, please don’t get me wrong, two young gentlemen.” Suddenly, an authentic southern London accent sounded behind Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan.

The two looked back, and a white old man wearing glasses looked at them with a smile.

The external features of this British old man are rather peculiar. His face is thin and long and his cheeks are sunken in, as if processed by a knife. The sharpness of his hooked nose is amazing. A pair of windy ears are almost vertical at a right angle of nearly 90 degrees. Yu cheek, if he were not wearing gold-rimmed glasses, he would be a little scary.

“No, no.” Shen Qi waved his hand, indicating that we are all good people, not here to do things in the British Empire.

“Tesco is a well-known supermarket chain in the world. They do not deliberately deceive consumers. Of course, some discounts are calculated incorrectly. I think this is the omission of their financial manager and has nothing to do with this beautiful lady.

“The British are obviously not as good as the Chinese in mathematics. If we do not rely on calculators, most of us cannot calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 20. For this reason, we will lose about 800 million pounds every year. Our Prime Minister has decided to import Mathematics textbooks to improve the overall mathematics level of the British people.” The old British man looked at the cashier sisters, and then looked at Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan, explaining. He is also a guest with a shopping basket in his hand.

Shen Qi, who has a level 1 English level, understood it. The old man probably meant that the British people are very poor in math, and they often make mistakes in their calculations. Chinese friends please forgive me.

If you explain this way, then I will not be angry. Shen Qi no longer struggles with the loss of 5.68 pounds, he swiped his card and paid 33.50 pounds.

The cashier girl in Yunliwu put the goods purchased by Shen Qi into the shopping bag, and Shen Qi took the shopping bag and prepared to evacuate.

“Maybe I can compensate you for the loss of 5 pounds and 68 pence through other means.” The old British man said again.

“Fuck!” Shen Qi was surprised.

“Which trough?” Zhou Yuan was unclear.

“This weird old man can mentally calculate the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 40. He is a local folk master! The strong dragon does not crush the local snake, Zhou Yuan, hurry, hurry!” Shen Qi ran with his shopping bags.

Zhou Yuan followed Shen Qiji and rushed to the door of the supermarket. The two of them panted, and then walked slowly along Waterloo Avenue, enjoying the British scenery.

While moving, Shen Qi, who could not bear the loneliness, stopped in front of the stall along the way. He was attracted by the traditional British snack fish and chips.

“Hey, Zhou Yu’an, let’s buy some local London snacks and try it.” Shen Qi took out a 10-pound note and was greedy.

“Shen Qi, you are a foodie, buy a bunch of food in the supermarket, and then buy them again! Fish and chips are so terrible, I don’t want to eat it, let’s go.” Zhou Yuan grabbed Shen Qi and wanted to take Shen Qi. Pull away.

“The first time you came to the UK, how did you know that fish and chips are unpalatable?”

“Teacher New Oriental said.”

“The unity of knowledge and action does not understand. Practice is the only criterion for testing all theories. Zhou Yuan, you stingy can’t bear to spend money, I will ask you to eat it. Boss…oh no, hey-man, fish-and-chips, two.” Shen Qi handed the £10 note to the boy at the roadside stall.

The British boy who sells fish and chips quickly wrapped two pieces of fish and chips, handed them to Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan, and then found a five-pound note and a pile of coins.

Shen Qi glanced at the change that the British brother was looking for. One fish and chips was 2.3 pounds, and two were 4.6 pounds. He asked me for 8.6 pounds. What kind of trick is this?

The British mathematics is really scumbag?

10 minus 4.6 is equal to how much, Chinese elementary school students can immediately give the correct answer.

Shen Qi returned 3.2 pounds to the British brother. This stubborn Englishman was not happy anymore. He insisted that he did not make a mistake.

“Zhou Yuan, you testify to me that I am an honest person and did not deliberately defraud the British people of money or goods.”

“Let’s go, let’s go, if you spend time with this Englishman, he may beat you.”

Bringing 8.6 pounds of change, Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan left the fish and chip roadside stall, and the two went to a bench by the Thames to sit down and eat fish and chips.

“Newton is an Englishman, he invented the integral.” Shen Qi said.

Zhou Yuan answered: “Green and Taylor are great British mathematicians. They invented the Green function and Taylor formula, almost driving me crazy.”

“As well as McLaughlin and Clem, McLaughlin series and Clem’s law have troubled me for a long time.”

“Turing is also British, he is a mathematical genius.”

“There are so many outstanding mathematicians in British history, why is the mathematics of contemporary British people so bad?”

“Our country’s junior high school students come to the UK, they should be able to dominate the king, only in the field of mathematics.”

“That said, the UK is really a good place.”

“But really, Shen Qi, your English needs to be strengthened.”

“That’s true. Fortunately, the IMO test questions are translated into various languages, otherwise I might not be able to understand the questions.”

Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan returned to the hotel after strolling around the streets of London to prepare for the upcoming IMO race.

China is the strongest king in the international Olympic mathematics field in the past 30 years, and there is no one.

Since participating in the IMO for the first time in 1985, the Chinese Olympic Mathematics team has won 18 team championships, and the other countries they played are called Dad.

Shen Qi and their Chinese Olympic Mathematics team came to the UK for only one purpose-to be champions.

“Shen Qi, we Chinese have such a good overall level of mathematics. Elementary school students will do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within 100, while most adults in the UK cannot complete simple calculations within 20. It can be said that we have laid a very solid foundation in mathematics since we were young. , But there has never been a Chinese who won the Fields Medal, and the British, whose mathematics is so bad as a bird, have won the Fields Medal six times.”

Zhou Yuan lay on the single bed in the hotel room and added: “I mean the Chinese whose nationality is Chinese. Well, even if you add Qiu Chengtong and Tao Zhexuan, so far only two Chinese have won the Fields Award. ”

“It feels like our country’s mathematics is similar to bicycles. Both are the most populous countries in this project, and the masses are extremely strong. However, there are only a handful of top world-class athletes. In contrast, although most of them are weak in the UK, once they emerge Then a few strong chickens are world-class super strong chickens. I can’t tell the truth, maybe it’s because of different national conditions.” Shen Qi went to the shower to take a shower after finishing talking. Of course he knew that the Fields Award was awarded once every four years. It is the highest achievement in mathematics, yes, why hasn’t a Chinese ever won the Fields Medal? This is unscientific.

On July 25th, British local time, the Chinese Olympic Team gathered in the hotel for a meeting.

The leader of the Chinese Olympiad is controlled by the British organizer. At present, the deputy leader controls everything.

In fact, the Olympic math team leaders of all countries are controlled by the organizer. They are arranged in a secret location and cannot communicate with the outside world.

For the sake of fair competition, this rule has been implemented since the first IMO held in 1959 and continues to this day.

Team leaders from various countries gathered together and each asked one to three questions, forming a question bank of nearly 300 questions. After several rounds of screening, the team leaders voted for the six questions with the highest number of votes as the six official competition questions for this IMO. And their respective translations should be reported to the organizer for the record in their native language. Contest papers received by contestants from various countries are all in their native language, so there is no language barrier in doing the questions.

The team leaders were not released until the end of the game. This mechanism guarantees fairness.

The team leader was locked up, and the deputy team leader of the Chinese Olympic Mathematical Team was mobilizing before the game: “In the past 30 international Olympic Mathematical competitions, our China has won 18 team championships, and we are the well-deserved overlord of this project.”

“However, fellow players and coaches, you must be aware that although our Chinese Olympic Mathematical Team is strong as a whole, it is not invincible.”

“We will also lose, and we have also missed. We have lost to the United States, Russia and even South Korea. These are painful lessons.”

“In this IMO, the above three teams are still our most difficult rivals on the road to the championship, especially some developed countries headed by the United States. They respect ethics, they do not cultivate talents, they are talented Harvester.”

“In short, we must go all out, lads, do you have the courage!” The deputy leader said, suddenly impassioned.


“Are you determined!”


“our target is?”

“Champion! Champion! Champion!”

“Okay I am very satisfied with everyone’s firm belief that we will move forward bravely and bravely. Victory will belong to us! Three players, Shen Qi, Zhou Yuan, and Yu Lei, will follow me to participate in the pre-match announcement. Hotel, prepare for tomorrow’s IMO race.” The deputy team leader left the hotel with the three team members and walked to London South Bank University.

The auditorium of South Bank University in London was full of seats. Representatives of the Olympic Mathematical teams from 102 countries all over the world gathered together.

Seated on the rostrum are a group of big men of all skin colors. They are well-known experts in the international mathematics circle.

“Then I invite the head of the judges group, the Fields Medal winner, the Royal Society of London, and the professor of Oxford University Sir Andrew Wiles to announce the rules of the competition.” The host asked the judges to read the rules of the competition. This is a routine matter for all countries. The team must have a representative on site.

The leader of the jury panel was an old white man. He stood up to greet him, and the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Fields Medal winners, members of the Royal Society of London, professors of Oxford University, and knights canonized by the Queen of England. These titles are too scary for one person. They are so awesome. They clap fast, and the applause lasts for a long time.

Professor Wiles began to announce the rules of the competition. He once had a well-known identity in the industry—the head of the Princeton Department of Mathematics. His most famous masterpiece that shocked the world was the successful proof of “Fermat’s Last Theorem” in 1995.

After the end of Princeton’s tenure, Wiles returned to his hometown of England and became a professor at Merton College, Oxford.

“Lying down in a big trough…” Shen Qi and Zhou Yuan in the audience were dumbfounded. The head of the judges and the terrifyingly named Sir Wiles had seen them both, the one they met in the supermarket two days ago. An old British man.

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