I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Life-long learning

Director Yan is very disappointed and left. I want to recruit a student at Tsinghua University, but is it so laborious? Is this okay? Quickly report to the superiors.

In the Tsinghua dormitory, Director Tian finally laughed loudly: “Shen Qi, we have eaten from other people’s Tsinghua University these days, and live in other people’s Tsinghua University. They are eager to recruit you, and they offer you the coveted Tsinghua National Decision in both hands. , Do you know what is the national decision signing? After signing the contract, you don’t need to take the college entrance examination, and go to Tsinghua University through Tsinghua’s independent admissions channel. You are fine, and you can directly send the admissions director back. Hey, we are in Tsinghua’s site. Come on, are you afraid of being beaten?”

Shen Qi also smiled: “My dad said, you must have backbone, even in front of famous schools, you can’t be humble, otherwise you will be looked down upon.”

“Stop blowing the water, tell the truth, Shen Qi, where do you want to study? You will be a senior in high school right away. What is your life plan? If you don’t go to Tsinghua University, should you go to Peking University? Or do you really want to study abroad and go to the world? TOP10 top universities? By the way, are you studying IELTS or TOEFL? Hey, are you good at English?”

“How do I feel that your English is very ordinary, even if the boundary of the integration area becomes singular, which makes it difficult for the integration to diverge,” you can say that such a simple English sentence is not good.” In fact, Teacher Tian is also very curious, Shen Qi What is his goal?

“I used to daydream every day, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, just like the two-dimensional cute girls, can only be crooked, can not be slapped. Now, the two-dimensional cute girls cluster into three-dimensional body and approach me endlessly On the contrary, I was lost, there was no fluctuation in my heart, and I even wanted to laugh a little.” Shen Qi was a little bit distressed.

Teacher   : “Your disease is commonly known as guilty.”

Shen Qi straightened up and said seriously: “I want to go to the best school. This is a necessary condition. The school name must be nice. This is a sufficient condition.”

“The one that meets your requirements in China is Tsinghua University, but you have just beaten Tsinghua University… Globally, the name Cambridge sounds good? Harvard is fine. After all, the Buddhist department is TOP1. As for the major, I think I choose The importance of a profession is no less important than choosing a school.” Teacher Tian is not Shen Qi’s parent and Shen Qi’s head teacher, but his enthusiasm is not inferior to Shen Qi’s parents and head teacher.

Shen Qi said decisively: “I want to study mathematics.”

Mr. Tian gave a personal suggestion: “If you stay in China, Shen Qi, you have to consider Peking University. Tsinghua University of Technology, Peking University’s strong science. Globally…you kid first practice English before speaking!”

Just then, there was a drop, a bang, a BGM rang, Teacher Tian’s cell phone rang, and he picked up the cell phone: “Hello, yes, I am the leader of the Southern Guangdong Provincial Mathematical Competition, where are you? Oh, Peking University Admissions Office, want to see Shen Qi? Wait a moment.”

Teacher Tian covered the phone call with his hand, and whispered to Shen Qi: “Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived, Peking University Admissions Office has also found it, see you?”

Shen Qi shook his head: “I won’t see you today. My dad will be in the capital tonight. I’ll talk tomorrow. Let them wait.”

Teacher Tian then talked: “Sorry, Shen Qi just finished the national finals exam, he needs rest and adjustment, I will make an appointment tomorrow… I know that you are the strongest in science at Peking University and first in mathematics… Ah, Shen Qi is not feeling well today… Let’s do this first, and I’ll talk about it tomorrow, bye.”

When I hung up the phone, Teacher Tian was very happy: “Shen Qi, you are really energetic. You can beat Qingbei in 20 minutes. Look, this is the treatment of the only full score winner in the National Judgment. Qingbei is rushing to sign you, Shen Qi, you are the best. .”

As he said, Teacher Tian frowned again: “Shen Qi, you have finished Tsinghua University and Peking University. If you really irritate them, I’m afraid you can only go abroad to mix, so it’s better to strengthen your English. It is better to leave a trail. …”

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the national finals award ceremony was held at the headquarters of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

Shen Qi received the first gold medal in his life, not pure gold, but more precious than gold.

System prompt: “New achievement: No. 1 in the country! Congratulations to the host for winning the first place in the national mathematics competition and rewarding 10,000 points × 2 academic master points.”

Shen Qi chooses mathematics as his main talent, and the points obtained through mathematics will be multiplied by a factor of 2 on the basis of the basic reward value.

Received the gold medal in the national finals and first in his personal performance, Shen Qi gained 20,000 points for learning tyrants.

“I’ve saved 29,000 points for learning tyrants, keep it, and save up to 50,000 points before hitting a big wave.”

Shen Qi caressed the gold medal in the national finals. It was not easy to come by. Although he got full marks in every game, the process was not easy.

Five of the six national finals gold medalists were snapped up by Qingbei within half a day. Tsinghua got the third place and Peking University got the second place. Only Shen Qi, who had the highest score in the national finals, did not make a choice.

Twelve silver medalists have also become a sweet potato. All of them have been selected for the Qingbei Golden Autumn Camp. They will enter the camp this fall and will be tested in mathematics and comprehensive abilities. Not surprisingly, most of them will become students in Qingbei in the near future.

Qingbei is so overbearing. They want all the gold and silver, and the colleges and universities of the strong school alliance can’t compete with these two bigwigs.

If you can’t get the gold or silver, then go and fight for the bronze.

Two of Shen Qi’s teammates won bronze medals in the national finals, and they were awarded special recruits from Wuhan University and Zhejiang University respectively.

Wuhan University and Zhejiang University are not as good as Tsinghua University and Peking University, but they are also 985 schools, and they always have their school names on the domestic TOP10 rankings.

The three “National Finals Endeavour Award” teammates who were the most unhelpful also won the independent enrollment test places of Zhongda and Tongji.

The old saying goes well, and you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you are not afraid to travel all over the world.

It is always good to master a specialty. If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you are not afraid to go abroad. These days, there is a shortage of highly sophisticated academic talents in the world.

After the award ceremony, teammate Qi Jianhong said to Shen Qi very gratefully: “Brother, thank you, I will worship you for the rest of my life, and will spread your legend in our high school. The six-decimal answer to the last question of your national finals. , I’ve downloaded it and sent it to Moments. It’s really a Tianxiu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com show turned the sky.”

Shen Qi waved his hand: “Thank me for what I am doing, I didn’t give you pocket money.”

“In fact, we all know that without you, our team would not be able to advance to the national finals, let alone get the sixth place in the team. If the above two conditions are not established, I will not be able to get Tongji’s independent enrollment test place. Tongji’s Department of Science is in the industry. The evaluation is very high, and it is also my favorite college major. So Shen Qi, thank you.” Qi Jianhong thanked him very solemnly.

Shen Qi smiled and said: “Aren’t you the almighty little prince? The total score has long occupied the first grade of your high school. If you don’t use special recruitment channels, you can go to a prestigious school with your skills in the college entrance examination.”

“After all, there is a risk in the college entrance examination. What if you fail the exam? There are too many people who fail the exam. They only see the scenery of the champion. Who cares about the failure to become a dog? Tongji’s independent admission test is not difficult, anyway It is less risky than the college entrance examination, and it is also a targeted enrollment of the Department of Science. What if I am thrown into a major that I don’t want to go to in the college entrance examination? All in all, thank you, Shen Qi, I am leaving, goodbye.” Qi Jianhong waved his hand and said goodbye.

“Take care, I wish you to enter the Tongji Faculty of Science as you wish, and goodbye.” Seeing that his teammates have taken a big step in their lives, Shen Qi is also happy for Qi Jianhong.

left, all left.

Only two teachers, Shen Qi and Tian, ​​remained in the capital, and the deputy team leader led the other five teammates back to Southern Guangdong Province.

The current national tournament is over, but Shen Qi still has to stay in the capital for a while, isn’t he going to meet with people from Peking University tomorrow?

More importantly, the Chinese Mathematical Society has made an official invitation to the Southern Guangdong Provincial Mathematical Competition Team. They invited Shen Qi to be selected as the national training team for the Olympic Mathematical Competition.

Being selected for the national training team and accepting Qingbei’s invitation are two different things. Shen Qi agreed to the Chinese Mathematical Society without even thinking about it. It seems that there is no rest for this summer vacation.

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