I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 National Mathematical League Finals Seco

“The answer to the last question, I also wrote the root of two, 3.” Shen Qi said.

“It’s awesome!” Qi Jianhong looked excited.

“It’s okay, brother Jianhong, not too awesome.” Shen Qi smiled. This little brother has blindly worshipped me since the pre-community period. Hey, so helpless, the burden on the shoulders of the boss is heavy.

Qi Jianhong explained: “Oh no, no, I mean I’m so awesome.”

Shen Qi was embarrassed: “Are you so awesome?”

“I did the right question in the national judging paper. Brother, you said I am not awesome? My answer is the same as yours. It is the root of 2 and 3, which shows that I did it right.” Qi Jianhong show off.

“You are so annoying, go and go, set aside and cool off.” Shen Qi picked up the “Acta Mathematics” again and continued to study.

Qi Jianhong asked again: “You should have done all the three questions in the first half of the national finals, right?”

“Do whatever you want, depending on your mood.”

“Brother, steady!”

Then several other team members returned to the dormitory one after another. Everyone communicated with each other. It was generally believed that the national final exam paper was too difficult. If you can do the right question, you should burn incense and worship Buddha.

Teacher Tian did not give the players hard targets. He heard that a player from Zhejiang Province, a powerful province in the number of competitions, fainted in the examination room. In the end, he couldn’t insist on continuing to answer the questions. He had to give up, crying, and just woke up again. After crying and fainting, the Chinese Mathematical Society invited a psychologist to carry out psychological intervention on the contestant.

At least the mental quality of these players in our province is qualified. It is not the so-called glass heart. Teacher Tian is very pleased. He said to the players: “This trip to the capital is coming to an end. There are still three questions left tomorrow. I hope you will gain something from the beginning and the end, and you will not leave any regrets for your youth. No matter how good mathematics is, it may not make you rich, but you must remember that the only language for communicating with God is mathematics.”

Shen Qi raised the mineral water bottle and gave a generous statement: “Teacher Tian said so well, come on, do this cup of chicken soup!”


“Dry! This chicken soup is pure natural green product, non-toxic!”

The team members lifted the Coke with the Coke, and the Sprite with the Sprite, they all drank in one go, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

“A bunch of stinky boys…” Teacher Tian laughed and laughed. He liked the atmosphere in the team, unlike the team a few days ago.

The sky changes as the sky changes, the moon sets and the galaxy rises to the east.

Time flies so fast, it’s the next day in a blink of an eye.

There is a table in the previous article. The national finals are divided into two halves. Yesterday’s 4.5 hours to answer the three questions was in the first half, and today’s second half is also 4.5 hours to answer the remaining three questions.

This is a protracted battle that tests not only the mathematical strength of the players, but also the perseverance and mental endurance. Most of these players are under the legal age of majority.

Everything is almost over, and the result will be announced soon.

The exam papers for the second half of the National Finals have been sent to the hands of the players, and Shen Qi took the exam calmly.

The first half of the national finals exam papers were all sealed yesterday, and they will be unsealed after 4.5 hours. They will be reviewed together with a total of 6 questions in the second half of the exam.

Shen Qi is confident that he can get high scores for the three questions yesterday, but the battle is not over yet, he must fight to the end, and he can’t tolerate a slight sloppy.

Shen Qi outside the examination room is lively. Once the pen is in his hand and the roll is rolled out, he immediately enters a fighting state. Come, fight!

The first question in the second half of the national finals, what is the complex root of P(x+iy)?

Shen Qi thinks a little and answers.

Integers, fractions, irrational numbers, negative numbers, and complex numbers. The world of the number system is very simple, but the world of the number system is very complicated.

Except for the existence of plural numbers, which circulate on paper and academic research, several other number systems are used by ordinary people every day. Mathematics seems to be subtle and sophisticated, but in fact it is the most widely used basic subject in the social market.

Mathematics can be used to buy food, settle accounts, stocks, and finances, and it can also be used as the only language to communicate with God and explore the vast universe. It is high above, it is all over the market.

The proof operation based on the pure number system is pure algebra. Although most mathematicians prefer geometry, algebra still has its important position.

What is the complex root of   P(x+iy)?

Where does it come from and where it is going.

The first university textbook that Shen Qi taught himself was Gao Dai. He liked Cauchy, but he also had a headache for Cauchy.

No matter which country published the ranking list of great historical mathematicians, Cauchy can definitely occupy a place. He is absolutely a 15-level reference template, but the systematic sampling is Gauss.

The reason why Shen Qi likes Cauchy is that Cauchy has promoted the development of algebra by himself, and his contribution to algebra is unparalleled.

The first question in the second half of the national finals must use Cauchy’s theorem.

Shen Qi quickly found the product of the difference between the two roots. The algebraic language is called the discriminant. It is a sharp edge. The linear combination of polynomials and derivatives is vulnerable to it.

P(x+iy) is a timid coward. It hides behind the polynomial of x and can’t get out of it. It relies on the defensive tower “The discriminant is not 0” to kill Shen Qi’s line of troops.

“Hehe, you scum thinks I don’t dare to cross the tower and kill people? Hehe, you are too naive, P(x+iy).”

Shen Qi made a bold move. With the shield “Dahlembert’s Law” and Cauchy’s theorem, he forcibly rushed under the defensive tower where the “discrimination is not 0”, tearing P(x+iy) very wildly. It is u(x, y) + iv(x, y), which is clean and retreat.

Under Shen Qi’s powerful and fierce offensive, P(x+iy) instantly lost its resistance, and it honestly handed over its own chrysanthemum: a+bi.

The first question in the second half of the national finals was broken.

If you are reasonable, you should not be forgiving. UU reading www.uukanshu.com must not be relentless in the number competition.

Geometry must follow algebra.

The second question is an analytical geometry question, which is similar to the order of yesterday’s exam questions.

The plane analytical geometry of the high school stage is the basic part of coordinate geometry. The patterns in the coordinate system look like ripples like butterflies, symmetry has symmetry and harmony, and asymmetry has asymmetric rhythm beauty.

The more simple the girl looks, the more difficult it is to get her to conquer her, because the conditions she gives are harsh.

Shen Qi thought about it for an hour. He could draw clam lines, secant circles and even vine leaf lines. Each curve in the coordinate system represents a meaning and corresponds to an answer.

Shen Qi must pass through the fog of coordinates as soon as possible to capture the most beautiful and correct curve.

“Yes, yes, logarithmic spiral.”

Shen Qi finally started writing. He encountered logρ=aθ, a curve that resembled a conch and a snail. She turned and turned, round and round, and finally passed the intersection o of the x-axis and the y-axis.

There are tens of thousands of beautiful skins, and there is only one final destination. The beautiful girls in the coordinate system—curves, even if they are harsh, will eventually pass through the origin and return to their unpretentious original intentions.


Two and a half hours passed, and Shen Qi completed the first two questions in the second half of the national finals. He completed five questions after counting yesterday’s three questions.

“Huh…” Shen Qi took a deep breath and took a break. A few months ago he couldn’t imagine that he had the opportunity to participate in the top math competition for high school students in China and become one of the TOP60. Oh no, no, I fainted and retired, one of the TOP59.

At this moment, with only the last small step, Shen Qi may touch the first gold medal in his life, the national-level mathematics gold medal.

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