I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 958 Imperial Resolution

Chapter 958 Imperial Resolution
Because Flynn had already discovered similar clues before, but Flynn deliberately ignored it.

Moreover, this is also unavoidable.

Because in the past, most of the ordinary farmers were scattered and bound on their own land, and lived as small farmers for generations.

But now, with the advancement of urbanization, especially under the background of the recent attack by the demon tide, a large number of former farmers have become urban workers.

They have just entered the city, lack of means of living, and live a relatively difficult life.

And they will inevitably come into contact with a large number of brave men in the city.

The brave, that is, the players, have always been outspoken and good at talking nonsense.

The entire Iron Hill Kingdom, and even the entire continent, will inevitably come into contact with the modern thoughts of many brave men.

They are not a whole, and the thoughts spread by different heroes are also different from each other, and even conflict.

But in any case, they have advanced ideologically, and began to question the current Flynn ruling system.

Even Flynn himself had to admit that with his changes to the world, especially to the domestic ruling system of Ironhill Kingdom.

The whole world is no longer the traditional feudal era.

The times have changed.

It is very normal for one's own people to have some new ideas.

And, it is inevitable.

Unless Flynn does not develop or build factories, it is even necessary to strictly control all players who enter the game.

Only in this way can we prevent our own people from having some progressive ideas.

So, does Flynn have the ability to control what players say and do?

Flynn could not.

No one can control the fourth natural disaster!

Flynn has no way to end the attack of the magic wave now, let alone stop the progress of his people's ideas.

It's not easy to be a ruler, you're very tired, okay?
Almost at the time when Flynn was struggling to rule the country.

Another potential mortal enemy - inside the empire, a meeting at the highest level is being held.

A veteran in a classical robe roared angrily: "This is the last chance, this is the perfect opportunity!"

"The Iron Hill Kingdom is currently in a full-blown crisis!"

"If we don't take advantage of the present and go all out to destroy the Iron Hill Kingdom with a thunderous blow, when Flynn recovers, our empire will be finished!"

Apparently, the roaring patriarch is fomenting a war against Flynn.

Perhaps, the empire is also considering whether to launch a new round of offensive against Iron Hill Kingdom - otherwise, this high-level meeting will not be held specially.

The roaring words of the elders won the approval of many people, even the emperor who said that he would not speak, but only listened to the opinions of the elders.

He couldn't help but nod in approval.

It seems that everyone understands this truth, and now is probably the weakest time for the Tieqiu Kingdom.

Wait until the attack by the demon tide is over, and wait until the unstable Iron Hill Kingdom stabilizes.

At that time, 1000 million experienced brave men will sweep the entire continent!

Even the empire will not be an opponent of 1000 million brave men.

This has been proven in previous wars.

In order to prevent the empire from being slammed by Flynn's army of heroes in the future, it is necessary to make a thunderous blow now.

Fight for a wave to directly destroy the Iron Hill Kingdom!
Everyone knows that the fighting power of 1000 million brave men is terrifying.

When the Tieqiu Kingdom recovers, an army of 1000 million brave men will definitely be able to beat the empire.

But it is precisely because everyone knows that the fighting power of 1000 million brave men is so terrifying, so the high-level empire leaders in the meeting could not make up their minds to devote all their resources to fighting Flynn.

After waiting for a while, the 1000 million brave men who have grown up are very scary.

Isn't it scary to have 1000 million brave men who haven't grown up yet?
Sure enough, although many people supported the roaring elder's speech, many people also opposed it.

"Forget it, it's hopeless, I'm tired, destroy it."

"Flynn even praises the demon god, it's no shame for our empire to lose to him."

"We're not talking about whether we can beat Flynn. The key is that even if we win a battle, it's meaningless. Flynn can immediately pull out an army of 1000 million brave men!"

"Our generals would not be willing to fight a war that has no chance of winning, nor would our soldiers be willing to fight it."

"Now that Iron Hill Kingdom has not launched a new round of attacks on us, maybe we can try to negotiate peace with Flynn so that the two countries can live in peace."

"Although those brave men obey Flynn's orders, as long as they are used rationally, the brave men can also contribute to our empire."

"There are already many other countries that have gained real benefits from the massive entry of the brave."

"Our empire can also do the same, introducing a large number of brave men and gaining new economic growth points."

Is war or peace?

The two factions are arguing endlessly, and neither can convince the other.

Everyone knows that 1000 million brave men are not easy to deal with.

But everyone knows that the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for the empire.

In the end, under the personal decision of the emperor of the empire.

The war faction still has the upper hand.

The empire will use all its strength, plus contact some non-human gratifying mercenaries outside the human world.

Launch an all-round attack on Iron Hill Kingdom!
The excuse of the empire is that the empire knows that there are constant attacks by demon waves in the Iron Hill Kingdom.

For the safety of human compatriots, the empire will specially send troops to assist Flynn in dealing with the local demon tide attack.

And soon, even before the order to mobilize the imperial army was issued, Flynn got quite detailed information.

This time, the empire will attack with seven armies.

The empire's own military strength, the military strength of its foreign allies, and the seven armies add up to more than 700 million!
It can even be said that the empire's offensive has no priority, and every road is the main force of the empire.

The seven-way army, known as tens of millions, will be assembled in the shortest possible time, vowing to attack the Iron Hill Kingdom in one fell swoop.

This is the ultimate battle of the Empire.

If this battle is won, then naturally everything will be fine.

But if the Seventh Route Army fails this time, then the empire will admit its defeat, and it is true that it is not the opponent of thousands of brave men.

Flynn obtained quite detailed information, not only knowing the strength of the empire, but also knowing the assembly time and marching route, etc.

As for why?
It's very simple.

Because not everyone intends to sink with the big ship of the Empire.

Many people can see the weakness of the empire in the face of Flynn's army of thousands of brave men.

Even including many high-level nobles within the empire.

On the one hand, they responded to the emperor's call and prepared troops for the imperial army this time.

But on the one hand, they also have to leave a way out for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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