I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 928 Give You Up Within 7 Days

Chapter 928 Give You Up Within 7 Days
With Flynn's powerful strength, coupled with the excellent quality of the weapon, and the power of cutting it down, not to mention cutting the world with anger, at least it is the rhythm of cutting down a street.

As a result, Flynn's full blow at close range turned out to have no effect.

This is a little embarrassing.

Flynn was a little surprised.

Because of his own strength, Flynn is still very confident.

Flynn was already very powerful. Recently, especially after inheriting the power of the Colossus, Flynn's strength surpassed that of ordinary people.

Almost inhuman.

But with such strength, Flynn unhindered the scarlet meat ball used by the demon god for retreat, and did not cause any damage.

Not even a single mark was left.

Fortunately, Flynn's embarrassment was quickly resolved.

Because no matter whether it is the powerful General Nierf of the sky city, or the truth who is full of magic power and can't hold fire.

None of their tentative attacks could cause any damage to the meat ball.

Zhen frowned and said: "I didn't expect that the seal given to me by this demon god is really powerful!"

Flynn then said: "To be reasonable, the seal given by the demon god will be stronger, so there's nothing wrong with it."

"Obviously, we can't break the seal of the Demon God. It's not that we are too good, but that the Demon God is too cunning."

Just when everyone was worried that the seal of the Demon God was too strong to be destroyed.

Nelf of Sky City took out a stack of parchment paper from his pocket, and compared the parchment paper with the scarlet meat ball in front of him, especially the texture on the meat ball.

Soon, Nelf pointed to one of the parchments and said, "For today's opportunity, our Sky City has been preparing for thousands of years."

"We have considered and rehearsed all kinds of situations in advance."

"This meat ball that sealed the demon god is recorded in this parchment."

"As long as a specially targeted magic circle is arranged according to the content on the parchment, it is very likely to be able to break the seal of the demon god."

"But this magic circle is not simple."

Hearing about the magic circle, he was really interested and quickly checked the contents of the parchment.

Flynn glanced at it, only to feel that the dense abstract text, combined with a few patterns, made people dizzy.

Unlike Flynn who was dizzy at a glance, after seeing the contents on the parchment, his eyes lit up and he couldn't help nodding.

And he said with a look of approval: "Wonderful, wonderful, the combination of this series of magic arrays is quite excellent!"

"Even my generation is worth learning."

Nelf said: "According to the records on the parchment, if we can activate the magic circle smoothly, we can lift the seal after 15 days and release the demon god who has been recuperating from retreat."

"The injured Demon God won't be too strong, we still have a good chance."

But Zhen said: "15 days? No need."

"Although the magic circle on the parchment is exquisite, we have already mastered it."

"7 days!"

"Leave it to me, and I will be able to break the demon god's seal within 7 days!"

Speaking with such confidence, it seemed that she couldn't wait to show her full strength now.

For real strength, Flynn is still very trustworthy.

Since it was true that she had the ability to compress the lifting of the seal that would have taken 15 days to complete within 15 days, then of course Flynn chose to believe it.

Flynn said happily: "Just 7 days? Good! Very good!"

"We are now going deep into the enemy's territory. Although we have temporarily controlled the Shattered Demon City, I cannot guarantee whether the demon troops near the Demon City will come quickly."

"The longer the delay, the greater the risk of our actions."

"If this matter can be resolved within seven days and the demon god's seal lifted, then the situation will be very favorable to us."

Flynn said to General Nelf in Sky City: "We have controlled the Shattered City, but we are still far away from victory."

"We need to hold on for 7 days, and at the same time I will urge the main frontline troops to come quickly to support us."

"Within 7 days, the demon god will be expelled directly!"

Zhen began to set up the magic circle on the spot, while Flynn continued to sweep the interior of the Shattered Demon City with his soldiers and horses-the situation was still very tense.

Although it seems that Flynn has controlled the Shattered City, in fact, it is still far away from the real occupation.

In the Modu, there are still a large number of remaining defenders. Their organization has been broken up, but they still retain considerable combat effectiveness and are ready to counterattack at any time.

At the same time, according to reports from the spies, there are already some demon troops gathering to watch in the area around the Shattered Demon City.

For the time being, the main army of the Demon Race is still on the front line, and will be bitten by Flynn's army of players.

But there will always be a lot of demons who have successfully withdrawn, and other demon troops who have not had time to go to the front line will also come to gather one after another.

Therefore, there will not be too much safe time in the magic capital.

It is precisely because of this that it is even more important to be really active and shorten the time to lift the demon god's seal from 15 days to 7 days.

A large number of demons are gathering.

Obviously, Flynn also needs a lot of reinforcements.

Through the player radar, Flynn has already observed that the players have discovered the abnormality of the Shattered Demon City, and began to rush over.

But Flynn still needs to add fire, and he needs to send a clear signal to the players.

system notification!

It is rare for Flynn to use system announcements to directly command players.

The content of the announcement is to let the players, whether they are players who have already entered the battle in the Demon Realm, or those who are on the way, or even those who have not yet set off, it is almost certain that it is too late.

Encourage everyone to mobilize, and collectively move towards the Demon Realm, towards the Shattered Demon City!
"Forward at any cost!"

On the front line, the army of players who had already gained a huge advantage, now their morale is even higher.

Everyone has realized that the plot has reached a critical point, and this time the large-scale event in the game is obviously about to advance to the latest and most critical stage.

It's time for the decisive battle.

A guild boss like Niu Dingtian was even more excited.

After leading his own team, he easily defeated a demon army that had not retreated in time.

Niu Dingtian stepped on the head of a Mozu demon, and the soles of his feet were accidentally burned by the residual demon radiation from the Mozu's corpse.

Niu Dingtian felt the pain, but seeing that the brothers around him were all looking at him, Niu Dingtian felt embarrassed to do unnecessary movements.

For the sake of face, endure!

(End of this chapter)

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