I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 48 "Emotional Intelligence", "Cards" and "Position"

Chapter 48 "Emotional Intelligence", "Cards" and "Position"

Compared to beautiful women, shouldn't I be replaced by a big guy instructor?
But at the moment, it seems that although the players can't stop admiring the beauties, they haven't behaved excessively like a gentleman.

For example, there is no such thing as Miao Renfeng lying on the ground.

Flynn could understand the reason why the player could still control the beautiful instructor who elementary school students couldn't control at all.

It's not just because of worrying about favorability.

It is because "Super Warriors 2" is too much like a real world!

Players, with a face that is 90% similar to yourself, are experiencing this 100% realistic game!

Players, shame on you!
"Super Warriors 2" can't switch the perspective casually, so players are naturally embarrassed to do many things...

In front of all the players and highly intelligent NPCs, to lie on the ground and spy on the beautiful instructor?

Is this too public a punishment?


After leaving the territory of the two instructors, Flynn inspected around and saw that most of the players were doing their own thing.

But there are still many new players who don't know what to do.

Many Mengxin looked at the world blankly, feeling the 100% realistic and shocking experience, but because of excitement, they forgot the strategy they checked before.

Fortunately, many enthusiastic old players are also actively organizing and guiding new players in the game.

Licking dog BISS: "Ladies and sisters, pay attention, this game is very realistic, it is really realistic, you must be mentally prepared when you fight monsters."

Evil Panda: "I have published several novice tutorials on Lun Dao Xing Kong, the so-called four masterpieces of "Super Warfare 2", namely "Emotional Quotient", "Cards", and "Position".

"Familiar with the four major classics, newcomers will not be afraid to go to Tudou Village!"

"Newbies should treat this place as a real game world, pay attention to "emotional intelligence" when communicating with anyone or any NPC, understand Lord Flynn's absolutely authoritative "card face", and find out their own "position"!"

"What about you! Why did you walk up to the chicken with a stone? Want to be banned?"

Landlord in Shaoyang: "Did the newcomer realize that he has no money? If you want to take risks, please earn money first. It is recommended to move bricks first."

Niu Dingtian: "Come, come! The guild has strong recruits! Join the Dingtian Alliance, bring newcomers for free! Participate in guild activities, DKP to change the god costume! The inferior long sword is waiting for you!"

After a noisy day, Flynn made a little statistics.

It can be said that the first day of the "Super Warriors 2" version of Rise of the Brave was relatively successful.

Players are all talking about the new content added in the new version, and they are all devoted to the experience.

Players' consumption enthusiasm is also very high - during this day, blacksmith shops, grocery stores, bakeries and other shops have good sales.

At the end of the day, he earned almost 20000 copper coins for Flynn!
But while incomes have risen, expenses have also increased a lot.

The newbies were led by Shaoyang landlords to move bricks collectively, and immediately started quarrying. With the addition of tools sold in grocery stores, the quarrying efficiency has been greatly improved, almost doubled compared to before!
Until now, many players are also frantically quarrying stones and moving bricks in the dark, and they can even earn 500 copper coins in a day!

Let them quarry like this, I'm afraid Flynn will go bankrupt!

But Flynn isn't worried about that.

Because of the ultra-high-efficiency quarrying, it should only take a few days-the number of loose and easy-to-quarry stones outside the stone mountain is limited.

After this period of time, the loose stones on the periphery are almost gone.

Soon the quarrymen will come into contact with the main body of the stone mountain, and it will be much more difficult to collect those solid stone materials, and the quarrying income of the players will also return to a normal figure.

Another large expense comes from infrastructure construction.

Engineer Bilding has several tasks on hand - building a training ground for Alain and Robin Hood, and building a sentry tower in the north and south of the village head. After these projects, 10000 copper coins may not be able to beat them.

But whether it's buying the players' materials or paying the wages of the quarry workers, including construction and construction of various infrastructures.

It's all worth the money.

Tudou Village is getting better and better, and the speed of development visible to the naked eye has given Flynn a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

Perhaps, this is the joy of farming, right?

At 12 o'clock that night, Flynn temporarily called the NPCs and held a short meeting to ask them about their situation and problems on the first day of the new version.

The owner of the grocery store, Ge Gesi, spoke first: "The grocery store is operating very well. The brave adults sold me a lot of things at low prices, and I also sold a lot of goods at high prices."

"Today, my gross profit exceeded 5000 copper coins."

"I can increase my turnover when other products from Shield Mountain Town arrive later."

"The consumption situation and habits of the brave adults are being counted, and we will continue to purchase goods according to the consumption situation."

"In addition, my lord, you have entrusted me with the task of purchasing food. When purchasing food, I chose the method of subdividing the food."

"Basic wheat and other foods cost 3 copper coins per kilogram, which is really too expensive."

"I adjusted the purchase price of wheat to 1 copper coin. After all, we are not short of food now. The prices of other ingredients such as meat, fruit, and salt have also been adjusted accordingly."

For this, Flynn agreed—indeed, a bag of millet is also at that price, and a bag of bear's paw is also at that price, which in itself is unreasonable.

The one-size-fits-all purchase price that Flynn adopted before was purely for his own convenience and was too lazy to settle accounts.

And now that this job has been handed over to Ge Gesi, the NPC must not bother him.

It is completely feasible to adjust the purchase price of food and so on.

Thinking of this, Flynn couldn't help but feel very caring.

Yes, these capable NPCs have indeed reduced my workload a lot and made my Tudou Village run more reasonably.

There is nothing special about the bakery. Baker Brad said that as more and more condiments are stocked in grocery stores, he can also make more new varieties and flavors of bread.

It’s just that the sales prospects of these new flavors of bread may not be very promising—ordinary villagers can’t afford them, and brave people care more about attributes after all, and they are unlikely to pay high prices for new flavors of bread for a long time.

Compared with the overall operation of other shops, Ai Enbo, the owner of the blacksmith shop, raised some problems he encountered.

"Master Flynn, allow me to report the situation to you."

"It was indeed a very simple job to make low-quality iron long and short swords before."

"However, it will take longer to build better weapons now, and the requirements for furnaces and other equipment are also higher."

"Currently the blacksmith's furnace, anvil and other equipment are relatively simple, which affects my work sales, so I plan to wait for Bilding to finish his work and entrust him to help me design new equipment for the blacksmith's shop."

"is this OK?"

(End of this chapter)

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