I have been in Pirate Town for 100 years and defended the city of advancement

Chapter 392 Father and Son

Chapter 392 Father and Son

The launch of the business group credit points activity set off an upsurge in Deng Mars.

As early as three years ago, Figo changed the name of the Lynch Merchant Group and implemented the franchise system, and the headquarters had supervision and supervision authority, just to prepare for this event—although it was still a bit hasty because the Spirit of Lights unlocked the Light Mars in advance , but at most it is just busy, not messy.

Some people are surprised why the business group can accurately obtain the daily information of most people, which is brought about by the two aspects of Internet worms and Skeleton King.

A net bug is equivalent to an identity mark. Most people, even pirates, are not vigilant about changing net bugs frequently. They don’t know that they use the same net bug to buy too many things, even in private. The information chatted in the chat room will be leaked.

The Skeleton Emperor has long been monitoring.

The kings are even worse, ordinary people will not be closely watched, but the kings generally have the destructive power to destroy cities and sink islands. The Skeleton Emperor has recorded almost every human king.

Sometimes it’s so detailed that Luffy and Ace’s meals are recorded, which ensures the fairness of credit points activities to the greatest extent.

This national credit test and exchange of lights activity has been lively for more than a month, and the credit test has been tested, and then it gradually calmed down.

And this calm, the whole lamp fire is quiet, the kings who have redeemed the lamp are racing against time to use the experience of their predecessors to improve themselves, and the remnants of the demon clan do not show up, they are all hiding, waiting for Lucifer to recover the lamp fire completely unlocked.

More calm before the storm.

But there is a piece of sea that cannot find peace.



Before that, Figo came six times in three years.

But this came three times in just over a month!

Chase away once to recuperate for a few days and come back again, chase away once to recuperate for a few days and come back again, endless!

If Figo can detect the thoughts of the spirit of lights, he will definitely refute, he has not rested, the few days he has not come are fishing for lights or catching guys with high crime index exposed by credit points activities, it is very fulfilling very.

With the spread of a shock wave that annihilated everything, when the sky became clear again, Figo's figure disappeared among the 'stars' again.


Only the roar of the spirit of the lamp was left to vent.

'I still haven't seen a first-class star, and I haven't forced out its blocking power. It is basically certain that its ability is directly related to the recovery of Lucifer. Waiting for Lucifer's recovery. '

The three harassments in more than a month once again helped Figo verify this point.

So... shall we try to kill Lucifer before he recovers?
Now that Figo's decision is related to the lives of billions of people in the starry sky, he cannot help but be careless, but besides being cautious, Figo will not become cautious and worry too much.

Finding the phone bug hidden by him, Figo contacted the Skeleton Emperor: "I have decided, before the lamp sparks are unblocked to the point where ordinary four-lamp kings can no longer enter and leave, and before Lucifer recovers, I will do something to the spirit of the lamp in advance! Then we will be left I'm afraid it will take less than a year, let everyone prepare."

The Skeleton Emperor quickly responded: "Okay!"

Figo is the absolute main force in fighting against the spirit of lights. He has already stated that everything is subject to Figo's arrangement.


On the other side, an uninhabited island.

Amidst the crackling sound of collisions, the two figures collided at high speed, and every movement caused waves of wild sand to fly.

The two brothers, Luffy and Ace, did not break through the blockade of light power, nor did they use power other than their bodies, and were engaged in a simple exchange.

After a long time, we were separated.

The two brothers were not out of breath, and Ace praised: "There is progress, Luffy."

"Hey~ eat, eat!" Luffy is a very pure cook, shouting: "Miss Cook, is the meal ready!"


"Oh." Luffy resentful, it's not good.

Thanks to Kai'Sa's identity self-explosion and the use of Kai'Sa's mother's credit points, they obtained a large loan, plus the lamp coins accumulated from capturing the demons before, and left with a full load.

I found such an uninhabited deserted island and concentrated on practicing. The young people are very ambitious and have the ambition to fight against the Four Lantern Demons alone in a decisive battle. Only Luffy is the least numbered. The goal is to beat the Demon King severely. punch.

Ace felt that if they were given another 10 years, there was still hope. Within two years, it would be great if they could light the fourth lamp. Four lamp kings who are less than 30 years old are already rare in ten thousand years.

Lu Fei scratched his head: "Ace, why don't we help Miss Chef?"

"She'll kill you." Ace shook his head.

At this moment, his mind suddenly caught a few strange breaths, and he frowned.

Lu Fei also said: "Ah, what a coincidence, has anyone come to this island?"

In the distance, Owen also hurried over and motioned to the two brothers. The two looked over, and the people who appeared in sight made their expressions change.

Luffy was puzzled: "It seems... that guy... Ace, seems to be your father?"

Ace lowered his face, the familiar face and strange breath, could it be him!

"Hahaha, Ace, little Luffy, long time no see." Before they got close, Roger laughed loudly.

It's been a long time since they were young, and both of them have only met Roger once. If it wasn't for Roger's trip back to Qinghai before entering Lantern Mars, Ace thought he didn't have a father!
In the past few years, they have heard about Roger, who shined brilliantly in the war with the demon clan, but Ace was embarrassed and never took the initiative to find him... Even if the original intention of entering Deng Mars was to find Luo Jay.

Is there such an incompetent father?

Luffy said heartlessly: "Haha, it's really Uncle Roger, Ace misses you so much!"

Ace twisted his face: "Shut up! Luffy!"

After being yelled at, Luffy scratched his head in wonder.

Roger's smile was even wider, his mustache was upturned, and his old buddy Raleigh Jabba who followed him from left to right was also smiling.

Father and son are really alike.

When they went to the front three years ago, they actually found Luffy and Ace. At that time, the two brothers were still weak and did not find their observation.

In the end, Roger didn't show up on the grounds of 'not disturbing the adventures of the little ones'.

They found that Luo Jie, who was not afraid of anything but Lu Jiu, had another son who was afraid of him.

Mainly from guilt.

If it's not for seeing each other again, it's possible that we will never see each other, and it may even be delayed.

Seeing this, Owen had already left with interest, and the three of Roger came to Ace Lufei.

The father and son looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Suddenly, Ace stepped forward and punched!

The power of the lights is connected, and the armed color and the overlord color are intertwined!With this punch, he used all his power, even 120% of his power!
Before the punch came, the clothes of the three of Roger began to rattle, and even the trees behind them began to fall!The corner of Roger's mouth hooked, and he held the knife instead!



Blazing thunder flashed between the knife and fist, a mouthful of blood was vomited from Ace's mouth, and with a bang, he shot backwards, piercing straight through dozens of big trees and embedded in a small soil slope.

"Ace!" Luffy yelled.

Zoro, Kuina, and Kai'Sa, who were originally watching from a distance, were startled for an instant, and quickly appeared beside Luffy.

"what happened?"

"Isn't he Ace's father?"

"Don't do it!" Ace's shout came from a distance, and the man also came over, and stood in front of Roger again in some embarrassment, and cut.

"Is the gap still that big?"

"Hahaha, how old are you?" Roger laughed. "You are already very strong. As expected of my son, you will have a chance. In a few years, you will have a chance to surpass me."

Next to him, Lei Li smiled: "Roger, don't you think what you said just now sounds familiar?"

Roger was taken aback.

'The starry sky is so big, there are countless treasures, and with enough experience, maybe you have a chance to surpass me? Figo's words played back in his mind, and he couldn't help laughing again.

"It's not the same, it's not the same. When I said that Ace could surpass me, I meant it sincerely."

Jabba said softly: "So you said that Mr. Figo wasn't sincere back then? The next time I see him, I will..."

Roger helplessly: "Stop making trouble."

Interrupting the joke of the two old partners to ease his mood, he looked at the young people in front of him.

"Children, you seem to be practicing here? Do you need a partner and a teacher?"

Sauron and Kuina looked at each other, and they still didn't understand what was going on in front of them, but they had heard the name of Ace's father a lot. He...may have already lit five lamps. The strongest in the forefront.

Finally, his eyes focused on Ace.

Ace was silent for a moment.


For the irresponsibility of his childhood father, he complained in his heart, but he didn't hate him.

In other words, since he sneaked away to light up Mars behind his mother Lujiu's back, more than three years later, he has been able to understand Roger a little bit.

But it is impossible to call father father, at most it is a sparring tool!

So Roger and the others stayed on this island in this strange atmosphere. Sauron and Guina felt awkward at first, but later they became familiar with the way the father and son get along, and Lei Li's swordsmanship Really strong, even stronger than their master Hawkeye.

They also discovered that Roger and Rayleigh had a fifth-level sword lamp to use. Rayleigh explained to them: "Master Figo gave it to you. He said he wanted to give it to you, but Lucifer recovered earlier than expected, without you It’s time to grow up, so I chose us. Of course, if I take this lamp, I’m going to work hard!”

Desperately?With whom?
and Demon King?Use you?
In the day-to-day relationship, the smart Kuina and Ace noticed something from a few words.

In a blink of an eye, 10 months have passed, and under the careful guidance of Roger and others, Luffy and others have improved faster than before.

The time of parting has come.

The young people stood by the sea and watched the big ship go away, looking at Roger's background, Ace hesitated for a long time, and shouted: "Hey! Be careful!"

Roger didn't look back, just turned his back to Ace and waved his arms.

Stay cool as a dad.

 It's a bit stuck, and 3000 words is too much.

(End of this chapter)

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