I have been in Pirate Town for 100 years and defended the city of advancement

Chapter 372 The Spirit of Lights and the Wheel Chapter

Chapter 372 The Spirit of Light and Reincarnation

[Character event [-] (activated): The brightest body light is deprived of the star, and he is reduced to a puppet without sanity. Although Sakaski has obtained relative immortality, this kind of immortality is not as good as life for him die.

Event requirement: help Sakarski get rid of it]

After staring at the activated characters and events for a long time, Figo's mood slowly returned to calm.

Activated his character event two.

The scene of this incident was very short and dark. Sakaski (third-class star) was in the belly of the giant tortoise. He could only see countless people around him and hear the roar of the giant tortoise.

It seems to be saying something.

[Character event [-] (activated): The power of Gaston Figo, King of the Starry Sky, is a huge surprise for the spirit of lights. This time around, it feels that it may be able to harvest a second first-class star.

Event Request: On the Last Days, Gaston Figo was devoured by the auxiliary Light Spirit. 】

"Spirit of Light."

"I... the second first-magnitude star."

So far connecting all the details, Figo has restored the whole truth of the matter!

A horrifying truth!

In fact, he once had similar thoughts.

Thousands of years after Lucifer was banned, the current starry sky civilization evolved, and the civilization during the period when the 13 kings resisted Lucifer took 8000 years to develop, adding up to 18000 years.

What about before 18000?

Did it evolve from apes?
Figo is not a biologist. He doesn't have much interest in exploring the origin of human beings and the origins of various races, so similar thoughts just passed by and he didn't delve into it.

But now I am forced to investigate further. .

The answer has already been revealed.Deng Mars can give birth to Lucifer, the king of demons, and naturally it can give birth to other people and other races!
About 2 years ago, it gave birth to the first batch of ancestors of various races?Reproductive practice, entered the starry sky 8000 years ago, developed for another 8000 years, and faced the demon king Lucifer.

until now.

But that's not all of Starfield's history.

In a starry sky, how could there be only 2 years of civilization, and it stopped abruptly 2 years ago?

Maybe 4 years ago, it also gave birth to the same group of ancestors of various races, walked into the starry sky 8000 years ago, faced Lucifer 3 years ago, and faced Lucifer for the second time 2 years ago, resulting in The ultimate strongest.

And at this time, the disaster of sea beasts wiped out the world!

The strongest man turned into a star, and was devoured by the spirit of lights!The others... maybe they are all dead?
6 years ago, 8 years ago... I don't know how many times this process has been repeated, and then the countless stars in the starry sky have evolved!

And under its control, the evolutions are similar again and again, which can be called 'reincarnation'!
But no matter how much the same, in the next reincarnation, there will be one more star in the starry sky than the previous one, perhaps because of this, a butterfly effect will be produced, resulting in a different ending in the final battle.

In some reincarnations, Akainu came to the end.

In some reincarnations, it is the Skeleton King, the Holy Demon King, and Rilen Topher.

These are the people who were caught by Figo!

They may have come from 2 years ago, 4 years ago or even longer, and they are really Sakaski, Skeleton King, and Holy Demon King.

It's like a parallel world.

They were the strongest in their era, the strongest standing to the end of an era, and the survivors after the final battle with Lucifer, but now they are all just puppets.

They are all 'third-class stars'!
This third class is probably the rating of the planet.

The highest should be first class, the lowest I don't know.

According to character event [-], the giant tortoise, that is, the spirit of lights, wants to turn Figo into a second first-class star, and can get two pieces of information.

The stronger the evolved planet, the more advanced it is.

And before Figo, a strong man like him was born in another reincarnation, but was eventually swallowed up and turned into a star—it should be the biggest star in the sky, Dragon Star!
"Who will it be?"

According to this evolutionary method, only those few people will stand at the end, because there are only a few who have the potential to grow into the King of Six Lanterns.

"Luffy? Tiki? Lucifer?"

Now Figo has no way of judging.

From this point of view, Figo can't even be sure whether he traveled to 100 years before the start of the story of One Piece, or 20100 years before the start of the story, or even further?
If he turns into a star, will the story of One Piece be staged in 2 years?It even took place on his body and the planet he transformed into!

"It seemed interesting, but I declined."

He thought for a while, and activated one of the Skeleton Emperor's character event one.

Very similar to Red Dog.

The fragmented capital of Capri.

The dead long-legged Duke Bumble.

But this time the Skeleton Emperor did not die, and it was Akainu who died in the battle.And then, the lights lost contact with the sea beast and attacked the lights and stars in a set of three.

Figo activated another Holy Demon King event.

This time there has been a change, the battlefield is different.

The battlefield is in Saint Demon King City.

The dead long-legged Duke Bumble.

The Skeleton Emperor also died again.It seems that on this timeline, when Lucifer attacked the Holy Demon Palace to kill the rebels, he and the dukes of Capri arrived and fought side by side with the Holy Demon King.

As a result, it turned into scattered skeletons, and the remaining Holy Demon King was sandwiched between two beautiful women who asked about their health and cared about their injuries.

In the end, he still didn't escape Huaxing Sanlian.

The others are similar, only Lillon Topher surprised Figo, which timeline is this, and why did Lillon Topher survive to the final battle?This must be four or five thousand years old, right?

But that's not the point.

The point is knowing this information, how can Figo get rid of the fate of the final star!

No wonder the Holy Demon King is desperate and fearful, he lives and enjoys every day counts as a day, it's just a failure of the lights, which can kill him at a critical moment!
Think about it, without the lights, Figo will lose the super self-healing ability and super battery life brought by the body lights, and lose the ductility and armor-piercing properties brought by the armed lights, and he will not be able to condense the overlord's armed forces. The four lamps of swordsmanship, overlord color and bloodline have less influence.

At that time, his strength will be greatly reduced.

I'm afraid it will be as weak as the Holy Demon King.

Being besieged by sea beasts may still be able to support it, but what if the spirit of lights sends more people?
Six third-class star puppets took a while for the prosperous Figo, how many second-class stars are there?Even if the strongest first-class star of Tianlong star loses the brightest lights, he is still a powerhouse at the same level as Figo, so how should he deal with it?
Thinking of this, Figo smiled in relief.

"Without me, this 'reincarnation' would be a deadlock for Starry Sky."

But he can definitely crack it!

Figo chooses the capture proceeds of the six!
Being able to catch and earn money is nothing to Figo.

The current strength is not enough, then increase the strength to a sufficient level!
Goal level seven!

Although the strength of these six people is good, the income they give is mediocre, far inferior to the devil's twin pillars.

After all, their crime index is not high.

But it can add up to more, one skull emperor gives 20, ten is [-]?
Decrement doesn't decrement too much either.

Sooner or later, you will reach level seven!
"Restraining and molesting the giant tortoise? Force it to vomit a little bit, don't vomit too much at once, or start it directly. It's not good to restrict my lights."

Thinking of this, Figo thought of another strange thing. When the spirit of the lamp vomited, he was very 'twitchy', as if he was very reluctant.

But if third-class stars are regarded as large-scale life planets, there are more than one hundred stars in the starry sky. In other words, there are at least a hundred stars of this level.

It's not that the more people you have, the stronger you are. Each of their blows makes too much noise. It doesn't make much sense to increase the number to a certain level, but 15 to 20 people should be the best configuration.

It will be very troublesome for Figo.

But what is the spirit of the lamp tweaking?

"If they die in battle... what will happen to the planet that is based on their lights?"

Will 'die' too?
And at the same time, Figo suddenly found that the faces of the six people in a coma began to crack!
Fine cracks crawled all over their faces and bones, as if it was a coincidence, they brought a smile to the corners of their mouths, and then crawled all over their bodies!

Blown by the wind, they turned into powder and dissipated!
Prison file data converted to deceased.

All the characters and events that helped them get rid of have become completed!
After two seconds of stagnation, Figo retracted the chain and continued running towards Lingling.

"The spirit of the lamp can control their life and death. No, for them, they are already dead." Figo murmured.

Looks like I have to go back to the stars again.

Soon, the fast-moving Figo saw huge waves and huge sea beasts!
Three heads, five ranks, and more than a dozen heads, four ranks, are besieging Lingling. Lingling is fighting and retreating. She is already extremely embarrassed and has suffered serious injuries.

But she looked very happy.

"Grandpa! We can have a big meal this time!"

Figo smiled and added for her.

"Well, eat ten meals!"

 The schedule is getting worse and worse, a little bit backward, I went to bed at [-] in the morning and got up in the afternoon for several days in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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