I Have An Impenetrable Fortress

Chapter 685

On the Mohist road, Chen Yu is not only the pioneer, but also the person with the highest attainments and the deepest cultivation.

      Although he didn’t disassemble Gu Chen’s puppet in detail, Chen Yu still vaguely felt a bit dangerous.

      This danger does not mean that it may endanger others, but that it lies in Gu Chen’s next experiment.

      Gu Chen needs to use himself as a subject for first-hand experiments.

      ”My own choice is the best choice. It is convenient to grasp the first-hand experience.”

      Gu Chen smiled at Chen Yu, Ma Kun and others.

      Then, he held the puppet, the tip of the puppet’s feet, aimed at the position of his heart.

      The spikes, like awls, are pressing against his chest.

      Everyone in the surrounding Tiangong Temple showed horror on their faces.

      But Gu Chen is obviously not being polite with them.

      As if he was self-defeating, he had already pierced the puppet into his heart.

      In the Daming Palace, Zhang Dongyun watched this scene with great interest.

      Someone in the Tiangong Temple shouted: “Are you crazy?”

      But seeing Gu Chen as if he could not feel the pain of being pierced in his heart, he looked relaxed and smiled: “How come?”

      Then everyone looked at it. The puppet disappeared from his chest, as if buried in his body.

      In the next moment, Gu Chen’s flesh and blood began to gradually change.

      His figure also began to swell and grow bigger.

      However, it was not that flesh and blood swelled, and its body surface appeared cold and hard. In the end, it seemed to be a huge doll with a height of more than three meters and a flashing metallic luster.

      Zhang Dongyun’s cultivation strength and vision are now far beyond ordinary people.

      Without the help of the Invincible City system, he can also see that the position of Gu Chen’s heart is crystallized, and a steady stream of spiritual energy is produced from it, which supplies his whole body and causes his body to constantly change.

      The giant puppet that Gu Chen transformed into continued to grow bigger, eventually over six meters tall, standing upright in the Tiangong Hall, like a steel giant.

      The facial features of the doll’s face are not the characteristics of Gu Chen himself, but are blurred.

      It looked like it was the result of the puppet that he pierced into his body and magnified multiple times, but the steel puppet at the moment no longer has that kind of sharp cone under its feet.

      Everyone in the Tiangong Hall looked at Gu Chen in shock: “You… are you okay?”

      ”It’s better than I expected.” The

      iron doll did not speak, but Gu Chen’s voice came from between its chest and abdomen.

      Ma Kun frowned, “It’s not that you are in this steel puppet, but is the spirit still inside?”

      Gu Chen replied, “Strictly speaking, we don’t distinguish each other.”

      Ma Kun took a deep breath: “So What do you mean, you have become like this?”

      Although this is the case from the visual effects of the talent just now, but such a change, for Yu Ma Kun, how do you think it is the practice of the magic way, not the Mohist institution.

      ”Can you restore it at any time?” Chen Yu asked at this moment.

      Gu Chen replied: “As expected, it should be, but before that, I will test other things first.” After all

      , this huge steel puppet immediately moved its limbs on the spot.

      Its movements look a little stiff and awkward, not like a real person.

      But just a few random gestures, and onlookers can feel the power sinking.

      The steel puppet is extremely tall, and the space inside the Tiangong Palace is also huge, allowing him to move around.

      Gu Chen, who was transformed into a steel puppet, jumped forward.

      Although the movements looked rigid, the speed and distance of the straight vertical jump were extremely astonishing.

      Compared with its huge body, the speed can be said to be incredible.

      Chen Yu and Ma Kun looked at each other.

      ”It’s not like human beings, but compared to some big monster races, this vertical leap, at least in the realm of the Demon Emperor, has begun to attract Xinghui?” Someone said, his tone was not very sure.

      Chen Yuyan said: “The strength is not bad.”

      Everyone had different expressions, but most of them frowned.

      Gu Chen himself, regardless of Mohist’s attainments, based on his original demonic cultivation, but at the level of the fifth realm.

      But after he became a steel puppet, seeing the human martial artist or the great demon in the tenth stage, he may not be able to match his physique.

      Taking into account the materials used by Gu Chen to create the puppet, if the value is fully reflected, then the physical strength of this puppet is probably higher than that of many human martial emperors and monster demon emperors.


      ”According to the raw materials, it should be more than just shaping the body.”

      Before Chen Yu’s words fell, he saw the steel puppet suddenly raise his hand.

      In the palm of his hand, there was a surging purple brilliance.

      The next moment, a purple light flew out far away, hitting the target specially used to test weapons in the Tiangong Hall.

      Gu Chen’s quasi-head was obviously not very good, Ziguang did not hit the center of the target, but fell on the wrong side.

      But the target suddenly shook violently as a whole, and the edges split on the spot.

      ”This kid, how many purple and silver irons have you added?” Ma Kun scolded, “I don’t know if you are not in charge!”

      Someone whispered: “If he adds some treasures that contain the mystery of the void, will this big guy be able to break through the void action like a real Martial Emperor or Demon Emperor?”

      Everyone frowned upon hearing this.” This, I’m afraid it’s really hard to say…” While

      everyone was discussing, Gu Chen was also practicing all aspects of his own.

      Until, the action of the steel puppet gradually slowed down.

      ”Is it the limit here?”

      Gu Chen’s dissatisfied voice came from the steel puppet.

      He stopped quickly, then suddenly raised his palm and cut his other arm with purple light.

      When everyone saw this, they were all shocked: “What are you doing?”

      ”Don’t worry, you do n’t feel the pain.” Gu Chen replied, “This is exactly one of the advantages of the doll in my expectation.” The

      steel puppet’s. The defensive power is indeed extremely high, and it takes a while to cut with its own purple light before removing one of his arms.

      And with the massive consumption brought by the purple light, this huge steel puppet finally completely stagnated and stood still.

      ”The spiritual energy is consumed very quickly.”

      Everyone in the Tiangong Palace talked:

      ”What do you cut off your arm in the end?”

      ”It doesn’t look like a simple test of attack and defense.”

      ”With so many precious materials, the spiritual energy is completely thorough. Is it exhausted?”

      ”It doesn’t feel like, it should be a temporary silence. I feel that there is a five-element transformation in the doll. After a period of recuperation, it can be restored.”

      They gradually became immersed in academic research and discussed. Elated.

      In the Daming Palace, a certain city lord named Zhang was a little bit dumbfounded.

      … Compared with the current world, Gu Chen’s style of painting is a bit crooked.

      Although Chen Yu and the others have made some inventions, and the style of painting is not very correct, but Gu Chen’s truth is a bit outrageous.

      Moreover, there are still many problems in his research at the moment.

      Inside the Tiangong Hall, Chen Yu and others also noticed something was wrong.

      After the steel golem was silent, no other changes were seen.

      And Gu Chen himself never showed up.

      ”He… he can’t change back, right?” Ma Kun was shocked.

      Chen Yu frowned and moved to the side to look up and down carefully.

      Chen Yu had an ominous premonition when he saw Gu Chen holding a doll with sharp vertebrae extending under his feet.

      Watching Gu Chen pierce the pointed cone into his chest, he became even more disturbed.

      Fortunately, Gu Chen did not seem to have died.

      But now, you need to face another problem.

      The other party may not be able to change back to the original state…

      Chen Yu looked up at the sky, and after a long time of contemplation, he turned to say: “Come from the sky and cry for frost.”

      Ma Kun heard this, without saying anything, and went to get it immediately.

      Others look at me, I look at you.

      Tiankushuang is extremely rare, and the Tiangong Palace in Chang’an City only retains a very small amount.

      This thing is a taboo for practitioners of the Demon Path, because it may affect the changes in the demon blood.

      For the Yaozu, if it is transformed into a human form, it may also be forced back to its original form by Tiankushuang.

      Of course, because Tiankushuang is too scarce, it can only be obtained occasionally, and it can only work on the little demon of low realm.

      Before the total amount can’t go up, it is still difficult for this thing to affect the monsters on a large scale.

      After Ma Kun took the Tiancry Cream, Chen Yu applied a little Tiancry Cream to the chest of the steel puppet, corresponding to the position of the human heart.

      After a while, the huge steel puppet suddenly shrank.

      Finally, Gu Chen reappeared in front of everyone.

      Everyone looked intently and saw that Gu Chen’s arms were intact.

      But the small figure in his hand, missing an arm, broke and fell to the side.

      ”Generally speaking, it is still successful, but there are some omissions. As expected, we still have to test it before we can find out.”

      Gu Chen was a little weak in spirit, but looked calm.

      Ma Kun said angrily: “You almost can’t change back. I don’t believe that it will have no effect on your spirit.”

      Gu Chen nodded calmly: “Yes, there is loss to the spirit. If the puppet loses power, it will not recover. The body, the soul of the person is imprisoned, and it will be slowly consumed. After a long time, it will dissipate.”

      He glanced at Chen Yu: “Is the deacon you used Tian Kushuang to help me recover? So it seems, Tian Kushuang It’s one of the nemesis, but I still need to make up for this.”

      Everyone was out of anger: “There is no Tian Cry Shuang, you are dead!”

      Chen Yu was calm: “After the steel puppet loses his power, Tian Cryshuang should be able to function. “

      Gu Chen nodded slightly: “This is the reason.”

      ”Your progress is much greater than I expected, and the risk is much smaller.” Chen Yu deliberately said: “But it is still very dangerous. On the other hand, you consider it. Is it too popular?”

      Gu Chen replied: “As we continue to deepen, I believe that there are ways to further coordinate the mix of raw materials, which can be stronger while being more

      economical .” Chen Yuyan said: “It is still not to be rushed, and we need to be cautious. “

      He was very reluctant to Gu Chen, but Ma Kun and others were somewhat disapproving.

      In Ma Kun’s view, Gu Chen’s bizarre puppet technique actually has the greatest value in that broken arm.

      Because that means that after a person becomes a steel puppet, the damage they endure will eventually fall on the puppet. After the steel puppet turns back to the person, the injury will not continue to be fed back to the original person.

      If it is promoted on a large scale, it may be an infinitely powerful team that will not get tired and most importantly, not afraid of casualties.

      Even if it is not used as an army, but used in other large-scale projects, it has certain value.

      However, to make such a puppet may consume more manpower and material resources than to cultivate a master of the same power level.

      Before the resources are extremely abundant, it is hard to say how practical it is.

      The most popular direction is the children of the powerful.

      The cultivator’s talents are inherited to some extent, but it is not to be regarded as a dragon and a dragon and a phoenix, to the point where the mouse son can only make holes.

      Races other than Human races are relatively more important to blood inheritance.

      However, the human cultivator’s natural blood lineage inheritance is relatively small.

      The top powers may have descendants of Qing from the blue, but there may also be tiger fathers and dogs.

      In this case, if the elders have to take care of their children and grandchildren, it becomes a matter of high input and low output.

      Although it is often said that so many resources can be fed to a pig and the pig can fly, but most of the time this is just a joke.

      But Gu Chen’s invention may really make the pig take off.

      From this point of view, Ma Kun’s research on Gu Chen didn’t catch a cold.

      Chen Yu did not see the impact in this respect, but he still supported Gu Chen with the idea of ​​encouraging the younger generation.

      The Mohist school has many shortcomings as a new spiritual practice.

      For longer-term and broader development, we need to tolerate all kinds of ideas and attempts.

      Gu Chen is a super genius of the Mo family in this area.

      His experiment today has actually been more than half successful. The completion of the main frame is far from an idea.

      Based on this alone, Chen Yu is optimistic that he will become the second magical machine in the history of Mohist practice.

      Speaking of which, as of the moment when the Mohist practiced his path, Chen Yu was the only one to reach the magical machine.

      The highest remaining person is Ma Kun, and he is still the ninth jade.

      Gu Chen may come from behind.

      ”I have to admit that he has this potential, and his talent is better than me.”

      Chen Yu and Ma Kun chatted privately, and Ma Kun also admitted this: “Unfortunately, I don’t like the direction of his research. If this The talent can be used to benefit the wider public.”

      Chen Yu smiled: “Although his thinking is a bit sloppy, but it is completely indifferent to the absurd and evil, let him go. I only hope that there will be more More and more geniuses like him have emerged.”

      Ma Kun nodded: “Yes, at that time, the Mohist family was truly considered to be a climate, rather than needing your majesty’s support now.”

      He looked at Chen Yu: “Speaking of which, the five-level realm of divine machine Have you counted all of them?”

      Chen Yu nodded: “Except for the tenth realm called Tiangong, the next four realms, I plan to name them Bailian, Guixue, Shengong, and Liqiong.”

      Ma Kun chewed. The other party said: “The strength is poor…Is the manpower sometimes poor? It is clearly the fourteenth realm of our Mo family, the peak of the divine machine, is it actually called this name?”

      Chen Yu smiled and said: “Although the tenth state is known as the skillful workmanship, it is more of my personal hope, or delusion. Our tenth state is still far from the real workmanship, if we If there can be a fifteenth stage, I believe that it is truly using human power to take the world fortune!”

      Ma Kun heard the words, and looked forward to the color: “Using human power for good fortune, is it truly ingenious? I really hope that there will be a day. “

      Chen Yu patted him on the shoulder: “There must be.”

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