I got reincarnated in the world of Attack on Titan


- My Pov -

The same as before, in the same hall, with the same table and chair positions, but there are now four seats available instead of just three because I am no longer dependent on Milch's lap.

I tried to appear as though I wasn't tired as I walked into the hallway with carefree steps. However, it was impossible to conceal the exhaustion that was written all over my face. Nevertheless, I did my best to appear as though nothing was wrong.

Because, even though I can now reveal my authentic self in front of Milch in any way that I choose, I can only do so under the condition that we are by ourselves. Therefore, I must keep up my composure whenever I am in the company of other people, at least for the time being.

It appeared to me that Grandma was arranging the dishes on the table in the same manner as before, and when she noticed that I had arrived, she simply smiled gently and asked in curiosity.

"You alone, little Kaiser? Where is Milch?"

While walking to one of the existing chairs, with a slight tilt of my head, I then said, "Milch told me to go first. She said she still has things to take care of."

After making that statement, I hastily sat down, and while doing so, I cast a curious glance at the dishes that were already prepared on the table and began to set my sights on them.

In the meantime, Grandma, who didn't find anything strange in what I was saying, could only nod her head and continue to arrange the plates, spoons, and forks. She even started tidying up the flower vase in the middle of the table.

Everything is virtually identical because the world of Attack on Titan is not very different from the Earth, everything from animals, plants, architecture, and technology. Therefore, I can easily identify the food that is being served in front of me at the moment.

The omelets with a fluffy appearance and meat from farm animals such as chicken, beef, lamb, and others. Even I could see the noodles being cooked into some sort of pasta.

So, even though I'm in the world of Attack on Titan right now, I can still feel the atmosphere of Earth.

Shortly after that, from the hall's entrance, I could see Milch walking slowly while dressed in her typical nun's garb. Her face was slightly flushed, but she was able to cover it up effectively with her familiar kind smile.

After seeing Milch's approach, Grandma initially showed suspicion by raising her eyebrows. Still, she stopped doing that after some time and simply asked, "Is everything ready?" without displaying any other signs of unease.

Milch, who is sensitive, responded casually, "yes, don't worry." After that, I'll be able to let out a sigh of relief and calmly sit in my chair without making any further comments.

Milch, in the meantime, cast her gaze upon me for a while, and then, after doing so, she sat down in the chair close to mine. Even though I appear to be in good shape right now, the truth is that I am extremely fatigued, and my body really wants to rest by having a good sleep.

The mood at the dining table was one of complete stillness and tranquility as everyone waited for the final guest to arrive so that they could finish setting the table and begin the meal.

I could see that she was trying to say something to me, but I think the incident that occurred earlier in the bathroom left her feeling bewildered and awkward, but I didn't care about either of those things.

Not long after that, the long-awaited guest finally arrived. His appearance hadn't changed much since the last time I saw him, but I noticed that the wrinkles on his forehead were starting to appear.

He greeted each person at the table as is his custom, but in contrast to the previous occasion, I responded to his greeting with a lot of enthusiasm this time.

In the meantime, Milch's demeanor remained the same as usual in front of Pastor Nick. And grandma, who witnessed it, could only smile wryly as she instructed Pastor Nick to take a seat.

At the beginning of the dinner, Pastor Nick lively discussed the recent events that had taken place, but the majority of the topics discussed were related to his religious organization.

Pastor Nick paused suddenly in the middle of the story, looked at me with a smile on his face, and then continued saying.

"Are you prepared to head out tonight?"

The words that Pastor Nick just spoke gave me goosebumps for some reason. It was as if, despite his smile, he was keeping a terrible secret hidden from me.

But after that, with a smile on my face, I simply responded, "yes, I can't wait."

"I can see now that it is written by the goddess for you to be the one who tells others the truth about the holy wall."

When Pastor Nick talked about his sacred walls, as is customary, I could see the madness in his eyes because the religious organization had been successfully brainwashing him over the years.

In the meantime, I could hear Milch sitting next to me, snorting while casting a chilly gaze at Pastor Nick. However, when she looked at me, her expression changed to that of someone who was worried.


This dinner seemed to end faster because, without me realizing it, Pastor Nick had stood up from his chair while saying in a rushed tone.

"Get ready to go. We're leaving right now."

Me, Milch, and grandma were all a little taken aback after hearing that, but grandma afterward instructed Milch to get the things that had been prepared earlier.

Milch then gave a slight nod, and after that, she walked out of the corridor. In the meantime, I'm starting to feel a little anxious about something.

Because I am aware that once I leave this place and join Pastor Nick, the carefree life that I have led for the past three years will end, and it will be replaced by the harsh reality that I will be required to confront in this world of Attack on Titan.

Following that, grandma, Nick, and I walked to the front door of this orphanage while we waited for Milch.

The atmosphere at night in this world is indeed more thrilling than it is on Earth. This could be because I know that many crazy things are waiting for me in the future.

Milch then came with two brown suitcases of medium size while I was taking a deep breath, and out of curiosity, I tried to glance at grandma while she was helping move the suitcases.

Because grandma only showed a hint of sadness although she was aware that her daughter Milch would be leaving her alone in this place for an indeterminate amount of time, and for some reason, I felt that she looked happy instead for reasons that you already know.

"Then we'll go first."

Said Pastor Nick to grandma, and then, after that, he walked ahead, leaving Milch and me to finish saying our goodbyes to Grandma.

"You have nothing to worry about there, so you can take it easy."

Grandma said this with a gentle smile as she looked at me and Milch, who looked sad at the time.

"Mom, make sure you take care of yourself."

Suddenly, Milch wrapped her arms tightly around grandma as if she really felt bad about having to leave her loved ones behind in this place by themselves.

"This chick, she's way too dramatic." I uttered the words in my mind.

After that, all I did was give a quick farewell and say, "bye, grandma."

Moreover, in spite of the fact that I was eager to get out of here as soon as possible, Grandma still made sure to give me a bear hug.

And after that, when I actually stepped out, a prompt screen appeared in front of me, and once again, I had the impression that time had stopped moving.

- the system was rebooted without any errors -

[Leave]          [Stay]

Hmm, strange, after what seemed like an eternity, this system finally reappeared, but this time around, it presented me with a somewhat similar decision to the one I had previously been given.

During the course of my transfer process, it appears that the system itself was harmed as well.



"this shit again."

Because I am aware that the decision I make right now may alter the course of the rest of my life in this Attack on Titan world, I believe that this is some kind of a historical moment or something along those lines.


As I have mentioned in the past, if I continue to linger in this place, I will end up losing a significant number of important chess pieces at the beginning of the story.


At this point in time, going with Pastor Nick and taking advantage of the massive influence that the religious organization known as "Order of the Walls" possesses is a lucrative option for me to pick.



Therefore, without further ado, I decided on something and said it to myself with excitement.


- A courageous choice coupled with a resolute determination -

- The road that lies ahead of you will be brimming with mysteries and unexpected twists and turns -

- Courage increased substantially -

After that, the words scattered like petals, and time continued to run normally as usual.

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