I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.3 Ch.220 I Might Forgive You 🦴

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the city, the first sliver of the twin moons began to appear in the darkening sky. The resonant blast of horns filled the air, signaling the long-awaited arrival of the King at the Eastern gate of Lomar. A palpable excitement rippled through the crowd as the King mounted on a majestic steed, made his regal entrance into the city. His subjects erupted into cheers and applause, their voices blending with the sounds of music and revelry that filled the air. Amidst the jubilant throng, Cyndre maintained a composed countenance, acknowledging the crowd with intermittent waves and smiles. However, his thoughts were consumed by the anticipation of reuniting with his beloved wife and, above all, his precious son.

As the king's convoy rolled through the grand gates of the Royal Estate, the polished armor of the royal guard glistened in the nightlights as he stood at attention, announcing the esteemed arrival with a booming voice that echoed through the majestic courtyard.

"Announcing the arrival of His Royal Highness King Cyndre Meredydd," a voice announces as the King walks into the foyer of the estate.

In the grand foyer, everyone bowed in deference. Cyndre's gaze swept across the opulent surroundings, but there was no sign of his beloved wife or son. Frowning, he pivoted and locked eyes with the royal chamberlain.

"Chamberlain, have you seen my wife and son?" Cyndre demanded.

"The Queen is in her room, your Majesty," the Chamberlain answered.

"And the Prince?" Cyndre asked.

"I can't say, your Majesty... All I was told was that her ladyship said she would tell you," the chamberlain stated.

Cyndre furrowed his brow. "Is that right?" he asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. "I'll go check on my wife. Please see to it that my room is ready for me within the hour. I'm feeling a bit worn out," Cyndre requested.

"Yes, your Majesty. I'll inform the butler," the chamberlain said before going off.

Cyndre and Rianna had always shared the same bed as a symbol of their closeness, but due to Cyndre's poor decisions involving his older brother, his once-loving relationship with his wife became strained. Despite the distance between them, his love for her remained, and he was determined to repair their relationship.

"Well, time to face the music," Cyndre muttered to himself. He felt a lump form in his throat and swallowed hard. "Here goes nothing."


Then, the King made his way towards his and his wife's chambers.

Upon his arrival, he rapped on the door, and a servant promptly appeared to answer it.

"Your Majesty," the maid greeted him with a bow.

'Huh? Where's Gretchen?... N-Nevermind that,' the king thought.

"May I enter?" He asked.

The maid turned to inform the Queen.

"Yes, he may enter," the Queen's voice called out.

The door creaked open as the maid stepped aside, allowing Cyndre to enter his bedroom. As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell upon his wife seated in front of her ornate vanity. Her delicate nightgown draped around her, and she was gently running a comb through her flowing hair while avoiding her husband's gaze through the reflection of the mirror.

"Hello, my Queen," Cyndre greeted her with reverence.

Rianna let out a sigh. "What is it, Cyndre? You know I usually like to sleep around this time," she explained. As she glanced in the mirror, she noticed her husband standing near the doorway. For some reason, he appeared especially dashing tonight. She brushed off the thought and tried to maintain her annoyed demeanor.

"Sorry, my dear. But I couldn't help myself. I missed you and the boy," Cyndre stated.

Rianna raised her eyebrow at him before looking at the maid standing by the door.

"Miss Edith, could you leave us alone?" Rianna asked.

The maid bowed, "Of course, my Queen," Miss Edith left the room.

As the maid departed and closed the door behind her, the King turned his gaze towards his wife. She was still engrossed in her reflection, delicately combing through her luscious, jet-black locks of hair.

"Is something the matter, my Queen? You look troubled," the King asked.

"Did you forget that our son has a dark elf with whom he's in love with?" The Queen stated with a hint of annoyance.

King Cyndre sighed, "No, I didn't forget," he answered, "But I trust in your judgment, and if she was a threat, you would have dealt with her," Cyndre stated.

Rianna felt a surge of excitement as her heart started to flutter when she caught a glimpse of her husband's reflection in the mirror. The longer she looked at him, the more her excitement grew.

"Y-Yes, I would have done what needed to be done," she said as the itch in her loins returned with a vengeance and got worse. All she could do to distract herself was quickly pick up the pace of combing her hair. She purposefully tried to avoid gazing at her husband, but her body had other plans.

Cyndre thought she was still mad at him when she started acting a little up tight, "I-I'm sorry... I feel like I messed something up again. But I don't know what," he said as he looked at the floor in defeat.

"You did, but it was a good distraction for allowing Quinus and Rya to sneak into the palace without anyone noticing," Rianna said with a hint of amusement in her voice.

As Cyndre glanced up, he caught his wife's gaze in the reflection of the mirror. Their eyes met, and a fleeting blush colored Rianna's cheeks before she averted her gaze.

"Rya? That's the name of the dark elf, isn't it... Well, if you are saying her name so easily. Does that mean you have accepted her as part of the family?" Cyndre asked.

Rianna chuckled a bit, "Yes, and no... She is an interesting one. She needs to win over the court and the people if she wants to be the next queen," she stated.

Cyndre sighs, "If you think that is best, then I will not interfere. Were you able to find out if she is a healer? Like Quinus said she was," he asked.

Rianna's body stiffened up as memories of her womanhood being healed by Rya made her fantasize about her husband. She couldn't believe how she succumbed to lust so easily. It was unbecoming of a Queen.

"Um... N-No, not yet... I didn't have enough time to test her," Rianna lied out of embarrassment.

"Alright, then. Well, I will let you rest," Cyndre said softly, turning around and heading toward the door.

As he made his way to the door, he paused when he caught the sound of his wife's voice.

"C-Cyndre?" she stuttered out as her eyes stared at his fine behind.

"Yes, my Queen." Cyndre turns his head to see his wife sitting there, blushing.

"Y-You missed a spot... O-On my back, I mean," Rianna states.

"W-What?" Cyndre responded in confusion.

Rianna blushed harder, "C-Can you p-please check my back," she asked.

Cyndre had never seen his wife so hesitant since the first time they were intimate. He approached his wife and positioned himself behind her, gazing at the nape of her neck.

"Y-Your hands would feel nice right now, and my back is sore from all this stress... T-That mostly is your fault! Y-Yes, it's your fault. B-But... C-Can you-G-Guh," the queen couldn't bring herself to say the words she wanted to say.

Rianna was feeling hot and wet between her legs as she felt her husband's presence behind her. She could almost imagine his hands caressing her body and the things he would do to her. It made her bosoms ache for attention, which only her husband's touch could relieve.

The king felt her tension, and it confused him. 'What happened to her?' he thought.

"Are you sure you're alright, Rianna? I can come back another time," he said, trying to give her an out.

"NO! I mean... I request that you help me," the Queen said in her most authoritative tone, though her voice quivered slightly.

'Well, I better do what I'm told.'

Cyndre's hands reached up, and he placed them on his wife's shoulders, giving them a firm yet gentle squeeze. Rianna felt a small tingle run down her spine, and a faint moan escaped her lips.

"I-Is this helping?" Cyndre asked.

"Yes!" his wife responded, almost in a hiss.

She didn't know how much she missed his touch, and it made her nipples harden and her loins to get wet.

Cyndre could sense her body tense up under his touch, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was causing her pain.

"Should I continue or stop? I don't want to hurt you, Rianna," the King asked.

Rianna didn't want him to stop, and the thought of his hands roaming all over her body made her even more aroused.

"Please... Continue," the Queen pleaded.

Cyndre slowly continued massaging her shoulders. He felt her tense up under his touch, but her moans piqued his curiosity.

"I-Is it alright if I massage your lower back?" He asked.

Rianna nodded, a slight blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Please," she whispered, her voice full of desire.

Cyndre's hands drifted down and began massaging her lower back. Rianna arched her back and moaned as she felt his hands on her soft skin.

"Mmm... Yes, that feels amazing," she murmured.

"Is there anything else you need me to do?" Cyndre asked as he felt his own arousal growing.

"K-Kiss my shoulder!" Rianna asked in a shaky tone as her bosoms ached. She needed her husband's attention, but she couldn't allow him to be rewarded until he righted all the wrongs he had done.

'Kiss her shoulder?' the king thought, puzzled by his wife's behavior, but he wouldn't deny her request.

"I-I haven't forgiven you! B-But I w-wish t-to—" Rianna tried to warn him, but she was interrupted when Cyndre's lips met her neck. She moaned softly and closed her eyes, losing herself in the pleasure.

'Oh, goddess, that feels good,' she thought as she arched her back more, causing the material of her nightgown to tighten against her hardened nipples.

"My Queen," Cyndre moaned as he grabbed hold of his wife and placed another kiss on her shoulder.

When Rianna felt her husband's lips on her skin, shivers ran up her spine. She bit her lip to keep her voice in check. She knew she needed to stop, but the sensations her husband was making her feel were too good to ignore.

"C-Cyndre," she moaned as she felt his hands roaming her body.

Cyndre heard her moan his name and pulled her close to him. She could feel his lips trail up to her neck, then the other side of her neck, and finally, he came close to her right ear.

"Yes, my Queen?" Cyndre breathed.

Rianna didn't answer because she feared saying something foolish. However, her husband's breath against her ear, along with the feel of his hands on her body, made her shiver with delight.

'W-Why did I let him kiss my neck?!' She thought, as her face was completely red.

Cyndre enjoyed teasing his wife. He didn't understand why, but she was more sensitive to his touch. It's been years since he was able to touch his wife. He missed it, and he could smell her intoxicating scent, and the feel of her skin made his cock hard. He wanted to ravage her.

"Mmmh," Rianna moaned a bit, trying to contain her excitement.

Cyndre pulled back from kissing his wife's neck, placed his lips to her ear, and whispered, "Is there something wrong, my dear," he asked, his hot breath sending more shivers down her spine, making her nipples erect and rubbing against her nightgown until the fabric tented outward.

"N-No... I'm just..." Rianna paused and looked down at her own erect nipples. She had never seen them stick out like this, not even when she and Cyndre were intimate.

'T-They're so big! M-Must be from all the milk I gave Quinus when he was a baby,' the Queen thought.

Cyndra saw out of the corner of his eye that his wife's bosoms were sticking out more than normal, and he had to resist the urge to grab and squeeze them. He wanted to play with her nipples and make her squeal.

'Has her chest gotten bigger?...' He wondered.

'T-They are so hard... W-Why?!' The queen thought as she saw the outlines of her nipples sticking out of her nightgown.

Cyndre moved his hands to his wife's sides and slowly moved them up. Rianna would have stopped him, but when she felt her husband's hands moving over her body and slowly headed toward her chest, she couldn't resist as her heart was pounding, and her breathing was heavy. She was afraid to move or speak, as she didn't want to break the mood.

"Hmmm?..." Cyndre hummed as he gazed at his wife's chest, his hands slowly making their way to her breasts.

'W-What is happening to me!?' She thought. Her heart was racing, her breathing was labored, and she could feel her juices running down her thighs. She's never been this turned on since the months before she found out that she was pregnant with Quinus.

"Ah~!" Rianna gasped as she felt Cyndre's hands move over her bosoms. She felt his thumbs rubbing over her hardened nipples. She covered her mouth with her hands to suppress her moans. Seeing her reaction, Cyndre started playing with her nipples a bit more.

"Aah~!" The queen let out another gasp of pleasure as she arched her back, pressing her breasts into his hands.

"I-It's b-been years s-since you touched me like t-this, Cyndre... I-I forgot w-what it felt like," Rianna moaned as she closed her eyes and let her husband continue his husbandly duties.

"I know... And I will do everything in my power to make it up to you, my love," Cyndre whispered in his wife's ear, causing her to gasp again.

Cyndre then moved his hands down to her sides and pulled her closer to him. He continued kissing and sucking on her neck and gently bit her ear lobe.

'T-This is the only reason I let him back into the room... T-To massage me... Yeah! That's it! H-He's not out of the dog house yet,' Rianna told herself as she felt her husband's breath against her neck.

Rianna couldn't take it anymore and leaned back, pressing her body into Cyndre's. Her bosoms squished against his hands, causing her nipples to get even harder.

"H-How do you intend to m-make it up to me, Cyndre," Rianna asked, her voice a bit shaky as she was losing control of her body.

"Let me show you," Cyndre said as he slowly undid the strings holding his wife's nightgown together.

He then pulled down the straps, exposing her shoulders. He started to kiss her bare skin while he continued to pull her nightgown down. Her skin started forming goosebumps.

"A-Aah~," Rianna moaned.

Her nipples were now visible. And Cyndre couldn't help himself. He moved his hands up to her breasts and began playing with them again. He gently pinched and tugged at her nipples and rubbed his thumb over them.

"O-Ohh, Cyndre," Rianna gasped.

"Yes, my love?"

"I-I need more," she whimpered like a child wanting candy.

Cyndre chuckled, "Patience, my love, we have all the time in the world," he whispered into her ear. Causing her clitoris to twitch.

'T-This is a trap. He's doing this to make me forgive him,' Rianna thought.

Cyndre moves his left hand down her side and grabs hold of her butt.

"Aah!" Rianna yelped.

"Mmm, I've always loved this ass," Cyndre said as he massaged her ass cheek.

"Y-You don't think it's too big?" She asked, worried that her butt had gotten bigger after having her son.

"Not at all... You're perfect... And I'm blessed to have you in my life... I fear that I don't deserve you," he whispered as he kissed her earlobe.

Rianna's legs began shaking. And she could feel her pussy getting wetter.

'T-This is bad... W-Why am I feeling so good?' She thought.

"T-That's not true, I'm the one who doesn't deserve you," she argued. She didn't realize what she just said.

"Mmm, but you've always been by my side through all these years," Cyndre said as he gently squeezed her other ass cheek.

"Hnng! Aah~"

"You are a good mother and an excellent wife... I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I will earn it," he said as he continued to fondle her ass.

Rianna grabbed his hands and brought them up to her breasts.

"I-If you want my f-forgiveness, y-you must work f-for it," she moaned.

Cyndre smiled. "As you wish," he said as he grabbed hold of her breasts and began to massage them.

"Hnnngh!" Rianna moaned.

She could feel Cyndre's warm breath on her neck as he leaned in to place gentle kisses along her skin. His lips left a trail of soft, lingering caresses as they moved from her neck down to her shoulder, leaving her with a tender and intimate sensation.

"Y-You don't think my breasts are too big?" She asked.

Cyndre couldn't help but smile at the sight of his wife being utterly adorable.

"Absolutely not. I've always loved them... You have no idea how much I missed massaging them. I feel honored to enjoy them once more... Hopefully for all night long," he whispered into her ear as he squeezed her breasts.

"T-They're probably too saggy now—AUNGH!?"

Cyndre slowly lifted her left tit up and moved his lips closer to her nipple. He stuck his tongue out and lightly licked her nipple.

"HNGH! O-OHH, C-CYNDRE!" Rianna yelled, arching her back.

The Queen moaned loudly as she felt Cyndre's tongue circling around her nipple.

'H-He's such a weird man! Aunh! All the ladies of the court whisper about how men prefer skinny women. Yet this man loves my big bosoms and butt!' Rianna thought as she was worried that there might be something wrong with her husband.

"W-Why do you l-love my breasts?" Rianna asked as she held her husband's head and pushed him harder onto her chest. She needed to know why he loved her body.

Cyndre took his mouth off her breast. "Because they're yours," he replied as he started to suck on her right nipple.

Rianna's stoic expression quickly turned into one of pleasure.

"Nnngh... Oohhhh," Rianna groaned as she closed her eyes and began to enjoy the sensation of her husband sucking on her breast.

"Because they're beautiful," he added as he kissed and sucked on her left breast.

"Aah~," she moaned as she threw her head back.

Cyndre could feel his wife's body getting warmer. She was definitely aroused.

"I also love your ass... Your body is amazing, but all of these physical features are nothing compared to the kind heart you have, Rianna. Or the wisdom you have shown over the years," he said as he kissed and sucked her other breast. The resolve she had to confine him to the dog house was crumbling, and her husband was keenly aware of it.

"Haa~," she gasped as her husband's words caused her to lose herself in the moment. The more he talked, the more aroused she felt. She never felt this turned on in her entire life. Her legs opened wide as she sat on her chair. Her juices were dripping down her thighs, making a puddle under her ass. Her body was telling her that this was a once-in-a-while occurrence, and she needed to seize it.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on," Cyndre murmured as he continued to suck on her breasts.

"C-Cyndre... M-More," Rianna demanded as she opened her legs as wide as she could and leaned back, giving him better access to her pussy.

'I-I don't care about the dog house anymore... I want my husband! I need him! A-And once this is over, he'll be put back in there for sure,' the Queen thought, but she was too aroused to even think about punishing her husband. She could feel the heat between her legs, and her fingers wouldn't be enough.

Cyndre was a bit shocked by her sudden change of attitude, but he wasn't complaining. So, the king didn't hesitate. He moved his right hand down her stomach underneath the fabric of her nightgown so that he could rub her clit.

"Aaah! Yes, right there," she gasped.

He felt his cock grow harder when he saw his wife's eyes rolling back in pleasure.

"You're so wet, my love," he said as he inserted a finger inside her pussy.

"I-I know... T-That's because of you! It's your fault that I'm this wet," she wined as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder.

'T-This man is making me act like a horny teenager! A-All this talk about my bosoms and how much he loves me, it's too much. I-I can't control myself! W-Why is my body reacting like this?...' As Rianna pondered, she couldn't help but wonder why she had never experienced such profound emotions throughout her entire life.

Cyndre grinned a little bit at her remark and continued to finger her. He moved his mouth up to her ear and nibbled on her ear lobe.

"I-I've missed you so much, Cyndre," she cried as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"And I've missed you, my love," he said as he inserted another finger into her pussy, and slowly started pumping his fingers in and out of her.

"Aaah! T-The itch is back! Aunh!? I-It's deeper than before! D-DO SOMETHING!?"

Rianna wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and started grinding her pussy on his hand.

"Yes... That's it... Let me give you the relief you desire, my love," he said as he started speeding up the movement of his fingers.

Rianna was enjoying herself, but the itchiness was just out of reach of Cyndre's fingers. She wanted more. She needed more.

"Aahn~ C-Cyndre... Please... M-More," she moaned.

"Shh," he said as he kissed her neck.

"GAH! CYNDRE!?! IF YOU EVER WANT ME TO FORGIVE YOU EVER AGAIN, THEN YOU WILL PUT YOUR COCK IN ME RIGHT NOW!... Huh? I-I didn't mean to say—ACK! CYNDRE!?" Rianna shouts as her husband lifts her, brings her to the bed, and lays her on her back.

"As my queen commands," he said as he ripped open his robe and pants and pulled out his massive 13-inch cock.

Rianna's eyes went wide as she saw the massive shaft that was in her husband's hands. She was already drenched in her own juices, but she couldn't help herself.

'I-It wasn't supposed to go this far. H-He's just doing this to win me over. Maybe if he treats me right, then I might—N-No! H-He's just a stupid, horny male. I can't forgive him that easily... But his cock is so big... I forgot how big it was...' Rianna thought as she eyed the massive rod.

"You're so sexy when you're angry," Cyndre smirked.

Rianna wanted to be mad at him, but she couldn't. His words were too sweet.

"I-I don't care! Just give me your dick already!" she demanded as she spread her legs wide.

Cyndre's eyes widened, and he licked his lips. He wasted no time and crawled on top of his wife and positioned himself in between her legs.

"As you command, my Queen," he said as he slowly inserted his dick into her. Once the tip of his cock rubbed against her pussy lips, her body began to shake.

"AAH~," she moaned loudly as he slowly pushed his entire cock inside her. His cock was poking the itchiness in her womb.

"Oh, goddess! Y-You’re so thick! Aahn~," she moaned.

Cyndre didn't answer her, and he just kept pumping his dick in and out of her pussy.

'Y-Yes! He's doing it! Aaahn! His dick is rubbing the itchiness away!' Rianna thought as her eyes rolled back.


"Haa~ Yes, my Queen," he says, as his balls slapped against her ass.

After years of anticipation, Cyndra finally has the opportunity to make amends with his wife. He wasn't going to let this chance slip away.

"Yes... Yes! More, Cyndre! Give me more!"

Rianna had tears streaming down her cheeks, and her moans were echoing through the bedroom. Her breasts bounced up and down, and her ass jiggled each time he pumped his dick into her.

'Aaah... T-This is exactly what I've been missing... I-I can't believe I've been without this for so long... I should have let Cyndre fuck me every night instead of just banishing him,' Rianna thought as the pleasure consumed her body.

"Oh yes! Oh yes! Keep going!" she cried as she wrapped her legs around her husband's waist and pulled him closer. She could feel her husband's cock reaching deeper into her womb as the itch was getting battered away.

"Oh yes! This is what I've been missing!"

She couldn't deny that this was what she wanted. She had been missing the sexual pleasure that she got from her husband's cock. And it was all thanks to Rya's healing magic.

"F-Fuck!" she cried.

"You're so fucking sexy, my love," he said as his balls slapped against her ass.

"Deeper! Put it in deeper, CYNDRE! OH GODDESS! MY CLIT IS ITCHING SO BADLY!" she shouted.

Cyndre was enjoying himself and was glad that his wife was finally letting him make love to her again. He thought she finally started forgiving him due to the successful return of their son. He was going to thank him later, but first, he wanted to make his wife cum.

"I'm about to cum, Rianna! HNNG! Your pussy is milking my dick so well," he says, as his balls tightened, and he felt his orgasm building up.

"Don't say such vulgar things, Cyndre! I-I can't take it any longer," she said, as her pussy walls clenched around his dick.

"But it's true! Your pussy is amazing! It's been a year since I've been able to have sex with you. Aann~ and I'm gonna cum!" he moaned.

"Cum? Y-You're going to cum inside me? Aaahn~," she said, as her toes curled and her orgasm came crashing down on her.

"OH, GODDESS! OH, GODDESS! OH GODDESS!" she screamed as her pussy milked his cock dry.

"Fuck, I'm cumming, my love," he moaned as he pushed his dick deep into her womb and shot a large load of semen deep inside her.

Rianna forgot how good her husband's cum felt. The way it filled up her womb. The way it was coating her pussy. The way it dripped out of her hole. The whole process of making love was messy, sloppy, and unorderly. It was everything that a Royal should never do. Yet, Rianna loved it. She loved the feeling of being dominated.

'T-The itch is gone! It's finally gone!' she thought as she felt his warm seed flow through her body.

"Aaahn~ C-Cum inside me... Don't stop," she moaned as her pussy clenched around his dick.

"Fuck, I'll give you my everything," he moaned as his dick throbbed inside her pussy.

Rianna's primal urges were taking over, and she wanted more.

"Hahhh... You're so big... I've missed your cock so much... Please forgive me, my love," she said as she looked him in the eyes.

"R-Rianna? Oh goddess!" he moaned as his balls twitched, and he unloaded another batch of his cum into her womb.


Rianna closed her eyes, and her pussy quivered. Her primal urges were telling her to procreate while her ovaries were releasing her eggs into her uterus.

"I'm cumming, Cyndre," she moaned.

"Fuck! Rianna!? Here's my cum!" he said as his dick pulsated, and he released another load of his essence inside her. He's never unloaded so much of his semen inside his wife.

"AAAAAHHH~" she moaned as her whole body convulsed.

They both came at the same time, and their bodies were trembling for a solid minute.

"O-Oh goddess, Rianna, that was amazing," he said as his dick twitched and throbbed inside her.

'T-This feels amazing! I-I haven't felt this good in years! Ooohhh~ I want more!' Rianna thought as she hugged her husband tightly.

"Rianna, are you alright?"

"Yes, my love. I'm fine. Just a little sore," she replied.

Cyndre's dick was still inside her, and he knew she was enjoying the sensation because she was wiggling her hips a little.

"I've missed you so much, Rianna," he said as his penis slowly started hardening again.

"I've missed you, too," she said as she looked up at him with her beautiful blue eyes.

"Then allow me to show you just how much I've missed you," he said as he started pumping his cock inside her.

"Yes, please. Give me your all, or I won't ever forgive you," she said, as her pussy started leaking more and more juices.

"Then I shall not disappoint you," he said as he began thrusting his hips, and his cock pounded her pussy.

"OH GODDESS! OH YES! CYNDRE! MORE! FUCK ME! FUCK ME MORE!" she cried, as her whole body shook with pleasure. Her royal demeanor had been thrown out the window, and she was now a horny woman who wanted nothing more than to be fucked by her man.

"HNggh, you're so tight, my love," he grunted.

"Yes! Yes! You're so big!"

"HNGH, Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he said, as his dick twitched inside her pussy.

"OH, YES! DO IT! CUM INSIDE ME, MY LOVE! FILL ME UP!" she cried as her pussy tightened around his dick, and her juices leaked onto the bed.

"AAHH, CUMMING!" he groaned as his dick exploded inside her womb, and her pussy milked him dry.

"Ahh, I'm full," she moaned as her pussy walls clenched around his shaft. She's never been so satisfied before. She could feel her body relaxing, and the itchiness that had plagued her was no longer there.

"Haaa..." She sighed as the feeling of his dick inside her and the warmth of his cum flowing through her body made her feel relaxed and happy.

"H-How was it, my love?" he asked as he pulled his cock out of her pussy.

"Huh? O-Oh, it was wonderful, my love," she said, as her eyes lit up when looking into Cyndre's golden eyes.

"Thank you," he said as he leaned forward and kissed her lips.

"Hmm," she moaned as her tongue danced with his, and her juices continued leaking from her pussy.

She's never felt so complete. Her husband was back. Her son was back. Her pussy was satisfied. Her womb was filled with his semen. Everything was perfect.

"Well... I better not overstay my welcome," he said as he climbed out of the bed and started putting on his clothes.

"W-Wait, my love," Rianna said as she tried getting out of bed but failed. Her body was sore, and she felt a little dizzy.

"What is it, Rianna?"

"I-I'm sorry, Cyndre. For the way I treated you, I was wrong," she said, as her eyes were starting to fill with tears.

"No... It's not your fault. If I hadn't been so infatuated with my older brother at the time, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this," he confessed.

Rianna gazed into his eyes and tenderly reached out her arms toward him, beckoning him to draw near.

"Please come back to me, Cyndre. I-I want you to hold me and make love to me again. I'm so sorry for not understanding how you felt," she said as tears rolled down her face.

Cyndre was taken by surprise, and he felt a pang of distress as he found it unbearable to witness her tears. He removed his garments and then slid back under the covers with her.

"I promise I'll never let you down again," he vowed, pulling his wife close with his powerful embrace. Rianna's heart raced with joy like never before. She felt like she was a teen again. Her husband's strong arms wrapped around her waist, and his big cock was inside her.

"Mmnnn," Rianna moaned as her pussy tightened around his dick. "Mmm... That's right, you're mine, and there's a lot more that needs to happen before I'll consider us even," she declared, leaning in to kiss him.

"A-Are you sure? I'm not sure if I can keep up," he said as the tip of his cock touched her womb, and she shuddered.

"I believe in you, my king," she said, as her pussy contracted around his dick. "Mmmm... You're going to make me cum if you know what's good for you," she demanded, as her hips started moving faster, and she bounced on his cock. She showed a mischievous grin on her lips as she moved on top of him.

"I don't know what's gotten into you. But I like it," he said, as one of his hands went between her legs while the other grabbed her ass cheeks as she was bouncing on top of him.

"Aaahhh... You're such a naughty boy," she moaned as her hands squeezed his pectorals. "You've aged so well... All the women of the court must be jealous of me," she said as her pussy quivered.

"Haha... And all the men of the court are jealous of me," he said as he started rubbing his fingers along her clit.

"Ohhh... Cyndre," she said, as her back arched and her hands gripped his pecs.

"I'll show you what a man can do, Rianna," he said as he pulled out and thrust his dick back in her. This caused her hair to go flying as she threw her head back, and her massive tits bounced hypnotically.

"Ooohhhh... Yes... That's it, my love... Show me how a real man does it," she begged as her pussy quivered around his shaft.

"Mmmm, yes, I will," he said, as his lips found hers, and they started kissing passionately.

Rianna couldn't believe how passionate her husband was. It's been so long since she'd seen him act like this, and she didn't realize that she was doing the same thing. It didn't take long for her to reach another climax.

"AAAHHHH! YES, I'M CUMMING!" she cried as her juices sprayed all over his cock.

"AAAHHH, I'M CUMMING, TOO!" he roared as his dick spurted his load into her womb.

"Mmmm... That's right, you're making me yours again, aren't you?" she asked, as her pussy continued to quiver around his shaft.

"Yes, I am, my queen," he said as his hand went down between her legs and rubbed her clit.

"HMMNNN... YES, MY LOVE, MAKE ME YOURS," she moaned as her juices started to leak out of her pussy.

"Mmmm... I love the way your pussy feels, Rianna," he said as he rubbed her clit faster, and his dick pulsated inside her.

"AHH, AHHH... YES... YOUR DICK IS SO BIG AND HARD," she said, as her hands grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him deeper inside her.

"That's right, Rianna, your pussy is the best," he said as he kissed her.

The two royals engaged in their heated mating session that lasted throughout the night and into the early hours of the morning. They finally finished with each other when the sun was peeking over the horizon. They were completely and utterly exhausted and collapsed on the bed in each other's arms.

"That was amazing, my love," Rianna said, snuggling up to her husband's chest.

"Yes, it was," Cyndre agreed, stroking his wife's hair.

They stayed like that until they both fell asleep.

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See where Rya is going next (with a bit more grammatical mistakes, but you'll get the point) and see if she can convince her future mother-in-law that she's right for her son!

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