I earn really hard money

Chapter 22 Other teleporters?

Chapter 22 Other teleporters?
He Xia ran fast and found the platform where the locomotive was parked based on his memory. He looked back at the panting crowd and said, "Who knows how to drive a train?"

A middle-aged man in a yellow jacket raised his hand: "I used to be the train purser, a little..."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, there was a series of loud noises in the distance, and an out-of-control train rushed into the train station, crashing into the train that everyone was on before, and the flames shot up into the sky, creating a mess!
He Xia's eyes were full of astonishment, and cold sweat broke out on his back. The KTX train was not hit in the movie, but it happened in this world!

"Could it be that because I changed something, the subsequent development also changed?"

I don't know the specific reason, and I don't have time for him to think about it. I can only keep this matter in my heart, and I will ask about the portal when I have a chance, but I guess it will be useless to ask.

"Quick! Come with me..."

He Xia ran straight towards the locomotive on the leftmost track, no matter how hard he bumped, it would not affect that track, and it was still unimpeded!
After easily eliminating the zombies wandering around the locomotive, He Xia asked the middle-aged man to go to the driver's cab to start the train. Countless zombies in the distance had already escaped from the two colliding trains.

More than 20 people stood in the narrow aisle on both sides of the front of the train and saw groups of zombies wandering from the overturned train in the distance. Everyone's heart was raised in their throats, and their mouths were dry.

"It's a good thing we ran fast, my God!"

"One minute later, I will be killed..."

"It's terrible, what's going on in this world..."

Many people looked at He Xia with grateful eyes. If he hadn't led everyone to escape from the train, they would probably still be in the compartment or wandering around at this time. Thinking about it would send chills down the spine. There are only two outcomes, either being crushed to death by the train Or be gnawed to death by zombies!
The man in the jacket was sweating profusely in the cab. He used to be a flight attendant. He discussed driving issues with the driver in his spare time. Everything was at the theoretical level!
"These, and these buttons, pull the lever, yes, yes, that's it!"

Hearing, the locomotive trembled slightly, living up to expectations, the man started the locomotive smoothly.

"Success, I succeeded!"

The man opened the cab door and shouted happily to the outside.

The train speeded up slowly, and everyone's hearts slowly returned to their stomachs. Some people cried excitedly. Although they were not completely safe, at least their lives were temporarily saved. Several narrow escapes made everyone feel physically and mentally exhausted.

"How are you... ah hey, wait for me."

Before the locomotive got out of the platform, the driver of the previous train ran over. He didn't expect someone to be one step faster than him. Fortunately, the locomotive was not too fast, and with the help of everyone, he successfully climbed onto the train.

"Saved... Thank God!" The driver, still in shock, stepped into the cab to take over.

When everyone sits back and relaxes, danger is approaching.

He Xia stood at the front of the car and looked into the distance. Suddenly his body froze slightly. He saw the female zombie again, and this time it was even more exaggerated. The female zombie was actually directing the group of zombies to bypass the stopped train, planning to attack Their locomotive!

"What the hell is this, Mad, the Night King, right?"

He Xia was horrified, thinking of his previous guess, and said in his mind: "Mr. Portal, am I the only teleporter?"

【Blue Star only has you as a teleporter】

"Now there are teleporters from other places in the world of Train to Busan?"

He Xia continued to ask.

This time the portal hesitated a little.

[The sender is requested to concentrate on completing his task]

"This frankly came from an alien planet!"

He Xia slapped his thigh. He had doubted this matter from the very first contact with the portal, and now it seems that he really guessed it right!

He is not the only teleporter in the heavens and worlds, the female zombie is probably also a teleporter, but the tasks and roles are different!

The train pulled out of the platform, and the sun shone on He Xia's face. He suddenly came back to his senses, opened the cab door and asked, "Can you make it faster?"

In the distance, under the organization of the female zombie, countless zombies are running towards the front of the train. If it were the slow zombies in The Walking Dead, it would be impossible to chase them, but these zombies run faster than dogs!

"It has been turned on to the maximum power..."

The locomotive can accelerate to a very fast speed, but the acceleration process is not fast!

"What kind of garbage truck... Everyone get on the roof! Hurry up!"

He Xia didn't expect these people to be able to resist the attack of zombies, they might be bitten in the chaos, and the whole army might be wiped out in the end.

The people who had just sat down quickly got up and hurriedly climbed to the roof of the car.


A woman screamed. She was stepped on by another young woman as a mat. If the man on the side hadn't seized her arm, she would have fallen.

The woman who stepped on the woman onto the roof didn't even look down. She was the first to get to the roof and found a comfortable depression to lie down, with a relaxed expression on her face.

Many people saw this scene in the chaos, and they didn't expect to get rid of Executive Jin, and there was a devil by his side!

He Xia also saw it. He stepped on the guardrail and jumped onto the roof of the car.

The woman was lying in the depression and was looking at the distant scenery with ease, when suddenly a pair of shoes appeared in front of her eyes, and before she could look up to see who it was, she lifted herself up into the air!

"You, don't, ah..."


There was no chance to refute and resist. The woman was thrown onto the railroad tracks like a bed of torn cotton wool. Before she could stand up, she was swallowed up by the zombies coming like a wave!
"The heroine sacrificed herself in exchange for precious escape time for everyone, please remember the heroine, now there is no need to climb up."

He Xia jumped off the roof of the car without too many emotional fluctuations on his face. Increased energy can not only better suppress all kinds of emotions, but also allow him to make ruthless correct decisions when it is difficult to make a choice.

The few people who had already climbed on the roof collapsed and lay down and breathed a sigh of relief. The people who were climbing were stunned to look at the group of zombies gathered in the distance, feeling inexplicable in their hearts. They finally knew that He Xia's previous threats were not just words. !

"Will this be too much..."

Sheng Jing said to Yi Shanghua in a low voice, with unbearable eyes.

Yi Shanghua shook his head and said, "This is the best solution. Who can guarantee that there will be no danger later, and who can guarantee that that person will not continue to do things that will harm everyone and protect herself?"

"Fortunately, you followed a smart and strong man like me, otherwise you would have died a hundred times with your personality!"


Yi Shanghua received a solid punch from Sheng Jing.

The reaction of the high school girl Zhenxi was stronger than that of Shengjing. She whispered to Min Rongguo, "This man is so vicious. Even if he is shot, he will have to be interrogated. It is terrible to throw him off the train arbitrarily..."

Min Rongguo frowned secretly, patted Zhenxi on the shoulder, and said: "In this situation, it is very dangerous for you to think about the problem with the old thinking! You don't have to harm others in a disaster, but if you encounter a bastard who harms others, absolutely don't." Be merciful, the next victim is likely to be yourself!"

Seeing He Xia jumping on the roof of the car, Shi Yu knew something was wrong, and quickly hugged Xiu'an in his arms, not letting his daughter see what happened, otherwise the little girl would definitely have a series of problems...

No one blamed He Xia, everyone knew who couldn't stay in times of crisis, one was the mother bitch and the other was the selfish ghost!
 There are three more changes today, and two more tonight.

  There is no recommended position in the new book period, so cool, increase the update and increase the follow-up reading, I hope the background data can be better, so that the book can be recommended.

  I also implore all book friends to help vote and follow up.


(End of this chapter)

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