I Don’t Want To Court Death!

Chapter 42: I’ll Start By Kicking Your Ass! (and Q&A)

The numerical answer to life, the universe, and everything: 42!

I did it. You did it. We did it. I find this to be a pretty special chapter because of its number so ask me anything. Anything. Just no spoilers for obvious reasons. 

I'll answer to the best of my cognitive and literary abilities; before you make the joke, yes, that's a low bar. ;) 


"Look up there! Is that an exalted immortal? No, that's too big!" 


"Such holy flames! A divinity! That must be the Sacred Overseer!" 


"No, no, no! That thing has wings! Is it the Arcane Temple's vile god?" 


The mortals were shaken by the arrival of a burning, winged warship. Although the warship sped toward the next layer, Yang Yang could not help, but use this opportunity once again for more faith. "Pure Flame Magic: Will O' Wisp. Life Magic: Light of Faith." 


Eight fireballs danced in his hands and then jumped down to the ground. The Flame of Purity scorched the land and burned away the sins in the people's heart. It gushed like a tsunami rather than a wildfire. The people would panic and felt pain, but then relaxed at the gentle heat of the golden flames. The Light of Faith would then entered their souls, turning them into followers. 


"Junior Brother Yang, I think you're really monopolizing all the faith here." Seventh Sister Jade was amazed by the golden flames, but asserted her thoughts. Yang Yang felt better by the seconds and was so full of faith that he was practically high on it. 


"So what? It is better that they give their faith to me rather than to somebody else unworthy. Faith is a serious business, a precious commodity. The stronger I get, the better it is for the Overworld. Besides, if I don't become a god soon, this whole world would face a great calamity that would lead in the destruction of all beings." As he spoke, the portal to the Fifteenth Layer opened up. Before he left, Yang Yang placed a small clone formed by magical power to watch over the proceedings and fueled the golden flames with faithful power for some oomph. 


"A calamity?" Seventh Sister Jade twirled a lock of her, indicating her nervousness. 


"Yes. One that involves an ancient rivalry that has been going on for eons. Soon, there will be a great battle; one that could end the stalemate between the Overworld and Underworld itself. That is all I will say. Knowing any more will not do you any good." His solemn expression made her shiver, but still curious. After contemplating for a moment, she stayed silent. 


When he entered the next layer, Yang Yang was prepared to summoned the Flame of Purity and Light of Faith again, but sensed a group of high-level Manifest Aspect magi at the end of the portal. 


In the distance, there were dozens of dark-red cloaked figures guarding the entrance to the Fifteenth Layer. Their magical power were anywhere between the seventh-step to ninth-step of the Manifest Aspect level. One of the figure spoke up: "Stop! You are violating the-" 


"Is this some kind of joke?" Yang Yang snorted, causing a fiery storm of golden flames to swept through the magi. They collaborated to form a strong defensive spell formation, but it was easily burned through by the Flame of Purity. 




"What the hell is this!?" 


"Oh god! It's so painful! It's so painful! It's so... nice?" 


Yang Yang sighed, "Aye. It's so lonely to be invincible." 




In the Arcane Prison World, the six cardinals were defending the portal to the Fifteenth Layer. They were each seated on their respective thrones with over fifty dark-red cloaked figures, around half the number of archbishops, behind them. Further in the back were tens of thousands of magi, most at the Virtual Aspect level, that made up the army of the Sacred Cult. 


An air of unease and anxiety clouded the Sacred Cult. Whispers and murmurs slid across the army to add to the gloomy atmosphere. After some time, the Third Cardinal said, "I heard that a mysterious outsider created the Blessed Life Church and completely subjugated the Arcane Mountain Range. Apparently, he started to wreck havoc in the Fourteenth Layer as well." 


Another person, the Fifth Cardinal, spoke as well. "Damn. This guy is far more troublesome than the Red Ogre. What kind of monsterous genius has appeared outside? This is one of the worst disaster to our Sacred Cult since the Gui Family's revolt eighteen years ago. So much has happened in so little time. Even Youngest Brother has fallen." 


"The world outside has been under great turbulence as of late. I heard something enormous happened eight years ago as well. Something that can the change the course of our world." 


"Eldest Brother talked about that as well. Unfortunately, not even he knows a lot about this event." 


"How is Eldest Brother? I heard he's in secluded meditation right now." 


"He should be doing fine. He went down into the Eighteenth Layer to absorb the essence of the Arcane Abyss. It should take a few weeks before he fully recovers. That's definitely enough time for us to hold back this outsider and then Eldest Brother will show up. If my calculations are correct, he's probably in the Fourteenth Layer to gather faith. The rest of the archbishops have probably ambushed him by now. No matter what, we must not let this outsider succeed in his tasks. We must kill him." 


Suddenly, a voice interrupted their conversation. "Go on. Try me. I'm quite killable." 


The portal in front of the Sacred Cult warped from the arrival of immense magical power and godly heat. Right our of the portal was warship coated in golden flames and two giant, angelic wings. 


Standing at the very edge of the warship's bow was a handsome, young man with black hair and green eyes. He wore a scholarly white robe with lotus and tree designs and golden armor that protected his shoulders, chests, forearms, and shins. In his right hand was a khakkhura and in his left hand was a jade orb. Spinning around him was a jade lantern that burned brightly with golden flames.


Behind the young man with a beautiful woman surrounded in a pink aura, but her grace was overshadowed by the beauty of the person in front of her. The First Cardinal, a man with a hulking physique, stepped forward. "You must the mysterious outsider that has recently made headline news. I welcome fellow magus to our Sacred Abyss. Is there anything here that we can do for you?" 


The young man spoke in a boundless and righteous voice. "Why, hello there. You see, I came here to bring out some friends, but one thing led to another and I got tied up in your cult business. Now, I'm in too deep for my own good and have to clean up the mess I started." 


"Since you came to pick up your friends, how about we give them to you? Oh, you made a mess too? No worries, we can clean up that for you." 


"You will clean? No, no, no. I am the guest after all. I should not trouble the hosts more than I already have." 


The other cardinals made a gulping sound and took out their weapons. Droplets of sweat formed on the First Cardinal's forehead, and he also took out his weapon; it was blood-red scimitar with golden designs. "Where and how do you plan to clean?" 


"Where? Well the whole house of course. How? I'll start by kicking your ass!" With a mighty roar from the young man, an angel of golden flames and jade radiance charged forth. 


With this, the battle between Yang Yang and the Sacred Cult officially started! 


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