I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 46: Revolutionary Period - The Seed

Translated by – Mara Sov

༺  Revolutionary Period – The Seed 

A month had passed since the Grand Duke withdrew his troops, so I had the chance to link my forces with Damien’s army and reorganize the Southern Army.

I headed towards Bahua, the headquarters of the Northern Army.

Once upon a time, this place was under the Duke of Lorenne, but now, the flag of the Republic was taking its place.

Unlike Damien, who had opted for a completely defensive approach, Valliant took the offensive and actively targeted the Duke of Lorenne’s territory.

Naturally, the Duke of Lorenne defended his lands, but the forces of Duke Heinrich from the Germania Empire and Duke Gunhild from the Northern Alliance barely provided any sort of support.

Eventually, they were overwhelmed by Valliant’s guerrilla tactics and surprise attacks, and after a defeat, they retreated, giving up Bahua.

As I rode my horse through the Northern Army’s camp, those soldiers who recognized me offered their respects, as I finally faced him after some time.

“Welcome, General Lafayette! It warms my heart to see you here!”

Seeing Valliant’s smiling face somehow soured my mood.

This bastard, he’s very cheerful for someone who handed over the task of holding the Grand Duke Leopold to my army.

“I wish to congratulate your victory as well, General Valliant. The Duke of Lorenne and the King must have been quite surprised……As was the Southern Army when we faced the Grand Duke.”

“Hahaha-. But of course! Our victories were only possible because the Southern Army, and you, General Lafayette, held back the Grand Duke. News of your valiant confrontation has even reached my ears!”

With a grin, Valliant invited me inside the commanding center.

“Shall we go inside then? It seems we need to have a serious conversation, and I find it more comfortable to do that when I’m relaxed.”

A serious conversation, huh? Yes, that’s about right.

After dismissing my escorts, Valliant led me into his command center.

“……You seem to be quite at ease with your subordinates?”

Recalling the casual demeanor that both Valliant and his officers had, I couldn’t help but ask him.

“Heh-. Well, there’s no need for those bothersome formalities when competent people already have the respect of others.”

He’s very sure of himself……

As the corners of my mouth twitched a little, Valliant clasped his hands and bowed.

“I offer you my sincere apologies, General.”

“…… Apologies?”

Valliant eased his posture and gave me a knowing smile.

……Is he messing with me?

“My apologies for putting the Southern Army against the Grand Duke Leopold without any support.”

Really now?

A sharp smile crept onto my face.

“So you are aware that you did something…problematic.”

The Southern Army could have suffered a devastating defeat.

Although this didn’t happen, it was only because the soldiers performed beyond my wildest expectations.

“Yes, I am. Of course, I was willing to provide support if necessary. But it would have been odd for me to offer support without even a request from Count Millbeau, wouldn’t it?”

That idiot.

No, that bastard.

In my mind, I continued to curse Damien, who wasn’t present.

That cunt must have fallen for Valliant’s sweet talk, proclaiming he would handle it all.

Though he tried to hide it, the testimonies from the other officers present in the strategy meeting matched my suspicions.

Had his performance in battle been lacking, I would have had his head, but since he managed to pull off such an outstanding defense, his neck is still attached to the rest of his body. For now.

“As I said earlier, the Northern Army’s victory was only possible because the Southern Army delayed the Grand Duke.”

Valliant cleared his throat as he smiled.

“So, the Northern Army is in debt to the Southern Army. That’s why we shall provide any sort of help you might need, in order to pay what we owe.”

This guy, he pulled my leg, got something out of it, and now he wants to wash his hands clean of it?

What is worse, I cannot allow myself to make an enemy out of him just yet, our ambiguous relationship will be of great help in the future.

As I glared at his irritating face, I said.

“Fine. The Southern Army accepts your offer. However, I have one question.”

“Aha! Of course, General! Ask away! hehehe-.”

“If the Southern Army had suffered a major defeat against the Grand Duke, the Northern Army’s offensive would have crumbled as well. Then, we would lose the entire eastern front and would be forced to retreat, turning the Capital – Lumiere into the frontlines. Had this happened, did you have a plan for the worst-case scenario?”

His cheerful smile faded.

That was a very possible scenario.

Damien struggled to secure proper cooperation with the Northern Army, but he fought valiantly in his battles.

However, had I not arrived in time, the Southern Army would have been decimated.

This was only because Count Lionel requested a duel, so I was able to subdue them relatively quickly, and even after exhausting my soldiers through a grueling march, we barely made it in time.

“Well, it’s a bit shameful of me to admit this, but had either the Count of Millbeau or I had been slightly less capable, the Southern Army would have lost.”

Looking directly into his eyes, I continued.

“I would like to think that you, General Valliant, were aware of this fact.”

Valliant’s face was completely emotionless, as the silence between us stretched into uncomfortable territory, but then, his face broke into a sly grin.

“Would you prefer the truth? Or perhaps something you want to hear?”

With a chuckle, I answered him.

“The truth.”

As soon as I said this, all semblance of emotion was once again wiped from his face.

“I hoped that the Grand Duke wouldn’t take an active stance during the conflict. After all, this war doesn’t necessarily require any sort of effort from the Germania Empire.”

Valliant shrugged as he continued.

“So, yes. You’re correct, Marquis. If the Grand Duke had taken the initiative……I considered the possibility of the Southern Army suffering a severe blow.”

Surely, a tactical genius such as him wouldn’t commit to a plan without considering its risks.

If that’s the truth, then why would he do it?

Even if the Northern Army performed its role perfectly, should the Southern Army be defeated it would still mean an adverse turn of events, so why woul-

“It seems that you cannot comprehend my actions, Marquis.”

Valliant gestured over the map on his desk, showing the lands of Francia.

“You see, this is your perspective, Marquis. You’re looking at the entire nation. I can respect that quality in a noble and a general.”

After saying this, Valliant covered the map with his hand.

The only thing visible between his hands was Reims, a former stronghold of the Northern Army.

“But you see, Marquis. My perspective was this. Should the Southern Army collapse, the Northern Army would have no choice but to retreat.”

As I remained silent, Valliant continued.

“However, the Northern Army played their part, and if the Southern Army collapsed, regardless of the motive, my position and the status of my army would improve drastically, wouldn’t they?”

“……So, you are telling me, that even if the Southern Army had collapsed, and we entered our worst-case scenario, the Northern Army would have nothing to lose……You based your decisions on such a petty reason?”

“Petty, Marquis? I don’t think you know about this, but I come from a mercenary background. Do you truly expect a mercenary like me to have a patriotic spirit? Or perhaps you think I’m willing to die for this Nation? You see, the only reason I joined the Republic was to elevate my fame and grab a little bit of power here or there. If the Southern Army had been under my command, well, things might have been a tad different then.”

His demeanor was utterly unapologetic.

“I am confident in my abilities. In the long run, I’m certain that I can take control of the military, and ensure that those fools inside the National Assembly won’t dare to criticize me If I keep showing them positive outcomes in a loss-ridded war.”


This was completely absurd. But since the one speaking such things was Raphael Valliant himself, any sort of counterarguments I had were buried in their making.

Setting aside my displeasure, his words were correct from a purely strategic point of view.

“But it is I, who cannot comprehend your actions, Marquis.”

“You? Cannot understand me?”

As I furrowed my brows, Valliant nodded.

“Indeed. Some may consider me ruthless for my way of thinking, but at the very least, by doing as such, my men and I will gain more. I’m simply taking responsibility for those under me.”


“Despite it all, allow me to congratulate your attitude, Marquis. Despite being a noble, you’ve dedicated yourself to the Republic, paying a steep price to protect your motherland. In the west, you’ve defended those who were almost purged as rebels, all the while under a heavy political burden.”

Valliant looked at me, as if studying an interesting case and continued.

“Granted, because of your dedication to the Republic, you almost missed a crucial battle in an attempt to save the ‘rebels’ from the Western region.”

“……If I hadn’t intervened, Count Lionel could have swayed them, and they would have joined hands against the Republic. Then, we would have another problem in our hands.”

“You are correct, Marquis. But you see, there’s just a tiny flaw in your thinking. Why would this be your problem? This would be the Republic’s problem.”

My mouth closed with an audible click-. As that unpleasant feeling began to grow exponentially.

“Even if you, Marquis, hadn’t taken care of it, someone would have. Sure, there might have been a little more bloodshed involved, but if you had joined the Southern Army against Duke Leopold from the beginning, the Southern Army wouldn’t have been in danger.”

“You’re telling me I should have ignored a massacre that could have been prevented?”

“I don’t know what greater cause you have, Marquis. But surely you must agree with me that there’s no reason to go that far, right?”

Why? Does he want a reason?

Dammit all. Since when do I need a reason to help others?

“From a military point of view, I understand that the Southern Army’s victory in making the Grand Duke retread without significant losses is far more valuable than the Northern Army’s victory against the unmotivated armies of the foreign nations. Honestly, it’s an achievement that even I find astonishing.”

Valliant clasped his hand in front of his mouth.

“But look at the outcome of your victory. The Northern army and myself, the General of such an army, will be hailed as heroes of the Republic in the Capital since we won a battle against the combined might of three nations. But all the Southern Army did was make some ‘Grand Duke’ retreat, that’s all you’ve done. The people won’t understand, nor will they care about the value of what you did, of what the Southern Army accomplished.”

His eyes seemed to see right through me.

There was no point in trying to condemn Valliant in the National Assembly since he was already a rising hero for the Republic. However, what would he gain from trying to deliberately provoke me?

Valliant then nodded his head after observing me for a few seconds.

“Indeed. That’s why I hold you in such a high regard, Marquis. Although we are rivals by the nature of our positions, I would like to have a positive relationship with you, if possible. That is why I’m telling you all of this.”

What is his angle?

“Marquis, the Nation Assembly, and the Republic are just that, a government. They don’t care about your sacrifices, nor how much you dedicate yourself for the cause, they are simply an entity that holds you back.”

Valliant’s words struck a chord within me.

Did I never consider this before? No that’s not the case.

There have been countless moments when I doubted whether I should continue with them after such a great cost. Numerous times I have doubted myself, wondering if this path was the correct one.

“They don’t understand your motives, Marquis. Your loyalty and dedication are too valuable to be offered to those who are blinded by their own ideology and are deluded from reality.”

“……I’m not loyal to them. I am loyal to this Nation, My loyalty lies with Francia itself-“

“Really? Is that truly the case?”

Valliant immediately cut me off.

“As a noble, do you throw away everything you have, including your titles and lands, just for something so…shallow as patriotism? Then you are truly a Hero of this land. But you see, there are parasites feeding off your dedication. Tell me Marquis, what sort of compensation is there for the sacrifices you and your followers have made to get where you are?”


The Vassals who gave up their domains, following my lead, even while they shed tears from what they lost.

The Blood of Count Lionel, who pleaded for the honor and valor of his ancestors even when he was dying.

And…Christine who continued to punish herself, working to the point of exhaustion, because of what I made her do to her own flesh and blood.

I once thought I rewarded them enough, for all they had done. But in hindsight, I perhaps didn’t reward them materially enough.

Heh-. Was there even an appropriate reward for them? No, is it even possible to give them something back for all they have done?

“So you see. Has your cause even achieved anything, Marquis?”

At Valliant’s question, I clenched my fists.

I will never forget the misery I suffered within that dungeon, the shame I faced within the court, the denial of everything I thought I stood for…..The Guillotine.

-Look at this hypocritical noble! Isn’t it clear that even he, who claims to not be corrupt, sees us not as people, but as mere livestock!

The accusations hurled at me during that sham of a trial. Those words made me realize how hypocritical I was, thinking that I was different from the corrupt nobility, I will never be able to forget them.

But this time, I managed to save people who were about to be slaughtered in vain.

Christine and the other nobles are still active in the National Assembly, and thanks to the army I’ve carefully nurtured, we managed to hold off against a legendary General such as Grand Duke Leopold.

Even though it might not be the best result, I’ve made the most of my future knowledge, and the dividends paid off.

At least, I believe that this time, when I die, I won’t despair thinking that everything I did was in vain.

“The results are there. It may not be much for you, General Valliant. But for me, it was certainly worth it.”

“……If you think so, Marquis.”

Valliant took a step back and bowed to me.

“I apologize for my words, Marquis, that was presumptuous of me.”

“……I shall forget I even heard them.”

Even then, some of the things he said didn’t leave my mind.

“This conversation has gone on for long enough. I’ll take my leave now.”

“I see. I take it you’re returning to Lumiere then?”

“Yes. My men suffered some serious damage in this last battle, and I will need some time to regroup and reorganize the troops. With our actions we have bought some time for the Republic to reinforce our army, so I must oversee some matters in the National Assembly for now.”

Valliant smiled.

“I kinda envy you, you know? I always had an interest in politics, but I don’t have the pedigree necessary for it, hahaha-. Still, I trust that you, the Marquis, won’t skimp on some support for the Northern Army?”

“This is quite shameless, even for you.”

“Hahaha-. Isn’t that one of my charms? Oh, wait, is Count Millbeau still the acting commander of the Southern Army?”

“He is, but I’ve placed a proper aide by his side now, so I would be thankful if you don’t try anything funny while I’m away.”


Louis Desaix. That fellow from the Royal Guards should be at least able to perform his duties in my absence while keeping an eye on Damien.

“Then, I shall see you later, General Valliant.”

“Haha-. I hope all your work bears some fruit, Marquis Lafayette.”

After shaking hands, I turned away.

“……Well, I sure hope it does.”

While his faint voice was carried by the wind, I exited the command center without looking back.

TL: It’s official lads.




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