I died and was reincarnated as Warship in a fantasy world

‘Four sisters’ No 52.

As the exams approach, the students became less active.

Not in ‘lazy’ way. They just barely come out of their rooms, and at most commute between their dormitories and the library.

Seeing this situation, and fearing their respectable parents’ rage, the principal created a special brainstorming team to solve this problem. As one could guess, when it is time for unconventional ideas, Iowa-class is up for business.

In total, 8 people were locked in one small conference room with nothing but snacks. All until the decision is made.

“As you might know, the examination is approaching. Some of us know about it more than the others…” The principal glanced at sleepless Big Sis.

“… which is why we need to find a good way to help our students make it through this hard time, without hampering their studying capabilities but simultaneously letting them relax. Your ideas?” With the principal’s speech over, the team started thinking.

Some of us.

Iowa put a pillow on the table, and put her head on it. The freak stared in a portative console. Mo was fiddling with her LED staff.

How about we host a joint studying session in the library?” The crown prince was the first to speak.

Then what? Studying gets replaced with studying?” New Jersey grumbled from a corner.

“But it will let the students help each other and communicate!” (CP)

And impedes my working…’ (IA)

Then how about the bunch of us will perform?” The next stupid idea was delivered by Mo.

Seriously? And who’d perform? Iowa and I are busy tutoring, the prince and the principal are also out of question. That jerk is too lazy to do anything, … AND WHAT ARE YOU SO HAPPY ABOUT?!

Tch, killjoy…” (Mo)

Perhaps we can dwell on the idea with joint activity?” The platinum blonde drew the common attention.

Then what about those who do not wish to participate?” Everybody glanced at the certain someone.

“Then we just have to make sure everybody would love the idea.” (CP)

“I suggest we start with an intermediate voting. Shall we host a joint activity for the entire Academy?” (PB)

Yeah!” Everybody raised their hands, and even sleeping Big Sis mumbled something affirmative.

“I suggest…” (NJ)

You, shut up.

“Come on, Wisky, let her talk. Maybe she’d have a good idea.” (Mo)

Thanks~. We should have a girls’ swimsuit competition.” (NJ)

I have a counter-suggestion. How about we have a public lynching of the freak?

As long as I’m lynched by pretty girls.” Nobody laughed at her joke.

Any actual suggestions…?” (PB)

“Barbecue was a successful event, so how about we just repeat it?” This time the freak had an actually normal suggestion.

“Nah, I don’t want to cook, and our staff cook is going to refuse too.” (Mo)

‘[Incoherent mumbling]…’ (IA)

Just telegraph us.” (Mo)

I am too tired to cook. Sorry but count me out.” (IA)

‘k. Food is out of question. Music is too, since we lack our drummer.” Once again, a mumbling came out from the pillow.

“I was thinking about a tea party but…” (CP)

Does Your Highness mean that type of activity that is the least suitable for students right now?” (PB)

Indeed. However, what if we host a cricket tournament?” (CP)

Heck no! Nobody would want this kind of stuff!

“Not to mention, the Academy lacks any facilities for it.” The principal refused too.

W-what about…?” Suddenly, an unknown sound came from the platinum blonde’s direction.

All heads turned there, and we finally noticed the blue-haired girl squeaking up her mind.

“Everything is alright, continue.” At the platinum blonde’s encouragement, the girl continued.

W-what if we do try a sports related activity…?” (BH)

Nay. Too much of a pain.” (NJ)

Rather, nobody would care. Everybody is sick and tired of sports at this point. All that we do here is too boring.” (Mo)

E-exactly! But what if… Erhm…” The blue-haired girl leaned closer to her patron, and whispered something.

The platinum blonde clapped, and proclaimed in agitation.

You, commoners! Since your ideas are out of ordinary, then you may know good sports that can draw attention of our not versed audience! Tell us, what is the greatest sport you know of.” (PB)

Baseball.” The four of us said in unison. Then New Jersey explained the rules in short.

Five minutes later.

We surrender… What an alien idea is this…?” (PB)

Come on! That’s the best way of spending time! Outdoor team activity for an entire nation!” We continued pushing forward the best sport humankind has invented.

‘[Incoherent mumbling]…’ Everyone stopped arguing, and glanced at Iowa.

What’s up?” Mo put her ear closer to Big Sis’ mouth.

Aha…? … Aha? You’re sure…? Ok.” They stopped consulting, and finally Mo exclaimed.

Soccer!” (Mo)

With this, an entire hour of suffering was ended.

Soccer tournament it shall be!

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